Form of Bill of Lading Used by the Baltic Shipping Company

Bill of Lading No. …

Shipped in apparent good order and condition by ___________________

on board the steamship / motor vessel called the ____________________

where of Master is ____________________________________________

trading under Russian flag, Owners Baltic State Steamship Line, Carrier ____ and now lying in __________________________________________________

the following goods, viz.:15 __________________________________________

SUPPLIER:16 _____________________________________________________

(Full address) _____________________________________________________

IMPORT INSTITUTION:17 __________________________________________

TERMS OF DELIVERY: ________________________________ COUNTRY OF

ORIGIN:18 _________________ (if f.o.b. also state port) __________________

Lic. No. Transport19 Instruction No. Order20 No. Nariad No. Calling Forward No.

CONSIGNEE: ____________________________________________________

(Address) ________________________________________________________

DETAILS OF GOODS: ____________________________________________

Marks and numbers Nos. of packages and kind of packing Total cubic measurement Description of goods

WEIGHT: Total Gross _____________________________________________

(tons, cwts, qrs, lbs)21

Total Net ________________________________________________________

(tons, cwts, qrs, lbs)

VALUE _________________________________________________________

Rate of freight Received on account22 of freight To be paid by23 Consignee

Being marked and numbered as above but not guaranteed for the adequacy of marks and to be carried and delivered subject to all conditions, terms and clauses inserted into this Bill of Lading in the like apparent good order and condition from the ship’s deck (either into lighters or on the quay24 at Master’s option25) where the responsibility of the Carrier for the carriage of aforesaid goods shall cease.

The goods to be delivered at the port of ………………… or as near there as the ship may safety get always a float, to the Consignee or to his or their assigns26, on payment of freight as per margin of this Bill of lading and all other charges due under this contract of carriage.

Nothing of this Bill of Lading whether printed, or written, or stamped shall limit or affect the above-mentioned conditions27. If the freight and all charges in connection with the contract of carriage payable on or before delivery of goods have not been paid, the Carrier, on delivery of the goods to warehouse (ware-houseman), or into lighters (lighterman) or other custodian28 entrusted to hold the goods gor their Owner, shall be entitled to stipulate29 that the said custodian shall not part with the possession30 thereof until payment has been made of full freight and any other charges due under this contract of carriage.

Neither the weight nor the measure of goods carried in bulk as well as the conformity31 of all kinds of goods with their description in this Bill of Lading are checked by the Carrier during loading.

The shipper, the receiver of goods and the holder of the Bill of Lading as well as any other person interested hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, terms and reserves of this Bill of lading including those on the back hereof.

In witness32 whereof the Master, Carrier or his Agent has affirmed33 to …… Bills of Lading, all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished the others stand null and void. One Bill of Lading duly endorsed is to be given up in exchange for the goods, or for a delivery order34 for same.

Dated in __________ this __________ day of __________ 20 _____ .

Words and expressions

1. through (Bill of Lading) сквозной (коносамент)
2. via prep через
3. Sender’s marks and numbers марки и номера отправителя
4. number of pieces and kind of packages число мест и род упаковки
5. said to contain (STC) по заявлению содержит (обычная формулировка в коносаментах)
6. gross weight stated by sender вес брутто по заявлению отправителя
7. against surrender … and against payment после сдачи (коносамента) и уплаты
8. “Notify” “извещать по адресу” (стандартная графа в коносаментах)
9. the acquirer, the holder of the B/L получатель, держатель коносамента
10. carrier n перевозчик
11. prior fulfilment предшествующее исполнение
12. only so far as лишь в той степени, в которой
13. tenor n содержание
14. The printed style of the forwarding firm and its lawful signature напечатанное наименование экспедирующей фирмы и подпись
15. viz. именно, то есть
16. supplier = shipper n отправитель
17. import institution = consignee получатель
18. country of origin страна происхождения
19. transport instruction транспортная накладная
20. order n поручение
21. tons, cwts (hundred-weights), qrs (quarters), lbs (pounds) тонны, центнеры, квортеры (мера веса), фунты
22. received on account of freight получено в счетах фрахта
23. to be paid by consignee к уплате получателем
24. either into lighters or on the quay либо на лихтеры, либо на причал
25. at Master’s option по выбору (на усмотрение) капитана
26. assign n правопреемник
27. Nothing of this Bill of Lading whether printed, or written, or stamped shall limit or affect the above-mentioned conditions. Ничто в этом коносаменте, напечатано ли оно, вписано от руки или отштемпелевано, не может ограничить и изменить вышеупомянутые условия.
28. warehouseman n владелец склада
  lighterman n владелец лихтера
  custodian n хранитель
29. shall be entitled to stipulate получит право оговорить
30. to part with (the possession of smth) выпускать что-л. из своего владения
31. conformity n соответствие
32. witness n свидетель, доказательство, свидетельство
  in witness whereof в удостоверение чего
33. to affirm v зд. подписать
34. delivery order деливери-ордер (распоряжение о выдаче товара)

