Subversive elements / groups in society

Subversive ideas / influences

30. seditious (adjective) (formal) intended to illegally encourage people to oppose the government or not obey the law бунтарский, мятежный: seditious speeches / writings | She was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious. | He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.

seditious activities бунтарская деятельность


1. insurgent [countable – usually plural] (formal) someone who belongs to a group of people fighting to take control of their country by force повстанец; бунтовщик, мятежник: All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents. | By early yesterday, the insurgents had taken control of the country's main military air base.

2. guerrilla (fighter) [countable] a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making sudden, unexpected attacks on the official armed forces партизан: The guerrillas would fight to the bitter end in order to achieve their main goal. | Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas. | Guerrillas avoid fighting set-piece battles. | At midday six guerrilla fighters arrive to help them from a military base near to their village. | Television stations would be expected to broadcast photographs of guerrilla leaders with offers of rewards for information.

armed guerrilla: Four Western tourists held by armed guerrillas in Kashmir began their seventh month in captivity today.

guerrilla group / band / unit отряд партизан: Guerrilla groups are active in the province. | A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains. | Elite Republican Guard troops deployed tanks and heavy artillery against lightly armed guerrilla units.

guerrilla force(s) партизанские войска: The rest of the family decided to join the guerrilla forces. | Delegates also discussed transforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army.

guerrilla movement партизанское движение: The democratic approach inherent in the guerrilla movement would triumph ultimately. | He was later released through Romero's efforts, at which point he joined a guerrilla movement and was killed in combat.

guerrilla warfare / war / tactics партизанская война / тактика: The enemy cunningly avoided direct confrontation and concentrated on guerrilla warfare. | American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war. | In early 1990 the guerrilla war intensified, with rising casualties among both the local population and the security forces. | The terrorists continue to express confidence that their guerrilla tactics can defeat a conventional force.

guerrilla activity / activities / action / operations партизанские действия: Over 100 of those killed were paramilitary gendarmes who were stationed in the area to counter Kurdish guerrilla activity. | In real life the distinction between sheer brigandage and patriotic guerrilla activities was often blurred. | In reality guerrilla action was largely indiscriminate with sporadic attacks on the occasional landlord, local official, or police post.

guerrilla attack: He said that guerrilla attacks would henceforth be directed at military targets, state companies and economic installations among others. | The rebels appear to be making hit-and-run guerrilla style attacks on military targets. | It could be a prime target for guerrilla attack.

guerrilla raid / foray / infiltration партизанский рейд, партизанская вылазка: Cumings concludes that Kim was probably based at Kharborovsk from 1941 to 1945 and conducted his guerrilla forays from there. | These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey. | The security zone was set up to prevent guerrilla infiltrations.

3. freedom fighter [countable] someone who fights in a war against an unfair or dishonest government, army etc (used to show approval) борец за свободу: This would give great encouragement to the freedom fighters. | Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world for help. | It's often said that one person's freedom fighter is another person's terrorist.

4. paramilitary (adjective) [usually before noun] (1) a paramilitary organization is an illegal group that is organized like an army военизированный, полувоенный: Suspicions will now be increased that the regiment has been penetrated by a network of loyalist paramilitary supporters and sympathizers. | They had cropped heads and wore paramilitary uniforms. | There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad.

paramilitary group / organization / force(s): According to sources, the report urges paramilitary groups to commit themselves to exclusively democratic means and to total disarmament. | The law said that all paramilitary groups must be disarmed. | It turns neighbour against neighbour, breaking down trust in a way that the paramilitary organizations are finding easy to exploit. | The region has been fiercely contested by guerrillas and the paramilitary forces for the past few years.

(2) connected with and helping the official armed forces or police военизированный, полувоенный: In some countries, police and fire officers have paramilitary training.

paramilitary police (force): The soldiers were deployed to help paramilitary police seal the border. | The protestors eventually surrendered to paramilitary police. | Paramilitary police units are taking part in rescue efforts. | I had not previously read anything about a paramilitary police force.

paramilitary force(s): Searches by the army and paramilitary forces have continued today. | In the southern district of Faridabad there were visible pockets of tension, in spite of a strong presence of police and paramilitary forces.

5. paramilitary [countable] (1) a member of an illegal paramilitary organization член военизированного формирования: Loyalist paramilitaries were blamed for the shooting.

(2) a member of a legal paramilitary organization член военизированного формирования: Paramilitaries and army recruits patrolled the village.

6. patrol (1) [uncountable; countable] the act of going around different parts of an area at regular times to check that there is no trouble or danger патрулирование; обход: The picket line was supplemented by daily long-range air patrols by naval aircraft.

on patrol (duties): Security forces remained on patrol until late into the night. | Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol. | Warships on patrol in the Red Sea spotted two enemy jets. | There were eight extra police officers this year, seven of them on patrol duties.

