Automatic Discovery of Safety Violations

а) Automatic Discovery of Safety Violations - Hybrid systems … increasingly…in transportation networks as part of embedded controllers used in the air-traffic management. A hybrid system is a formal model that combines discrete logic and continuous dynamics. Continuous dynamics are associated with each mode, and discrete logic … how to … modes. A hybrid system may model air traffic control, wherethe modes correspond to the cruising of the planes and the discrete logic models conflict-resolution protocols. As another example, a hybrid system may model a vehicle whose underlying dynamics varies discretely … terrain conditions.

As hybrid systems are often part of devices operating in safety-critical situations, the verification of safety properties becomes increasingly important. Safety properties assert that nothing "bad" happens, e.g., air-traffic control guarantees that planes do not come too close to one another. Verification approaches generally … approximations of reachable states or the use of abstractions to obtain finite-state models that capture the safety properties of the hybrid system. … the computational complexity of the problem, verification approaches … exponential … the dimension of the state space and are limited in practicality to low-dimensional systems.

Enhanced automation of air-traffic control … a viable … to deal with the rapid increase in air traffic and alleviate the task of human operators. Guaranteeing aircraft safety necessitates high-level specifications of conflict-resolution protocols, whichare often modeled as hybrid systems. As the complexity of the protocols increases safety verification becomes more challenging, … the capabilities of current methods. The merit of our research lies in its ability to efficiently discover trajectories that demonstrate safety violations. Simulations with 15-20 airplanes … the ability of the framework to discover safety violations when the air-conflict resolution protocol is not safe, yielding …over related work.

b) Mind the use of highlighted language in the text. Complete the chart

A hybrid system is a formal model where are often modeled as hybrid systems
Guaranteeing aircraft safety necessitates high-level specifications of conflict-resolution protocols whose combines discrete logic and continuous dynamics
A hybrid system may model a vehicle which the modes correspond to the cruising of the planes
Simulations with 15-20 airplanes demonstrate the ability of the framework to discover safety violations when underlying dynamics varies discretely depending onterrain conditions
A hybrid system may model air traffic control that the air-conflict resolution protocol is not safe

с) You and your partner are process engineers. You need to assess the hybrid systems and discuss the potential problems and the advantages of the modifications in monitoring and control systems in aviation. In pairs, discuss the main precautions and engineering works you think should be taken by software program’s developers with regard to the existing hazards

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