Should You Buy a New or Used Car?

There are two car-buying options: new or used. As the cost of a new car continues to rise, many car buyers are opting for high-quality used cars. Car manufacturers are fighting back with incentives including low interest payment plans, rebates and other means of attracting new car buyers. The choice typically comes down to:

Why you are buying the car: Often, a family buys second or third car, perhaps one for wife or husband and one for son or daughter, it could be a used car.

How much you can afford: Used cars cost less than new cars (even with rebates). There are greater risks involved, however.

Whether a car is a status symbol: For some people a car is a sign of stature, while for others it is simply a means of getting around.

Typically, if someone can put some money down on a new car without dipping into his/her investments or putting a dent in his/her budget and can pay off the car in three or four years with monthly payments, then a new car is a possibility. Of course, a car owner has to consider the insurance payments and the regular costs of maintaining a car.

An advantage of a new car is that you will be under warranty for a period of time. Before buying, you want to shop around for a lender and watch for the best deals. Often there are better deals offered on new cars as the fall approaches and the following year’s new models role in.

Also, keep your eye on used fleet cars, which can be a good option since a car or limo service keeps vehicles in good condition with ongoing maintenance — and they have to sell them off on a regular basis.

Used cars are a little trickier. There are numerous places to look, including local ads, major used car dealers and online sites devoted to finding cars. The trick is evaluating the condition of the car and determining whether you are getting a fair deal or overpaying.

There are a few things to look for when buying a used car: How old is the car? More than six years can be questionable unless the mileage is low. How old are the parts in the car? Has it been well-maintained? Have parts been replaced? Does the paint feel smooth or is it covering rust or dents? Can you get the paperwork that should come with the vehicle? Check the car’s history.

Remember, you can negotiate. In fact, haggling is almost a given when you are buying a used car.

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the main advantages of a new car/ used cars? 2. What are the main disadvantages of anew car/ used cars? 3. Which car will you prefer? Why?

Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1.Translate the sentences paying attention to the different meanings of the following words and word combinations:

· the crash barrier - аварийное заграждение, разделительный барьер

· to do … kph – ехать со скоростью... км/ч

· to draw up – останавливать; останавливаться

· (to be on) full beam – дальний свет

· a hairpin bend - крутой поворот, поворот ( дороги ) под острым углом

· to hit on the brakes / slam the brakes on – резко затормозить

· to jump a red lights – не останавливаться на запрещающие знаки светофора

· the lights changed – светофор переключился

1. It took ages for the lights to change. 2. Their car drew up in the gas station. 3. He was caught doing 90 kph in a 50 kph speed zone. 4. Hairpin bends are always signposted. 5. Seeing the boy, he hit the brakes and the car screeched to a halt. 6. I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting (здесь: сбить) two schoolgirls. 7. She slammed the brakes on as the other car cut in in front of her. 8. A taxi drew up outside my house. 9. The driver of another car said that he had jumped a red signal light. 10. The lights changed and they could drive. 11. I was fined 45$ for jumping a red light. 12. He swerved to avoid the dog and smashed into the crash barrier. 13. I drew up at the traffic lights. 14. Dip your lights. They’re on full beam and you are blinding the poor man in front of you.

Exercise 2. Translate the dialogue and then make your own one in English.

A: Как твой «Рено»?

B: Ездит нормально, но требуется много усилий, чтобы поддер­живать в порядке (maintain) старый автомобиль.

A: Давно ты его купил?

B: Полтора года назад. Но ему уже 10 лет, пора купить новый.

A: Да, я думаю, ты уже можешь себе позволить совсем новый (brand new) автомобиль.

B: Я тоже об этом думал. Но для начала куплю новый акку­мулятор, а то вчера не мог завести машину. Хотя я заряжал аккумуля­тор на прошлой неделе.

A: Может, дело в стартере?

B: Нет, я уже был на станции техобслуживания, и механик ска­зал, что нужно просто поменять аккумулятор.

A: Понятно.

Exercise 3.Translate the sentences into English.