(2) [countable] a group of police, soldiers, vehicles, planes etc sent out to search a particular area патруль; дозор; разъезд: Our forward patrol has / have spotted the enemy. | Our full combat air patrol was on the alert. | Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades. | The security forces increased their patrols in the area. | The mood is relaxed, and two border patrol officers chat across the fence.

military patrol военный патруль

police patrol полицейский патруль

reconnaissance patrol разведывательный патруль

foot patrol пеший патруль: Every police car and foot patrol was watching out for him.

mounted patrol конный патруль: I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open.

patrol boat / car / vehicle a boat / car / vehicle used by the armed forces or police: There is a chronic shortage of patrol cars in this police district. | There were patrol cars on the streets and riot police standing by in reserve.

7. to patrol [transitive; intransitive] (especially of soldiers or the police) to go around the different parts of an area or building at regular times to check that there is no trouble or danger патрулировать; охранять

to patrol sth: Air raid wardens patrolled the streets to make sure no lights were showing in houses. | Troops patrolled the streets. | Why were the Marines patrolling the border?

to patrol along / on / around sth: Coastguards found a deserted boat while patrolling along the coast. | Brook was wounded while patrolling on the border.

Vocabulary practice

I. Section: General concepts

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A List B
  1. to fight a battle 2. close combat 3. fierce fighting 4. to get into combat 5. hand-to-hand combat 6. to be listed as killed in action 7. to be reported missing in action 8. to fight against sb 9. to fight on two fronts 10. to fight to the end 11. to impose martial law 12. to lift a curfew 13. to deploy troops 14. at the battle of Waterloo 15. to win a battle 16. combat mission 17. combat unit 18. house-to-house fighting 19. to step up action 20. to break off action 21. deployment of troops 22. to break a curfew 23. to declare a state of emergency 24. combatant 25. non-combatant 26. to put up a brave fight   a. боевое задание b. гражданское лицо c. уличный бой d. сражаться до конца e. прекратить бой f. развертывание войск g. выиграть сражение h. отменить комендантский час i. нарушать комендантский час j. в битве при Ватерлоо k. рукопашный бой l. воин n. боевое подразделение o. оказывать упорное сопротивление p. числиться пропавшим без вести q. вести бой r. развертывать войска s. ожесточенное сражение t. усиливать боевые действия u. ввести военное положение m. числиться погибшим в бою v. воевать на два фронта w. ввести чрезвычайное положение x. воевать против кого-л. y. ближний бой z. вступить в бой

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

battle, to fight (a battle), (fighting) breaks out, fierce (fighting), to get into (combat), to be killed (in battle), (fighting) escalates, to be reported (missing in action), (to fight) bravely, (to fight) to the end, to impose (martial law)

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

1. someone who fights in a war

2. to be involved in a long, serious fight with someone

3. a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger war

4. a temporary system of rules to deal with an extremely dangerous or difficult situation, especially when this involves limiting people's freedom

5. someone who is not in the army, navy etc during a war

6. the organization or movement of soldiers, military equipment etc so that they are in the right place and ready to be used

7. a law that does not allow people to go outside between a particular time in the evening and a particular time in the morning, especially during a war or a period of political trouble, or the period of time during which people must not go outside according to a curfew law

8. to take part in a war or battle

9. a situation in which the army controls an area instead of the police, especially because of fighting against the government

10. to fight until one side is completely defeated

11. fighting during a war

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A List B
  1. fighting 2. to be reported 3. to wage 4. to place a town 5. to deploy 6. to plunge 7. combat 8. close 9. to send 10. to be locked 11. to escalate 12. to step up 13. to be listed 14. to put up 15. to fight 16. to impose   a. mission b. breaks out c. martial law d. in battle e. on two fronts f. fighting g. action h. a fair fight i. combat j. troops k. as wounded in action l. missing in action m. into battle n. sb into combat o. under curfew p. a battle

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

1. The university has been ….. curfew for months.

2. The government imposed a night-time curfew ….. the country.

3. He died ….. battle.

4. The whole town was placed ….. curfew.

5. The men were sent ….. action with little or no training.

6. They put ….. a brave fight ….. the attackers.

7. He was reported ….. missing in action.

8. The military regime decided to impose a curfew ….. the town.

9. The French had no desire to fight ….. the British.

10. The battle raged ..... .

11. The soldiers battled ….. the opposing army all day.

12. Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington ….. the battle of Waterloo.

