White Papers, Academic Studies, and Other Articles
UW Library – Reference Repository
Aggregation of over 1,000 indexed and searchable UW documents, including: resistance movements, insurgency resource academic studies, historical reports, theses, research, and analyses of various subjects and fields of study related to this aspect of human conflict.
(SIPRNET) https://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/site/usasocg3/uwpedia
Little Green Men: A Primer on Modern Russian Unconventional Warfare, Ukraine 2013–2014, by Robert R. Leonhard, Stephen P. Phillips, and the ARIS Team
This document is intended as a primer—a brief, informative treatment—concerning the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It is an unclassified expansion of an earlier classified version that drew from numerous classified and unclassified sources, including key US Department of State diplomatic cables.
Russian UW in the Ukraine, USASOC, 2014 (S//NF)
Vladimir Putin spoke at a collegium of the ministry of defense where he stated “Our task – to create mobile, well-equipped armed forces, ready to promptly and adequately respond to potential threats.”
(SIPRNET) https://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/site/usasocg3/uwpedia
Hybrid Structures, USASOC, 26 September 2014
This paper is intended to serve as a catalyst to generate discourse among the ARSOF and Conventional Force communities to explore new and innovative concepts, doctrine, partnerships and technological advancements to fulfill the ARSOF mission command capabilities required after 2022.
Counter-Unconventional Warfare, 26 September 2014, USASOC
Hybrid Warfare involves a state or state-like actor’s use of all available diplomatic, informational, military, and economic means to destabilize an adversary. Whole-of-government by nature, Hybrid Warfare as seen in the Russian and Iranian cases places a particular premium on unconventional warfare (UW).
Redefining the Win, 4 January 2015, USASOC
The Redefined Win Concept centers on proactive U.S. competition with State / Non-State Actors for the relative superiority over the physical, cognitive and moral security of key populations in the areas we choose to campaign.
https://usasoc.soc.mil/usasoc/g9/co/_layouts/WordViewer.aspx?id=/usasoc/g9/co/Shared%20Documents/01%20 White%20Papers/USASOC%20White%20Paper%20-%20Redefining%20the%20Win%20- %20Final%20(V3%208)%20-%20RAW.docx&DefaultItemOpen=1 UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016
SOF Support to Political Warfare, 29 April 2015, USASOC
This white paper presents the concept of SOF Support to Political Warfare to leaders and policymakers as a dynamic means of achieving national security goals and objectives. Embracing the whole-of-government framework with significant targeted military contributions, Political Warfare enables America’s leaders to undertake proactive strategic initiatives to shape environments, preempt conflicts, and significantly degrade adversaries’ hybrid and asymmetric advantages.
https://usasoc.soc.mil/usasoc/g9/co/Shared%20Documents/Forms/Universal%20Columns.aspx?RootF older=%2Fusasoc%2Fg9%2Fco%2FShared%20Documents%2F01%20White%20Papers%2FCurrent
Cognitive Joint Force Entry, 26 September 2014, USASOC
This paper describes the emerging idea of Cognitive Joint Force Entry. It provides an initial framework to consider how Inform and Influence Activities (IIA) can contribute to success in the shaping phase of campaigning. It also presents Cognitive Joint Force Entry as a vital capability in a critical domain working at strategic windows of opportunity where other instruments of national power may not or cannot function.
Unconventional Options for the Defense of the Baltic States: The Swiss Approach by Jan Osburg, RAND, 2016
This RAND perspective examines how key concepts and elements of the decentralized resistance approach that was part of Swiss military strategy during the Cold War could also benefit the defense of the Baltic states.
