Подготовка и выступление с PowerPoint презентацией



НИИ Уронефрологии, лекционная ауд. (Б. Пироговская, д.2, стр. 1)



Irina Markovina, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Director of the Language Learning Centre

Jonathan McFarland, Head of Academic Writing Office, Language Learning Centre

Istvan Lenart, PhD (Intercultural Communication)

Evgeniy Mashkovskiy,MD, PhD (Medicine), Master of Linguistics


Part 1. Introduction to Academic Writing

The aim in this session is to introduce the topic of Academic Writing for Healthcare professionals, and in particular pharmacists.

10:10 – 10:45 Interactive lecture “Academic Writing in Medicine and Pharmacy”

Expert - Jonathan McFarland

Jonathan McFarland will highlight how important it is to write up your scientific research since research is only important when it is effectively disseminated, as Francis Darwin (son of Charles Darwin) said, “In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world…”. He will talk about the basic elements of research paper such as the IMRaD format, editor’s triage, the tenses used and many more, as well as highlighting how important are such subjects as simplicity, concision and precision to good academic writing, where the important thing is to make your ideas understandable to as wide and receptive an audience as possible.

Interactive workshop on Academic Writing

Expert - Jonathan McFarland

Tutors -members of the Student Scientific Society of the Dept. of Foreign Languages.

The participants, working in groups, will work on activities that concentrate on what is good academic writing, and Jonathan would also be delighted to have a debate and discussion about the research work that the participants are doing or plan to do.

11:15-11:30 Discussion, reports of the working groups/Обсуждение результатов работы в группах: участники мастер-класса, тренеры, эксперты, тьюторы.

11:40 – 13:00

Part 2. Introduction to Professional Communication in English

11:40-11:50 – Introduction/Вводная часть; формирование групп участников.

11:50-12:20 – Interactive lecture “What is Intercultural Competence in the Professional Communication?”/Лекция «Что такое межкультурная компетенция в профессиональной коммуникации?»

Expert - Istvan Lenart

12:20-12:50 Training session 1 (case analysis).Tutors – members of the Student Scientific Society of the Dept. of Foreign Languages.

Тренинг по межкультурной коммуникации в профессиональной сфере: работа в группах с тренерами, экспертами и тьюторами.

Trainers – Jonathan McFarland, Irina Markovina, Evgeniy Mashkovskiy

12:50-13:10 – Discussion, reports of the working groups/Обсуждение результатов тренинга 1: участники мастер-класса, тренеры, эксперты, тьюторы.

13:10 – 14:20 lunch break/ перерыв на обед


Part 3. Getting Ready for an International Conference:

Making a PowerPoint Presentation

Подготовка и выступление с PowerPoint презентацией

14:20-15:00 -Interactive lecture “How to Make a Good Presentation” / Лекция «Как подготовить качественную презентацию» и

Expert – Evgeniy Mashkovskiy

Training session 2 (group work)/тренинг выступления на международной конференции с презентацией доклада

Trainers – Jonathan McFarland, Irina Markovina, Istvan Lenart, Alexei Matyushin

Tutors – members of the Student Scientific Society of the Dept. of Foreign Languages.

14:40-15:00 – Discussion. Reports of the working groups/Обсуждение результатов тренинга в группах (отчёт рабочих групп): участники мастер-класса, тренеры, эксперты, тьюторы.

15:10-16:10 Practicing Intercultural Professional Communication. Video conference with Spain: Presentation of the Pharmacy Department

The aim in this session is to give the participants the training in real intercultural professional communication, through the discussion of life and activities of a pharmacy department of the big hospital in Mallorca (Spain).

Expert – Olga Delgado & team, University Hospital Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

Trainers – Jonathan McFarland, Irina Markovina, Alexei Matyushin

Tutors -members of the Student Scientific Society of the Dept. of Foreign Languages.

16:10-16:25– Break/перерыв



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