Much, many, a lot of, little, few

  с исчисляемыми существительными   с неисчисляемыми существительными  
количественные местоимения   manyмного fewмало (недостаточно) a fewнесколько, немного (есть) muchмного littleмало (недостаточно) a littleнемного (есть)
другие определители количества   A lot of– много, большое количество разг. формы: lots of– множество; plenty of– много
a large number of- множество, большое число   a great deal of-много, большое количество  

The Use of there is/ there are in All Tenses

Tense/ Время
Form of usage /Форма употребления Example /Пример
Present Simple There is There are There is a park near my office. (Рядом с моим офисом есть парк) There are ducks in the pond. (В пруду плавают (есть) утки)
Perfect There has been There have been There has been a dramatic change in weather over the recent years. (За последние годы погода значительно изменилась). There have been rumors about the private life of William the Duke of Cambridge. (Ходили (были) слухи о личной жизни Уильяма, герцога Кембриджского)
Perfect Continuous      
Past Simple There was There were There was a park near my office. (Рядом с моим офисом был парк) There were ducks in the pond. (В пруду плавали (были) утки)
Perfect There had been There had been hardly any visitors to the museum, so the authorities decided to lower the ticket prices. (В музее едва ли были посетители, поэтому управление решило понизить стоимость билетов)
Perfect Continuous    
Future Simple There will be There will be dramatic changes in the country’s economy in the coming year. (В наступающем году произойдут (будут) значительные изменения в экономике страны).
Continuous   There will have been There will have been people in the hall of the theatre who won in the lottery. (В театре будут люди, которые выиграли в лотерее)
Perfect Continuous    

The Verb “to be” in All Tenses

  Настоящее время   Прошедшее время   Будущее время  
I   am — я есть   was   will  
You   are — он есть   were   will  
He, she, it   is — он, она, оно есть   was   will  
We   are — мы есть   were   will  
You   are — ты, вы есть   were   will  
They   are — они есть   were   will  

The Table of Tenses

tense Affirmative/Negative/Question Use Signal Words
Simple Present A: He speaks. N: He does not speak. Q: Does he speak? § action in the present taking place once, never or several times § facts § actions taking place one after another § action set by a timetable or schedule always, every …, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually if sentences type I (If I talk, …)
Present Progressive A: He is speaking. N: He is not speaking. Q: Is he speaking? § action taking place in the moment of speaking § action taking place only for a limited period of time § action arranged for the future at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now
Simple Past A: He spoke. N: He did not speak. Q: Did he speak? § action in the past taking place once, never or several times § actions taking place one after another § action taking place in the middle of another action yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday if sentence type II (If I talked, …)
Past Progressive A: He was speaking. N: He was not speaking. Q: Was he speaking? § action going on at a certain time in the past § actions taking place at the same time § action in the past that is interrupted by another action when, while, as long as
Present Perfect Simple A: He has spoken. N: He has not spoken. Q: Has he spoken? § putting emphasis on the result § action that is still going on § action that stopped recently § finished action that has an influence on the present § action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now
Present Perfect Progressive A: He has been speaking. N: He has not been speaking. Q: Has he been speaking? § putting emphasis on the course or duration (not the result) § action that recently stopped or is still going on § finished action that influenced the present all day, for 4 years, since 1993, how long?, the whole week
Past Perfect Simple A: He had spoken. N: He had not spoken. Q: Had he spoken? § action taking place before a certain time in the past § sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive § putting emphasis only on the fact (not the duration) already, just, never, not yet, once, until that day if sentence type III (If I had talked, …)
Past Perfect Progressive A: He had been speaking. N: He had not been speaking. Q: Had he been speaking? § action taking place before a certain time in the past § sometimes interchangeable with past perfect simple § putting emphasis on the duration or course of an action for, since, the whole day, all day
Future I Simple A: He will speak. N: He will not speak. Q: Will he speak? § action in the future that cannot be influenced § spontaneous decision § assumption with regard to the future in a year, next …, tomorrow If-Satz Typ I (If you ask her, she will help you.) assumption: I think, probably, perhaps
Future I Simple (going to) A: He is going to speak. N: He is not going to speak. Q: Is he going to speak? § decision made for the future § conclusion with regard to the future in one year, next week, tomorrow
Future I Progressive A: He will be speaking. N: He will not be speaking. Q: Will he be speaking? § action that is going on at a certain time in the future § action that is sure to happen in the near future in one year, next week, tomorrow
Future II Simple A: He will have spoken. N: He will not have spoken. Q: Will he have spoken? § action that will be finished at a certain time in the future by Monday, in a week
Future II Progressive A: He will have been speaking. N: He will not have been speaking. Q: Will he have been speaking? § action taking place before a certain time in the future § putting emphasis on the course of an action for …, the last couple of hours, all day long
Conditional I Simple A: He would speak. N: He would not speak. Q: Would he speak? § action that might take place if sentences type II (If I were you, I would go home.)
Conditional I Progressive A: He would be speaking. N: He would not be speaking. Q: Would he be speaking? § action that might take place § putting emphasis on the course / duration of the action  
Conditional II Simple A: He would have spoken. N: He would not have spoken. Q: Would he have spoken? § action that might have taken place in the past if sentences type III (If I had seen that, I would have helped.)
Conditional II Progressive A: He would have been speaking. N: He would not have been speaking. Q: Would he have been speaking? § action that might have taken place in the past § puts emphasis on the course / duration of the action  

