Lt;variant> more serious

<variant> serious

<variant> seriouser

<variant> more seriouser

<variant> seriouser more

<222>Today you look ... than yesterday.

Lt;variant> better

<variant> good

<variant> gooder

<variant> more good

<variant> more better

<223>Pete reads ... than his friend.

Lt;variant> worse

<variant> bader

<variant> badder

<variant> more bad

<variant> more worse

<224>I’m much ... than my cousin Eddy.

Lt;variant> taller

<variant> tall

<variant> tallest

<variant> more tall

<variant> tallerer

<225>Nick is ... than Helen today.

Lt;variant> busier

<variant> busy

<variant> busyer

<variant> buser

<variant> busyir

<226>Nina is... than her sister Mary.

Lt;variant> prettier

<variant> prettyer

<variant> more pretty

<variant> more prettier

<variant> prettiyer

<227>Ann’s reproduction is ... than Betty’s.

Lt;variant> more interesting

<variant> interstinger

<variant> interesting

<variant> interestingier

<variant> more interestingier

<228>Our family is... than their family.

Lt;variant> larger

<variant> more large

<variant> large more

<variant> large

<variant> largerer

<229>Are you sure this pencil is ... ?

Lt;variant> yours

<variant> your

<variant> your’s

<variant> yours’

<variant> you

<230>My copy-book is in the bag. Where is ... ?

Lt;variant> yours

<variant> you

<variant> him

<variant> them

<variant> they

<231>Whose books are these? Oh, they’re ... .

Lt;variant> hers

<variant> she

<variant> me

<variant> herself

<variant> her’s

<232>This coat belongs to ... .

Lt;variant> me

<variant> mine

<variant> me’s

<variant> myself

<variant> my

<233>Who are they? They are friends of ... .

Lt;variant> ours

<variant> our

<variant> we

<variant> ours’

<variant> our’s

<234>Kitty is... daughter.

Lt;variant> Mr Brown’s

<variant> Mr Brown

<variant> Mr’s Brown

<variant> Mr Brow’ns

<variant> Mr’s Brown’s

<235>The... are old and yellow.

Lt;variant> pages of the book

<variant> pages book

<variant> pages books

<variant> pages of the book’s

<variant> page’s of the book

<236>... ... is beautiful.

Lt;variant> Our neighbour’s garden

<variant> Our neighbour garden

<variant> Our neighbour garden’s

<variant> Ours neighbour

<variant> Ours neighbours

<237>My ... bedroom is on the top floor.

<variant> parents’

<variant> parents

<variant> parent

<variant> parent’s

<variant> parentes’

<238>My friend knows English as ... as I do.

Lt;variant> well

<variant> good

<variant> bad

<variant> worse

<variant> better

<239>What are ... mountains in Europe?

Lt;variant> the highest

<variant> higher

<variant> high

<variant> as high

<variant> highest

<240>He comes home very ... .

Lt;variant> late

<variant> lately

<variant> later

<variant> latest

<variant> the latest

<241>There are ... mistakes in my dictation than in yours.

Lt;variant> fewer

<variant> few

<variant> less

<variant> more few

<variant> little

<242>Mr Sandford ... his son is going to London.

Lt;variant> says

<variant> say

<variant> tells

<variant> tell

<variant> is saying

<243>The boy ... he is going to stay at home.

Lt;variant> says

<variant> speak

<variant> say

<variant> tell

<variant> tells

<244>… Chinese is more difficult than … English.

<variant> -, -

<variant> the, a

<variant> a, the

<variant> a, a

<variant> the, the

Lt;245>… some coffee in the coffee-pot.

Lt;variant>There is

<variant>There are

<variant>There be

<variant>Is there

<variant>Are there

<246>How many high buildings … … in your street?

Lt;variant> are there

<variant> is there

<variant> there is

<variant> there are

<variant> there be

<247>How much milk … … in the jug?

Lt;variant> is there

<variant> there is

<variant> are there

<variant> there are

<variant> there be

<248>… little money in the bag.

Lt;variant> there is

<variant> is there

<variant> are there

<variant> there are

<variant> there be

<249>… some cups on the table, but … any glasses.

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