Independent Front Suspension System(Unit 6)

To overcome disadvantages associated with the rigid-beam-axle suspension, independent front suspension (IFS) is used. The term independent suspension describes any system that connects the wheels to the frame in which the movement of one wheel has no effect on the other wheel. The advantages and disadvantages of adopting independent front suspension for pas­senger cars and light vans include the following:
(a) The centrifugal force is created in sprung vehicle bodies when cornering forms a roll couple that tilts or rolls the body outwards. The body roll is encountered by a resisting couple, produced by the product of the springs’ reaction forces and effective distance between them. Therefore, the necessary reaction stiffness of the spring to resist the roll couple increases or decreases as the effective distance between the springs decreases or increases respectively. In fact the roll angle is inversely proportional to the square of the effective spring-base width. (дата обращения 25.12.2013)

Presenting a Paper

To make your presentation clear and easy to understand you must remember that:

1. A presentation is NOT a report, read aloud.

2. A presentation CAN NOT be delivered as a written report. You should speak slowly and clearly.

3. BEFORE introducing new information give the listener time to anticipate what kind of information is coming.

4. Make a list of the most important topics and things you have to say and arrange them logically.

5. Make a list of minor, but interesting points.

6. Arrange the information into a logical sequence.

7. Use links between the points (issues) and have a beginning and an end.

The following phrases can be used at different stages within your presentation:

In the introduction to the topic

To begin with, let’s consider…

During this short talk I’m going to…

This morning I’m going to... (talk about…)

Today I’d like to… (describe…)

The aim of my report is to... (explain…)

I’ve divided my report into... (three parts)

First, I’d like to... (give you a review of the project) ... Then I’ll focus on...

After that we’ll deal with... (the technical aspects)...

Finally, we’ll consider... (what new skills will be needed)

In introducing each section

So, let’s start with... (the objectives...)

Now let’s move on to... (the next part...)

It is worth mentioning the fact that...

Let us have a closer look at...

I can tell you without any exaggeration...

Finally... (let’s consider...)

In response to a question:

I wish I could agree with you but...

I think, you are entirely right...

I would object just a little...

I’d rather not answer that, if you don’t mind...

Referring to information

I will not go into details...

This diagram shows...

If you look at this graph you can see...

I’d like to draw your attention to...

I’d like to emphasize the fact that...

I have doubts about...

Summarizing a section or the whole report

In conclusion let me...

So, to summarize the main idea of my report...

In closing (conclusion), I’d like to mention very briefly...

That brings me to the end of my report...

I’d like to express my gratitude to...

Are there any questions?

Exercise 1.Give the English equivalents of these phrases:

1. Тема моего сообщения...

2. В докладе я затрону следующие вопросы...

3. Цель моего сообщения — сделать обзор...

4. Мне интересна эта тема, так как...

5. Сначала я хотел бы дать общее описание...

6. Я хочу подчеркнуть тот факт, что...

7. Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на чертеж...

8. Позвольте дать пояснения...

9. С одной стороны..., с другой стороны...

10. Это, в частности, справедливо для...

Exercise 2. With the list below distribute the speech patterns to the appropriate columns:

In closing, I’d like to mention very briefly...

I can tell you without any exaggeration...

First of all, I would like to...

It should be pointed out that...

In conclusion, let me say...

I’d like to emphasize the fact that...

Finally, I’d like to say a few words about...

The object of this paper is to...

I am pleased to have this opportunity to...

The subject that I’ll discuss is...

Let us have a closer look at...

It is worth mentioning the fact that...

Let me begin with...

The last part of my talk will be devoted to...

I end this report with a description of...

Introductory patterns Patterns for the body of report Closing speech patterns

Units of Measurement

Customary system

Linear measure   Mariners’ measure
12 inches 1 foot   6 feet 1 fathom
3 feet 1 yard   3 nautical miles 1 league
5.5 yards 1 rod      
      Liquid measure
Square measure   4 gills 1 pint
144 square inches 1 square foot   2 pints 1 quart
9 square feet 1 square yard   4 quarts 1 gallon
30 1 / 4 square yards 1 square rod   31.5 gallons 1 barrel

Metric and customary equivalents

Linear measure

Customary unit Metric unit
1 inch 25.4 millimeters
2.54 centimeters
1 foot 30.48 centimeters
3.048 decimeters
0.3048 meter
1 yard 1 mile 0.9144 meter
1609.3 meters
  1.6093 kilometers
0.03937 inch 1 millimeter
0.3937 inch 1 centimeter
3.937 inches 1 decimeter

Units of measurement:

What is being measured British Imperial System SI system  
power hp(horsepower) kW( киловатт) лошадинаясила 1 kw =1,36 hp
torque lb-ft ( pound-foot)a unit of torque Nm (Ньютон- метр)   фунто – фут 1 kN/m=68,5 lb-ft единица измерения крутящего момента
frequency of rotation rpm (revolutions per minute) radian per second ( rad /s) ( радианвсекунду) число оборотов в минуту 1 radpersecond = 9.55 rpm  
pressure psi (pounds per square inch) bar (бар) = 100 kPa ( килопаскаль) давление в фунтах на квадратный дюйм- давление в одну атмосферу 1bar =14,5 psi
length Mi (mile) Km ( километр) единицадлины, равная 1.609 км

4. Keys to exercises:

Unit 1

Ex.1, p.

b a d e c

Ex.2, p.

c b d e a

Ex. 3, p.

c e a f d b j i g h

Ex. 4, p.

f i c g j a d h b e

Ex. 5, p.

c d a b e

Ex. 6

1. its higher compression ratios and lean burn combustion provide high efficiency (key: diesel

2.its average thermodynamic efficiency is 15 percent better (key: diesel)

3. its pricey after-treatment system crimps (снижает) efficiency (key: diesel )

4.its ethanol-boosted concept makes it possible to achieve thermal efficiency . (gasoline)

5. we see incremental improvements in hardware such as independent cylinder combustion control(diesel)

6. its fuel energy density is lower . (gasoline)

7. it still needs regular maintenance to keep it running . (diesel)

8. its small ignition retard ( запаздывание) makes them more speedy. (gasoline)

9. it is more easily turbo-charged. (diesel)

Unit 2

Ex. 1

c d e f a b

Ex. 2 b)

a/d a c c b

Ex. 2 c)

b/c e d a


e f a d g c b

Ex. 5

f a g c b d e ? h

Unit 3

Ex. 1 Unit 3

b c a f i d e g j h

Ex. 3 Unit 3

b a g f c d e

Ex.4 Unit 3

c a b e d g

Ex.6 Unit 3

have been combined has been used offers is used was developed

Ex.7 Unit 3

b. advancement d. performance a. reduced c. strength e.durability

Unit 4

Ex1. Unit 4

d b g a c e f

Ex.2 Unit 4

d a b e c

Ex. 5 Unit 4

g c f d i b a e h

Ex.6 Unit 4

a f d h b g c e

Unit 5

Ex.1 Unit 5

c g a b d e h f j i

Ex. 2 Unit 5

c a f b g d e h

Ex. 3 Unit5

d b a e c

Ex. 4 Unit5

e f c a b g d

Ex.5 Unit 5:

1. lead acid batteries

2. lead acid batteries

3. lithium–ion batteries

4. lithium–ion batteries

5. lead acidbatteries

6. lead acidbatteries

7. lithium–ion batteries

8. lead acidbatteries

9. lead acidbatteries

10. lithium–ion batteries

Text 5 B

Possible variants:

- As far as I know lead-acid batteries are the ones most favored by automakers.

- They have been proven to be more economical and reliable;besides they are

environmentally sustainable than the competition.

- It’s due to the fact that lead-acid batteries are almost completely recycled.

- Beyond all doubt the recycled materials used in the manufacture of new batteries are cheaper than batteries made only with new materials.

- The reason for this is that considerably less energy is required and less CO2 emitted to manufacture and recycle batteries.

- That’s why it will remain this way for many years to come.

Unit 6

Ex 1. Unit 6

g c d b f e a

Ex.2 Unit 6

d a f b g c e

Ex. 3 Unit 6

d f h a g b e c


1. Англо-русский политехнический словарь/Авт.-сост. М.В. Адамчик. Минск: Харвест, 2004.

2. Большой англо-русский политехнический словарь С.М. Баринов, А.Б. Борковский, В.А. Владимиров и др. М.: Руссо, 2002.

3. Климзо Б.Н. Ремесло технического переводчика: Об английском языке, переводе и переводчиках научно-технической литературы. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Р. Валент, 2006.

4. Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод английской научно-технической литературы: Лексико-грамматический справочник. М.: ACT, 2003.

5. Hornby F.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 7th ed. Oxford: OxfordUniv. Press, 2006.

6.Новый англо-русский и русско-английский автомобильный словарь/Под ред. к.т.н. В.В. Комарова (НИИАТ) - М.:Живой язык , 2008.

Unit 1

1. Rex Roy. Are Gas Engines Now More Efficient Than Diesel? // Popular Mechanics.URL: 22, 2010 (датаобращения: 08.04.14).

2.Ulrich G. Alkemade, Bernd Schumann. Engines and exhaust after treatment systems for future automotive applications .// Solid State Ionics 15: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Part II. URL: 2006 (дата обращения: 07.06.14).

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