1. Новый автомобиль владелец не может «тюнинговать», иначе он потеряет гарантию. 2. Содержать бывший в употреблении автомобиль дорого, так как он в любом случае требует более тщательного ухода. 3. При покупке новой машины нет необходимости тратить деньги на запчасти и ремонт. 4. Белый цвет автомобиля очень опасен, он менее заметен на дороге. 5. По гарантии меняются фильтры, шины, тормозные колодки и масло. 6. При покупке б/у автомобиля следует обратить внимание на расход масла: нормально работающий двигатель расходует пол-литра масла на 8-10 тыс. км, при условии, что автомобиль не эксплуатируется в экстремальных условиях. 7. Двигателю данного автомобиля требуется капитальный ремонт. 8. Проверять автомобиль нужно в следующем порядке: кузов, двигатель, трансмиссия (коробка передач, сцепление), салон, ходовая, тормоза и электрика. 9. Гарантия может исчисляться или в километрах пробега или во времени, например, 4 тыс. км или 2 года гарантии. 10. При покупке автомобиля помните, что в нем должны быть домкрат, баллонный ключ и запасное колесо. 11. В новом современном автомобиле установлена мягкая подвеска и есть множество удобных приборов и устройств: кондиционер, АБС, климат- и круиз-контроль, электропакет, автоматическая коробка передач. 12. В настоящее время большинство новых иномарок расходуют топливо в пределах 3-5 литров на 100 километров пробега.

Exercise 4.Match words with their meaning.

1. the lights changed 2. the crash barrier 1. a hairpin bend   4. full beam 8. to jump a red light   6. to do … kph 9. to draw up   8. to hit/slam on the brakes a. to drive at some speed b. strong low fence built along the side of a road or between two halves of a motorway to prevent accidents c. to pass through a traffic light that is red d. to brake quickly and suddenly e. sharp bend in road, where road turns back in opposite direction f. to stop in a vehicle g. you can see more if using it h. the traffic lights turned red or green

Exercise 5. Read the text and fill in the missing words. Mind the forms of the verbs. Translate the article.

Horsepower, comfort, to measure, to make, wagon, engines, to carry, models, quality, sports, to equip, cylinder, impressive, system, to buy.

What’s new for the 2006 BMW 5 series?

BMW adds a station (1) … variant to the 5-Series line­up, as well as new inline six- (2) … engines and an xDrive all-wheel-drive (3) … . Based on the same fully-automatic, rear-biased xDrive in the X3 and X5 sport models, the AWD system is offered only on 5251 and 530i (4) … . Both of those models get new (5) … for 2006. The 2.5-liter inline six-cylinder engine(6) … 218 horsepower, while the 3.0-liter engine makes 258 (7) … . Station wagon models are (8) … only with the larger six, and only with xDrive. The 530xiT can (9) … up to 56.5 cubic feet of cargo with the rear seats folded down.

Advantages of the 2006 BMW 5 Series: Strong and smooth engines. Superb (10) … . Lush cabin materials. (11) … performance

Fascinating Active Steering system Slick optional xDrive AWD

Objections to the 2006 BMW 5 Series:

Prices rise dramatically when desirable options are added

AutoSite's Advice:

Ifits Bangled styling pleases you, so will the rest of the 2006 BMW 5-Series. This is a fantastic luxury (12) … sedan, and remains the benchmark against which others must be (13) … , especially now with all-new six-cylinder engines and an available all-wheel-drivesystem. If you don't mind the penalty of diminished ride (14) … , opt for the Sport package, which includes Active Steering and Active Roll Stabilization. Once you live with these two tech­nologies, you'll wonder if you could ever (15) … another car without them.

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1.Complete the sentences choosing the proper form of the given words. Then read the advertisements of the cars. Compare them.

2006 Volkswagen Passat

… (Featuring, featured) a 2.ОТ or 3.6L engine with … (fuel-stratifying, fuel-stratified) injection, the new Passat is … (engineered, engineering) to be even more fun to drive. And it's got plenty of not-so-standard features. 120 of them to be precise.

