Papyrus Prisse column 16, lines 3-13)
Ax sDm n sA sDmw
aq sDm m sDmw
xpr sDmw m sDmi
nfr sDm nfr mdt
sDmw nb Axt
Ax sDm n sDmw
nfr sDm r ntt nbt
pr mrwt nfrt
nfr-wy Ssp sA Dd it.f
xpr n.f iAwt Xr.s
mrrw nTr pw sDm
n sDm.n msddw nTr
in ib sxpr nb.f
m sDm m tm sDm
anx wDA snb n s ib.f
in sDmw sDm Dd
mrr sDm pw ir r Ddt
nfr-wy sDm sA n it.f
rS-wy Dddy n.f nn
sA an.f m nb sDm
sDmw Ddw n.f st mnx.f m XtimAxy xr it.f
iw sxA.f m r n anxw
ntyw tp tA
Hearing is good for a son who hears,
hearing enters into the hearer.
The hearer becomes one who is heard.
Hearing is good, as speech is good.
The hearer is the master of what is useful.
Hearing is good for the hearer,
hearing is better than any other thing;
love of good comes into being.
How beautiful it is when a son receives what his father says.
Old age is achieved for him by it.
The hearer is one whom the god loves.
The one whom god hates does not hear.
The heart is the creator of its master.
Do not hear from the one who does not hear.
A man’s heart is his life, prosperity and health.
It is the hearer who hears the speaker,
the one who acts according to what is said is the one who loves hearing.
How good when a a son listens to his father.
How joyful is the one to whom this is said.
A son who is handsome is a hearing lord.
The hearer to whom it is said is effective in the body.
Mempory of him is in the mouth of the people,
Those who are on earth, and those who will be.
Papyrus Prisse column 16, line 13 to column 17, line 4)
ir Ssp sA s Ddt it.f
nn nm n sxr.f nb
sbA.k m sA.k sDmw
iqr.ty.fy Hr ib n srw
sSm r.f r Dddt n.f
mAw m sDmw
sA iqr.f nmtt.f tnw
nnm bs n tm sDm
dwA rx r smnt.f
iw wxA mDd.f
If the son of a someone receives what his father says,
There can be no wavering for any of his plans.
Instruct your son to be a good hearer,
who will be excellent in the hearts of the officials,
guiding his mouth according to what he has been told,
seen as a hearer.
The son who excels, his steps are distinguished,
but there is no straight way in for the one who fails to hear.
The morning of the wise man will be his security,
while the fool is pressed down.
Papyrus Prisse column 17, lines 4-9)
ir wxA iwty sDm.f
nn ir n.f xt nbt
mA.f rx m xm
Axt m mnt
ir.f xbdt nbt
r Tsst im.f ra nb
anx.f m mwtt Xr.s
aqw.f pw xbn Dd
biAt.f im m rx n srw
Hr mwt anx ra nb
swA.t(w) Hr spw.f
m-a aSA n iyt Hr.f ra nb
As for the fool unable to hear,
nothing can ever be done for him.
He sees wisdom as ignorance,
and what is good as what is painful.
He commits every error,
to be accused of it each day.
He lives on what one dies of,
corrupt speect is his food.
His character in this is well-known to the officials,
saying ‘living death’ each day.
His faults are passed over
from the sheer number of faults on him each day.
Papyrus Prisse column 17, line 10 to column 18, line 12)
sA sDmw m Sms Hr
nfr n.f m-xt sDm.f
iAww.f pH.f imAx
sDd.f m mitt n Xrdw.f
m smAw sbAw it.f
s nb sbA mi ir.f
sDd.f xr msw
ir biA m rdi anDt.k
srwd mAat anx msw.k
ir tpi iy Xr isft
ix Dd rmT
mitt is pfA pw
Dd n
mitt is pfA pw gr
mAA bw nb sn sgrH aSAt
nn km.n Spss m
m iT mdt m in.s
m rdi kt m st kt
aHA tw m wn ini im.k
sAw tw r Dd rx xt
sDm r.k mr.k smnt.k
m r n sDmyw
mdwy.k aq.n.k m sp n Hmww
mdw.k r sp n qn
wnn sxr.k nb r st.f
A son who hears is a follower of Horus
It is good for him after he hears.
In his old age he achieves revered status.
He can tell the same to his children,
renewing the teaching of his father.
Every man teaches by his deeds.
He tells on to the children,
and they can tell their children.
Show character, do not pass on your weaknesses.
Securing what is right, is the life of your children
As for the principal who arrives with wrongdoing,
people say what they see
‘that is exactly how that man is’
to say to those who will hear
‘that is exactly how that man is’ too.
Their everyone sees, and the multitude is pacified.
There is no profit in riches without them.
Do not remove a word, do not add it.
Do not put one in place of another.
Fight against opening up the bonds on you.
Guard against a man of experience saying
‘listen up, if you wish to be secure
in the mouth of those who hear;
speak up when you have penetrated the case of the craftsman’.
You speak at the case of closure,
and all your plans will fall into place.