B Speaking Seminar discussions (4)

B Speaking Seminar discussions (4)

A common seminar task is to discuss a text that you have read in advance. You will be expected to read and think about the text before the seminar. You will need to check that you understand the main points and arguments in the text. You will also have to think about your own stance, and your reaction to the points in the text, and be prepared to discuss them with other students.

Общая задача семинара - обсудить текст, который вы прочитали заранее. Вы должны будете прочитать и подумать о тексте перед семинаром. Вам нужно будет проверить, что вы понимаете основные моменты и аргументы в тексте. Вам также придется подумать о своей собственной позиции и вашей реакции на пункты в тексте и быть готовыми обсудить их с другими учениками.

This module covers: Этот модуль охватывает:

• Referring to the main ideas in a text. Обращение к основным идеям в тексте.

• Forming a stance based on a reading. Формирование позиции на основе чтения.

• Offering and responding to opinions. Предложения и ответы на мнения

TASK1 Previewing the topic. Предварительный просмотр темы.

Work in groups and discuss questions 1-4. 1 Работа в группах и обсуждение вопросов 1-4

1 How do you do most of your travelling? Как вы делаете большую часть своего путешествия? By car, bus, train, or another method? На машине, автобусе, поезде или другом методе?

2 Look at the graph. Is there a similar pattern in your country? Посмотрите на график. Есть ли аналогичная модель в вашей стране?

3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of car use in your country? Каковы преимущества и недостатки использования автомобиля в вашей стране?

4 Has your government taken steps to solve the problems caused by cars in your country? Explain what these steps are and whether or not they have been effective.

4 Ваше правительство предприняло шаги для решения проблем, вызванных автомобилями в вашей стране? Объясните, каковы эти шаги и были ли они эффективными.

2 Briefly present your answers to the class. Кратко представляйте свои ответы на занятия.

TASK 2 Referring to the main ideas in a text

Listen to an extract from a seminar discussion. Identify which ideas from Text 1 the speakers refer to. Do they agree or disagree with these ideas? Прислушайтесь к выдержке из обсуждения на семинаре. Определите, какие идеи из текста 1 говорят ораторы. Согласны ли они или не согласны с этими идеями

6.6 Listen again and note down the phrases the speakers use to: Слушайте еще раз и обратите внимание на фразы, которыми пользуются колонки:

1 refer to the text. Обратитесь к тексту

2 respond to a point in the text. Ответьте на точку в тексте.

3 respond to each other's points. Ответьте на точки друг друга.



Referring and responding to points of view Обращаясь и ссылаясь на точки зрения

In a discussion, it is important to make clear whether you are referring or responding to the content of a source (e.g. a text or lecture), or putting forward your own points.

В обсуждении важно четко указать, ссылаетесь ли вы на контент источника или отвечаете на него (например, текст или лекцию) или выдвигаете свои собственные баллы

Referring to a source Обращаясь к источнику

It says in the text that... В тексте говорится, что ...

the text talks about... текст говорит о ...

according to the text... в соответствии с текстом...

if you look at... it suggests... если вы посмотрите ... это предполагает ...

the authors also suggest that… авторы также предполагают, что ...

Responding to a point in a source Ответ на точку в источнике

I have to agree that... Я должен согласиться с этим ...

I think that's pretty dear. Я думаю, это очень мило.

I don't necessarily agree with that point. Я не согласен с этим.

Responding to another speaker Отвечая другому оратору

Exactly, yes. Точно, да.

I understand what you're saying, but... Я понимаю, что вы говорите, но ...

I suppose so, but... Полагаю, так, но ...

TASK 4 Reading to prepare for a seminar

You are going to take part in a seminar discussion. Read the statement and think about

Questions 1-3.

‘Most people aspire to improve their standard of living. Большинство людей стремятся улучшить свой уровень жизни. It is therefore understandable that the number of cars worldwide is growing rapidly. Поэтому понятно, что число автомобилей во всем мире быстро растет. However, this aspiration will cause increasing demand for limited resources that could ultimately lead to conflict.’ Однако это стремление вызовет растущий спрос на ограниченные ресурсы, которые в конечном итоге могут привести к конфликту.

1 What is your opinion on this statement? Как вы оцениваете это заявление?

2 What are other possible opinions? Каковы другие возможные мнения?

3 What arguments could you use to counter these opinions? Какие аргументы вы могли бы использовать для противодействия этим мнениям?



