Read the text and study the chart below.

Most people are aware of their astrological signs, and know the characteristics associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac. Astrology is based upon your month of birth. Traditional Chinese astrology is different. It's based on your year of birth. There are twelve signs, too, but they are named after animals. The Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year but it begins somewhere between mid-January and mid-February. The twelve-year cycle begins with the year of the Rat. The legend is that the order was decided thousands of years ago by Buddha, who called all the animals to a New Year meeting. Only twelve came, and the years were named after the twelve animals in the order in which they arrived. First was the aggressive Rat, second was the hard-working Ox. Then came the smiling Tiger, followed by the cautious Rabbit. The showy Dragon came next, then wise Snake. The gifted Horse was next, followed by the gentle Goat, then the merry Monkey and the proud Rooster. Last were the faithful Dog and the honest Pig.

People born in specific years are supposed to have characteristics of the year's animal. This should not be taken too seriously. The animals arc symbols, and the Chinese idea of each animal’s character is often different from a traditional Western view. The interesting thing about the cycle of Chinese years is that they relate to the cycles of change in the Sun which is known to affect the Earth's weather, and may also relate to earthquakes and electrical changes in the atmosphere.

It's up to you how seriously you take them. Anyway, it makes a change when someone comes up to you and says, “'I can always tell people’s birth signs – you’re a Virgo”. You can always reply by saying, “And I can always tell people’s Chinese signs. You’re a Pig!”

The Rat The Ox The Tiger The Rabbit The Dragon The Snake
aggressive hard-working smiling cautious showy wise
energetic lonely magnetic clever artistic sympathetic
jolly leaders lucky hospitable enthusiastic lucky
charming strong strong sociable lucky sophisticated
sociable proud honorable friendly healthy calm
humorous reserved leaders sensitive generous decisive
generous methodical liberal-minded ambitious sentimental attractive
intellectual original courageous careful successful philosophical
sentimental eloquent generous   independent elegant
honest patient passionate     compassionate
persistent silent        
greedy rigid vain private demanding lazy
small-minded bad losers rash timid irritable possessive
power-hungry authoritarian disobedient thin-skinned loud-mouthed tight-fisted
destructive conventional undisciplined old-fashioned stubborn bad losers
suspicious jealous argumentative hypochondriac discontented changeable
tiresome stubborn rebellious squeamish wilful vengeful
gamblers slow       extravagant
Nixon Chaplin Elizabeth II Einstein John Lennon J.F.Kennedy
Brando Hitler De Gaulle Bob Hope Ringo Starr Jackie Kennedy
Shakespeare Napoleon Ayatollah Khomeini Confucius AI Pacino Howard Hughes
Mozart Walt Disney Beethoven Sinatra Abraham Lincoln Bob Dylan
Tolsloy Mrs. Thatcher Marilyn Monroe Freud Mao Tse Tung
Nehru Charles Darwin Gandhi
The Horse The Goat The Monkey The Rooster The Dog The Pig
gifted gentle merry proud faithful scrupulous
athletic artistic enthusiastic enthusiastic loyal loyal
charming peace-loving witty stylish noble sincere
quick-witted sweet-natured good in business popular modest honest
hard-working lovable clever lively devoted sociable
entertaining creative fascinating amusing prosperous sensitive
powerful inventive passionate generous courageous sensual
skilful amorous youthful adventurous respectable truthful
cheerful tasteful very intelligent industrious selfless peaceful
eloquent intelligent inventive conservative dutiful intelligent
independent     courageous intelligent    
weak insecure vain pompous introverted naive
unfeeling pessimistic adolescent pedantic cynical epicurean
hot-headed unpunctual long-winded short-sighted critical insecure
selfish undisciplined unfaithful boastful moralizing gullible
ruthless dissatisfied untruthful mistrustful stubborn defenceless
tactless irresponsible untrustworthy extravagant defensive non-competitive
impatient         earthy
Buzz A1drin Mack Jagger Yul Brynner Katharine Hepburn W. Churchill Al Capone
Neil Armstrong Joni Mitchell many comedians many military Elvis Presley Lucille Ball
Paul Simon officers Sophia Loreu Ellon John
Paul McCartney Brigitte Bardot Humphrey Bogart
Jimi Hendrix Alfred Hitchcock


1. Look at the chart of characteristics for each sign. Work out your sign, and the signs of three people you know very well. Go through the list, putting a tick (v)by characteristics you think are right, a cross (x) against ones you think are wrong, or a zero (0) if you don't know. Be honest - especially the Monkeys - and open-minded - especially the Oxen!

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