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The Possessive Case of Nouns

Singular Plural without -s Plural …’s The dog`s bone …s’ the people`s rights …’ the wolves`howls Примеры образования притяжательного падежа   1.   Если существительное оканчивается на -s, то возможны два варианта Dickens′novels = Dickens′snovels Романы

The Article. The Definite Article

Артикли с географическими названиями Названия Артикль the Нулевой артикль Страны, континенты, города — обычно без артикля Ho: the Hague, the Vatican, the Congo, The Philippines, The USA, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, the city of Moskow, The England of today France, Moskow, North America, Africa

The New York Times responds to a candidate who breaks all the rules by discarding some of its own.

Last Saturday, The New York Times published an extraordinary story. What made the story extraordinary wasn’t the event the Times covered. What made it extraordinary was the way the Times covered it. On its front page, top right—the most precious space in American print journalism—the Times wrote about Friday’s press conference in which Donald Trump declared that a) he now believed Barack Obama was a US

What stands behind the selfie mania?

Don't we all have that friend(s) or even relatives, nowadays, who we follow on social media sites for their constant posts selfies? If you know what I’m talking about, you're actually after- selfies.Selfies are photos of a person which usually consist of up-close angles of a person’s face. The term selfie has become so immersed in our daily use vocabularies now, that not only has it officially entered into the

The puzzling popularity of languages

Across the English-speaking world, the popularity of grassroots language learning is soaring at the same time that the amount of people who are choosing to study foreign languages in traditional academic settings has fallen to record lows. The media frequently reports that native English speakers struggle when it comes to learning foreign languages, but has the time for a language learning renaissance finally


The commencement of Brexit negotiations this week is good news for the UK and the EU. It is in the interests of both parties to agree a great new relationship. After all those years of the UK dragging its heels, refusing to join in, seeking to delay progress to political union and declining to be part of the euro, we can at last sort out a strong and positive relationship that works for us both. Under Conservative,

Example: People say that he is a criminal.

He is said to be a criminal. 1. They say that he is a strict disciplinarian. 2. People believe that he is in favor of the change. 3. People say that this plant is a remedy for cancer. 4. They say that his company is in trouble. 5. They told us not to come back. 6. They say that these kinds of dogs are very aggressive. 7. They did not allow me to visit my husband. Exercise 3. Match parts to make up the Complex

The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction (Complex Subject)

The Nominative-with-the-Infinitive construction is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the nominative case. He was seen to cross the street. Видели, как он переходил улицу. This construction has no single function in the sentence; its nominal element is the subject of the sentence and the verbal one is a part of the

Blaze at charity bonfire damages warehouses

Two firemen were overcome by fumes and several bystanders slightly injured in a fire last night at Paxton, Kent. The blaze was caused when flames from a Guy Fawkes night bonfire organized in support of local charities spread to nearby warehouses. Firemen battled against the flames for several hours before getting them under control, and at one time there were ten fire-engines in attendance at the blaze — the

Freeway closed as ornery oinker hogs traffic

A pig named Mama falls onto the freeway, causing hours of commuter chaosBy SUSAN PAYSENOStaff reporterPORTLAND — Westbound traffic on Interstate 84 was backed up for nearly five miles early Monday when “Mama,” a 600-pound hog on the way to slaughter, fell from the back of a truck. For two frustrating hours, the sow refused to budge. Fred Mickelson told police that he was taking six sows and a boar from his

Unit 7. Newspaper Terminology

VocabularyExercise 1. Make sure that you remember the following words and expressions. Advice column (agony column) – колонка советов I prefer to stick to investigative reporting and out of the advice column. Announcement – объявление The announcement made a dramatic shift in the government’s approach to freedom of media. Article – статья There was an article on legal issues and

How Social Media Has Changed Us: The Good and The Bad

It’s hard to believe that, only a decade ago, social media was little more than a budding trend. Back in 2005, Facebook was still in it’s early stages of its spread across the world. Twitter appeared around that time, but a lot of us saw it as a pointless lifecasting toy. LinkedIn was essentially a digital resume. And Google+ didn’t even come on the scene until 2011. Nowadays social media has become not only a

Children will go to school in 100 years. или Children won’t go to school in 100 years.

1 children | go | to school in 100 years? 2 people | watch | more TV than they do now? 3 people | read | fewer books? 4 people | live | longer? 5 everyone | speak | the same language? 6 the world's climate | be | different? Exercise 6. Ask questions. Peter will learn English in Oxford next year. a) Who? b) What? c) When? d) Where?  Exercise 7. Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO: 1. A: Why do you need so much sugar?

Reading 2. How a TV Show is Made

Write the ShowThe first step in making a television show is to write the script. If it is a brand new show, this script is called a pilot. Scripts can be written by individual writers or a whole team.Pitch ItOnce the script is written, the story idea is pitched to a team of executives, who will decide whether or not to make the show. If it is a script for a show already in production, the pitch becomes about story

Reading 1 Broadcasting in the USA

Broadcasting journalism in the modern world has enor­mous influence. In the United States it has given rise to a media state, a society in which access to power is through the media. Broadcasting media not only convey information to the public, but also influ­ence public opinion. Television, with access to virtually every American household, is a real pow­er. According to statistics and public opinion polls,

Exercise 1. Choose any 3 Russian periodicals and fill in the table.

Periodical Audience Interests Appearance Sections                               Exercise 2. Look at today’s newspapers. What are the main stories of each section about? Write a one-sentence summary for each section. International news National and local news Sports Entertainment Exercise 3. Translate

Exercise 4. Chilli’s friend Della was on holiday in Jamaica. Read her letter to Chilli and complete it with the correct verbs.

* invited * stopped * talked * stayed * travelled * enjoyed * didn’t sleep * didn’t get * watched * was * listened Dear Chilli, I had a fantastic holiday in Jamaica. It was hot and the sea was blue and lovely.I ……………… by plane from London to Kingston. I really ……………….. the flight. It was eight hours long but I …………………..at all because I …………………. so excited.

Student Journalists Need to be Persistent

For some students, picking up a phone and ringing for an interview can be tough. Often, you get redirected to send an email and go from there. But what happens when interviewees try to shrug you off, not by turning down the interview, but by constantly asking you to call back? I recently had such an issue with the council. For my final year practical project, it was crucial that I got an interview with the council

Characteristics of Good Reporters

Regardless of the news subject, news value or format and technology that delivers the information, someone must gather the facts and organize them to tell the story. That person is called a reporter, and good reporters have some common characteristics that make them effective. Some of them cannot be taught in school. They are characteristics that must be part of who they are. The most important characteristic of a