Papyrus Prisse column 11, line 12 to column 12, line 6)
ir wsr.k dd.k snd.k
m rx m hrt Dd
m wD tp n is r sSm
iw Stm aq.f r iwt
m qA ib.k tm.f dHi
m gr sAw xn.k
wSb.k mdt n nsr
shr Hr.k Hn tw
iw nswt nt tA-ib sXr.f
an xndw qd mtn.f
mnS n hrw r Aw.f
nn ir n.f At nfrt
wnf ib n hrw r Aw.f
nn grg n.f pr
stw mH mi Hmw sp r tA
ky nDrw
iw sDm.n ib.f r Hn A
If you are powerful in causing respect for you,
by knowledge, by calming in speech,
do not order people, except by the guidelines.
The aggressive man ends up in trouble.
Do not have your heart too high, or it will be brought down.
Do not stay silent if it makes you stumble.
When you answer the speech of a fiery man,
distance your sight, restrain yourself.
The spear of a hothead flies past,
but a fine mover has his path smoothed.
A man who worries all day long
will never be allowed a good moment.
A man who lazes all day long
will never have a solid house.
A shot filled is like an oar abandoned on the ground,
when another is taken,
his heart has obeyed the wish ‘if only I had…’
Papyrus Prisse column 12, lines 6-9)
m xsf tw m At wr
m sHnw ib n nty Atpw
xpr sdb.f r Snt sw
sfx kA m mrr sw
dd kAw pw Hna nTr
mrrt.f irt n.f
sqd r.k Hr m-xt nSn
iw Htp xr kA.f
iw sdb xr xfty
kAw pw srwd mrwt
Do not block the moment of a great man
do not constrain the desire of one who is laden down.
Barriers from him arise against the one who disputes with him,
there is release for the ka with the one who shows love for him.
This is the gift of sustenance, this and the god.
What he loves is action for him.
When the face is turned back to you, after a storm,
there follows peace before his ka,
and barriers before the enemy.
Planting love brings sustenance.
Papyrus Prisse column 12, lines 9-13)
sbA wr r Axt n.f
sxpr Ssp.f m Hr rmT
di.k xr sAA.f Hr nb.f
wnn DfA n.k xr kA.f
iw Xt nt mrwt r Htpw
iw sA.k r Hbs Xr.s
wn Ssp.f Hr.k r anx n pr.k
xr saH.k mrr.k
anx sw Xr.s
ir.f qaH nfr im.k gr
wAH grt mrwt.k pw m Xt nt mrrwt tw
mk kA pw mrr sDm
Instruct the great in what is useful for him
Foster his image in the sight of people,
cause his wisdom to fall in front of his lord,
and there may be rewards for you too before his ka.
The stomach of the loved will be content,
your back will be clothed by it,
his image will be over you for the life of your house,
Your noble, the one you love,
he is alive by it.
When he makes a good gesture, do not be silent.
This is indeed the guarantee of your love in the body of those who love you.
See, it is the ka that loves to listen.
Papyrus Prisse column 13, lines 1-4)
ir ir.k sA s n qnbt
wpwty n hrt aSAt
Sd mAdw nw a
mdy.k m rdi Hr gs
sAw Dd.f sxr.f
srw rdi.f mdt Hr gs iry
wdb sp.k r wDat
If you play the son of a man of a council,
a messenger for pleasing the multitude,
select the fringes of action.
In speaking do not take sides,
in case he speaks his opinion:
‘officials, he sets the case on that side’,
and your mistake is turned into judgement.
Papyrus Prisse column 13, lines 4-6)
ir sf.k Hr sp xprw
gsA.k n s Hr aqA.f
swA Hr.f m sxA sw
Dr gr.f n.k hrw tpy
If you show mercy on a past failure,
incline to a man for his virtue.
Pass over him, do not recall it,
since he might stay silent for you on day one.
Papyrus Prisse column 13, lines 6-9)
ir aA.k m-xt nDsw.k
ir.k xt m-xt gAt tp im
m niwt rxt.n.k
m sSAw xprt n.k xntw
m kfA ib.k Hr aHaw.k
xpr n.k m rdiw nTr
nn tw HA ky mitw.k
xprw n.f mitt iry
If you are rich after your impoverishment,
and acquire property after lack of it,
in the city that you have known,
with awareness of what happened to you before,
do not place your trust in your wealth.
It came to you by the gifts of the god,
so you will not be behind another like you,
but the same could happen to him
Papyrus Prisse column 13, line 9 to column 14, line 4)
Xms sA.k n Hry-tp.k
imy-r.k n pr nswt
wnn pr.k mn Hr xt.f
DbAw.k m st iry
qsn pw itnw m Hry-tp tr n sft.f
n xA.n qaH n kftf
m TAwy pr sAHw
m dAir xt tkn im.k
nn st Ax n st
im.f siw r.k r sDmt.k
im pw n ib bqbq
ir rx st iw.f r Sny
qsn pw n itnw m st tknt
Bend your back to your superior,
your overseer of the king’s domain,
and your house will be fixed on its goods,
your rewards in their place.
The man who struggles with the superior is an irritant.
You live as long as the superior is pleased with you.
The shoulder is not injured by being exposed.
Do not seize the house of neighbours,
do not suppress anything close to you,
it gives no results in anything.
Let him not speak ill of you before you have heard.
A troublemaker is a man with no mind.
Whoever is known as a quarreller,
there is trouble for the struggler in places near to him.