A. и в. стр. 23 (сделано в учебнике)
Стр. 11С.
Students break
Government study
Offender make
court judge
study repeal
judge apply
police obey
citizen enforce
1. Study
2. Make, repeal
4. enforce
5. obey
6. break
1. Studying
2. Makes
3. Police
4. Breaking
5. Repeal
6. Judge
7. obey
1. I am a law-abiding citizen and I always obey the law.
2. I study law because it is very interesting.
3. In England judges not only apply the law but they make it .
4. The State Duma is going to apply a new law about military service.
5. The President can’t repeal the law himself.
6. If you speak over the phone while driving a car you break the law. Besides it is dangerous.
7. The police enforce the law.
8. Courts are the State bodies that apply the law.
9. I want to be a judge. It is difficult but interesting work.
10. Helping the criminals is illegally.
1. Fнаписано в образце
2. T
3. T
4. F it is false because the government provides the legal machine with the weapons of compulsion that enforce the law and punish the offenders.
5. T
6. F it is false because the main aim of prisons is to punish the offenders.
7. F it is false because courts apply the law.
8. T
9. T
Стр 15-16
1. Aims
2. Protect
3. Rules
4. Arrangements
5. Government
6. Apply
7. Offenders
8. the weapons of compulsion
9. constitution
10. lays down
F. стр. 16
1. yes, I feel the law protects me
2. no it does’t
3. no I wouldn’t because my life and my property can be in danger
4. they are people who don’t want to obey the law. The famous anarchists are Bakunin, Lavrov, Tkachev.
A. стр. 16-17
B. стр. 17
Wealth, sentence, effect
Guilty,commit ,individual
Steal ,machine, lessee
National ,angry, morality
Arson, answer , staff
Contract ,modern ,involve
Course, false, force
Should, full ,rule
Loot ,dispute, would
Research ,first ,certainly
Structure ,justice, govern
A. стр. 17-18
1. societies Законы управляют поведением людей в любом обществе.
2. Judge Судья приговорил е к 3м месяцам тюрьмы.
3. Violent Каждые 3-5 минут жестокое преступление совершается в Техасе
4. EnsureПравительство имеет много способов заставить граждан повиноваться закону.
5. Apply Иногда суд может применять законы другой страны.
6. Security Первая обязанность государства это обеспечивать безопасность законопослушных граждан.
7. Harm Публикация этих документов навредит национальным интересам.
8. Prison Если ты нарушил закон, тебя отправят в тюрьму.
9. Property Знак гласил: «Частная собственность. Не трогать»
10. Settle Обе компании хотели урегулировать спор без суда.
B. стр.18
1. е защищать собственность, интересы, права, репутацию
2. d устанавливать систему управления, вину, дело
3. b издавать закон, делать звонок, составить завещание, сделать ошибку
4. а обеспечить исполнение закона, соглашения, взыскание долга
5. с наказывать преступников, детей, пьяных водителей
6. fнарушить закон, правило, обещание ,письменное соглашение
C .стр. 18
1. to protect interests
2. to make a will
3. to punish offenders
4. to enforce the agreement
5. to break the rule
6. to establish the guilt
7. to enforce the debt
8. to make a mistake
9. to establish business
10. to break the promise
D .стр. 18-19
1. enforce Английские суды могут обеспечить исполнение электронных контрактов.
2. awill Старая женщина умерла, не оставив завещания.
3. mistakes Судьи это люди и они могут совершить ошибку.
4. Protects Этот акт защищает людей от опасных собак.
5. enforce Суды в России не всегда могут обеспечить исполнение устных договоренностей и соглашений.
6. topunish Это противозаконно наказывать преступника дважды за одно и то же преступление.
7. theguilt Только суд может установить вину и невиновность.
8. BusinessЯ бы хoтел выяснить как основать(открыть) дело в Канаде.
Е.стр. 19
Студент А
1. No’ she can’t. It is not against the law.
2. No’ he can’t he is too young.
3. Yes’ they are. The law protect children from violent parents.
4. No, I wouldn’t. I’m not good at it.
5. I think it does. People can be fined.
Студент В
1. Russian Courts don’t usually enforce electronic contracts.
2. No, it isn’t but it is immoral.
3. They can be fined and deprived of a driving licence.
4. Yes, it does. Prisoners have the rights as other people.
5. Yes, sometimes I do.
F .стр.19-20
1. The Constitution establishes the system of government and guarantees freedoms and rights of the citizens.
2. The aim of law is to ensure the security of law-abiding citizens and to establish the behavioral rules in the society.