2005 Toyota Corolla

2005 Toyota Corolla is among the best of the compact sedans: reli­able and economical yet … (refining, refined) and comfortable. The 2005 Corolla line sees the addition of a sporty new XRS model, while the entire line gets some enhancements. All 2005 Corollas feature a … (restyling, restyled) front fascia and … (redesigned, redesigning) tail lamps.

2005 Honda Civic Sedan

Big satisfaction in a small package. Efficient, practical, affordable, … (polishing, polished) and pleasant to drive, if not downright fun, with a reputation for reliability: These are the Honda Civic's hallmarks, and nothing about the 2005 model suggests anything has … (changed, changing).

Exercise 2.Discuss one of the following topics. Mind your grammar.

1. Speak about the car you want to drive. Give as many details as possible. State the most important details for you.

2. Any used car is more expensive in maintaining than a new one.

3. The first car should be a new car.

Exercise 3.Translate into English paying attention to the forms of the verb given.

to choose: 1)Выбирая между бывшим в употреблении и новым авто, взвесьте все «за» и «против».2) Выбрав автомобиль, не сомневайтесь в своём решении. 3)Выбрать нужный автомобиль не сложно, если знаешь, что ты ищешь.

to look through: 1)Просмотрите максимальное число машин, проведите их тщательный осмотр. 2)Просматривая поддержанные авто, обращайте внимание на целостность лакокрасочного покрытия. 3)Просмотрев несколько автомобилей, сравните их технические характеристики.

to furnish : 1)Укомплектованный новый автомобиль стоит дороже. 2)Укомплектованность автомобиля также влияет на цену поддержанного автомобиля, но не так существенно, как на новый. 3) Укомплектовав своё новое транспортное средство всевозможными аксессуарами, владелец забирает его из салона.

to buy: 1)При покупке поддержанного автомобиля вы не получаете гарантийного обслуживания. 2)Купив автомобиль у официального представителя, вы будете уверены в его юридической чистоте. 3) Купленный автомобиль – это хорошее капиталовложение.


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

malfunction – неисправная работа to gather – собирать

expense - расходы, издержки in-depth - всесторонний, глубокий

Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

attendant – служащий (бензоколонки) apprentice - ученик, стажер

to pump the gas = to fill up a tank – заправлять машину

hose – шланг nozzle – наконечник шланга

repair bay (repair shop) – ремонтная мастерская (отсек для ремонта)

pressure gauge – насос для накачивания шин

assembly – комплект; компоновочный блок или узел

checkup - технический осмотр

Pre-text exercise 3.Don’t mix such words.

means - средство, средства

automotive - автомобильный, автомеханический

Pre-text exercise 4.Check your memory, try to guess the meanings of the following words and expressions: misunderstood aspect; scheduled replacement; technician; spare part; replacement; repair; failure; to involve.



An auto mechanic (or car mechanic in British English and motor mechanic in Australian English) is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes modification. A mechanic may be knowledgeable in working on all parts of car or may specialize either in specific area or in specific make (модель) of a car. In repairing cars their main role is to diagnose the problem accurately and quickly. The mechanic uses both electronic means of gathering data as well as their senses. Their job may involve the repair of a specific part or the replacement of one or more parts as assemblies.

Basic vehicle maintenance is a fundamental part of a mechanic’s work in some countries, while in others they are only consulted when a vehicle is already showing signs of malfunction. Preventive maintenance is also a part of a mechanic’s job, but it is not possible in the case of vehicles that are not regularly maintained by a mechanic. One misunderstood aspect of such maintenance is scheduled replacement of various parts, which occurs before failure to avoid far more expensive damage. Because this means that parts are replaced before any problem is observed, many car owners will not understand why the expense is necessary.