http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE179/RAND_PE17 9.pdf
Unconventional Warfare in the Gray Zone, Joseph L. Votel, Charles T. Cleveland, Charles T. Connett, and Will Irwin, National Defense University Press, 1 January 2016
As Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom have come to an end, this article examines the current and future conditions and implications for SOF. As the U.S. Armed Forces are faced with growing fiscal constraints, a smaller military and waning support for further large-scale deployment of troops, the homeland will continue to face increasing threats and our response will take place in a segment of the conflict continuum that some are calling the “Gray Zone,” or an area that occupies space in the peace-conflict continuum. It is in here, the “Gray Zone”, that SOF is the preeminent force of choice in such conditions. Special warfare tasks will increasingly rely on SOF’s ability to build trust and confidence with our indigenous partners—host nation military and paramilitary forces, irregular resistance elements through either Unconventional Warfare (UW) or Foreign Internal Defense (FID) —to generate the requisite mass through indigenous forces, to engage our adversaries and thus eliminating the need for a large U.S. force presence. This paper further examines one key requirement of determining what success looks like in the “Gray Zone” and establishing meaningful criteria for measuring the effectiveness of such operations. “Unconventional Warfare in the Gray Zone” provides a different lens in which to evaluate what winning is, especially in places or situations where the U.S Government is unlikely to commit large military formations in decisive engagements against similarly armed foes. As this paper suggests, “winning” in the “Gray Zone” is not our traditional perception, but is best summed up as the UW Pocket Guide
U.S. Government maintaining positional advantage, specifically our ability to influence partners, populations, and threats toward achievement of our regional or strategic objectives. In essence, it means retaining decision space, maximizing desirable strategic options, or simply denying an adversary a decisive positional advantage.
http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Media/News/NewsArticleView/tabid/7849/Article/643108/unc onventional-warfare-in-the-gray-zone.aspx
“The New Social Media Paradox: a Symbol of Self-Determination or a Boon for Big Brother?” Sara Smyth, International Journal of Cyber Criminology, (August 2, 2012). 2011 International Journal of Cyber Criminology (IJCC) ISSN: 0974 – 2891 January – June 2012, Vol. 6 (1): 924–950
Examines social media applications and tools impact on demand for political reform. Part II discusses the use of Facebook, Twitter, Internet, and mobile phones by protesters around the world in 2011; Part III discusses democratic and authoritarian government response; Part IV studies relevant policy concerns in American and Canadian legal contexts; and Part V notes implications for other online social networking sites.
“A Social Movement Approach to Unconventional Warfare,” Doowan Lee, Special Warfare Magazine, U.S. Army Special Warfare Center and School, July 2013
Delineates major components of social movement theory to inform UW planners on how to foment a resistance movement capable of garnering popular support as well as waging guerrilla warfare. Illustrates how the social movement approach can be operationalized for UW campaigns to enhance operational flexibility and strategic utility of UW by incorporating the logic of social mobilization and understanding of how to leverage existing social infrastructure. Examines UW-relevant lessons from the Arab Spring and other resistance movements.
“Quick Reference Guide of Terms” in “Defining War,” Jeffrey Hasler, Special Warfare, US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, January 2011.
Mr. Hasler discusses the importance in using properly approved doctrinal terms and definitions to provide continuity, unity, and clarity amongst Soldiers and leaders of every echelon.
“Continuity in the Chinese Mind for War,” Jeffrey Hasler, Special Warfare, US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, July 2012.
This article asserts the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as an expanding power and examines Chinese history to consider the continuity of special-warfare stratagem and will alive in the eternal Chinese military mind. It characterizes Chinese military tradition and discusses Confucianism, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, recommending further study of the PRC, Chinese traditions, and their challenges to American interests. UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016
http://www.soc.mil/SWCS/SWmag/archive/SW2503/SW2503ContinuityInTheChineseMi ndForWar.html
“Crossing the Red Line: Social Media and Social Network Analysis for Unconventional Campaign Planning,” Seth Lucente and Greg Wilson, Special Warfare Magazine, Special Operations Command, July 2013
Analysis of considerations in Syria to develop unconventional intervention strategies that
achieve U.S. policy objectives and limit expenditures. Discusses creation of a common operational picture from which policymakers and SOF military commanders can make informed decisions using open source, social media, temporal records, geospatial data and relational analysis.