Whenever you discuss a topic based on a text or other source, always . Всякий раз, когда вы обсуждаете тему, основанную на тексте или другом источнике, всегда. Try to move beyond just understanding the ideas in the text. Попытайтесь выйти за рамки простого понимания идей в тексте. Try to think about your reactions, and the reactions other people may have, in order to discuss the ideas more effectively. Постарайтесь подумать о своих реакциях и о реакции других людей, чтобы более эффективно обсуждать идеи.

Find a short text or lecture related to your area of study. Найдите короткий текст или лекцию, связанную с вашей областью обучения. Make notes on two different ways you could respond to it. Делайте заметки двумя способами, на которые вы могли бы ответить.

0 81

ReadingTextbooks (6)

Reading an academic text often informs another task such as taking part in a seminar, writing an essay, or sitting an exam. Чтение академического текста часто сообщает о другой задаче, такой как участие в семинаре, написание эссе или сдача экзамена. When using a text to inform your writing, it is important to think about how you can use the material from that text - for example, do you want to include summaries of large quantities of material, or specific details to support your stance or argument? При использовании текста для информирования о своем письме важно подумать о том, как вы можете использовать материал из этого текста - например, хотите ли вы включать резюме большого количества материала или конкретные данные для поддержки своей позиции или аргумента? This module helps you to evaluate and select relevant material from a longer text in preparation for a piece of writing. Этот модуль помогает вам оценивать и выбирать подходящий материал из более длинного текста при подготовке к написанию.

This module covers: Этот модуль охватывает:

• Identifying and evaluating sources for an essay Идентификация и оценка источников эссе

• Identifying author stance on main ideas Определение позиции автора по основным идеям

• Identifying details and examples from sources to support an argument Идентификация деталей и примеров из источников для поддержки аргументации

TASK 1 Previewing the topic of a text Предварительный просмотр темы текста

1 Work in pairs and discuss questions 1 -3. Give reasons and examples. 1 Работа в парах и обсуждение вопросов 1 -3. Приведите причины и примеры.

1 Think of three increasing demands that humans are placing on the Earth (e.g. the demand for oil), and discuss which has the greatest impact. Подумайте о трех возрастающих требованиях, которые люди ставят на Землю (например, о потреблении нефти), и обсудите, что имеет наибольшее влияние.

2 At the same time as the world’s population has grown, incomes in many countries have also risen. В то же время, когда население мира выросло, доходы во многих странах также возросли. How might this add to the pressure on the Earth? Как это может повлиять на давление на Землю?

3 Is quality of life increasing around the world? Увеличивается ли качество жизни во всем мире? Is it increasing equally everywhere? Увеличивается ли он повсеместно?

Read the essay title. Work in pairs and discuss what background information would help you prepare for the essay. Прочтите название эссе. Работайте парами и обсудите, какая справочная информация поможет вам подготовиться к эссе.

TITLE: 'Population growth is placing immense pressure on the world's resources and humans need to adapt their lifestyle to maintain the planet's existence.’ To what extent do you agree? «Рост населения оказывает огромное давление на мировые ресурсы, и людям нужно адаптировать свой образ жизни для поддержания существования планеты». В какой степени вы согласны?

Read the text quickly and decide how you could use'it as a source for the essay in Task 2.2. Прочитайте текст быстро и решите, как вы могли бы использовать его в качестве источника для эссе в задаче 2.2.


f) We are using more water than is being replaced by the natural environment, causing significant ecological damage. Мы используем больше воды, чем заменяется природной средой, нанося значительный экологический ущерб.

g)Income and population growth have increased food demand so much that farmers are now farming land that is not sustainable. Доходы и рост населения привели к увеличению спроса на продовольствие настолько, что фермеры теперь выращивают землю, которая не является устойчивой.

h) Nature is struggling to cope with CO, emissions, which are up from 316ppm to 369ppm in just over forty years. Природа изо всех сил пытается справиться с выбросами CO, выбросы, которые превышают 316 ppm до 369 ppm в течение более чем сорока лет.

A Planet Under Stress

1 Humanity's demands on the Earth have multiplied over the last half-century as our numbers have increased and our incomes risen. World population grew from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 6.1 billion in 2000. The growth during those 50 years exceeded that during the 4 million years since we

(amergplTas a distinct species.

2 Incomes have risen even faster than population. Income per person worldwide nearly tripled from 1950 to 2000. Growth in population and the rise in incomes together expanded global economic output from just under $7 trillion (in 2001 dollars) of goods and services in 1950 to $46 trillion in 2000, a gain of nearly sevenfold.