13. We do not readily plunge ….. battle with such powerful forces.

14. The soldiers were engaged ….. hand-to-hand combat.

15. He was never finally listed ….. killed or missing in action.

16. Since then, the rebels and the armed forces of Sierra Leone have been locked ….. combat.

17. As no man can serve two masters we had long been told no wise general tries to fight ….. two fronts.

18. The fighting escalated ..... a full-scale war.

19. The army has been ….. action for the past three months.

20. And it left open the fourth option, to step ….. military action against Hanoi.

21. Fighting broke ….. between army units.

22. Britain and Argentina fought ….. control of the islands.

23. This battle is our last chance; we must fight ….. the finish.

24. Since then, the rebels and the armed forces of Sierra Leone have been locked ….. combat.

25. Great Britain fought ….. Turkey ….. Russia.

26. Neither side was particularly willing to enter ….. serious combat.

6. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

in combat, to rage, military action, combatant, to defy, missing in action, to fight, imposition, to declare, to lift, to deploy, deployment, to join, to engage in, weight of numbers, to lose, battle, to place, combat, unit, to erupt, to intensify, civilian

1. They won the battle by sheer ….. .

2. Many innocent ….. were killed during the war.

3. He is finally met and defeated at the ….. of Osterwald.

4. The General's visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the ….. of extra troops.

5. The women were excluded from the combat ….. .

6. More weapons arrived in the area, and fighting ….. soon afterwards.

7. The ceasefire appeared to be in tatters on Monday after heavy fighting ….. in Tetovo.

8. It may be, in the long run, more productive ….. the battle but win the war.

9. Vietnam lost about one million people ….. .

10. The UN plans ….. 500 troops to ensure the safe delivery of food and other supplies.

11. The United States threatened ….. against Iraq.

12. Get a good night's rest, men; we ….. battle with the enemy at first light.

13. 530 servicemen were reported ….. .

14. Gorbachev threatened ….. a state of emergency throughout Moldavia.

15. The Boers ….. the British at this time.

16. In mid-1990, martial law ….. but the security clampdown remains currently in force.

17. We flew over 200 ….. missions.

18. Fierce fighting ….. for several days.

7. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

1. Генерал считал, что в сложившейся обстановке нельзя ввязываться в бой с превосходящими силами противника.

2. Он погиб в битве за Москву.

3. Ожесточенная битва продолжается уже третьи сутки.

4. Пять человек из его подразделения считаются пропавшими без вести.

5. Представители США полагали, что необходимо интенсифицировать боевые действия против диктаторского режима.

6. Он принимал участие в боевых действиях во Вьетнаме.

7. Великобритания воюет на стороне США против Ирака.

8. Ни одна из воюющих сторон не хочет воевать на два фронта.

9. Комендантский час был введен в городе два месяца назад и будет отменен в течение ближайшей недели.

10. По сообщениям СМИ, в стране действует военное положение.

11. Правительство планирует разместить дополнительные войска для поддержания мира в неспокойном регионе.

12. Их представитель в ООН заявил, что недопустимо развертывание ракет среднего радиуса действия в этом регионе.

13. Солдаты его подразделения готовы сражаться до конца.

14. Сражение началось сразу же после развертывания дополнительных сил.

15. Солдатам приходилось участвовать в уличных боях, которые иногда переходили в рукопашную схватку.

16. Во время бомбардировки города погибло много мирных жителей.

II. Section: Fighting a battle

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A List B
  1. to clash (with sb) 2. to fire a rifle 3. to shoot down an aircraft 4. to shell (a position) 5. to target missiles 6. to target civilians 7. clash 8. to open fire 9. to come under fire 10. shelling 11. military target 12. to hit a target 13. pinpoint accuracy 14. to spot a target 15. to shoot sb point-blank 16. to shoot to kill 17. to shoot down unarmed demonstrators 18. to launch a missile 19. to be bombed out 20. to cease fire 21. to return fire 22. to suffer heavy casualties 23. to inflict casualties on sb 24. death toll 25. skirmish 26. to miss a target   a. поразить цель b. стрелять на поражение c. промахнуться d. военная цель e. застрелить в упор f. расстрелять безоружных демонстрантов g. перестрелка h. засекать цель i. запускать ракету j. нести тяжелые потери k. обстреливать из артиллерийских орудий l. вступать в вооруженное столкновение m. общее число погибших n. наносить потери o. нацеливать ракеты p. отвечать на огонь q. выбирать в качестве цели гражданское население r. подвергаться обстрелу s. остаться без жилья в результате бомбардировки t. прекращать огонь u. стрелять из винтовки v. артиллерийский обстрел w. открывать огонь x. высокая точность y. вооруженное столкновение z. сбить самолет

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

to fire (a rifle), to spot (a target), to fire, to shell, to shoot down (an aircraft), skirmish, to target (missiles), to hit (a target), to cease (fire), to fire (a shot), carpet (bombing), pinpoint (bombing), heavy (bombardment), to begin (bombardment), to come under (bombardment), casualty, heavy (casualties), to inflict (casualties), to suffer (casualties)

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

1. the total number of people who die in an accident, war etc

2. to find or discover the exact position of something

3. someone who is hurt or killed in an accident or military action

4. to aim something, such as a missile, bomb, or weapon, at a target

5. a short fight between small groups of soldiers, etc, especially one that is not planned and that happens away from the main part of a battle

6. to shoot someone as soon as you see them

7. to be where you may be hit if someone shoots

8. a short series of shots from a gun

9. to intend to kill someone when you shoot at them

10. an object, person, or place that is deliberately chosen to be attacked

11. to send a missile or spacecraft into the air or into space

12. a short fight between two armies or groups

13. the use of bombs to attack a place

14. a continuous attack on a place by big guns or bombs

15. to be very close to them when you shoot

16. to kill or seriously injure someone by shooting them, especially someone who cannot defend themselves

