Ex.9. Complete the following sentences choosing the right variant.

1. The Shinkansen name was first formally used in …

a) 1959. b) 1962. c) 1940.

2. Construction of the first segment between Tokyo and Osaka started in …

a) 1959. b) 1962. c) 1940.

3. The Shinkansen uses …

a) separate lines. b) conventional lines. c) underground lines.

4. The Shinkansen uses …

a) broad gauge. b) standard gauge. c) narrow gauge.

5. Swingnose crossing points are used to …

a) minimize gauge fluctuation. b) reduce the cross-sectional area. c) eliminate gaps at turnouts and crossings.

6. Long rails are joined by expansion joints to …

a) minimize gauge fluctuation. b) reduce the cross-sectional area. c) eliminate gaps at turnouts and crossings.

7. The Shinkansen employs an ATC to … c)

a) minimize gauge fluctuation. b) reduce the cross-sectional area. c) eliminate the need for trackside signals.

8. The Shinkansen uses …

a) alternative current power supply. b) direct current power supply.

9. Shinkansen trains offer reduced damage to the track because of …

a) lighter vehicles. b) high acceleration and deceleration. c) schedule is networked and computerized.

10. The coaches are air-sealed to ensure …

a) thermal elongation and shrinkage. b) stable air pressure. c) the lower track height.

Ex.6. Translate the following text from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the unit.

«Синкансэн» – высокоскоростная сеть железных дорог в Японии, предназначенная для перевозки пассажиров между крупными городами страны. Первая линия была открыта между Осакой и Токио в 1964 году. Движение на линиях Синкансэн началось в 1964 году со скоростью 210 км/ч. Линия Токайдо-синкансэн является самой загруженной высокоскоростной железнодорожной линией в мире. На ней перевозится порядка 375 000 пассажиров ежедневно. В сети «Синкансэн» используется стандартная колея шириной 1435 мм. Линии синкансэна электрифицированы однофазным переменным током в 25 кВ и частотой в 60 Гц, на линиях мини-синкансэна напряжение составляет 20 кВ. «Синкансэн» использует передовые технологии, поэтому на этих линиях была достигнута не только высокая скорость, но и высокий уровень безопасности и комфортабельности.

Additional text

Read the text and translate it using a dictionary. Check your translating speed.

Competition with air

Compared with air transport, the Shinkansen has several advantages, including scheduling frequency and flexibility, punctual operation, comfortable seats, and convenient city-center terminals.

The Shinkansen system and airlines often compete with each other for the business of city-to-city domestic travelers. If the Shinkansen connects two cities in less than three hours, most passengers choose the Shinkansen, but if it takes more than four hours by Shinkansen, the majority chooses air. Some examples are as follows.

Tokyo - Nagoya (342 km), Tokyo – Sendai (325 km), Tokyo – Hanamaki (Morioka) (496 km), Tokyo – Niigata (300 km): There were air services between these cities, but they were withdrawn after Shinkansen services started. Shinkansen runs between these cities in about two hours or less.

Tokyo – Osaka (515 km): Shinkansen is dominant because of fast (2 hours 30 minutes) and frequent service (up to every 10 minutes by Nozomi); however, air travel has a certain share (about 20 – 30 percent).

Tokyo – Okayama (676 km), Tokyo - Hiroshima (821 km): Shinkansen and air travel are about equal in popularity. The Shinkansen takes about three to four hours and there are Nozomi trains every 30 minutes, but airlines may provide cheaper fares, attracting many passengers.

Tokyo – Fukuoka (1,069 km): The Shinkansen takes about five hours on the fastest Nozomi, and discount carriers have made air travel far cheaper, so most people choose air. Fukuoka Airport is near to Fukuoka City Subway Line 1 connects the Airport and Tenjin, via Hakata Station.

Osaka – Fukuoka (554 km): One of the most competitive sections. The Shinkansen takes about two and a half hours by Nozomi or Mizuho, and the trains twice an hour, taking about 2 hours and 40 minutes between the two cities.

The Nagano Shinkansen is being extended to Jōetsu (to be completed for initial testing by the end of 2013) where it will join new Hokuriku Shinkansen to Kanazawa, currently scheduled to open in March 2015. A further extension of the Hokuriku Shinkansen from Kanazawa to Tsuruga (proposed for completion by 2025) has been approved at 3.04 trillion yen in June 2012. There are further plans to extend the line from Tsuruga to Osaka, and there are currently 3 routes under consideration.

Unit 4

Ex.1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

Berne gauge – габариты подвижного состава, принятые в континентальной Европе Channel Tunnel – Евротоннель, тоннель под Ла-Маншем cornering force – боковая реакция колёс (при повороте) Eurostar – железнодорожная сеть, соединяющая Лондон и графство Кент в Великобритании с городами Париж и Лилль во Франции и Брюсселем в Бельгии. flatwagon – платформа fleet – парк подвижного состава in-cab signaling –локомотивная сигнализация intermodal freight service –смешанные грузоперевозки parcel compartment – багажное отделение swapbody– съёмный кузов для смешанных автомобильно-железнодорожных перевозок tilting mechanism – механизм наклона

Ex.2. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

attempt – попытка

beyond – сверх, выше; за

currently – в настоящее время

domestic – внутренний; отечественный

instead – вместо; взамен

intermediate – промежуточный

livery – отличительный знак, символ, цвет

opt – выбирать, предпочитать

purpose – цель, намерение; замысел

section – участок

tilt – поворачивать; наклоняться

underneath – снизу

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