With the rapid advancement in technology the mechanic’s job has evolved from purely mechanical to include electronic technology. Because vehicles today posses complex computer and electronic systems, mechanics need to have a broad base of knowledge. Nowadays the term “auto mechanic” is used less and less frequently and replaced by “automotive service technician”. Most automobile dealerships now provide sophisticated diagnostic computers to each technician without which they would be unable to diagnose or repair a vehicle.

A mechanic may opt to engage in other careers related to his field. Teaching of automotive trade courses is almost carried out by qualified mechanics in many countries.

There are several other trade qualifications for working on motor vehicles, including panel beater, spray painter, body builder and motorcycle mechanic. In some countries these are separate trade courses, but a qualified tradesman can change his occupation. This usually requires that they work under another tradesman in much the same way as an apprentice.

Auto body repair involves less work with oily and greasy parts of vehicles, but involves exposure to particulate dust from sanding bodywork and toxic chemical fumes from paint and related products. Salespeople and dealers often also need to acquire an in-depth knowledge of cars and some mechanics are successful in these roles because of their knowledge.

Pit crewsare aspecialized form of work undertaken by some mechanics for motor racing. This work requires high skill level, and it is highly paid.

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the main qualifications for working on motor vehicles? 2. What does a job of a mechanic involve? 3. What kind of a job/a specialty do you choose? Why?

Vocabulary exercises

Exercise 1.Find

· in the text the synonyms to: substitution; model of a car; improvement; harm; tuning; experienced mechanic.

· English equivalents to: технический осмотр; техническое обслуживание; замена неисправных деталей; неполадки; стажер; ремонт кузова; выходить из строя; капот;

· Russian equivalents to: to have a car repaired, to check oil, to replace a part, to have a flat tire, to fill a tank up, self-service, to diagnose failure.

Exercise 2. Read the dialogue and then make your own.

1) Translate into Russian: At the gas station

Driver: Fill it up, please.

Attendant: What kind of gas do you need? Regular, premium or super?

Driver: Regular, please. Here is the key to the tank.

Attendant: Would you like me to check the oil for you?

Driver: Yes, please. And the tyres, please.

Attendant: Certainly, sir. Would you open the hood for me?

Driver: Sure. And the windscreen, can you clean it?

Attendant: Yes, sir. Anything else?

Driver: No, thanks a lot. How much do I owe you?

Attendant: That'll be $21.45, sir.

Driver: Here you are. Keep the change.

Attendant: Thank you. Have a good day!

Self-service Gas Station

A: Yes?

B: Ten dollars unleaded on number 6, please.

A: What pump?

B: Number 6. (After trying the pump) Excuse me, number 6 isn’t working.

A: Did you lift up the nozzle hook?

B: Yes.

A: Then wait a minute. Start pumping after the dial resets to zero.

B: O.K. I see now.

2) Complete it:

Driver: Excuse me, how much does it cost to park here for one hour?

Attendant: Ten twenty. - Driver: (1)

Attendant: You can just as well leave your car outside the parking lot. And it will make much more. Safety is what you pay for. - Driver: (2)

Attendant: Sure. Would you like to have the oil changed as well? - Driver: (3)

Attendant: It will make thirty dollars all in all (в итоге) - Driver: (4)

A: Fine.

B: That’s a lot, isn’t it?

C: No. The oil is all right. Ask someone to wash my car.

D: Let it be ten twenty… I’m afraid I’ve got to have the batteries charged. Can you do it for me?

3) Translate:

Водитель: Можно мне оставить машину для осмотра?

Механик: Конечно. Что-то случилось или плановый (scheduled) осмотр?

Водитель: Вчера обнаружил под капотом черное пятно. Кроме этого, появился какой-то шум при работе двигателя.

Механик: Подождите, я сейчас все отмечу. Шум в двигателе слышен при запуске или при его работе?

Водитель: В обоих случаях, но сильнее слышен на большей скорости.

Механик: Хорошо. Оставьте машину на несколько дней мы все проверим и настроим.

Водитель: Да… Я собираюсь на отдых, поэтому проверьте еще и тормозную систему.

Механик: Понятно, машина будет готова к пятнице. Вам подходит?