3. Each state has police, courts and prisons.
4. The police enforce the law, courts apply the law and prisons punish offenders.
5. All rich people make wills.
6. Courts help people to settle their disputes peacefully.
7. It is against the law to punish a person twice for the same crime.
8. Unfortunately, Courts don’t usually enforce electronic contracts.
9. We must protect animals from cruel people.
10. Corruption harms the interests of the state.
11. I don’t agree that only aggressive, selfish and violent people break the law.
12. Businessmen prefer to settle their disputes out of court.
13. Law protects person’s property. To burn cars is illegal.
14. I want to establish my own business.
A. стр. 20
Breaks, steals, carries, sets, dies, applies, obeys, lays, repeals, enforces, guarantees, provides, ensures, establishes, punishes, settles
C. стр. 21
1. Law-abiding citizens don’t break laws. They obey laws.
2. I’m not interested in constitutional law. I’m interested in international law.
3. The police don’t punish offenders. The prisons punish offenders.
4. Offenders don’t behave well. They behave in anti-social ways.
5. The Civil Code doesn’t establish the system of government. The Constitution establishes the system of government.
6. Judges don’t enforce moral laws. They enforce state laws.
7. The Constitution doesn’t lay down the forms of punishment. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens.
8. The President is not above the law. He is under the law.
9. The Constitutional court of the Russian federation is not situated in Moscow. It is situated inSt.Petersbourg.
10. Offenders are not usually peaceful and quiet. They are aggressive and violent people.
11. He doesn’t steal money. He steals mobile phones.
12. This decision doesn’t establish a new legal structure. It establishes a new legal principle.
13. Judges don’t catch and arrest offenders. Police catch and arrest offenders.
14. The main aim of law is not to deter people. The main aim of law is to protect people.
15. The law doesn’t guarantee our happiness. It guarantees our security.
D. стр. 21
1. My parents are never angry with me.
2. The Government sometimes repeals laws.
3. Young people hardly make wills.
4. The Russian football team rarely wins.
5. It is often right to punish children.
6. I always talk on the mobile phone when I drive.
7. Children are sometimes aggressive and violent.
8. Judges sometimes punish innocent people.
9. The Russian police are often polite and friendly.
10. I always enjoy my English lessons.
11. I never chew gum at the lesson.
12. I’m always tired in the evening.
13. I always switch off my mobile phone before the lesson.
14. I’m hardly late for school.
15. I ever tell the truth!
E. стр. 22
1. Judges catch and arrest offenders. (It’s not true. Police catch and arrest offenders.) -
2. The police punish offenders. (It’s not true. The prisons punish offenders.) -
3. Law-abiding citizens break laws. (It’s not true. They obey laws.) -
4. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens. +
5. Courts help people to settle their disputes peacefully. +
6. The aim of law is to ensure the security of law-abiding citizens. +
F. стр. 22
1. I’m a law-abiding citizen and I never break law.
2. Unfortunately, the police are not always polite.
3. Judges sometimes make mistakes.
4. Law limits our rights and freedoms to ensure our security.
5. Jack is often aggressive and even violent but he always obeys law.
6. Courts don’t make laws, they only apply them.
7. I hardly break traffic rules.
8. Our teacher is never late for school.
9. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens.
10. Law always punish offenders. They must know that punishment is unavoidable.
E. Стр. 25
Ваши права с 10 до 21 года
10. Могут обвиняться в совершении преступления. Если ты убил кого-то, иди в тюрьму.
12. Могут купить домашнего питомца.
13. Получить работу на неполный раб.день, не более 2х часов в день.
14. Пойти в кафе, но не покупать и не пить алкоголь. Иметь воздушку.
15. Открыть в банке счет с гарантией.
16. Бросить школу.
Работать полный раб.день.
Жениться с согласия родителей.
Управлять мопедом.
Пойти в армию с согласия родителей.(мальчики)
17. Управлять легковым транспортом.
Покупать огнестрельное оружие и амуницию.
Пойти в армию с согласия родителей.(девочки)
Привлекаться к суду
Составить завещание
Владеть домом, взять ипотеку.
Получить паспорт.
Открыть в банке счет без согласия родителей.
Пойти в армию без согласия родителей.
Подарить свое тело науке.
21.Быть членом Парламента.
Водить большегрузы.
Стр. 30 F
1. It is unfair to pay men more than women for the same job.
2. In some countries polygamy is legal.
3. I know she is having an affair with a man.
4. All people are equal before the law.
5. There are unfair laws and dishonest judges in our world.
6. Simmons is a fair judge and he always gives fair sentences.
7. Violence to animals is immoral and illegal.
8. I found prostitution immoral.
9. It is impolite to interrupt people.
10. This information is only for legal persons.
Стр. 38 А
1. Одна из главных целей правительства это осуществлять правосудие.
2. Эти принципы, известные как мораль, часто субъективны.
3. Справедливость трудно объяснить, потому что у каждого свое понятие, отличающееся от других.
4. Существует устойчивая вера в то, что нормы справедливости основаны на нормах морали.
5. Они зависят от многих факторов, таких как традиции, культура, образование, религия и т.д.
6. Эта концепция говорит о том, что каждый индивидуум имеет определенные естественные права.
7. Например, в современном мире супружеская измена является аморальной, но не карается законом.
8. Сегодня правосудие, основанное на естественных правилах большей частью основано на требованиях справедливого судебного разбирательства дать каждому равные шансы приводить доказательства.
9. Иногда закон бывает несправедлив и наказание не соответствующим правовым нормам.
10. Если нам кажется , что закон несправедлив, у нас есть право обжаловать его или доработать, чтобы изменить его.
Стр. 42 F
1. One of the main aims of any government is to administer justice.
2. The conception of justice refers to morality.
3. The conception of justice is subjective. It depends on many factors.
4. We are all equal before the law.
5. Murder is a crime against the state so the victim’s relatives have no right to take the law into their own hands and punish the murderer themselves.