17. to cause a weapon to shoot bullets or missiles

18. to be forced to leave a place because of being attacked by bombs

19. to make an enemy plane crash to the ground, by firing weapons at it

20. to deliberately kill or injure someone using a gun

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A List B
  1. to fire 2. to launch 3. to open 4. precision 5. to come 6. to hit 7. pinpoint 8. to exchange 9. to shoot 10. to down 11. to be caught 12. to take 13. a shot 14. preliminary 15. civilian 16. to sustain 17. a skirmish 18. to be bombed   a. target b. rings out c. breaks out d. a shot at sb e. in the firing line f. casualties g. a missile h. sb in the head i. of one's home j. bombardment k. under bombardment l. bombing m. accuracy n. a plane o. into the crowd p. fire with sb q. fire on sb r. a target

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

1. Soldiers fired …. the crowd.

2. The latest estimates put the death toll ….. 15 000.

3. He lifted his rifle and fired ….. the target.

4. He was killed during the war when his plane was shot ..… .

5. Half the town was bombed ….. ….. their homes in the raid.

6. The missiles were targeted ….. the enemy capital.

7. He was shot ….. the leg while trying to escape.

8. The city came ….. fire from anti-government forces last night.

9. Students cowered in classrooms as the gun shots rang ….. .

10. The capital is still ….. constant bombardment by the rebel forces.

11. Greek forces clashed ….. Turks in the hills.

12. We used to shoot ….. empty bottles for practice.

13. Seventeen people were killed when security forces fired ….. demonstrators.

14. Troops opened fire ….. the demonstrators.

15. There are hundreds of nuclear missiles aimed ….. the main cities.

16. Armed officers had instructions to shoot the kidnapper ….. sight.

17. They skirmished briefly ….. soldiers from Fort Benton.

18. A couple of civilians were caught ….. the firing line.

19. Police fired shots ….. the air and used water cannon to disperse the crowd.

20. They fired ….. long bursts, which depleted their ammunition.

21. The docks are the main target ….. the bombing raids.

22. We can only hold ….. for a few more hours.

6. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

to pinpoint, to clash, weapon, to miss, to kill, to down, to shoot, to launch, to bomb, to skirmish, bombardment, to target, clash, to hit, to bombard, bombing, civilian, accuracy

1. Rebel artillery units regularly ….. the airport.

2. The ship ….. by fire from a German plane.

3. Iranian and Iraqi troops ….. on the border.

4. The missiles can hit targets with pinpoint ….. .

5. The team went behind enemy lines ….. the exact locations of missile launchers.

6. The soldiers had orders to shoot ….. .

7. NATO warplanes ….. a dozen towns on Thursday.

8. He remembers when schools were closed for fear of catastrophic ….. raids in wartime Edinburgh.

9. Ten soldiers were wounded in a ….. with the rebels.

10. The Germans began their ….. of Paris in early 1870.

11. In 23 attacks, the terrorists ….. military bases.

12. The missiles ….. against enemy targets.

13. The GIA continued its attacks on ….. targets.

14. He claimed the rebels ….. 35 government aircraft.

7. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

to fire, to shoot up, heavily, skirmish, to erupt, to miss, list, loss, toll, to inflict, to occur, to cause to launch, to hit, to miss, to spot

1. As the unrest continued, the death ….. rose.

2. The war has led to a tragic ….. of life.

3. Unfortunately heavy losses ….. during the First World War.

4. Casualty ….. were not published until months after the battle.

5. Our forces ….. heavy casualties on the enemy.

6. Further shelling ….. casualties in the trench and destroyed the parapet over a length of fifty yards.

7. The police ….. two shots at the suspects before they surrendered.

8. The bomb ….. its target by several kilometres.

9. Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a ….. followed.

10. Shooting and shelling ….. sporadically from both sides.

11. The town was ….. bombed in World War II.

12. Then two men came in and ….. the entire lobby.

8. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

1. Войска противоборствующих сторон вступили в вооруженное столкновение на границе.

2. Нам удалось засечь важные военные цели на территории противника.

3. Его подразделение сбило несколько вражеских самолетов.

4. Баллистические ракеты обеих сверхдержав были нацелены на основные промышленные центры друг друга, но ни одна ракета так и не была запущена против какой-либо из этих цели.

5. Самолеты НАТО подвергли бомбардировке основные военные и промышленные объекты на территории Югославии.

6. В результате бомбардировки почти все жители деревни остались без крова.

7. Город подвергался артиллерийскому обстрелу в течение нескольких недель.

8. В результате перестрелки на границе несколько человек получили ранения.

9. Войска открыли огонь по безоружным демонстрантам.

10. Его подразделение подверглось обстрелу со стороны боевиков.

11. Полицейские получили приказ стрелять на поражение.