Demystifying the Title 10-50 Debate: Distinguishing Military Operations, Intelligence Activities and Covert Action, Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College, Andru E. Wall, 2011
This article asserts that modern warfare requires close integration of military and intelligence forces. The Secretary of Defense possesses authorities under Title 10 and Title 50 and is best suited to lead U.S. government operations against external unconventional and cyber threats. Titles 10 and 50 create mutually supporting, not mutually exclusive, authorities. Operations conducted under military command and control pursuant to a Secretary of Defense-issued execute order are military operations and not intelligence activities. Attempts by congressional overseers to redefine military preparatory operations as intelligence activities are legally and historically unsupportable. Congress should revise its antiquated oversight structure to reflect our integrated and interconnected world.
Guidelines for Relations Between U.S. Armed Forces and Non-Governmental Humanitarian Organizations in Hostile or Potentially Hostile Environments, 2007
Short pamphlet with recommended guidelines to facilitate interaction between U.S. Armed Forces and NGOs.
Guide to Non-Governmental Organizations for the Military: A Primer, 2009
This book is about NGOs, often referred to as private voluntary organizations (PVOs), nonprofits, charities, and (humanitarian) aid organizations. Its aim is to orient the military with NGOs: their operations, strengths, limitations, budgets, practices, and other characteristics that make them unique actors in a large and dynamic humanitarian community. This book has been produced specifically for uniformed services personnel, but it may prove useful to others in understanding some of the military-specific issues in foreign aid. Designed as a quick reference, annex 2 is a compilation of the most informative websites highlighted in different sections of the book. Annex 1 covers the basics for NGOs commonly found in humanitarian emergencies around the world and ones the military are likely to encounter.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235163824_Guide_to_Nongovernmental_Organiza tions_for_the_Military_A_primer_for_the_military_about_private_voluntary_and_nongovernm ental_organizations_operating_in_humanitarian_emergencies_globally or
http://fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/ngo-guide.pdf UW Pocket Guide
Christophe Fournier, Doctors Without Borders, NATO Speech, December 8, 2009
Fournier explains why Doctors without Borders can never be part of a “military-humanitarian coalition”, the importance to make a clear distinction between impartial humanitarian actors and other more partisan aid actors, and finally the harmful consequences on the local population when this distinction is blurred. This conference was an opportunity to clarify that Doctors without Borders doesn’t believe in a unity of purpose, but in a mutual understanding with all warring parties that allows for the deployment of impartial aid operations in order to contain the devastations of war.
(S//NF) Non Standard Logistics Support to Unconventional Warfare: Sourcebook for Planning and Capability Development (U), Matthew Boyer, Dwayne Butler, John Halliday, Kristan Kinghoffer, and Roy Speaks, RAND Corporation, February 2012
Examines the role and ability of USASOC logistics to support UW campaigns, with emphasis on those phases that require clandestine support to an insurgency. This study is of interest to military logistics planners and developers, particularly those supporting UW.
(SIPRNET) https://intelshare.intelink.sgov.gov/sites/rand-cooperation
“Personnel Recovery Operations for Special Operations Forces in Urban Environments: Modeling Successful Overt and Clandestine Methods of Recovery,” Marshall Ecklund and Michael McNerney, June 2004
This thesis presents two prescriptive models for approaching challenges to SOF with regard to PR in an urban environment. It begins by developing a model for overt recovery methods using McRaven’s model of Special Operations as the foundation. This model is then tested against three different case studies from operations in Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993. The original six principles proposed by McRaven are complimented with four newly prescribed principles that account for the interactions of the isolated personnel. A nonconventional assisted recovery (NAR) model is presented for clandestine personnel recovery methods. This model borrows the relative superiority concept from McRaven’s theory, but proposes six different principles. The model is evaluated using three case studies, one from the French theater of operations during World War II, another from the Korean War, and the third from Operation Iraqi Freedom.
“The US Personnel Recovery Architecture under Chief of Mission Responsibility: Department of State and Department of Defense Coordination,” Alejandro Nunez 22 May 2013
This paper discusses the importance of identifying gaps in PR architectures, determining how the DoS and DoD effectively coordinate during a PR event (within a Chief of Mission environment), and focuses on U.S. Army operations in the Western Hemisphere.
