What is the punishment for crimes?

«Let the punishment fit the crime» is more easily said than done. Punishment is any fine, confinement in jail or prison, or other penalty provided by law and imposed by the court. The purpose of punishment is not to remedy the wrong but rather to discipline the wrongdoer. Punishment should deter the wrongdoer and others from similar behaviour in the future. The fact that many «career criminals» are arrested repeatedly indicates that the penal system is far from perfect.

Criminal statutes ordinarily set maximum limits for punishment but give a judge freedom in determining the appropriate punishment within those limits.

A court may impose and then suspend punishment, subject tothe good behavior of the guilty party, who may be placed on probation for a prescribed period of time. Probation is a type of punishment, which allows the convicted person to avoid confinement and to remain at liberty for a prescribed time under the supervision of a probation officer. Sometimes a fine is also imposed, or restitution (returning what was stolen) is required. Specific conditions are usually attached to the probation. These conditions may include keeping a job, avoiding certain companions and meeting places, and not leaving the area. A defendant who violates the probation terms may have the probation and suspended sentence revoked at a court hearing and then be sent to jail or prison.

Sometimes a convict serving in prison may be released early on parole because of good behaviour and evidence of rehabilitation. The decision is made by a parole board and may be revoked if specified conditions are violated. These conditions generally include periodically reporting to a parole officerand avoiding any criminal activity.

Pardon, by the governor or president, releases the convict from the entire punishment, including future disabilities such as the ban on holding public office.

Vocabulary notes:

punishment – кара, наказание probation officer – должностное лицо, осуществляющее надзор за условно осужденными
fit– соответствовать restitution – возвращение, возврат (утраченного); возмещение убытков; реституция
confinement – тюремное заключение specific conditions - особые условия
penalty – наказание suspended sentence – условное осуждение, условное наказание
to remedy the wrong – исправлять зло, несправедливость to revoke – отменять, аннулировать
to deter – удерживать to serve – отбывать срок (наказания)
«career criminal» - рецидивист rehabilitation – исправление, перевоспитание преступников
impose – налагать parole – освобождать заключенного условно-досрочно
to suspend – приостанавливать; откладывать; (временно) прекращать parole board – коллегия по условно-досрочному освобождению
subject to – при условии, если to report – являться, представать
probation – условное освобождение преступника на поруки parole officer – должностное лицо, надзирающее за условно-досрочно освобожденными
convicted person (convict) – осужденный pardon – амнистия, помилование
to avoid – избегать ban on holding public office – запрет занимать пост в государственном, муниципальном или общественном учреждении

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of punishment?

2. What kinds of punishment can be applied?

3. What is probation?

4. What are the conditions of probation?

5. What is a release on parole?

6. What is pardon and who can pardon the convict?

III. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1. certificate of rehabilitation a. юридическая реабилитация, восстановление в правах
2. legal rehabilitation b. психиатрическая реабилитация
3. psychiatric rehabilitation c. социальная реабилитация (восстановление личности в смысле приспособления её к условиям жизни в обществе)
4. rehabilitation agency d. профессиональная реабилитация
5. rehabilitation centre e. орган по вопросам социальной реабилитации отбывших наказание преступников
6. rehabilitation facility f. центр социальной реабилитации (лиц, освободившихся из заключения)
7. social rehabilitation g. справка о реабилитации
8. vocational rehabilitation h. исправительное заведение

IV. Find in the text above English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

1. пусть наказание соответствует преступлению

2. преступник/ нарушитель

3. система наказания

4. подобное поведение

5. оставаться на свободе

6. устанавливать максимальные ограничения

7. соответствующее наказание

8. отправлять в тюрьму

9. избежать тюремного заключения

10. предписанный срок

11. преступная деятельность

12. невыезд за пределы (области, территории, города)

V. Match the synonyms to the following words:

1. punishment a. prisoner
2. purpose b. order
3. discipline c. mulct
4. wrongdoer d. penalty
5. career criminal e. aim
6. court f. terms
7. probation g. criminal
8. fine h. recidivist
9. conditions i. trial
10. convict j. test


I. Read and translate the text using the words and word combinations after it:

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