6. A fair trial is an open hearing, an impartial court and equality before the law.
7. The law gives each side an equal chance to state its arguments.
8. If you feel that the law is unfair you have the right to appeal against it.
9. Our company always hires the best lawyers.
10. According to the Russian law polygamy is illegal.
11. The work of the policeman is risky.
12. This lawyer doesn’t deal with criminal affairs.
13. Administration of justice involves a legal system which deals with people who break the law.
14. It is unfair that rich people can escape justice.
Стр. 44 D
Студент А
1. Yes, It is. I think students should not pay for their education because they don’t have money.
2. Yes, I do because they don’t do illegal or immoral things.
3. I need 40 minutes to get to the university.
4. No, I am not because I don’t do illegal or immoral things.
5. Sometimes I do.
1. I know 5 of them: don’t steal, don’t tell a lie, don’t murder,don\t make false statements against other people, don’t be unfaithful to your spouse.
2. I study law because I want to know the rights of people and help all who need it.
3. I don’t know all the words.
4. Sometimes it is.
5. We like to have picnics in the country.
Стр. 44 E
1. What is the basic law of the land?
2. How often do Russian courts apply the foreign law?
3. Where do you study?
4. What is your mother?
5. What does your job involve?
6. When does the hearing of the case in court start?
7. Where are they now?
8. Why does the law limit the rights of citizens?
9. What do you deal with?
10. How much is this lawyer’s fee?
11. What is ombudsman?
Стр. 45 F
1. Are you a student? – yes, I am. I study the law at the university.
2. Is your brother? – No, he isn’t .He is a lawyer.
Упражнение A (c. 50)
Be –was/were-быть
Leave – left- оставлять, уезжать, покидать
Shout – shouted - кричать
Transfer – transferred– переносить, перемещать
Throw – threw – бросать, кидать
Search – searched - искать
holdout – heldout – иметьнадежду, выдерживать, держаться до конца, удерживать
shoot – shot – стрелять
threaten – threatened – угрожать
make (заставлять) хЗ – made – заставлять, делать, изготавливать
ask – asked – просить, спрашивать
come – came–приходить, приезжать
go – went – идти, ходить
take – took – брать, взять
offer –offered - предлагать
sell – sold - продавать
find – found – находить, обнаружить
walk – walked– гулять, ходитьпешком
steal – stole – красть, воровать
Упражнение B (c. 50)
a) A gang held outa rich man's son and asked formoney. Бандаудерживаласынабогатогочеловекаитребоваладенег.
b) She wentto her ex-husband's house and shothimdead.Она пошла в дом своего бывшего мужа и застрелила его.
c) A passenger on a flight made the pilot land in a desert.Пассажир рейса заставил пилота совершить посадку в пустыне.
d) After the party the man madethe woman have sex withhim.После вечеринки мужчина принудил женщину к сексу с ним.
e) We came home from holiday andfoundthat our TV had gone.Мы вернулись из отпуска и обнаружили, что наш телевизор украли.
f) Someone sold marijuana during the concert.Во время концерта кто – то продавал марихуану.
g) When the boarder police searchedhis car, it wasfull of cigarettes.Когда таможенная полиция обыскала его машину, она была полна сигарет.
h) Someone threwpaint on the statute in the park.Кто – то плеснул краску на статую в парке.
i) He threatenedto send thephotos to a newspaper if theactress didn't pay him a lot of money.Он угрожал отправить фотографию в газету если актриса не заплатит ему много денег.
j) An armed manwalked into the bank and shouted"Hands up!Вооруженныйчеловеквошелвбанкизакричал: «Рукивверх!»
k) A man transferredcompany money into his own account.Мужчина перевел деньги компании на свой личный счет.
I) A builderoffered the mayor a free flat in return for a favour.Застройщикпредложилмэрубесплатнуюквартирувобменнауслугу.
m) Two men lefta bomb in the supermarket car park.Двое мужчин оставили бомбу в машине на автостоянке супермаркета.
n) Somebody stolemy car last night from outside myhouse.Вчера вечером кто – то украл мою машину, стоявшую у дома.
o) A man tooka knife and mademe give my wallet.Мужчина вытащил нож и заставил меня отдать мой кошелек.
Crime | Criminal | Verb | |
i | blackmail | blackmailer | toblackmailшантажировать |
l | bribery | tobribe - взяточничество | |
e | burglary | burglar | to break in/burgle – квартирнаякража |
f | Drug dealing | drugdealer | toselldrugs – торговля наркотиками |
k | fraud | fraudster | to commit fraud/ - мошенничество deceive |
c | hijacking | hijacker | tohijack- угон самолета |
a | kidnapping | kidnapper | tokidnap – похищение людей |
o | mugging | mugger | tomug - хулиганство |
b | murder | murderer | tomurder - убийство |
d | rape | rapist | torape - изнасилование |
j | robbery | robber | torob - грабеж |
g | smuggling | smuggler | tosmuggle -контрабанда |
m | terrorism | terrorist | to set off bombs, etc. - терроризм |
n | theft | thief | to steal – кража, угон |
h | vandalism | vandal | to vandalize – вандализмdeliberately damage property |
Упражнение C (c. 51-52)
1.He isn't a murderer. He didn't shoot the old man.
