Exercise 13. Look at these pictures. They show Joy’s routine at the office, but they are not in the right order. Put the clocks and the notes in the right order.
Notes: A open the post; B start work; C go home; J do the filing
D make tea; E type letters; F take shorthand;
G have lunch; H make coffee; I send telexes;
Discuss in pairs these questions about Joy’s routine with full sentences and write a short story about what she does at work every day. Use the words in italics.
1. What time does Joy start work? 2. What does she do first? 3. Then what does she do? 4. What time does she make coffee? 5. What else does she do in the morning? (also) 6. What time does she have lunch? 7. How does she spend the afternoon? (two things) 8. What time does she make tea? 9. What time does she go home?
Exercise 14. Translate into English:
1. Я встаю рано. 2. Каждый день я иду в ванную, чищу зубы, принимаю душ, завтракаю и иду в университет. 3. Я всегда прихожу на занятия вовремя, а мой брат почти всегда опаздывает на 15 минут, а иногда и на полчаса. 4. Мы часто обедаем в кафе неподалеку от нашего университета. 5. Вечером я люблю смотреть телевизор. 6. Я ложусь спать в 9 часов, а моя сестра часто засиживается допоздна. 7. Три раза в неделю я посещаю занятия по аэробике. 8. По-выходным мы обычно ходим в кинотеатр. 9. Как вы отдыхаете? – Мне нравится почитать книгу, послушать классическую музыку или просто поспать. 10. После занятий я люблю прогуляться в парке с друзьями.
Exercise 15. Pair work: Talk about your busiest day. Ask the following and more:
1. What's your busiest day? 2. What do you usually do? 3. What time do you get up? 4. Where do you usually have breakfast, lunch? 5. What do you usually do after classes? 6. What time do you usually go home? 7. What do you do at the end of the day? 8. What do you do in your spare time? 9. What time do you usually go to bed? 10. What activities do you enjoy? Which do you dislike?