12. Ракета поразила цель, находившуюся за тысячи километров от пусковой установки.

13. Ракета прошла мимо цели.

14. Командир приказал своим солдатам не стрелять очередями.

15. Преступник подошел сзади и выстрелил в упор.

16. В бою его подразделение понесло тяжелые потери.

17. Наша армия нанесла серьезные потери боевикам.

18. Журналисты сообщили о потерях среди мирного населения.

19. Общее число погибших увеличилось до 35 человек.

20. Бывший премьер-министр заявил, что он искренне сожалеет о гибели людей в Ираке.

III. Section: Offence and invasion

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A List B
  1. to advance on a town 2. to storm a building 3. to launch a strike 4. to launch an attack 5. to carry out an attack 6. to come under attack 7. to make a raid 8. to besiege a port 9. to impose a blockade 10. to lift the blockade 11. to invade a country 12. to break through 13. to send in troops 14. surprise attack 15. all-out attack 16. full-scale attack 17. to be on the offensive 18. to go on the offensive 19. to resume an offensive 20. pre-emptive strike 21. breakthrough charge 22. conquests 23. to mount an invasion 24. invader 25. to break off an offensive   a. направлять войска b. внезапная атака c. снимать блокаду d. наступать e. завоеванные земли f. захватчик g. возобновлять наступление h. упреждающий удар i. перейти в наступление j. совершить вторжение k. атака с целью прорыва l. прекращать наступление m. идти в наступление n. штурмовать здание o. подвергаться нападению p. наступление по всему фронту q. начинать атаку r. устанавливать блокаду s. совершать рейд t. осаждать порт u. оккупировать страну v. наступать на город w. наносить удар x. решительное наступление y. прорваться

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

to attack, to launch (an attack), to strike, to carry out (an attack), to impose a blockade, attack, to mount (an offensive), to go on (the offensive), to resume (an offensive), to make (a raid), air (raid), (to make) a foray, to launch (a strike), to lift (the siege), (offensive) war, to invade (a country), invasion, to launch (an invasion)

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

1. a planned military attack involving large forces over a long period

2. a very powerful and violent attack

3. the land or people that another country has taken control of by force

4. a short sudden attack by a group of soldiers, especially in order to get food or supplies

5. a short sudden attack on a place by soldiers, planes, or ships, intended to cause damage but not take control

6. to surround a place, especially with an army, and try to gain control of it or force someone to come out of it

7. to move towards someone or something, especially in a slow and determined way (used especially to talk about soldiers)

8. a sudden brief military attack, especially by missiles or planes dropping bombs

9. to enter a country, town, or area using military force in order to take control of it

10. to manage to get past or through something that is in your way

11. to send soldiers, police etc somewhere to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation; to cause soldiers to move into battle

12. to start using weapons to try to defeat an enemy

13. the act of attacking

14. to get control of a country by force; to defeat an enemy

15. a violent military attack to take control of a place controlled by the enemy

16. to suddenly attack and enter a place using a lot of force

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A List B
  1. pre-emptive 2. to lift 3. to advance 4. to attack 5. to break 6. to send 7. to strike 8. to press 9. to go 10. to come 11. full-scale 12. to be 13. an offensive 14. to mount 15. breakthrough 16. to lay 17. to lift 18. raiding 19. offensive   a. resumes b. attack c. an advance d. an assault e. under attack f. the siege g. siege to a castle h. charge i. warfare j. strike k. towards a city l. the blockade m. through defences n. party o. into attack p. on the offensive q. at a target r. in troops s. an enemy

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

1. The journalists found a city virtually …. siege.

2. The soldiers made nightly forays ….. enemy territory.

3. An economic blockade was imposed ….. the country six months ago.

4. They finally broke ….. the German line.

5. He is unlikely to send ….. the army to quell nationalist aspirations.

6. Fighter bombers struck ….. the presidential palace.

7. Grant launched an all-out attack ….. these defences during the gusty, rainy, and misty dawn of May 12.

8. They tried to create the impression that they were ….. the offensive.

9. The West African forces went ….. the offensive in response to attacks ….. them.

10. In the view of many analysts here, they did not have to create the impression that they are ….. the offensive.

11. The West African forces went ….. the offensive in response to attacks on them.

12. The violence is unlikely to stop without military strikes ….. terrorist bases.

13. The enemy's defences were strong but our soldiers broke ….. .

14. The rebels responded to a military onslaught ….. them by launching a major assault on an army camp.

15. In June 1176 King Richard laid siege ….. Limoges.

16. All the soldiers were ordered to go ….. and seize the enemy position.

17. The rebels attempted a surprise raid ….. a military camp.

18. In early 1940 the army began to advance ….. France.

19. The rebels are poised for a new assault ….. the government garrisons.

20. The enemy advanced ….. Rome, and at last conquered it.

6. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

to strike, to raid, invasion, to advance, to storm, to break through, blockade, to send in, bombing, to assault, nuclear, to launch, offence, to make, to besiege, to hit, to mount, offensive, strike, to impose, siege, to invade, conquest, occupation

