C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are


1. sale 5. processing

2. manufacturing 6. assembly

3. assessment 7. packaging

4. loading

V. Find the noun constructions in the text corresponding to the following definitions.

1. effects that raise costs 4. activities that are connected with
  export and dependent on import

2. facilities that have some 5. procedures that are used during

Customs privileges admission

3. activities that are related 6. industries that are oriented towards

to export export

VI. Translate into English.

1. Для чего создаются свободные зоны?

2. Каким путем промышленные свободные зоны способствуют развитию внешней торговли страны?

3. Как можно нейтрализовать повышение стоимости в результате введения тарифов и других регулирующих средств?

4. Какие процедуры могут значительно сократить дорогостоящие административные требования?

5. Почему некоторые страны дают освобождение от уплаты таможенных пошлин и сборов?

6. В какой свободной зоне можно улучш ть товарные качества?

7. Почему свободные зоны рассматр ваются как эффективное средство размещения отраслей п омышленности, ориентированных на экспорт?

8. Что может обеспечить занятость и усовершенствовать тех-нологию в принимающей с ране?


I. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F). Give your reasons. If the statement is false, give the correct statement.

1. Free economic zones are enclosed areas which are considered outside Customs territory and in which duties on merchandise are deferred, reduced or, in some cases, eliminated. Domestic and foreign merchandise can be brought into a FEZ for the purpose of storage, manufacturing, assembly, salvage, re-packing, repair, re-export, transshipping, exhibit and other operations. Customs duty on products manufactured, assembled or processed in FEZ excludes labour, facility and overhead costs as well as profit.

2. In Belarus the owners of Customs warehouses are licensed by the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus. They must pass an

examination and obtain a licence from the Personnel Department to do business. The owners of Customs warehouses are to consult with Customs to determine the proper rate of duty or basis for appraisement. They are required to maintain strict confidence about business and transactions.

3. A warehouse is primarily used for the receipt, temporary storage and distribution of goods en route from the production site to the point of consumption. Companies may have their own private warehouses, use public warehouses or use contract warehousing. A public warehouse is one that is managed by the state and which offers rental space on a long-term basis.

4. In general, warehouses do not do basic manufacturing, handle hazardous materials (except in special circumstances) or store goods for extended periods of time (dead storage). Usually services provided by warehouses include storage, shipping, receiving, assembly, inventory control, «pick and pack» operations, labelling, export packaging, re-packing, handling returns, special packaging, disposal of damaged goods, repair of damaged goods, return of damaged goods, trucking, billing, order formulation and high security areas.

5. Customs officers and employees may not only offer advice and assistance but also act as brokers for importers and forwarders.

6. Duty must be paid immediately on goods «entered for consumption». Most duties in Belarus are a percentage of the invoiced value of the shipment and are collected by the Belarusian Customs Service. Customs should be contacted before goods are sent to the country to determine if other government agencies regulate the products to be imported. Goods that do not conform to the regulation of these agencies may be seized by Customs.

II. Insert the right words. Choose from the list below.

importers Customs officials

duties storage charges

bonded warehouse


(1) usually have to pay (2) to the government when they import goods. They declare the goods and the (3) collect the duty. When the importer doesn't pay the (4) immediately, the goods are stored in a (5). The importer has to pay (6) – the cost of keeping the goods in the warehouse and the importer can't take the goods out of the (7) until he pays the (8).

III. Study the following extract from the EC Customs Code. Translate it into Russian. Discuss with your classmates if the differentiation described is the same in the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

«...Customs-approved treatment or use of goods» means:

a. the placing of goods under a Customs procedure;

b. their entry;

c. their re-exportation;

d. their destruction;

e. their abandonment to the Exchequer.

«Customs procedure» means:

a. release of goods;

b. transit;

c. Customs warehousing;

d. inward processing;

e. processing under Customs control;

f. temporary admission;

g. outward processing;

h. exportation ...

IV. Punctuate the following texts.

Text 1

(Excerpts from Kyoto Convention. Specific Annex E.3

concerning Customs warehouses)

Customs warehouse may be either a public warehouse or a private warehouse «public warehouse» means a Customs warehouse available for use by any person for the warehousing of goods «private warehouse» means a Customs warehouse reserved for the warehousing of goods by the warehousekeeper the warehousekeeper is the person authorized to operate the Customs warehouse the depositor is the person bound by the

declaration placing the goods under the Customs warehousing procedure or to whom the rights and obligations of such a person have been transferred operation of a Customs warehouse is subject to the issue of an authorization by the Customs authorities unless the said authorities operate the Customs warehouse themselves any person wishing to operate a Customs warehouse must make a request in writing containing the information required for granting the authorization in particular demonstrating that an economic need for warehousing exists.

