Read about the port of London.

Facsimile equipment– факсимильное оборудование

Certain restrictions – определенные ограничения

Passenger landing stage– пассажирский терминал

Repair jetty – ремонтный пирс

Heavy duty trucks – погрузчики для тяжелых грузов

Grab crane – грейферный кран


The Port of London is situated on the river Thames. Its position: latitude: 51o37’00’’N, longitude: 00057’19’’E.

Pilotage is compulsory. Ships requiring the services of a pilot must make a notification 24 hours in advance. They must state the ETA, length overall, draft and destination.

The Thames Navigation Service operates 24 hours a day. It is equipped with VHF radio, telephones, telex and facsimile equipment.

Certain restrictions are placed on the navigation of the vessels carrying petroleum, chemicals, explosives and other dangerous goods.

The Port of London has terminals, berths, passenger landing stage, cargo and repair jetties. Among them: container terminal, general purpose berths, Ro\Ro terminal, grain terminal. There are 40 berths for tankers. Cargoes are handled with special equipment, such as container cranes, tractors and trailers, fork-lift trucks, light and heavy duty trucks, quay and gantry cranes, coaster and barge loading points, grab cranes.

So, the port of London handles general and bulk cargoes, such as grain, bulk ore, steel and other metals, forest products in all forms. There are special Ro\Ro terminals for handling vehicles and terminals for oil and oil products.

Speak about the port of London.

Read text about the port of Liverpool.


Liverpool is situated near the river Mercy falling into the Irish Sea. This port includes about 25% of foreign import and about 60% of export.

Liverpool is specialized in transshipment of general cargo, container, oil and mass cargoes. It takes one of the first places in the world in processing general cargoes.

Water area of anchorage is about 8.1 km: 2km for the small tonnage ships and about 2.03 km and 2 for the big tonnage ships. The largest depth of berth is 8.38 m.

Liverpool is joined with Manchester port by the shipping channel. Length of channel is 57 km. Depth of it is 8.5 m.

Port consists of docks, special moorings, river piers. There are 45 piers in this port. They are situated on the right bank of the Mercy river. There are also opened and covered warehouses for storage mass and container cargoes. Mooring capacity of passenger district is 1,200 passengers/hour. Ships can be repaired by 10 shiprepair yards in this port.

The turnover of Liverpool is about 29.7 mln tonnes every year. About 16,000 vessels call at port every year.

Find the information about any British port. Tell your group about it.

Unit 10.Types of ships

1. Memorize these words:

on the one (other) hand – с одной (другой) стороны

dry bulk cargo – сухой груз навалом

bulk carrier – навалочное судно, балкер

liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier – судно-газовоз для сжиженных природных газов

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - бензовоз

universal ship – универсальное судно

container ship – контейнеровоз

tramp – трамповое судно

ship in distress – судно, терпящее бедствие

to cope with… – справляться с…

clear of quay – вдали от причала

tug – буксир

port congestion – загруженность порта

steel ramps –стальные рампы

ice-breaker – ледокол

timber carrier – лесовоз

reefer – рефрижераторное судно

ferry– паром

vehicle– автомашина, транспортное средства

2. Read the text, translate it:

All cargo ships are divided into dry-cargo carriers and liquid cargo carriers. There are also OBO ships carrying both dry and liquid cargo.

Example of liquid cargo carriers are oil tankers, liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers and chemical carriers.

Dry cargo ships, in their turn, are divided into universal vessels, designed to carry all types of cargo, and specialized vessels designed to carry one particular type of cargo . They are fruit ships, gas - carriers, timber-carriers, barge-carriers, ferries, reefers. A tug is a special purpose ship, it assists ships in entering and leaving ports. An ice-breaker conducts ships through the ice. A salvage ship gives assistance to the ships in distress.

Universal ships are liners and tramps. Liners are intended to carry general cargo, packaged cargo, containers, and also, in dependence of the route, special, liquid and refrigerated cargoes. Tramps are designed , as a rule, to carry bulk cargoes and timber, but can also carry general cargo if necessary. These ships must be of sufficient size to carry a profitable cargo and must be able to cope with bad weather conditions in any ocean; they must not be too large to enter the smaller ports of the world. Their cargo spaces are holds, tweendecks and deeptanks. Holds and tweendecks are used to carry general and bulk cargoes. Deeptanks may be of two types. The first type is designed to carry liquids only. The second type is designed to carry liquid and dry cargoes in turn. Empty deeptanks are also used for liquid ballast. Liners may have special cargo spaces (to carry valuable or dangerous goods, etc.) and refrigerated cargo spaces.

Depending on the cargo handling method cargo ships may be divided into: LO/LO (lift on ,lift off) using cranes and derricks for loading and discharging; RO/RO ( roll on, roll off) vessels using rolled vehicles for loading and discharging and FO/FO ( float on, float off) vessels using docking method of loading and discharging. These three trends of specialized ships are very popular. RO/RO ships have bow and stern doors and adjustable steel ramps which permit vehicles to drive on board and drive off again. They require minimum dock-side facilities.

FO/FO ships include barge-carrier and LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship). There are some advantages of this type of ship: 1) rapid loading and unloading; 2) barge carrier can anchor and moor clear of quays and thus avoid port congestion.

3. Answer the questions:

1. How can merchant ships be classified?

2. What are two possible ways of classification of cargo ships?

3. What examples of dry cargo carriers and liquid cargo ones do you know?

4. What is the difference between universal ships and specialized ships?

5. What are liners?

6. What are tramps?

7. What cargo spaces have liners (tramps)?

8. How can all ships be classified depending on cargo-handling method?

9. What are the examples of Fo-Fo ships?

10. What are the advantages of Ro-Ro ships?

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