1. The convoy ….. by Afghan government troops.

2. The area is under ….. .

3. The major ..... was preceded by a significant upswing in fighting.

4. Terrorists were able ….. in one country and then flee to another.

5. The capital ….. by the opposition militia for two months now.

6. These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas ….. forays into Turkey.

7. After hours of fierce fighting, rebels ….. and captured the capital.

8. The Romans ….. Britain 2000 years ago.

9. American aircraft carriers launched several ….. against the enemy.

10. He remembers when schools were closed for fear of catastrophic ….. raids in wartime Edinburgh.

11. We ….. a surprise attack against their ammunition depot.

12. Several dozen rebels ….. the ambassador's residence.

13. The Roman legions left, opening the way for the ….. of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.

14. The army slowly ….. across the frozen tundra.

15. On March 30, 1972, Hanoi ….. its own major offensive across the demilitarized zone.

16. They ….. an economic blockade on the country.

17. The base was vulnerable to ….. attack.

18. He has asked the government ….. troops to end the fighting.

19. Vikings ….. settlements on the east coast.

7. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

1. В то время немецкие войска наступали на Москву.

2. Противник начал наступление на рассвете.

3. Мятежники взяли приступом президентский дворец.

4. Военные базы используются для нанесения воздушных ударов по боевикам в соседней стране.

5. Боевики периодически нападают на конвои союзных войск.

6. Несколько десятилетий назад США установили блокаду Кубы.

7. Армия ведет подготовку к полномасштабному наступлению на базы террористов.

8. После артиллерийской подготовки его подразделение перешло в наступление.

9. Им удалось прорвать оборону противника с большим трудом.

10. Самолеты нанесли удары по основным военным и промышленным объектам страны.

11. На рассвете его батальон предпринял атаку на оборонительные позиции противника.

12. Город вновь подвергся нападению вражеской авиации.

13. Его взвод совершил вылазку в тыл противника.

14. Президент пригрозил, что его страна нанесет упреждающий ядерный удар по военным целям на территории противника.

15. Кто должен принимать решение об установлении и снятии блокады той или иной страны?

16. Римляне завоевали большую часть Европы.

17. Американцы вторглись в Ирак без согласия ООН.

18. Большинство членов ООН выступает против оккупации Израилем палестинских земель.

IV. Section: Defence

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A List B
  1. to withstand an attack 2. to repel an attack 3. to be on the defensive 4. to retaliate (against sb) 5. to reduce defence spending 6. to strengthen one's defences 7. to put up resistance 8. to meet with resistance 9. to break down resistance 10. armed resistance 11. to withdraw troops 12. to resist an enemy 13. to hold out 14. defence policy 15. missile defence 16. anti-missile defence 17. defence cuts 18. line of defence 19. defences 20. to develop one's defences 21. to maintain one's defences 22. to overcome sb's defences 23. pocket of resistance 24. massive retaliation 25. to make a withdrawal 26. defensive war   a. выводить войска b. ракетная оборона c. линия обороны d. очаг сопротивления e. оборонная политика f. оборонительные сооружения g. оборонительные военные действия h. отражать нападение i. создавать оборонный потенциал j. осуществлять отвод войск k. держаться l. поддерживать обороноспособность m. сдержать наступление n. сокращать расходы на оборону o. встречать сопротивление p. наносить ответный удар q. сокращение расходов на оборону r. обороняться s. укреплять обороноспособность t. сломить сопротивление u. сопротивляться врагу v. преодолевать оборонительные укрепления w. противоракетная оборона x. массированный ответный удар y. вооруженное сопротивление z. оказывать сопротивление

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

to defend, to withstand (an attack), to repel (an attack), to reduce (defence spending), resistance, to put up (resistance), to meet with (resistance), to break down (resistance), to withdraw (troops), defence (cuts), to develop (one's defences), to overcome (one's defences), pocket of (resistance), fierce (resistance), withdrawal, complete (withdrawal), to make (a withdrawal), defences

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

1. to defend oneself successfully against people who attack you

2. to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you

3. all the armed forces, weapons, structures etc that are available to defend a place

4. the act of moving an army, weapons etc away from the area where they were fighting

5. to protect someone or something from attack

6. an organization that secretly fights against an enemy that controls their country

7. the organization of a country's armies and weapons, and their use to protect the country or its interests

8. to continue to successfully defend a place that is being attacked

9. to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to you

10. to force someone who is attacking you to move back or stop attacking

11. all the armed forces, weapons, structures etc that are available to defend a place

12. fighting against someone who is attacking you

13. to be in a state or position of defence

14. action against someone who has done something bad to you

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A List B
  1. to hold out 2. defence 3. to put down 4. to be 5. to resist 6. to drive 7. to retaliate 8. to pull 9. to withdraw troops 10. anti-missile 11. line 12. to build 13. resistance 14. centre 15. massive 16. act 17. partial 18. to implement 19. defensive 20. retaliatory   a. erupts b. retaliation c. measures d. capability e. pullback f. warfare g. of resistance h. of defence i. for several years j. on the defensive k. a pull-out l. an attack m. from a battle area n. against an enemy o. defence p. off an enemy q. one's defences r. out troops s. of retaliation t. resistance