“Whole of Government Approach to Personnel Recovery”, William J. Rowell, 22 Mar 2012
This paper aims to create a shared understanding of the specific and even unique aspects of personnel recovery at the strategic level. An examination of Annex 1 to National Security UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016
Presidential Directive - 12 provides a policy understanding that incorporates personnel recovery into a holistic government approach. This paper describes personnel recovery architecture, the two fundamental models used overseas, and recommends the development of a national strategy for PR.
iGuerilla: Reshaping the Face of War in the 21st Century, 20 May 2015, John Sutherland
ISBN-10: 1940773105
ISBN-13: 978-1940773100
Author John Sutherland alerts those in the United States and Western Europe to the threat posed by the modern Salafist-Jihadi insurgency which has infiltrated the West via virtual and physical means. Sutherland argues that the Wiki-warrior phenomena of armed insurgents empowered by globalization, information-based technologies, and sophisticated network methodologies are not an aberration, and represent a grave threat to international security.
Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present, 2013, Max Boot
ISBN-13: 978-0871406880
ISBN-10: 0871406888
Invisible Armies presents an entirely original narrative of warfare, which demonstrates that, far from the exception, loosely organized partisan or guerrilla are the historical norm.
U.S. Army Special Warfare: Its Origins: Revised Edition, 24 May 2002, Alfred H. Paddock Jr.
ISBN-10: 0700611770
ISBN-13: 978-0700611775
Special warfare was a key component of American military operations long before Afghanistan and even before the heroic deeds of the Green Berets. Alfred Paddock's revised edition of his classic study for two decades the definitive word on the subject honors the fiftieth anniversary of the organizations responsible for Army special warfare, and serves as a timely reminder of the likely role such forces can play in combating threats to American national security.
American Guerrilla: The Forgotten Heroics of Russell W. Volckmann, April 20, 2012, Mike Guardia
ISBN-10: 1612000894
ISBN-13: 978-1612000893
The Man Who Escaped from Bataan, Raised a Filipino Army against the Japanese, and became the True "Father" of Army Special Forces
Behind Japanese Lines: With the OSS in Burma, 4 February 2014, Richard Dunlop
ISBN-10: 1626365385
ISBN-13: 978-1626365384
In early 1942, with World War II going badly, President Roosevelt turned to General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, now known historically as the “Father of Central Intelligence,” with orders UW Pocket Guide
to form a special unit whose primary mission was to prepare for the eventual reopening of the Burma Road linking Burma and China by performing guerilla operations behind the Japanese lines.
The Jedburghs: The Secret History of the Allied Special Forces, France 1944 Paperback – October 10, 2006, Will Erwin
ISBN-10: 1586484621
ISBN-13: 978-1586484620
The story of the Special Forces in World War II has never fully been told before. Information about them began to be declassified only in the 1980s. Known as the Jedburghs, these Special Forces were selected from members of the British, American, and Free French armies to be dropped in teams of three deep behind German lines
Disrupting Dark Networks (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences), 10 January 2013, Sean F. Everton
ISBN-10: 1107606683
ISBN-13: 978-1107606685
This is the first book in which counterinsurgency theory and social network analysis are coupled. Disrupting Dark Networks focuses on how social network analysis can be used to craft strategies to track, destabilize, and disrupt covert and illegal networks. The book begins with an overview of the key terms and assumptions of social network analysis and various counterinsurgency strategies.
Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences), 25 November 1994, Katherine Faust
ISBN-10: 0521387078
ISBN-13: 978-0521387071
Social network analysis, which focuses on relationships among social entities, is used widely in the social and behavioral sciences, as well as in economics, marketing, and industrial engineering. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications reviews and discusses methods for the analysis of social networks with a focus on applications of these methods to many substantive examples
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics), 26 January 1996, Doug McAdam, John D. McCarthy, Mayer N. Zald
ISBN-10: 0521485169
ISBN-13: 978-0521485166
Social movements such as environmentalism, feminism, nationalism, and the anti-immigration movement figure prominently in the modern world. Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements examines social movements in a comparative perspective, focusing on the role of ideology and beliefs, mechanisms of mobilization, and how politics shapes the development and outcomes of movements.