Водитель: Да.

Exercise 3.Translate the sentences into English.

1. У меня вышли из строя тормоза, мне нужно срочно ехать в ремонтную мастерскую. 2. Данная электронная система позволит определить причину большего расхода топлива. 3. Очередной технический осмотр обнаружил пробитый масляный насос, изношенные тормозные колодки и неисправный датчик топлива. 4. При смене шин надо принять во внимание, что летом, когда скорость движения больше, можно устанавливать максимально широкую резину, а зимой самые узкие шины позволять автомобилю лучше ездить по снегу. 5. Плохо сбалансированные колеса приводят к тому, что ходовая часть (chassis) медленно разбивается. 6. Давление воздуха в шинах следует проверять раз в 2 недели летом, а зимой – раз в неделю. 7. Специалист может определить по звуку работающего двигателя почти все неисправности, а человеку без опыта можно дать один совет: звук мотора должен быть без стуков, свиста и позвякивания. 8. Основная задача ТО – содержать автомобиль в технически исправном состоянии. 9. Тормозную жидкость следует полностью менять каждые два года, так как появляющаяся в ней вода снижает температуру кипения и ухудшает работы всей системы.

Exercise 4.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Being able to check the engine oil, the pressure of the tires and the overall condition of the brakes can save you money, and you won’t need to rely on the skills of a mechanic to do everything. 2. If the readings on the pressure gauge are below that mentioned in an owner’s manual, you will need to inflate the tire, but don’t forget that different amounts are applied to the front and rear tires. 3. In case there is too much air inside tire, depress the pin in the centre of the valve to let some out. 4. To check the engine oil level pull the dipstick out and wipe it clean with a rag, return it to the full extent, pull it out again and check that the oil mark is between the upper and lower limits on the dipstick. 5. Oil is usually at every service inspection of a car, depending on the fact as often the car is used it can be once a year or at maximum of 10,000 miles. 6. If it takes more than a few clicks before it will hold the car on the hill the cable or rear calipers/drums need by an authorized service centre. 7. Pump the brake until the pressure builds up and the pedal becomes rigid.

Exercise 5. Match the words from first and second columns to describe common car maintenance tasks.

Common car maintenance

Car maintenance means to inspect or test the condition of subsystems and service or replace parts and fluids. Regular maintenance is critical to ensure the safety, reliability, comfort and longevity of a car. The actual schedule of car maintenance varies depending on the year/make/model of a car and its driving conditions and driver behavior. Common car maintenance tasks include:

replace   check   flush   refill   inspect     test     clean   top up     tighten     lubricate the engine oil fuel filters tire balancing and rotation windshield wipers brake fluid locks all lights and horns brake pads tires for pressure and wear wheel alignment battery fluid latches transmission fluid spark plugs rubber boots air filter power steering fluid electronics (ABS) battery terminals nuts / bolts hinges timing belt engine coolant windshield washer fluid

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1.Complete the sentences with the given words.

1. A dead battery was… (temporarily, a jump start, resolved). 2. Some common

causes of … (include, stalling, a partial breakdown, overtaking, or, brake failure). 3. Eventual repair … (includes, rough idle, or poor shock absorption, grinding brakes). 4. A vehicle breakdown is … (depending on, to be towed to, the vehicle, the mechanical failure of a vehicle, the nature of the problem, may need, an automobile repair shop). 5. A total breakdown is when … (a sort distance, can not, immobile and, becomes, the car, be driven). 6. Car dealership is … (authorized, to perform warranty, a shop, and recall repairs, by the manufacturers and distributors). 7. Automobile repair shop can be … (like muffler shop, tire shop, specialty shops, transmission specialists, body shop, and automobile electrification shop).

Exercise 2.Analyze the sentences and then translate them.