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

1. The army prepared to defend the nation ….. attack by the enemy.

2. The army drove ….. the enemy with much effort and loss of life.

3. The army began to retaliate ….. the civilian population.

4. Defence spending has risen ….. 10% in the current budget.

5. The government was committed ….. further major reductions ….. defence spending.

6. In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting ….. any resistance.

7. This action was undoubtedly ….. retaliation ….. last week's bomb attack.

8. The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull ….. ….. Beirut.

9. He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling ….. a complete withdrawal.

10. The British government retaliated ….. breaking off diplomatic relations.

11. He pulled ….. forces from Mongolia, and he withdrew ….. Afghanistan.

12. It was also important to demonstrate the ability of nuclear forces to ride ….. a surprise attack.

13. The war has ended but government spending ….. defence is still increasing.

14. There is always the risk of possible retaliation ….. peacekeeping soldiers.

15. They provided defence ….. further attacks ….. their enemy.

16. The rebels held ….. in the mountains for several years.

6. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

to withstand, to defend, defence, to resist, to repel, civil, to hold out, to retaliate, to put up, to develop, defensive, to withdraw, withdrawal, to pull out, to ride out, purpose

1. These are purely ….. weapons, not designed for attack.

2. In those impregnable mountains, the guerrillas could ….. for years.

3. Troops ….. from the north of the country last March.

4. Troops ….. of these troubled areas.

5. It is unlikely that his forces could ….. an allied onslaught for very long.

6. The ….. of troops will begin after the treaty is signed.

7. The city ….. the enemy onslaught for two weeks.

8. But the fact remains that the safeguards themselves do not prevent the government using civil plutonium for defence ….. .

9. The rebels ….. fierce resistance with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.

10. Militant students hurled firebombs and riot police …… with tear gas.

11. Guerrilla fighters were soon able ….. the army's attack.

12. Thousands of young men came forward, willing ….. their country.

7. Choose the word or phrase (from the list) that best completes each of the sentences below. Change the grammatical form of the word or phrase if necessary.

defence, to encounter, missile, budget, to reduce, spending, civil, to maintain, defences, resistance, to breach, to erupt, centre, stout, to implement, retaliatory

1. Government troops offered no ….. to the rebels.

2. The invasion was held up by unexpectedly ….. resistance.

3. There's been talk of a ….. blockade to prevent supplies getting through.

4. We didn't let down our ….. unilaterally.

5. The government is planning ….. a second pullback from the area.

6. The infantry divisions mopped up remaining ….. of resistance.

7. Bush's ….. policy will not work, will cost too much and will destabilize the world.

8. The latest example concerns the controversial ….. defence system proposed by the United States.

9. Almost immediately a fierce nationalist resistance ….. directed by a fiery prophet in the hills of Galilee.

10. The country has made few preparations for ….. defence.

11. The government revealed the exact levels of defence ….. .

12. There was an attempt ….. the defence budget.

8. Translate these sentences. Give synonymous translations if possible.

1. В течение двух дней они сдерживали наступление врага.

2. Войска были размещены в этом районе с целью отражения возможного наступления противника.

3. Правительство собирается сократить на 5% расходы на оборону.

4. Сокращение в этом году расходов на оборону на 3% маловероятно.

5. Президент должен обеспечить укрепление обороноспособности государства.

6. Противник оказывал яростное сопротивление наступающим частям нашей армии.

7. Наша армия встретила упорное сопротивление со стороны противника.

8. Нам необходимо в кратчайшие сроки сломить сопротивление противника.

9. Израиль должен вывести свои войска со всех оккупированных им арабских территорий.

10. Тысячи молодых людей выразили желание защищать свою Родину от захватчиков.

11. Мятежники продержались в горах еще несколько лет.

12. Президент заявил, что вооруженные силы его страны нанесут ответный удар любому агрессору.

13. Правительство Великобритании ответило разрывом дипломатических отношений.

14. Президент заявил, что вывод войск из неспокойного региона начнется после подписания соглашения о прекращении огня.

15. Эти материалы будут использованы в целях обороны.

16. Оборонная политика правительства подверглась резкой критике.

17. США намерены продолжать работу над созданием всеобъемлющей противоракетной обороны.

18. Ядерные силы нам необходимы для поддержания обороноспособности страны на уровне, достаточном для отражения любой агрессии.

19. Его подразделению было приказано подавить оставшиеся очаги сопротивления.

20. Дж. Даллес рассматривал массированный ответный удар в качестве основного инструмента политики сдерживания.