Text 2

Where the purpose of the processing operation is the repair of temporary exported goods and such repair is carried out in return for payment the partial relief from import duties is granted by establishing the amount of duties applicable on the basis of the taxation elements pertaining to the compensating products on the date of acceptance of the declaration of release for free circulation of those products and taking into account as the Customs value an amount equal to the repair costs provided that those costs represent the only consideration provided by the holder of the authorization and are not influenced by any links between that holder and the operator.

V. Finish the two sentences:

1. «Supervision by the Customs authorities» means...

2. «Control by the Customs authorities» means...

Choose from:        
a.… the performance of specific acts such as b.… action taken in
examination of goods, verifying the existence general by   the
and authenticity of documents, examining the authorities with a
accounts of undertakings and other records, view to ensuring that
inspecting means of transport, inspecting rules and, where
luggage and other goods carried by or on appropriate, other
persons and carrying out official inquiries or provisions applicable
other similar acts with a view to ensuring that to goods subject to
Customs rules and, where appropriate, other Customs supervision
provisions applicable to goods subject to are observed    
Customs supervision are observed        

VI. Read the following text. The first sentence in the text is missing. Choose the appropriate sentence among the options (1-4) given after the text.

A very large element of this problem is the difficulty in identifying the consignments for what they are, as it is possible to describe them in numerous ways. Having identified one chemical the examining officer is faced with the use of numerous synonyms for the same product. For example, ether which is used in the production of both heroin and cocaine, has 21 other names across Europe alone.

1. It is generally agreed that modern Customs administrations have two main tasks.

2. Access to knowledge and importation is not only a right, it is a necessity in all fields of activity.

3. The World Customs Organization in Brussels recognizes that Customs Services worldwide have a very important role in the efforts to combat diversion of drug-associated chemicals.

4. Customs administrations need to maintain the appropriate balance between facilitating legitimate trade and travel while ensuring compliance with the laws and regulations they enforce.

VII. Translate into Russian in written form.

1. The focus of Customs administrations worldwide is one of greater facilitation for the legitimate movement of trade and people. On the other hand, there are increasing demands for greater community protection from ordinary citizens and we have an important and continuing role to play in this regard.

2. We live in a world of continuous change – dynamic, inevitable and unpredictable. In this ever-changing environment, all players in the Customs and trade community need to be outwardly focused and prepared to continually reform and modernize the way they do business.

VIII. Insert the right words. Choose from the list below.

belongings commodities freight goods
cargo effects items merchandise
possessions property shipment stock
things wares    

1. There is a 15 % discount on all electrical … until the end of the month.

2. The country's most valuable … include oil and diamonds.

3. Shoppers complained about poor quality … and high prices.

4. There are several … on the table which belong to me.

5. A… of urgent medical supply is expected to arrive very soon.

6. This aircraft is for passengers only, it doesn't take any…

7. It says on the form that insurance covers all personal …

8. She put a few personal … in a bag and left the house.

9. The company must do more to promote their … overseas.

10. This railway line is used mainly by … trains.

IX. Speculate about the following.

1. Will the level of checking goods at the time of entry and exit be reduced under the post clearance system?

2. How will controls carried out on the basis of risk assessment help to facilitate trade?

3. Is Belarus an «importing country» or an «export-oriented country»?

4. Is Customs duty the main source of revenue for the Belarusian Government?

5. Are all Customs well equipped to reach the dual objectives of exercising efficient control and keeping trade moving as fast and smoothly as possible?

6. Are most of international transit operations still monitored by Customs officials using only paper documents?

7. Has the Belarusian Customs Service developed a comprehensive automated system of pricing information as part of its risk assessment strategy to target declarations for verification?

X. Study the following information. Then fill in the table below with the correct items under the different headings.

Visible exportis the export of physically tangible goods from onecountry to other countries, and re-export of goods at various stages of production. Invisible export involves the export of physically intangible items, such as services, from one country to other countries.

