Sign below after you read notice on reverse
I have read the notice on the reverse and have made a truthful declaration.
……………….. ……………………….
Signature Date (day/month/year)
2.3.1 Translate the following sentences, words and phrases into English:
Part A
1) В случае утери восстановлению не подлежит.
2) Мой багаж (включая ручную кладь), предоставленный для проверки
состоит из пяти предметов.
3) Рубли, валюта, ценности и прочие предметы, принадлежащие другим
людям, подлежат таможенному декларированию.
Part В
1) страна назначения; 2) цель посещения; 3) антиквариат;
4) драгоценные металлы; 5) необработанные драгоценные камни;
6) ценности; 7) печатные материалы; 8) полуфабрикаты животного
происхождения; 9) название судна; 10) номер рейса; 11) битая птица.
Roleplay the following dialogue
Customs officer: Good morning! Come this way, please.
Passenger: Yes, thank you.
Customs officer: Are these your suitcases, sir?
Passenger: Yes, that's right.
Customs officer: Do you have goods to declare?
Passenger: I don't think I have.
Customs officer: Okay, put your bags on the counter, please. Your customs form, please. Thank you. How long are you planning to stay in the country?
Passenger: Two months, I think.
Customs officer: What's the purpose of your visit?
Passenger: I'm here on business.
Customs officer: I see. And you have nothing to declare?
Passenger: Pardon?
Customs officer: I mean alcohol, cigarettes, medicine ...
Passenger: Oh, no.
Customs officer: What's inside this bag?
Passenger: Presents for some of my colleagues.
Customs officer: Uh-huh. Spirits?
Passenger: A bottle of French red wine.
Customs officer: Any meat?
Passenger: What?
Customs officer: Food, fresh fruit ...
Passenger: Uh, no.
Customs officer: No plants?
Passenger: No. But I have 200 French cigarettes for my friends.
Customs officer: You don't need to declare this. That's under the limit.
Passenger: Good.
Customs officer: Okay, that's okay. Here's your form.
Passenger: Thank you.
Customs officer: Welcome to the USA!
Grammar Assignments
2.5.1 Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:
Anna: Did you remember (pack) the beach towels?
Pete: Sorry, I forgot (do) that. Look, they're here in the bath.
Anna: O.K., my bag 's pretty full but I'll try (put) them all.
Pete: Oh, I really dislike (pack). It's so boring!
Anna: Never mind it. It's all worth it. Do you remember (go) to India last year?
Pete: Of course. I'll certainly never forget (have) all those injections. And I'm glad I tried (eat) all that spicy Indian food - it was delicious.
Anna: In fact you didn't stop (eat) all the time we were there!
Pete: We had some strangest experiences, didn't we? Do you remember when
you stopped (give) money to a blind man and within thirty seconds we were surrounded by beggars?
2.5.2 Choose the correct verb form to fill gaps in these sentences:
1) I know it's not easy, but try ….. your best in the exam. (doing /to do)
2) This job is exhausting. I'm going to stop ….. a rest. (having/to have )
3) When I was a child I remember ….. horses in the street. (seeing/to see)
4) My secretary isn't very reliable. She often forgets ….. the files in the correct order. (to put/ putting)
5) That athlete is attempting ….. the world record. (to break/ breaking)
Unit 3 Customs Bodies of Russia. Сustoms Management
Pre-Text Assignments
3.1.1 Study the following vocabulary list and memorize the words:
body орган, организация
supreme верховный, главный
directorate управление
institution организация, институт
statute статут, законодательный акт
enterprise предприятие
enforcement введение, соблюдение
legislation законодательство
implementation исполнение, проведение
treaty соглашение
shipment партия (груза), перевозка, транспортировка
item пункт, предмет
customs clearance таможенная очистка
consumer клиент, заказчик
3.1.2 Guess the meaning of the following verbs according to their explanation:
execute to do, to perform
constitute to form, to make
consist to be made / formed from something
conduct to organize , to perform
implement to put a plan or system into operation
comprise to have as parts or members
interfere (with) to involve yourself in matters, to influence
ship to transport
run to lead, to be in charge of
adopt to accept
3.1.3 Read the following words and guess their meaning:
council direct regional general economical liquidation
committee cooperate institution protection accelerate statute