V. Sections: Militancy and subversion, Insurgency

1. Match the words and phrases in List A with those in List B. Learn these lexical units.

List A List B
  1. to rebel (against sb) 2. to plot (against sb) 3. to subvert the state 4. to sabotage an oil pipeline 5. to crack down on sb 6. to mount a rebellion 7. to mastermind a rebellion 8. to put down a rebellion 9. armed rebellion 10. popular rebellion 11. abortive rebellion 12. to bring about a revolution 13. to spark off a riot 14. to instigate a riot 15. civil unrest 16. to stage a coup (against sb) 17. coup attempt 18. to carry out a plot 19. to foil a plot 20. to uncover a plot 21. to commit an act of sabotage 22. paramilitary group 23. guerrilla (fighter) 24. rebel 25. to patrol a street 26. insurgent   a. народное восстание b. партизан c. гражданское неповиновение d. осуществлять заговор e. расстроить заговор f. совершать революцию g. патрулировать улицу h. попытка переворота i. боевик j. бунтовать k. раскрывать заговор l. организовывать диверсию m. организовывать заговор n. подстрекать к бунту o. заниматься подрывной деятельностью против государства p. военизированная группа q. организовать диверсию на нефтепроводе r. повстанец s. неудавшаяся попытка мятежа t. поднимать восстание u. подавлять восстание v. провоцировать бунт w. вооруженный мятеж x. тайно руководить восстанием y. применять жесткие меры

2. Give synonyms for the following words and phrases.

to stage (a coup), coup attempt, to foil (a plot), to uncover (a plot), to commit (an act of sabotage), militant, to rebel, to plot, to crack down, to mastermind (a rebellion), to put down (a rebellion), abortive (coup), to bring about (a revolution), to spark off (a riot), to instigate (a riot), (civil) unrest, student (unrest), rebellion, to stage (a rebellion), to lead (a revolt), (a rebellion) breaks out, growing (unrest), coup, plot, to devise (a plot), subversion, (guerrilla) warfare, (guerrilla) raid, rebel

3. Suggest words and expressions that correspond to the following definitions.

1. a secret plan by a group of people to do something bad or illegal, especially in politics

2. a noisy, violent and uncontrolled protest by a crowd of people

3. speech, writing, or actions intended to encourage people to disobey or fight against a government

4. (especially of soldiers or the police) to go around the different parts of an area or building at regular times to check that there is no trouble or danger

5. a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making sudden, unexpected attacks on the official armed forces

6. a refusal by a group to accept someone's authority and / or an attempt to take control from people in authority, especially a group of soldiers or sailors

7. to take strong and often violent action against authority, usually with the aim of taking power away from them

8. the action of trying to weaken or destroy the power or influence of a government or an established system, especially by attacking it indirectly in written or spoken material

9. deliberate damage that is done to equipment, weapons or buildings in order to prevent the success of an enemy or competitor

10. someone who tries to remove a government or leader by force

11. a successful attempt by a large group of people to change their government or the political system of their country, usually by force

12. someone who belongs to a group of people fighting to take control of their country by force

13. a group of police, soldiers, vehicles, planes etc sent out to search a particular area

14. an organized attempt by a group of people to take control of their country by force

15. angry or violent behaviour by people who are protesting against something

16. an occasion when a group of people takes control of a country, usually by means of military force

17. someone who fights in a war against an unfair or dishonest government, army etc (used to show approval)

18. to make a determined attempt to stop people doing something bad or illegal

4. Match the words in List A with those in List B to form phrases.

List A List B
  1. to conspire against 2. to rise 3. to riot in protest 4. to subvert 5. to crack down 6. to put 7. to orchestrate 8. an insurrection 9. an insurgency 10. to stir 11. to trigger 12. popular 13. to hatch 14. coup 15. failed 16. conspiracy 17. to be involved 18. to commit 19. rebel 20. subversive 21. freedom 22. guerrilla 23. to be 24. to patrol   a. unrest b. theory c. coup d. a street e. activities f. a conspiracy g. on patrol h. fighter i. warfare j. in subversion k. troops l. an act of sabotage m. down a rebellion n. the democratic process o. against the government p. in open rebellion q. up a riot r. the state s. off unrest t. on militant groups u. erupts v. sweeps a country w. an uprising x. attempt

5. Fill the gaps in the sentences with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary.

1. Police are launching a new crackdown ….. drug users.

2. The army is ….. revolt ….. its commanders.

3. He was involved ….. subversive activities.

4. Reynolds was charged ….. conspiracy ….. the government.

5. Radio stations said sailors at a naval base had mutinied ….. their officers.

6. Soldiers went in to put ….. a rebellion.

7. He was suspected ….. masterminding a plot ….. US airlines in East Asia.

8. A riot broke ….. after a police shooting of a local man.

9. Anyone suspected of conspiring ….. the regime was ruthlessly dealt …. .

10. The government plans to clamp ….. illegal militant groups.

11. The people rebelled ….. the harsh new government.

12. Security forces remained ….. patrol until late into the night.

13. The soldiers mutinied ….. the non-payment of wages.

14. They launched a crackdown ….. drug dealers.

15. For several weeks students at the university have been ….. a state of unrest.<

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