2. Kate isn't a blackmailer. She didn't blackmail the businessman.
3. Mr. Big isn't a rapist. He didn’t rape that woman....
4. Stephan isn't a mugger. He didn’t mug that woman.
5. They aren't terrorists. They didn’t set off bombs in the cafe.
6. Elena isn't a fraudster. She didn’t commit fraud.
7. That young man isn't a drug dealer. He didn’t sell drugs.
8. Mr. Swan isn't a thief. He didn’t steal those documents.
9. They aren't robbers. They didn’t rob her house.
10. Alan isn't a smuggler. He didn’t smuggle.
11. We aren't vandals. We didn’t damage any property.
12. Mr. and Mrs. Smith aren't terrorists. They didn’t set off bombs.
УпражнениеD (c. 52)
Перевод текста
УпражнениеE (c. 52-53)
1. What did Carl and Adam do?
They committed a crime.
2. What crime did they commit ?
3. Theymurdered a man.
4. Where did the police catch them?
5. On the way to the airport.
6. Where did they take them ?
To a police station.
7. How long did they question them?
For ten hours.
8. When did Carl and Adam appear in court?
Two months later.
9. What did the jury do?
They heard all the evidence and reached their verdict.
10. Why did the jury find Carl guilty?
Because his fingerprints were on the gun.
11. How many years did the judge give to Carl?
He sentenced him to 10 years in jail.
12. Why did Adam go free?
Because he was acquitted.
УпражнениеF (c. 53-54)
1. Three robbers entered the bank, shot the guard dead, took the money and left in a car. The police came quickly, but the robbers were already far away.
2. Gordon Brown is a thief, but he is not a murderer, he didn’t murder the old man.
3. Why did these young people commit a crime? They did it because they had nothing to do.
4. The jury found Adam not guilty because there was no proof of his guilt.
5. Where did the police arrest him? At the railway station. They searched his luggage and found his gun.
6. An hour ago the terrorists seized the plane and made the pilots land it in one of the Arabic countries.
7. I didn’t sell drugs and I didn’t buy them. I didn’t commit any crime.
8. The police charged the ex- minister with bribery. Businessmen gave him bribes to get good contracts.
9. What punishment did the court give these muggers? The judge sentenced them to three years in prison.
10. Tom Bush is a dangerous criminal. He murdered five people, robbed three shops and committed two rapes.
11. Where were you at 8 o’clock last night?
I was at work. I was talking to my boss. Then I left home.
When did you come home?
At 9 o’clock. I came home, had my dinner, watched TV, read the book and went to bed.
Did you hear any noise?
No, I didn’t. I was very tired and fell asleep immediately. And what happened? Someone burgled your neighbours’ flat. That’s awful!
12. Last week Olga appeared in court. The jury heard all the evidence and reached their verdict of not guilty.
УпражнениеA (c. 54)
bribe – bribed – даватьвзятку
die – died - умирать
lobby – lobbied - лоббировать
rob – robbed - грабить
mug – mugged – грабить на улице
carry – carried - носить
serve – served – обслуживать, служить
establish – established – устанавливать, основывать
stab – stabbed – заколотьножом
stay – stayed – оставаться, останавливаться в каком – либо месте
try – tried- пытаться, проводить расследование
commit – committed - совершать
Упражнение B (c. 54)
-ed [ t ] | -ed [ d ] | -ed [ id ] |
asked sentenced searched walked raped paniced | arrived received tried charged robbed threatened | wanted arrested invited avoided investigated committed |
Упражнение C (c. 54)
[ e ] | [ ei ] | [әu] | [ o: ] | [ u: ] |
went (go) said (say) left (leave) | laid (lay) made (make) gave (give) | stole (steal) broke (break) sold (sell) | brought (bring) saw (see) caught (catch) | grew (grow) knew (know) flew (flow) |
Упражнение B (c. 56)
1.Who is VitalyKaloyev?He is a 52-year- old architect from North Ossetia.
2.What did he do?He stabbed a man to death.
3.Why did he do it?He did it because that man was blamed for the plane crash in which Kaloyev lost his wife and two children.
4.Why did Russian people hail him as a hero?As Kaloeyev said they care about their children and other people’s children.
Перевод текста
УпражнениеС (c. 59)
1. VitalyKaloyev shot the air traffic controller whom he
blamed for the death of his family in the air crash. /F/VitalyKaloyevstabbedthe air traffic controller whom heblamed for the death of his family in the air crash.
2. Kaloyev left prison earlier./T/
3. The Russian government didn't do anything to help Kaloyev. /F/The Russian government lobbied hard his early release.
4. Many Russian people supported Kaloyev's release fromprison./T/
5. Kaloyev doesn't think he's a hero./T/
6. He feels sorry about his crime. /F/He doesn’t feel sorry.
7. Kaloyev and his family planned to spend a holiday inGermany. /F/Kaloyev and his family planned to spend a holiday in Spain.
8. Two planes collided because of the pilots' mistake. /F/Two planes collided because of the air traffic controller' mistake.
9. The relatives of the victims were not satisfied with the crashinvestigation./T/
10. The management of the air-traffic control service Skyguideapologized to the relatives for their mistake. /F/The management of the air-traffic control service Skyguide didn’t apologize to the relatives for their mistake.
