Additional considerations
When planning a development pattern, other factors come into play too:
- Reservoir drive.
- Controlling rate of production.
- Amount of surface equipment needed.
- Proximity to utilities and carries.
- Market outlet and value.
- Government regulations.
Each of these factors must be considered in the overall plan.
Depending on the contents of the reservoir and the depth to witch a well is drilled, the well may not be developed to its most productive capacity. If the driller does not take advantage of the natural energy in the reservoir, some kind of lift or pump will be needed to produce the petroleum, and that is an additional charge. So knowing the type of drive is important.
Controlling the rate of production is also important.
The kinds of necessary surface equipment are also important in the development plan/ as soon as the first well is drilled and placed on production, oil storage tanks and gathering and treating facilities for both the oil and gas will be needed. This portion of the surface equipment is ordinarily developed gradually to keep pace with the productivity of the wells as they are completed. However, the layout and design must be carefully planned.
1. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) How is the development of an oil properly generally conducted?
2) How are the wells numbered when they are drilled?
3) Is well spacing less dense in the Middle East or in Canada?
4) What do the spacing of boundary wells determine?
2. Посмотрите на рис. 2 и ответьте на вопрос:
What kinds of necessary equipment are important in the development plan?
3. Определите значение следующих слов:
specification, identification, evaluation, analysis, production, projects, hydrogeology, revision, portion, projects, instrumental, results, region, adaptation, hydrochemical, methods, control.
4. Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих выражений в тексте:
Расстановка граничных скважин; добыча нефти из скважин; разработка нефтеносного участка; разведанное месторождение; структура приповерхностного слоя; продуктивные опытные скважины; механизм вытеснения нефти из коллектора; рыночная стоимость; регулирование дебита нефти; план разработки; наземное оборудование; резервуары для нефти; бурение рядов скважин, система сбора и очистки для нефти и газа.
5. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Скажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста:
1) Initial production is lower than production using plans with usual spacing.
2) In Canada well spacing is less dense.
3) Knowing the type of drive isn’t important.
4) Controlling the rate of production is also important.
5) After the number of wells, the space distance and the pattern are chosen the wells are drilled.
6. Выпишите из текста структуры «существительное + существительное».
7. Составьте план пересказа текста и перескажите его.
Самостоятельная работа
Прочтите и письменно переведите текст, выполните задания
More than 30 deposits natural gas in an unusual state was discovered in Siberia’s permafrost areas. The prospected gas is in a solid state. It was also found that the physical and chemical properties of permafrost cause natural gas to pass into a crystalline state. Potential deposits of solid gas in our country are estimated at cubic meters. The extraction of this gas does not require the construction of mines. It can be converted into the gaseous state directly in the seam, and then brought to the surface through conventional bore holes.
1) Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:
1) What kind of gas was discovered in Siberia’s permafrost areas?
2) Does the extraction of solid gas require the construction of mines?
2) Соотнесите левую часть выражения с правой:
1) to find а) in the depression
2) to accumulate b) into gas
3) to discover c) into a crystalline state
4) to pass d) deposits
5) to convert e) natural gas
Unit 10
Nongas -phase hydrocarbon sampling method
1.Грамматика. Интернациональные слова.
2.Текст “Nongas – phase hydrocarbon sampling aids detection of seepage anomalies”.
3. Самостоятельная работа. Текст«Algorithm helps define final 3D seismic survey polygon».