3 Population growth and rising incomes together have tripled world grain demand over the last half-century, pushing it from 640 million tons in 1950 to 1,855 million tons in 2000. To satisfy this swelling demand, farmers have plowed land that was highly erodlble - land that was too dry or too steeply sloping to sustain cultivation. Each year billions of tons of topsoil are being blown away in dust storms or washed away in rainstorms, leaving farmers to try to feed some 70 million additional people, but with less topsoil than the year before.

4 Demand for water also tripled as agricultural, industrial andj recreational uses climbed, out­stripping the sustainable supply in many countries. As a result, water tables are falling and wells are going to dry. Rivers are going to be drained dry, to the detriment of wildlife and ecosystems.

5 Fossil fuel use quadrupled, setting in motion a rise in carbon emissions that is overwhelming nature's capacity to fix carbon dioxide. As a result of this carbon-fixing deficit, atmospheric GO, concentrations climbed from 316 parts per million (ppm) in 1959, when official measurement began, to 369ppm in 2000.

6 The sector of the economy that seems likely to unravel first is food. Eroding soils, deteriorating rangelands, collapsing fisheries, falling water tables, and rising temperatures are converging to make it more difficult to expand food production fast enough to keep up with demand. In 2002; the world's grain harvest of 1,807 million tons fell short of world grain consumption by 100 million tons, or four percent. This shortfall, the largest or record, marked the third consecutive year of grain deficits, dropping stocks to the lowest level in a generation.

7 Now the question is, can the world's farmers bounce back and expand production enough to fill the 100-million-ton shortfall, provide for the more than 70 million people added each year, and rebuild stocks to a more secure level? In the past, farmers responded to short supplies and higher grain prices by planting more land and using more irrigation water and fertilizer. Now it is doubtful that farmers can fill this gap without further depleting aquifers and jeopardizing future harvests.

8 In 1996, at the World Food Summit in Rome, hosted by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 185 countries plus the European Gommunity agreed to reduce hunger by half by 2015. Using 1990-92 as a base, governments set the goal of cutting the number of people who were hungry - 860 million - by roughly 20 million per year. It was an exciting and worthy goal, one that later became one of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals.

9 But in the late 2002 review of food security, the United Nations issued a discouraging report: 'This year we must report that progress has virtually ground to a halt. Our latest estimates, based on data from the years 1998-2000, put the number of undernourished people in the world at 840 million ... a decrease of barely 2.5 million per year over the eight years since 1990-92.'

10 Since 1998-2000, world grain production per person has fallen five per cent, suggesting that the ranks of the hungry are now expanding. As noted earlier, life expectancy is plummeting in sub­Saharan Africa. If the number of hungry people worldwide is also increasing, then two key social indicators are showing widespread deterioration in the human condition.


A Authors' stance

1) The part of the economy most under The sector of the economy that seems

pressure likely to unravel first is food.

2) The ability of farmers to increase None provided

food production

3) Reducing world hunger by 50%

4) The success of the World Food Summit's goal

5) The standard of living for humans

Your selection.



When you are preparii an essay, think about stance on the issue, a what type of informal you need to find in or to support your argun ► Identifying your si will give you a purp for reading, and gui you to the sources \ need to use.



► Language Reference page 182

Prepositions (1)Referring to time and quantity

Prepositions have many different functions in academic texts. Many of the prepositions in the text on page 083 refer to different periods of time or to changes in quantity. For example:

• over and during both refer to periods of time; over can also mean more than (quantity)

• in refers to a fixed period of time such as a particular year, month, or century

• from and to are used together to indicate a starting and finishing point

• by indicates the latest time something can happen (time) or the amount of change (quantity)

Population growth and rising incomes together have tripled world grain demand overthe last half-century, pushing it from640 million tons in1950 to1,855 million tons in2000.

World population grew from2.5 billion in1950 to6.1 billion in2000. The growth duringthose 50 years exceeded that duringthe 4 million years since we emerged as a distinct species.

... 185 countries plus the European Community agreed to reduce hunger byhalf by2015.