11. Kaloyev came to Zurich to kill Nielsen. /F/Kaloyev came to Zurich to talk Nielsen, get explanation and an apology.
12. Nielsen refused to let Kaloyev inside his house and told him to go away. /T/
13. Kaloyev killed Nielsen in the heat of passion./T/
14. Nielsen died in hospital. /F/Nielsen died before an ambulance arrived.
15. The Swiss court found Kaloyev guilty of murder. /F/The Swiss court found Kaloyev guilty of manslaughter.
16. Kaloyev's case played a positive role in the crash investigation. /T/
17. VitalyKaloyev didn't forgive Nielsen. /T/
Упражнение D (c. 59)
1. По вашему мнению, Виталий Калоев герой или преступник, или и то и другое?
2. Какое преступление он совершил? Убийство? Непредумыщленное убийство? Убийство в состоянии аффекта?
3. Согласны ли вы с наказанием, которое назначил Калоеву швейцарский суд?
4. Какое наказание заслуживал Питер Нильсен?
5. Правильно ли то, что российское правительство и президент лоббировали его досрочное освобождение из тюрьмы?
6. Вам легко или трудно прощать других людей?
Упражнение E (c. 59-60)
1. Less than four years.How many years did Kaloyev spend in prison?
2. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president.Who did Kaloyev thank when he arrived in Moscow?
3. That he's lost his family and that his life is ruined.What does he regret ?
4. They established that Peter Nielsen was the only person onduty.What did the investigators establish?
5. To Zurich.Where did Kaloyev fly to meet with the representatives of Skyguide?
6. A pocket knife.What did Kaloyev stab Nielsen with?
7. Suspended jail sentences and a fine of 6.000 pounds. What punishment did the four employees of Skyguidereceive ?
Упражнение F (c. 60)
The text tells a story of VitalyKaloyev. a 52-year-old architectfrom North Ossclia. Russia, who lost his wife and two children(1)in the plane crash over Germany(2) In July 2002. the plane withhis family on board collided with a cargo jet (3). After the crash the investigators established that Peter Nielsen(4)was the only person on duty at the Swiss air-traffic control serviceSkyguide at Zurich airport. When he realized thattwo planes were on a collision course(5)he panicked and gave wrong instruction to the pilots(6)In 2004. Kaloyev, whogrew angry at the slow pace of the investigation(7), flew to Zurichto meet with the representatives of Skyguide(8)but they refused to see him. Then Kaloyev decided to seek out Nielsen at home(9)and talk to him.Nielsen didn't let him in his house and told him togo away(10).When Kaloyev showed him the pictures of his children’s graves(11)Nielsen pushed his hand and the pictures(12)fell onthe ground. This made Kaloyev wry angry and he stabbed Nielsenwith a pocket knife(13)The next day the policearrestedKaloyev(14). Later the Swiss courtsentenced him (15) to 8 years in prisonfor manslaughter. Kaloyev's trial speeded up the pace of thecrash investigation(16)and two years later the court convicted(осудил) 4 Skyguide employees of negligent homicide(17)Thanks tothe support of the Russian government Kaloyevspent(18)less than 4 years. When he arrived inMoscow upon his release from prison(19)many people lined the streetsand hailed him as a hero(20)VitalyKaloyev.however, doesn't thinkhe's a hero. He said that his life is ruined but he doesn'tfeel any remorse(21)He didn't forgive Nielsen, who, in hisopinion, could avoid the tragedy. Kaloyev says that Nielsen was foolish and he paid for it.
Упражнение A (c. 61)
1. TheRussian government lobbiedhard to secureKaloyev's early releasefrom prison.Российское правительство усердно лоббировало досрочное освобождение Калоева из тюрьмы.
2. She is still under investigationby the Spanish police.Она все еще под следствием испанской полиции.
3. Crimeisacomplexissue — wecan'tsimply blame poverty and unemployment.Преступление – это сложное явление- мы не можем просто винить бедность или безработицу.
4. Avoid that area after dark.Избегайте этого района после наступления темноты.
5.I deeply regretwhat happened — there's no excuse forit.Я глубоко сожалею о том, что произошло – этому нет оправдания.
6. We wrote to the editor demanding an apology. Мы написали редактору, требуя извинений.
7. Mr Wright pleaded guilty to all charges. Господин Райт признал себя виновным по всем пунктам обвинения.
8. All three athletes strongly denytaking the drug.Все три спортсмена настойчиво отрицали употребление допинга.
9. This car was incollisionwith an ambulance.Этот автомобиль участвовал в столкновении с автомобилем скорой помощи.
10. He is serving a three-year sentencefor burglary.Он отбывает трехгодичный срок за квартирную кражу.
11. The prisoner suddenly broke free..... and ran towards the car.Заключенный внезапно освободился и побежал к машине.
12.The study aims tofind out what makes peoplecommitcrimes.Цель данной научной работы – узнать, что заставляет людей совершать преступления.
