ChangeRussianphrasesintoEnglishones. TranslatethetextintoRussian.

1. to investigate crimes 2. civil offences 3. to punish the guilty 4. law and order 5. is breaking the law 6. obey the law 7.ignorance of the law is almost never a defense for breaking it 8. were prosecuted 9. legal codes  

Governments have many ways of making sure that citizens (подчиня­ютсязакону). They make the public aware of what the law is and try to encourage social support for (правопорядку). They use police forces (расследоватьпреступления) and catch criminals. They authorize courts to complete the investigation of criminal and (гражданскихпра­вонарушений) and to pass sentences to (наказатьвиновного) and deter others. And they make efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

The laws of all countries are to be found in written records — (право­выекодексы) of countries with continental systems, the statutes and case-judgments of common law countries, warning on official forms, and notice in public buildings. Many people do not know where to find these records and do not find it easy to read them. But (незнаниезаконовнеосвобождаетoтответственности). Governments usually expect citizens to be aware of the laws which affect their lives. Sometimes this seems very harsh, for example, when the law is very technical. Shopkeepers in En­gland (преследовалисьпозаконувуголовномпорядке) for selling books on Sunday, although they were allowed to sell magazines. However, there are many laws, such as those prohibiting theft, assault and dangerous driving which simply reflect social and moral attitudes to everyday be­haviour. In such cases a person knows he (нарушаетзакон), even if he doesn't know exactly which law it is.

The following terms introduce you to the law and basic legal terminology. Below are the definitions. Find the definition for each term.

authority // law enforcement agency // legislation // court // govern // judges // lawyers // legal action // rule // the judiciary // tribunal // legal system  

1. a body that is appointed to make a judgmentor inquiry__________________________

2. a country's body of judges _____________________

3. an act or acts passed by a law-making body _______________________

4. behaviour recognized by a community asbinding or enforceable by authority ___________________________

5. legal proceedings ___________________________

6. an official body that has authority to try criminals, resolve disputes, or make other legal decisions ___________________________

7. an organization responsible for enforcing the law, especially the police ___________________________

8. a senior official in a court of law ____________________________

9. the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process ___________________________

10. the control resulting from following acommunity's system of rules __________________________

11. members of the legal profession __________________________

12. to rule a society and control the behaviour of its members ___________________________

Complete the following text about base legal concepts using the following words and phrases. Use each term once.

authority // law enforcement agency // legislation // court // govern // judges // lawyers // legal action // rule // the judiciary // tribunal // legal system  

Why do we have laws and _____________ ? At one level, laws can be seen as a type of _____________ which is meant to ___________ behaviour between people. We can find these rules in nearly all social organizations, such as families and sports clubs.

Law, the body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions and ____________, is used to govern a society and to control the behaviour of its members. In modern societies, a body with _____________, such as a __________or the legislature, makes the law; and a _____________, such as the police, makes sure it is observed.

In addition to enforcement, a body of expert _____________ is needed to apply the law. This is the role of ________________, the body of ____________ in a particular country. Of course, legal systems vary between countries, as well as the basis for bringing a case before a court or________________________________ . One thing, however, seems to be true all over the world - starting a ______________ is both expensive and time-



Unit 2

arbitrary - произвольный

awell-orderedsociety- высокоорганизованноеобщество

accuseofacrime - обвинятьвпреступлении

administerjustice - отправлятьправосудие

advise - советовать, консультировать

attorney(AE) - адвокат

bringacasetocourt - передаватьделовсуд

civilcase - гражданское дело

civiloffence - гражданское правонарушение

complaint - жалоба

conductlawsuit -вестисудебныйиск

court - суд

defendant - ответчик, подсудимый

ensure - обеспечивать

filethecomplaint - подаватьжалобу

giveeffecttosocialpolicies - оказыватьвлияниенасоциаль­нуюполитику

goodofsociety - благополучиеобщества

govern - управлять

guilty - виновный

injunction - судебный запрет

innocent - невиновный

investigatecrime - расследовать преступление

judge - судья

judgment - судебное решение, приговор

judiciary / judicial - законный, судебный

jurisdiction - полномочия

lawenforcementagency - правоохранительные организации

legalaction - судебное дело / иск

legalmatter - правовой вопрос

legislation - законодательство, закон

obey - подчиняться

onbehalf - от имени

paralegal(AE) - ассистент адвоката

passsentence - вынести приговор

personalproperty - личнаясобственность

plaintiff - истец

protect - защищать

punishpeoplewithouttrial - наказывать людей без суда и след­ствия

punishtheguilty - наказать виновного

regulation - постановление

rulesandregulations - правилаинормативы

resolveacase - разрешить / урегулировать дело

respect individual rights - уважатьправачеловека

safe - безопасный

safeguard - охранять

takelegaladvice - получить консультацию юриста

the Rule of Law - властьзакона

trial - судебныйпроцесс

wrongdoing - правонарушение

Unit 3 LawEnforcement

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