1. Today embedded software takes care of electronics by checking thousands of sensor signals compensating for worn out spark plugs, clogged filters, etc. 2. The so-called limp-home function lets you drive on limited power when your engine is in trouble. 3. When the engine sounds rough or a blowing sound is heard, check whether exhaust has a leak. 4. The brake pedal feels spongy and braking lacks sharpness if there is the air in the system. 5. If the shock absorbers are working the corner of a car pushed by you for checking will quickly settle into its normal position.

Exercise 3. Look through the following international words and so-called “false friends” in order not to make a mistake.

· bike — двухколесное средство передвижения; мотоцикл, мопед (motor bike); помимо: байк, велосипед (bicycle);

· cabin—отсек полезного груза (напр., багажный отсек на транспортном средстве; кабина автомобиля - compartment;

· cistern or reservoir — техн. бачок; реже: цистерна или резервуар

· tank— бак. Напр.: gas tank = бензобак

· clearance — техн. зазор, просвет; люфт; помимо: автомоб. клиренс, дорожный просвет

· motorist — водитель моторизованного транспортного средства, автомобилист; никогда: моторист (motor-mechanic)

· operator — управляющий чем-л. (особенно: транспортным средством); диспетчер, оператор на бензоколонка

· revolution — оборот, цикл (не только революция, переворот)

· shop — мастерская; помимо: магазин. Напр.: repair shop = ремонтная мастерская

· trace — след; никогда: тpасса (route)

Exercise 4. Analyze noun+noun construction and then translate it.

Wheel: wheel brace, spare wheel, wheel alignment, twin wheels, crown wheel, wheel chock, driving wheel, wheel clamp, wheel alignment angle, test wheel, wheel brake cylinder, wheel brake drum, wheel cover.

Tire: flat tire, all-weather tire, heavy-duty tire, overinflated tire, self-sealing tire, tubed tire, lined tire, tire blowout, tire capacity, tire carcass, tire cover, tire deflation, tire fitting, tire inner tube, tire locking ring, tire repair shop.

Car: air car, accumulator car, custom-made car, diesel-engined car, domestic car, front-driven car, passenger car, racing car, sports car, car accident, car assembly plant, car body, car carrier, car crash, car dealer, car handling, car rental firm, car suspension.


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

permit – разрешение gross – большой hazardous - опасный

Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

driver’s license – водительское удостоверение trucker - водитель грузовика

Pre-text exercise 3.Don’t mix such words.

state – государство, страна или штат to state - утверждать; констатировать


Driver’s License

A driver’s license is an official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or a bus. Driver’s licenses go by several different names. Driver’s licence is used in Canada, while driver license is the official name in the United States. The form driver licence is found in New Zealand and Australia. Driving licence is used in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Malta and in European Union. Nowadays we can find the term “driver’s license” in most articles and books.

Drivers who drive commercially, especially truckers and taxi drivers, are required to have special licenses such as Chauffeur Permits (for taxicab drivers), CDL (for truckers), PCV from a Passenger Carrying Vehicle (to drive a vehicle with more than eight passenger seats) and LGV from a Large Goods Vehicle (to drive gross or hazardous material).

And there is a special license for international use that is an authorized translation of a driver’s home license into many languages. This document is called the International Driving Permit (IDP) or the International Driver’s License.

Speak in your group: Do you drive?

If yes: 1. Do you often drive? 2. Do you like driving? 3. How long have you been driving? 4. Do you have a valid driver’s license? 5. Do you travel by a car a lot? Why? 6. When and where was your last trip? Tell us about. 7. Who maintains your car? If no: 1. Would you like to drive? Why? 2. Do you plan to get a driver’s license? When? 3. What is your favourite make of a car? 4. Have you ever tried to drive? Tell about your experience?  

Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1.Find the following words:

· English equivalents to: водительское удостоверение на право вождения только в светлое время суток, марка/ модель автомобиля, ехать со скоростью 50 км/ч, заправочная станция самообслуживания, быть за рулем, припаркованный автомобиль, по маршруту/в пути, получить водительское удостоверение.

· Russian equivalents to: to drive with casual ease, hands resting lightly on the wheel, to honk at regular intervals, daylight-hours-only license, learner’s permit, suburban road, car pool, a set of car keys.