Упражнение B (c. 61-62)
1. A thief- steals. Вор
2. A murderer - kills people. убийца
3. A hijacker - seizes aero planes. Угонщиксамолета
4. A counterfeiter- copies money illegally. Фальшивомонетчик
5. An assassin- kills a famous or important person, especially for political reasons. Убийцапополитическиммотивам
6. A blackmailer - gets money by threatening to disclose personal information.Шантажист
7. A kidnapper - takes people hostage for a ransom. Похитительлюдей
8. A mugger - attacks people in public places and steals their money, jewellery or other things. Уличныйвор
9. A con man/con woman–deceives other people in order to get theirmoney. Мошенник
10. A shoplifter - takes things from a shop without paying. Магазинныйвор
11. A robber- steals from banks or trains.Грабитель, разбойник
12. A burglar - steals from houses or offices.Квартирныйвор
13. A terrorist - uses violence in order to achieve political aims.Террорист
14. A stalker - follows and watches another person all the time in a threatening way. Маньяк
15. A vandal - deliberately damages property.Вандал
16. A pickpocket- steals purses and wallets.Вор–карманник
Назовите преступников которые:
- самые опасные/наименее опасные
- обычно работают одни
- крадут
- убивают
- обычно обманывают людей
УпражнениеC (c. 62-63)
Упражнение D (c. 63)
1. drug dealer
2. con man
3. sentence
4. charge
5. prison
6. murder
7. stole
8. guilty
9. sold
Упражнение E (c. 63)
Тоinvestigateacrime–расследовать преступление
украстьденьги – tostealmoney
fraud – мошенничество
ограбитьбанк – to rob a bank
to charge smb with mugging – обвинить кого-либо в хулиганстве
совершить преступление – to commit a crime
to give asuspendedjailsentence – дать условный тюремный срок
признать кого-л. виновным – tofindsomebodyguilty
tofeelremorseforhiscrime–испытывать угрызения совести за свое преступление
шантажист – blackmailer
accomplice – сообщник
провозитьконтрабанду – tosmuggle
to stab with a knife – ударить ножом
извиниться перед кем-л. –toapologize
to hijack a plane – угнать самолет
предстать перед судом – to appear in court
fingerprints – отпечатки пальцев
допрашивать – toquestion
assassin–убийца по политическим мотивам
непредумышленноеубийство – manslaughter
heatofpassionhomicide – убийство в состоянии аффекта
штраф – fine
кражасовзломом – burglary
арестоватьубийцу – toarrestamurderer
tohearevidence – выслушатьпоказания
перекладыватьвинунакого-л. – toplacetheblameonsomebody
uponreleasefromprison – послеосвобожденияизтюрьмы
банда – agang
to threaten smb with a knife – угрожать кому-либо ножом
подставное лицо – front man
counterfeiter – фальшивомонетчик
мошенник – a con man
stalker – маньяк
вор-карманник – a pickpocket
totakepeoplehostageforaransom – братьлюдейвзаложникирадивыкупа
соучастник – anaccomplice
to hail smb as a hero – приветствовать кого-либо как героя
разбойноенападение - robbery
grave - могила.
Упражнение F (c. 63-64)
1. The court sentenced him to 5 years of prison forrobbery, but his accomplices received only suspended jail sentences.
2. The court found Svetlana Bodrova guilty of fraud.
3. The administration of the Swiss company “Skyguide” tried to put the blame on the Russian pilots.
4. The witnesses claim that Nick didn’t stab the shop assistant with a knife.
5. TheinvestigatorsestablishedthatfingerprintfoundonthegunbelongtotheverynotoriouscriminalRonaldTramp.
6. Upon his release from prison Russia hailed Vitaly Kaloeyev as a hero.
7. Thejuryheardalltheevidencesand reached their verdict.
8. Sally Brown denies stealing the document from the safe.
9. Last night two armed men robbed the money collectors.
10. Hardened criminals don’t usually feel any remorse for their crimes.
11. Last week the police arrested two con men at the railway station.
12. Ithinkitwasaheat of passion homicide.
13. At the trial the con woman apologized to her victims.
14. I can’t forgive the person who burgled my holiday villa.
15. Hit men usually leave their guns at the scene of crime.
Упражнение A (c. 64)
1. Знаете ли вы каких-либо легендарных или отъявленных преступников,
2. Чем они знамениты?
3. Люди иногда делают из преступников героев. Почему? Можете ли вы привести примеры?
Упражнение B (c. 64-65)
1. Dillinger was a notorious murderer/thief/kidnapper. Диллинджер был отъявленным вором.
2. Не lived in the USA/'Britain/'Australia in the late 19th/early 2Oth/late 20th century.Он жил в США вначале 20 века.
3. Dillinger came from a poor/middle-class/rich family. Диллинджер был родом из семьи среднего класса.
4. He went to prison when he was 18/21/25. Он попал в тюрьму когда ему был 21 год.
5. TheFBIplacedaSI0,000/550,000/SI00.000 rewardonhishead.ФБР назначили награду в 10000 долларов за его голову.
6. The FBI Director Edgar Hoover/'President Roosevelt/Rockefeller labeled him "Public Enemy Number I". Директор ФБР Эдгар Хувер объявил его врагом номер один.
7. During the robbery Dillinger didn't take/took hostages. Во время разбойных нападений Диллиджер брал людей в заложники.