A standard import involves the physical transfer of goods from one country to another. In contrast, invisible imports are intangible goods brought into a country. An invisible import is generally a service – if a country receives investment banking consulting from another country for instance, it still qualifies as an inflow like a normal import despite nothing tangible being brought into the country.

tangible goods – материальные товары/средства intangible goods – нематериальные товары/средства

C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru

Visible Invisible

C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru


C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru


C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru

1. Canadian vacuum cleaner bought by a housewife in Belarus.

2. Russian car sold in Finland.

3. Russian tourist in France.

4. Dutch tulips sold in Russian shops.

5. Russian coal sold in China.

6. Russian computer used in America.

7. Russian piano bought by a housewife in Estonia.

8. Spanish tourist in Belarus.

9. Greek ships carriers of Russian goods.

10. French perfume sold in Russia.

11. Russian insurance company insures an Italian ship.

12. Belgian beer sold in Russia.

XI. Insert the right words. Choose from the list below.


1. container 3. containerize

2. containers 4. containerized

5. containerization


1. Balance of trade 2. Balance of payments

Text 1

Although (a) has many advantages, it has some disadvantages too.

And that is why many ports are still not specially adapted to (b) traffic.

Now, you need a lot of special equipment for handling (c) and this is very expensive. Some countries haven't got enough money to buy the equipment to (d) their ports. Also, (e) means that there is more unemployment, because the equipment does the work that people do in conventional ports. And most countries don't want a lot of people out of work, so they don't want their ports to be (f).

Text 2

The difference between the amount a country spends on visible imports and the amount it receives for visible exports is its Balance of

(a). The difference between the total amount a country spends onimports (both visible and invisible) and other payments abroad, and the total amount it receives, from exports (both visible and invisible) and other receipts, is its Balance of (b).


I. Solve the chain puzzle.

1. An amount granted, usually related to exemptions.

2. Any matter or fact from which an inference may be drawn to another matter or fact.

3. To send goods to a foreign country.

4. A list or system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.

5. Deliberate deception.

6. A refund of Customs duty.

7. 2.2046 pounds.

8. A written instrument containing a true account of imported cargo.

9. Movement of merchandise through another country.

10. A name, a symbol or other device identifying a product.

C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru

II. Make up sentence with the given Russian phrases. Ask your partner to translate them into English.

На at, for, on, to, under
На дату отгрузки on the date of unloading
На железнодорожной станции at the railway station
На конец января at the end of January
На предъявителя to the bearer
На сегодняшний день to date
На срок for the period of
На стадии рассмотрен я under consideration
На усмотрение кого-л бо at the discretion of somebody
III. Translate into Russian.  

üstrip stamps on bottled alcoholic beverages; üfiscal caps on wines;

ütax stamps on tobacco products;

ümarking of mineral oils;

üaudit-system controls with regard to warehouses;

ücommon chemical marker (Euromarker) to be used in fuels enjoying an exemption or a reduced rate of taxation.

IV. Solve the crossword puzzle.


1. There are 2 types of goods: goods of Customs Union and … goods.

6. It is a facility granted to those involved in external trade to place

their goods temporarily in Customs storage, without the payment of duties and taxes, without the application of economic restrictions and prohibitions.

9. Delivery, shipment, cargo, batch, goods – are the synonymous of this word.

10. Responsible for to customs or other duties.

11. It is a customs procedure under which foreign goods can be used for operations of … processing on the territory of Customs Union during certain period of time and free of payment import and export duties and taxes.

17. It is a customs procedure under which goods of Customs Union can be brought out of the territory of Customs Union and are intended to permanent location out of Customs Union.

19. It is a treatment applied by the Customs to goods, which are subject to customs control.


2. Means, potential, equipment, resource are the synonymous of this


3. The quality of being legal.

4. The action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned.

5. A collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age.

7. Overload, congestion, surcharge, overburden are the synonymous of this word.

8. Classification of goods depending on the material, application, country of origin, etc.

12. A permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade (especially in alcoholic beverages).

13. An undertaking in due legal form, by which a person binds himself to Customs to do or not to do some special act.

14. The process of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.

15. To allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.

16. Forbidden, banned.

18. An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.

C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru


C. In industrial free zones, the following operations are - student2.ru

Study the following words and word combinations from the text.

a goods classification system система классификации товаров
a differential tax treatment дифференцированный налоговый
a common world nomenclature общая международная номенк-
a common framework for общая структура / основа для та-
Customs tariffs моженных тарифов  
a draft Customs Nomenclature п оект таможенной номенкла-
  ту ы    
standardization стандартизация  
to make amendments вносить поправки  
to reveal shortcomings выявлять / обнаруживать недос-
to abridge сокращать  
trade documentation data данные по торговой докумен-
designation and coding of      
countries обозначение и кодирование стран
hauling/ transportation требования транспортировки
the «Harmonized Commodity Гармонизированная система опи-
Description and Coding сания и кодирования товаров
System» (HS) (ГС)    

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