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Документ 9. Сношения минской империи со странами Индокитая

(«Мин ши», гл. 324) Чжэнна, расположенная к югу от Чжаньчэна в 3 сутках пути при попутном ветре, платила дань Суйскому, Танскому и Сунскому дворам. В годы Сунского Цинъюаня1 Чжаньчэн был покорен, земли его присоединены к империи и

Документ 7. Биография Чжэн Хэ («Мин ши», гл. 304)

Чжэн Хэ (1371-1433 гг.), о котором рассказывается здесь, сын бедного мусульманского чиновника, был в детстве продан в рабство и стал затем княжеским евнухом. Возвысившись при императоре Чэндзу (1403-1424 гг.), который претендовал на роль

Документ 2. Сюнну и их взаимоотношения с Китаем

(Сыма Цянь, «Исторические записки») Данная глава, являющаяся частью сочинения китайского историка Сыма Цяня «Исторические записки», представляет собой первое в китайской историографии систематизированное описание сюнну –

Ридер 1. Китай. Древность и средневековье

Ридер 1. Китай. Древность и средневековьеДокумент 3. Вторжение южных гуннов (сюнну) в Китай в IV – V вв.(Из «Цзычжи тунцзянь ганму») Рассказ о нашествии южных гуннов (сюнну) в Китай и создании ими двух государств. С 290 года в

Экономика алкоголизма и судьба перестройки

Прежде чем говорить об экономических проблемах алкоголизма, надо иметь ясное представление об этом термине. Алкоголизм нельзя понимать в узко медицинском смысле — как далеко зашедшую болезнь, вызванную безудержным

Уровень потребления Процент поражения Время достижения

(в литрах) этанола нагенофонда в популяции50%-го поражения душугенофонда нации (лет) 1 2 1000 2 4 500 5 10 100 10 20 50 15 30 33 20 40 25 25 50 20 Напомню, что душевое потребление алкоголя сегодня поднялось у нас в стране до 20л. Инволюция, или вырождение,

Wco and wcs to collaborate on illegal

WILDLIFE TRADE BRUSSELS, 7 January 20161 The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at reducing the amount of illegal wildlife products moving across international borders. The MoU was signed by Dr. Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, and Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the WCO. As the criminal networks that profit

Recommendation of the customs co -operation council on the insertion in national statistical nomenclatures of subheadings to facilitate the collection and comparison of data

ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF SUBSTANCES CONTROLLED BV THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL ON SUBSTANCES THAT DEPLETE THE OZONE LAYER (26 June 1990) THE CUSTOMS CO-OPERATION COUNCIL, (a) ... the urgent need to monitor the international trade in substances that deplete the ozone layer, (b) ... the request by the United Nations Environment Programme to introduce specific subheadings in the Harmonized System in order to

Text 17.2. Kyoto convention revised

There is no doubt that the use of complex and obstructive Customs formalities can be a significant barrier to free and open international trade. Many challenging issues which are of relevance to Customs have been talked about over the years. For instance, there has been a continuous effort to standardize and harmonize Customs formalities with the aim of simplifying and facilitating international trade. The

Customs officials intercept illicit drugs, ivory and currency in global enforcement operation

Brussels, 29 November 2012 Press Release1 A global enforcement operation targeting drugs (1) … by the World Customs Organization (WCO) in close (2) … with Japan Customs 1 http://www.wcoomd.org/en/media/newsroom/2012/november/operation-wes-terlies.aspx resulted in the seizure by Customs officials of 220 kg of narcotics worth about 15 million euro on the market and the arrest of 39 suspected traffickers.

Text 16.2. The wco's enforcement strategy

Intelligence is a vital element of enforcement for Customs administrations which have to perform control missions whilst at the same time facilitating trade. In order to prevent control and search operations from impeding the free movement of persons, goods and means of transport, Customs services are implementing intelligence-based selective and targeted controls. Information exchange on potential or real risks of

A personal message from hrh the princess

OF WALES … The problem of drug abuse is an international one. It respects neither the Boundaries of countries nor the bounds of decency. It destroys individuals and communities. There are two equally important elements in the fight against drugs. One is the reduction of demand and the other is the reduction of supply. It is the reduction of supply which is the aim of law enforcement agencies around the world. In

European Community legislation

Different types of administrations are involved in drug precursor control, notably Health, Police, and Customs. Today, precursor specific controls through Customs at the EU external frontier are more important than ever. When the EU precursor legislation came into force, the EU used to be an exporter of drug precursors. Today this is still the case, but the EU has also become an importer of drug precursors.

Text 15.2. Drug control: international policy and approaches

The drug problem continues to worsen inexorably from year to year. The widespread epidemic of violence, social upheaval and human misery have been brought on by drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Governments and international organisations, as well as scientific and academic communities, have all worked together to understand and tackle the drug problem. Timely exchange of information is crucial to fighting drug

Text 15.1. The global drug problem

Humanity has used drugs since the earliest times, mainly to relieve pain or for ritual purposes. Recently, however, this use has degenerated into abuse, dependence and crime. Illicit drug production, trafficking and consumption have spread at an epidemic rate and reached every part of the globe. No nation remains immune to the devastating problems caused by drug abuse on the user, the family, the community and

Text 13.1. How to communicate with customs

Customs administrations communicate with the traders by using various sophisticated information and communications technologies. Electronic communication in Customs Management takes place by printing messages or creating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages. The EDI is a class of industry specific message formats used in electronic commerce. It can communicate and set up electronic Customs processes with

Text 12.3. The risk management process

For Customs administrations there is always an element of risk in facilitating the movement of goods and persons. The extent of controls to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations which the Customs are responsible for enforcing should be proportionate to the level of assessed risk. The level of risk is determined in the context of the priorities of the Customs administrations e.g. whether the priority is

Physical examination / Search

The physical examination of goods and the search of commercial means of transport is undertaken to verify the nature and/or the relationship between the goods/means of transport and the documents presented. In addition Customs administrations may carry out checks to ensure that commercial means of transport fulfill the technical conditions laid down by certain international agreements for the international transport

Text 11.2. The role of information technologies

IN THE IMPLEMENTATIONOF A MODERN CUSTOMS POLICY Customs administrations today face a variety of political and administrative pressures and challenges. These include fluctuating workloads with static or declining resources, greater business expectations, and continuing pressures to meet government revenue, trade facilitation, social protection, and national security objectives. Moreover, Customs administrations are