8. John Dillinger was killed by the police/another gangster / his girlfriend. Джон Диллиджер был убит полицией.
9. He died when he was 31/45/49. Он погиб когда ему был31 год.
10. Dillinger was a kind/cruel person.Диллинджер был добрым человеком.
УпражнениеD (c. 67)
1. tocurse(out) ругаться
2. ontherun - вбегах
3. anoutlaw - преступник
4. break- побег
5. compassionate - сострадательный
6. аhold-up - налет
7. toraise - вырастить/воспитать
8. toeliminate - уничтожать
9. neighborhood - район
10. ateller - кассовыйаппарат
11.tograb - захватить
12. toyellout - кричать
13. a cash register - кассирвбанке
14. entire - весь
15. aninmate - заключенный(сущ.)
16. trap - западня
17. toviolate - нарушать
18. towink - подмигивать
УпражнениеE (c. 68)
1. Why was JohnDillinger a notorious outlaw?Почему Джон Диллинджер был отъявленным преступником?
2. When and where was he born? Когда и где он родился?
3. What family did he come from? Из какой семьи он родом?
4. Why did he go to jail when he was 21? Почему он оказался в тюрьме в 21 год?
5. What sentence did he receive? Какой срок он получил?
6. Who did he meet in prison? Кого он встретил в тюрьме?
7. What did he do upon his release from prison? Что он сделал после выхода из тюрьмы?
1. How did Dillinger bring himself to the attention of the FBI? Каким образом Диллинджер привлек к себе внимание ФБР?
2. How did the FBI find out about Dillinger's whereabouts (местонахождение)? Как ФБР узнало о местонахождении Диллинджера?
3. Where did the police kill Dillinger? Где полиция убила Диллинджера?
4. What did the gangsters do during the robbery? Что бандиты делали во время грабежа?
5. What did Dillinger do with the hostages? Что Диллинджер делал с заложниками?
6. What did the gang do after the robbery? Чем банда занималась после ограбления?
7. What was Dillinger like? Каким былДиллинджер?
УпражнениеF (c. 68)
Al Capone
A famous American crime czar Al “Scarface” Capone was once king of the Chicago rackets. A Prohibition-era gangster, he ruled a multimillion-dollar empire in the 1920s that was fueled by illegal booze, gambling and prostitution. Capone is also suspected of being the mastermind behind the 1929 Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre in Lincoln Park that left seven of his enemies dead. Capone’s reign as ruler of Chicago’s gangland ended in 1931 when he pleaded guilty to tax evasion and prohibition charges. After serving seven years and six months in federal prison, which included a stay at Alcatraz, Capone was paroled on November 16, 1939. By that time, however, he suffered from paresis derived from syphilis. Capone went into seclusion at an estate near Miami, where he died of a stroke and pneumonia on January 25, 1947.
Стр. 11С.
Students break
Government study
Offender make
court judge
study repeal
judge apply
police obey
citizen enforce
1. Study
2. Make, repeal
4. enforce
5. obey
6. break
1. Studying
2. Makes
3. Police
4. Breaking
5. Repeal
6. Judge
7. obey
1. I am a law-abiding citizen and I always obey the law.
2. I study law because it is very interesting.
3. In England judges not only apply the law but they make it .
4. The State Duma is going to apply a new law about military service.
5. The President can’t repeal the law himself.
6. If you speak over the phone while driving a car you break the law. Besides it is dangerous.
7. The police enforce the law.
8. Courts are the State bodies that apply the law.
9. I want to be a judge. It is difficult but interesting work.
10. Helping the criminals is illegally.
1. Fнаписано в образце
2. T
3. T
4. F it is false because the government provides the legal machine with the weapons of compulsion that enforce the law and punish the offenders.
5. T
6. F it is false because the main aim of prisons is to punish the offenders.
7. F it is false because courts apply the law.
8. T
9. T
Стр 15-16
1. Aims
2. Protect
3. Rules
4. Arrangements
5. Government
6. Apply
7. Offenders
8. the weapons of compulsion
9. constitution
10. lays down
F. стр. 16
1. yes, I feel the law protects me
2. no it does’t
3. no I wouldn’t because my life and my property can be in danger
4. they are people who don’t want to obey the law. The famous anarchists are Bakunin, Lavrov, Tkachev.
A. стр. 16-17
B. стр. 17
Wealth, sentence, effect
Guilty,commit ,individual
Steal ,machine, lessee
National ,angry, morality
Arson, answer , staff
Contract ,modern ,involve
Course, false, force
Should, full ,rule
Loot ,dispute, would
Research ,first ,certainly
Structure ,justice, govern
A. стр. 17-18
1. societies Законы управляют поведением людей в любом обществе.