Use of Tenses with Examples

Группа   Время   Примеры (с комментариями)  
Simple (Indefinite)   Present Simple     o My mother waters plants every week - Моя мама поливает растения каждую неделю (постоянное действие - каждую неделю). o I don't let my friends be impolite - Я не позволяю своим друзьям быть невежливыми (действие, свойственное подлежащему).
Past Simple     o The doctor invited me yesterday - Доктор пригласил меня вчера (действие, которое произошло в истекшем периоде времени - вчера). o I came home, called Mary and went to bed - Я пришел домой, позвонил Марии и лег спать (последовательные действия в прошлом).
Future Simple     o Tom will help you - Том поможет тебе (действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем). o My father and I will take French lessons twice a week - Мы с папой будем ходить на уроки французского два раза в неделю (действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем).
Continuous   Present Continuous     o Boris is looking for his bag now - Борис сейчас ищет свою сумку (действие, совершающееся в данный момент). o They are swimming in the river at the moment - В данный момент они купаются в реке (действие, совершающееся в данный момент).
Past Continuous     o My mother was cooking at 3 o'clock - Моя мама готовила в 3 часа (длительное действие, совершавшееся в определенный момент в прошлом). o It was snowing when you called me - Шел снег, когда ты позвонил мне (длительное действие, совершавшееся в определенный момент в прошлом).
Future Continuous     o I will still be playing tennis at 4 o'clock - Я еще буду играть в теннис в 4 часа (длительное действие, которое будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем). o They will be looking for a new office in September - Они будут искать новый офис в сентябре (длительное действие, которое будет совершаться в определенном отрезке времени).
Perfect   Present Perfect     o I have found the key you lost; here it is - Я нашел ключ, который вы потеряли; вот он (действие результат которого имеется налицо в настоящем).
Past Perfect   o She had called me by three o'clock - Она (уже) позвонила мне к трем часам (действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом).
o My friends had sold all the flowers when your father came - Мои друзья (уже) продали все цветы, когда пришел твой отец (действие, совершившееся до другого прошедшего действия).
Future Perfect     o We will have translated the book when your father comes - Мы уже переведем книгу, когда придет твой отец(будущее действие, которое совершится до определенного момента в будущем).
Perfect Continuous   Present Perfect Continuous  
  o They have been playing football since 8 o'clock - Они играют в футбол с 8 часов (действие, совершающееся в настоящем, с указанием как долго оно совершается). o Mary has been learning English since 2000 - Мария учит английский с 2000 года (действие, совершающееся в настоящем, с указанием как долго оно совершается).
Past Perfect Continuous   o Your neighbour had been looking for you for 3 hours, when you came - Твой сосед уже искал тебя 3 часа, когда ты пришел (длительное прошедшее действие, совершавшееся в момент наступления другого прошедшего действия с указанием, как долго оно совершалось).
Future Perfect Continuous     o By September, 2012, he will have been working at the office for 30 years - К сентябрю он будет работать в этом офисе уже 30 лет (это время употребляется крайне редко).

Irregular Verbs

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