Useful phrases

Starting a meeting

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we should begin.

Perhaps we’d better get started / get down to business.

Right then, I think it’s about time we got started / going.

Right then, I think we should begin.

Let’s begin / get going, shall we?

Shall we start?

Starting objectives

The purpose of this meeting is, first, to … and secondly to …

We are here today to consider firstly … secondly … thirdly …

The main objective of our meeting is …

I’ve called this meeting first to … secondly to …

Keeping the meeting moving

Would you like to begin / to open the discussion … ?

Perhaps you’d like to explain / tell us / give us …

What do you think … ?

Shall we continue then?

Let’s move on.

Would you like to comment here?

What about you?

Asking for opinions

To one person To a group of people
What are your views on … ? Any reaction to that?
What are your feelings about … ? Has anybody any strong feeling about / views on that?
What do you think about … ? What’s the general view on / feeling about that?
What’s your opinion about that? Has anybody any comments to make?

Giving opinions

Strong Neutral Tentative
I’m sure that … I think / I believe that … It seems to me that …
I’m convinced that … As I see it … I’m inclined to think that …
I feel quite sure that … From a financial point of view … My inclination would be to…
It’s perfectly clear to me that… The way I see it is that … I tend to favour the view that…

Disagreeing and agreeing


Strong Neutral
I’m in complete agreement. I agree.
I quite agree. You’re right there.
I couldn’t agree more. I think you’re right.
Yes, definitely. Yes, and …
Exactly! That’s true.
Precisely. That’s right.


Strong Neutral
I disagree completely. I don’t agree.
That’s out of the question. That’s not how I see it.
On the contrary. I wouldn’t say that.
Of course not! I think you are wrong.
That’s ridiculous. I disagree.

Making suggestions and recommendations

Strong suggestions …

The only solution is to …

I see no other alternative but to …

There is no alternative but to …

We must …

Neutral suggestions

I recommend that we should …

I think we should …

My recommendation is that we should …

I would suggest that we …

We should / ought to …

If I were you I would …

Tentative suggestions

We could always …

It might be a good idea to …

Have you thought of __________ ing …

One solution would be to …

What about __________ ing …

Accepting proposals

Standard Informal
I’m completely in favour of that Great idea
I’ve absolutely no objections Excellent
I’m sure that’s the best solution / idea Terrific
I’d be / I’m in favour of that Good idea
That’s a good idea Sounds fine
That seems quite a good idea Fine by me
I suppose that’s OK OK by me

Dealing with interruptions and returning to the point

Well, I don’t think we should discuss it further today. As I said before …

I take your point but can we please stick to the main subject in hand.

I see what you mean but I think you’re losing sight of the main point.

That’s all very well but I don’t see what it’s got to do with the main point of the meeting.

To go back to what I was just saying, …

To return to the main point, …

Going back to what I said before …

Getting back to my original point, …

As I was saying, …

Going to a conclusion

So, if there are no more objections I suggest that you …

If everyone’s in favour I suggest that …

If everyone’s in agreement I propose that …

Then I recommend that …

Do you all agree that …?

Bringing a meeting to an end

Is there anything else we ought to consider now?

Right, if no one has anything else to add …

Does anyone have anything else to add … ? Right, then I think we can end the meeting at this point.

If nobody has anything to add then we can draw the meeting to a close.

So, if that’s everything then we can stop here.


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