Exercise 2.Translate the sentences paying attention to the different meanings of the phrasal verb ‘to pull’.

· to pull away – быстро выехать, рвануть ( со стоянки и т. п. )

· to pull in –останавливаться (на какое-то время)

· to pull into somewhere – останавливаться ( в пути )

· to pull out – отъезжать (от какого-то пункта), выруливать

· to pull over – съезжать на обочину и останавливаться;

· to pull up – останавливать(ся)

1. They pull up the driver for speeding. 2. I pulled up at the traffic lights. 3. We'd better pull in to at the next gas station for some petrol. 4. She checked her rear view mirror and pulled away. 5. The driver pulled the bus up only just in time to avoid hitting the child. 6. Pull into the next petrol station and I’ll ask where the bank is. 7. We pulled over to take some pictures of this monument. 8. He pulled in so that ambulance could pass. 9. The leader is pulling away now, and is sure to win. 10. Never pull out into heavy traffic without due care and attention. 11. The car was making a funny noise so I pulled over, and looked under the bonnet.

Exercise 3.Translate the sentences into English.

1. АБС вмешивается в процесс торможения только в определенных случаях – при экстренном торможении. 2. Резкое торможение часто вызывает блокировку колес. 3. Сейчас водители чаще выбирают АКПП (автоматическую коробку переключения передач) из-за комфортности управления автомобилем. 4. Хотя известно, что АБС уменьшает тормозной путь, но на скользкой от снега и льда дороге система увеличивает его, препятствуя пробуксовку. 5. Алкоголь, мобильные телефоны, громкая музыка и лекарства влияют на реакцию водителя. 6. Даже некоторые ароматы (например, лаванда), духи и лосьоны после бритья притупляют (замедляют) реакцию водителя. 7. Система, которую называют «парковочный ассистент» помогает выбрать место стоянки и парковать машину. 8. Начинающий водитель чаще при торможении нажимает полностью и резко педаль тормоза, в то время, как профессионал тормозит постепенно, сначала нажимая на педаль тормоза, а потом отпуская ее. 9. Чтобы научиться уверенно водить, человеку необходимо хотя бы год-два.

Exercise 4.Match words with their meaning.

1. to pull up   2. to pull out   3. to pull into somewhere   4. to pull away 5. to pull over 6. to pull in start driving, having previously stopped (e.g. at traffic lights) or having previously been parked stop in avehicle move to the sideof the road in order to let another car pass join the traffic, having previously stopped leavethe road in order to stop somewhere stop at he side of the road

Exercise 5.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Harm from road traffic crashes is greater than that one formed by all other transportation modes (air, sea, space, off-terrain, etc.) combined. 2. The road sign “Reduce speed now” means to start going slowlier. 3. “No through road for motor vehicle” tells that there is no way out at the other end of this road for cars.

Exercise 6.Read the following text and choose the best variant for the blanks.

He pulled 1) … at the traffic lights and a horde (шайка) of children crowded round his car trying to scrub off yesterday’s dirt from his windscreen. He shooed them away (вспугивать, прогонять). His mind was running at a hundred miles an hour. What was he going to say?

The minute the policeman had pulled him 2) … he knew he was in trouble. The policeman had been sitting at the side of the road and he hadn’t seen him. The policeman had walked over to his car and as he wound down his window the night air had hit him. “You realise you were 3) … ?” he said. “I clocked you doing 75”. He found it difficult to talk. He had a very busy and difficult day at the office and he was now on his way home. He 4) … up outside his home. He turned off the engine, got 5) … the car and slowly walked towards his flat’s door.

A up B out C into D away
A over B in C along D away
A exceeding B crawling C dashing D speeding
A parked B stopped C crawled D drew
A down B off C out of D away

to wind down - открывать окно транспортного средства

Exercise 7.Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.

For agreement use: I entirely agree. I think it is so. I'm with you here. As far as I know it's true. For disagreement use: I don't really agree. I don't think so. I think you are mistaken here. As far as I know that's not right.