2. Judge Судья приговорил е к 3м месяцам тюрьмы.
3. Violent Каждые 3-5 минут жестокое преступление совершается в Техасе
4. EnsureПравительство имеет много способов заставить граждан повиноваться закону.
5. Apply Иногда суд может применять законы другой страны.
6. Security Первая обязанность государства это обеспечивать безопасность законопослушных граждан.
7. Harm Публикация этих документов навредит национальным интересам.
8. Prison Если ты нарушил закон, тебя отправят в тюрьму.
9. Property Знак гласил: «Частная собственность. Не трогать»
10. Settle Обе компании хотели урегулировать спор без суда.
B. стр.18
1. е защищать собственность, интересы, права, репутацию
2. d устанавливать систему управления, вину, дело
3. b издавать закон, делать звонок, составить завещание, сделать ошибку
4. а обеспечить исполнение закона, соглашения, взыскание долга
5. с наказывать преступников, детей, пьяных водителей
6. fнарушить закон, правило, обещание ,письменное соглашение
C .стр. 18
1. to protect interests
2. to make a will
3. to punish offenders
4. to enforce the agreement
5. to break the rule
6. to establish the guilt
7. to enforce the debt
8. to make a mistake
9. to establish business
10. to break the promise
D .стр. 18-19
1. enforce Английские суды могут обеспечить исполнение электронных контрактов.
2. awill Старая женщина умерла, не оставив завещания.
3. mistakes Судьи это люди и они могут совершить ошибку.
4. Protects Этот акт защищает людей от опасных собак.
5. enforce Суды в России не всегда могут обеспечить исполнение устных договоренностей и соглашений.
6. topunish Это противозаконно наказывать преступника дважды за одно и то же преступление.
7. theguilt Только суд может установить вину и невиновность.
8. BusinessЯ бы хoтел выяснить как основать(открыть) дело в Канаде.
Е.стр. 19
Студент А
1. No’ she can’t. It is not against the law.
2. No’ he can’t he is too young.
3. Yes’ they are. The law protect children from violent parents.
4. No, I wouldn’t. I’m not good at it.
5. I think it does. People can be fined.
Студент В
1. Russian Courts don’t usually enforce electronic contracts.
2. No, it isn’t but it is immoral.
3. They can be fined and deprived of a driving licence.
4. Yes, it does. Prisoners have the rights as other people.
5. Yes, sometimes I do.
F .стр.19-20
1. The Constitution establishes the system of government and guarantees freedoms and rights of the citizens.
2. The aim of law is to ensure the security of law-abiding citizens and to establish the behavioral rules in the society.
3. Each state has police, courts and prisons.
4. The police enforce the law, courts apply the law and prisons punish offenders.
5. All rich people make wills.
6. Courts help people to settle their disputes peacefully.
7. It is against the law to punish a person twice for the same crime.
8. Unfortunately, Courts don’t usually enforce electronic contracts.
9. We must protect animals from cruel people.
10. Corruption harms the interests of the state.
11. I don’t agree that only aggressive, selfish and violent people break the law.
12. Businessmen prefer to settle their disputes out of court.
13. Law protects person’s property. To burn cars is illegal.
14. I want to establish my own business.
A. стр. 20
Breaks, steals, carries, sets, dies, applies, obeys, lays, repeals, enforces, guarantees, provides, ensures, establishes, punishes, settles
C. стр. 21
1. Law-abiding citizens don’t break laws. They obey laws.
2. I’m not interested in constitutional law. I’m interested in international law.
3. The police don’t punish offenders. The prisons punish offenders.
4. Offenders don’t behave well. They behave in anti-social ways.
5. The Civil Code doesn’t establish the system of government. The Constitution establishes the system of government.
6. Judges don’t enforce moral laws. They enforce state laws.
7. The Constitution doesn’t lay down the forms of punishment. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens.
8. The President is not above the law. He is under the law.
9. The Constitutional court of the Russian federation is not situated in Moscow. It is situated inSt.Petersbourg.
10. Offenders are not usually peaceful and quiet. They are aggressive and violent people.
11. He doesn’t steal money. He steals mobile phones.
12. This decision doesn’t establish a new legal structure. It establishes a new legal principle.
13. Judges don’t catch and arrest offenders. Police catch and arrest offenders.
14. The main aim of law is not to deter people. The main aim of law is to protect people.
15. The law doesn’t guarantee our happiness. It guarantees our security.
D. стр. 21
1. My parents are never angry with me.
2. The Government sometimes repeals laws.
3. Young people hardly make wills.
4. The Russian football team rarely wins.
5. It is often right to punish children.
6. I always talk on the mobile phone when I drive.
7. Children are sometimes aggressive and violent.
8. Judges sometimes punish innocent people.
9. The Russian police are often polite and friendly.
10. I always enjoy my English lessons.
11. I never chew gum at the lesson.
12. I’m always tired in the evening.
13. I always switch off my mobile phone before the lesson.
14. I’m hardly late for school.
15. I ever tell the truth!
E. стр. 22
1. Judges catch and arrest offenders. (It’s not true. Police catch and arrest offenders.) -
2. The police punish offenders. (It’s not true. The prisons punish offenders.) -
3. Law-abiding citizens break laws. (It’s not true. They obey laws.) -
4. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens. +
5. Courts help people to settle their disputes peacefully. +
6. The aim of law is to ensure the security of law-abiding citizens. +
F. стр. 22
1. I’m a law-abiding citizen and I never break law.
2. Unfortunately, the police are not always polite.
3. Judges sometimes make mistakes.
4. Law limits our rights and freedoms to ensure our security.
5. Jack is often aggressive and even violent but he always obeys law.
6. Courts don’t make laws, they only apply them.
7. I hardly break traffic rules.
8. Our teacher is never late for school.
9. The Constitution lays down the rights and duties of citizens.
10. Law always punish offenders. They must know that punishment is unav