Dynamics of Contention (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics), 10 September 2001, Doug McAdam, Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly
ISBN-10: 0521011876
ISBN-13: 978-0521011877 UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016
Dissatisfied with the compartmentalization of studies concerning strikes, wars, revolutions, social movements, and other forms of political struggle, McAdam, Tarrow, and Tilly identify causal mechanisms and processes that recur across a wide range of contentious politics. Critical of the static, single-actor models (including their own) that have prevailed in the field, they shift the focus of analysis to dynamic interaction.
SOE: The Special Operations Executive 1940-1946
1984, M.R.D. Foot
SOE, the Special Operations Executive was small but tough British secret service that was set up in July 1940. It was composed of 10,000 men and 3,200 women of whom a full third were secret agents. The unit exercised vast influence on the war all over the world. This book clearly explains how SOE was run, the caliber of its men and women, the tools they used, how and where they applied them and their successes and failures
The Secret Army: The Memoirs of General Bor-Komorowski, December 1, 2011, Tadeuz Bor-Komorowski
The tale of Bor-Komorowski and the Uprising is the story of a proud nation and their fight against enemies and betrayal by allies. Based on true encounters when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Bor was the commander of units defending the Vistula River before being pushed eastwards by the German’s fierce advance. Despite being surrounded be German forces, he escaped to Cracow. Although he planned to escape to the West, he was ordered to stay and start a resistance movement. In the summer of 1941, he was sent to Warsaw and by 1943 had been appointed lead of the Home Army. The Polish resistance carried out sabotage and vital intelligence for the allies but their main task was to prepare for an uprising when the Nazis were in retreat to help liberate the country. After receiving orders from the Polish Government-in-Exile to commence operations on 1 August 1944, the Resistance held out for sixty-three days against vastly superior armaments. It was compromised when the oft-promise counter-attack from the Russians failed to materialize.
Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction, United States Institute for Peace, November 1, 2009.
ISBN 978-1-60127-033-7
Discusses American Peace-building in developing countries.
A historic war drama based on the real-life Bielski Partisans. During World War II (1939- 1945), two Polish Jewish brothers join anti-Nazi freedom fighters in the Białowieża Forest, straddling the border of Belarus and Poland, where they eventually manage to create a make-shift town harboring over 1000 Eastern European Jews. Details the tactics used by the Bielski Partisans to evade and counter-attack anti-partisan police forces and the German military. UW Pocket Guide
Michael Collins(1996)
Biopic of Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary, veteran of the Easter Rising (1916) against the British Army, and leader of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921). Details Collins' role in the development of the IRA's anti-British guerrilla tactics; his emergence as one of the era's preeminent Irish political leaders and a key architect of the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty; and his death during the Irish Civil War (1922- 1923).
Farewell to the King(1989)
A U.S. military deserter takes refuge among Dayak tribesmen in Borneo during World War II (1939-1945). After being named king of the tribe, the deserter is approached by British forces who aim to stage a guerrilla resistance struggle against the Japanese, who have occupied Borneo. The deserter mobilizes his tribe in the anti-Japanese struggle.
Red Dawn(1984)
This Cold War classic tells the story of a rag-tag group of Colorado high school students who take to the hills to wage a guerrilla insurgency against the Soviet-Cuban-Nicaraguan military forces who have invaded the continental United States, initiating World War III. Fighting behind enemy lines, living off the land, and using stealth and maneuverability, the kids manage to severely disrupt a much larger conventional military's campaign of occupation.
The Dogs of War(1980)
James Shannon, an American Vietnam War veteran working as mercenary, is hired by a British corporation to assess the fictional resource-rich West African country of Zangaro in order to determine the stability of the regime and the country's foreign investment potential.
Lawrence of Arabia(1962)
Englishman who led Arab Bedouin fighters against Ottoman Turkish military forces during World War I (1914-1918). Fluent in Arabic and an expert in Bedouin and Muslim culture, Lawrence lived among the Bedouin and managed to unite various warring tribes, leading them in a guerrilla campaign against the Turkish army.