1. Men are reckless (неосторожный) drivers mostly.

2. The more you drive, the better you drive.

3. The driving age should be 16 all over the world.

4. You don't need a car if you live in a big city.

5. Men don't like when women drive. Women are usually afraid of driving.

6. Politeness is the key to safe driving.

7. Speeding is the main reason for car accidents.

Exercise 8.Analyze the sentence and then translate it.

1. One method is to post special safety signage on the most dangerous highways. 2. Road traffic safety aims to reduce harm (deaths, injures and property damage) resulting from crashes of road vehicles. 3. Speed is a key goal of modern road design, but impact speed affects the severity of injury to both occupants and pedestrians. 4. Most road signs are retro-reflective to reflect light from vehicle headlights back to the driver’s eyes. 5. Contributing factors to highway crashes may be related to the driver (such as driver error, illness or fatigue), vehicle (brake, steering or throttle failures) or the road itself (lack of sight distance, poor roadside clear zone, etc.). 6. Better motorways are banked on curves in order to reduce the need for tire-traction and increase stability of the vehicles. 7. Poor pavement construction can lead to safety problem. 8. Better roads, better sight lines, fewer bends and blind corners, less traffic, better lighting, better visibility, better weather conditions – all these that are supposed to make for greater safety, in fact, make for greater danger…because every “nonrestrictive” safety measure is treated by the drivers as an opportunity for more speeding.

Comprehension reading

Exercise 1.Read the articles using a dictionary and write an annotation.

Text A. Queensland Transport Chooses Unisys Facial Imaging Solution for Australia's First Biometric Drivers License

Queensland Transport has selected Unisys Australia to provide facial image processing technology and services for Queensland's new digital driver license. The digital license is designed to significantly improve security for over three million of the state's license holders, streamline administration of the licensing system, and reduce identity fraud. Under the five-year contract, Unisys will provide facial recognition software, facial image capture devices, case management software, and associated services. The smartcard licenses will be introduced in a rolling program as existing laminated licenses expire and are renewed. As Queensland driver licenses are valid for up to five years, it will take approximately five years for digital licenses to be rolled out to all license holders.

"We have used the laminated license design in Queensland for over 20 years. The new digital license will deliver a more secure form of driver license documentation for Queenslanders as it is harder to forge or alter. As a result it will help reduce the risk of identity theft to Queensland license holders and give them greater confidence that their personal license information is being kept secure. It will also enable Queensland Transport to deliver services in a more convenient manner as license holders will be able to use a card reader or the Queensland Transport website to view, update, and transact on their license and registration themselves," said Land, Transport and Safety Executive Director, Judy Oswin.

Text B. No Pass No Drive Law to begin Statewide on August 1, 2007

The No Pass / No Drive Law is now in effect. The law states that all students ages 16 or 17 can be denied a driver’s license or have a license revoked for academic deficiency. The statute only affects drivers who obtain a permit or license after August 1, 2007. A student is considered academically deficient when he or she has not passed at least four courses or the equivalent of four courses in the previous semester, has accumulated 9 or more unexcused absences, or has dropped out of school. When applying for a permit at the circuit clerk’s office, students will be required to present a School Compliance Verification Form obtained from the student's school district of residence. If a student becomes academically deficient, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet will be notified by the school, and that student’s license will then be revoked. Students may reapply for a license once compliance is met. The original No Pass / No Drive Law (HB-43) was enacted in 1990. In 2003, the law was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. In 2007, a new version was created that expanded the application of the measure statewide and to all students. The new No Pass / No Drive Law will affect students in public and private schools as well as students being schooled at home.


Pre-text exercise 1.These words you should know.

to adopt - принимать

Pre-text exercise 2.These notions you should learn by heart.

traffic flow – транспортный поток RHD - правостороннее движение

LHD - левостороннее движение транспорта; "руль с левой стороны" ( знак; устанавливается на автомашинах, имеющих руль с левой стороны)


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