TASK 6 Using prepositions to refer to time and quantity

1 Find other examples of the prepositions from Academic Language in the text, and notice how they are used.

2 Use the prepositions in the list and notes 1-5 to write complete sentences showing a change in time or quantity.

Example: China’s livestock population / tripled / 1950 / 2002

China’s livestock population tripled from 1950 to 2002. over from to in during by

4 grain harvest / fall /10 per cent / 2050

5 Californian population / increase / 26 million today / 40 million / 2030

6 the last 50 years / Gobi desert / expanded / 52,400 square kilometres

7 global temperatures / higher / the last century

8 1972 / wheat prices / went up / $70 / $181 per tonne

TASK 7 Reflecting on reading for a purpose

1 Work in pairs and discuss questions 1-3.

6 Which of these specific skills are practised in this unit?

• Understanding essay questions

• Identifying the relevance of a text to a writing task

• Understanding main ideas in a text

• Understanding supporting details in a text

• Understanding key terms in a text

• Using a text to support your stance in a writing task *

7 How can you continue to practise these skills?

8 What makes this way of reading a text more challenging than the skills you practised in earlier units?

2 Read statements 1-5 and discuss which you agree with. Give reasons and examples.

1 I know a lot about my subject area so I don't need to support my ideas.

2 Using sources such as texts makes an essay stronger.

3 Essays are just a way of showing the teacher you have learnt something from your research.

4 You can use any source you find in an essay.

5 Using sources such as texts helps you write a more complete and balanced essay.


6D WritingUsing sources

When you write an academic assignment such as an essay, you will need to use material from other sources, such as textbooks and academic articles. The material from these sources adds details and evidence that support your main points. You need to select the source material carefully so that it is useful, relevant, and coherent (clear and well-organized). Each use of a source is known as a citation.You need to include a reference for each citation, to make clear where the material is from, and to avoid plagiarism (see page 186).

This module covers:

• Analysing the use of sources in a text

• Understanding and using ways of referring to sources

• Selecting and synthesizing sources to use in a paragraph

TASK 1 Analysing the use of sources in an essay extract

3 Work in pairs. Read the essay title and note down at least two ‘challenges’ that you could include in this essay.

TITLE: What are the main challenges facing the world today as a result of economic and technological growth?

4 Read the paragraph from an essay on this title and answer questions 1-4.

9 Is this paragraph from the beginning of the essay, or near the middle?

10 How many different sources are used?

11 What are the two main views discussed in the paragraph?

12 What is the main idea of the paragraph?

3As we have seen, recent economic and technological growth has led to a number of environmental problems. 2However, it has also led to a number of social challenges, the most important of which is inequality. 30ne view is that in capitalist countries people’s incomes have risen steadily (Bowles, Edwards, and Roosevelt, 2005, p.8). 4This means that countries have become richer over the past two hundred years. 5However, an opposing view is that some people have become richer very quickly while others have not. 6ln other words, inequality has increased. 7A Marxist perspective supports this view. 8As reported by Wetherly and Otter (2011, p.341), Marx believed that 'the social system of capitalism is very unequal'. 9lt seems that although incomes have risen generally, the gap between rich and poor people has increased.


3 Bowles, S., Edwards, R„ and Roosevelt, F. 2005. Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

4 Wetherly, P. and Otter, D. 2011. The Business Environment: Themes and Issues 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Match the sentences with features a-d.
Sentence 2: a a cftation
Sentences 3 and 8: b an explanation
Sentences 4 and 6: c the concluding sentence, including evaluation
Sentence 9: d the topic sentence

[1] Look at the two citations in the paragraph and answer questions 1-4.

Which citation...

9 is a direct quotation, using exactly the same words as the source?

10 is a paraphrase of an idea in the source, using the student’s own language?

11 is a statement followed by a reference to the authors of the source text?

12 refers to the authors of the source text, followed by a statement?

[1] Underline the language that introduces each statement in the two citations.



B Speaking Seminar discussions (4)

A common seminar task is to discuss a text that you have read in advance. You will be expected to read and think about the text before the seminar. You will need to check that you understand the main points and arguments in the text. You will also have to think about your own stance, and your reaction to the points in the text, and be prepared to discuss them with other students.

Общая задача семинара - обсудить текст, который вы прочитали заранее. Вы должны будете прочитать и подумать о тексте перед семинаром. Вам нужно будет проверить, что вы понимаете основные моменты и аргументы в тексте. Вам также придется подумать о своей собственной позиции и вашей реакции на пункты в тексте и быть готовыми обсудить их с другими учениками.

This module covers: Этот модуль охватывает:

• Referring to the main ideas in a text. Обращение к основным идеям в тексте.

• Forming a stance based on a reading. Формирование позиции на основе чтения.

• Offering and responding to opinions. Предложения и ответы на мнения

TASK1 Previewing the topic. Предварительный просмотр темы.

Наши рекомендации