Serves 4 Time taken 20 minutes.

Serves 4 Time taken 45 minutes

· 350 g rump steak;

· 2 green peppers.

For the Barbecue Baste:

· 4 tablespoons oil;

· 1 medium size onion;

· 1 clove garlic;

· 65 g tomato puree;

· 4 tablespoons soft brown sugar;

· 225 g small whole onions;

· 4 tomatoes;

· 2 tablespoons vinegar;

· juice of Ѕ lemon;

· 1 level teaspoon salt;

· 1 level teaspoon chilly powder;

· 1 level teaspoon dry mustard.

Trim any fat from the steak and then cut it up into neat cubes. Halve deseed and cut the green peppers into pieces. Peel the onions, leaving them whole, place in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring the boil. Simmer for 10 minutes to partly cook. If small onions are difficult to find, use two large onions peeled and cut in quarters but do not par-boil. Cut the tomatoes in half. Fix the chunks of meat on to four skewers alternating the meat with the green peppers, onions and tomato halves. Set aside while preparing the baste. Heat the oil in a small saucepan. Peel and finely chop the onion and the garlic. Add the onion and cook gently for 5 minutes until tender but not brown. Add the garlic and fry for a moment, then stir in the remaining ingredients. Stir well and bring to the boil. Simmer gently for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Draw off the heat and the baste is ready for use. Brash the skewers with a little of the baste and place over the glowing coals. Cook for 10–15 minutes, basting and turning occasionally.

New Potato Salad

Serves 4 Time taken 20 minutes. Cool before serving.

· 450-700 g new potatoes;

· 1 bunch spring onions;

· 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley;

· 1 tablespoon finely chopped mint;

· 4-6 tablespoons prepared oil and vinegar dressing.

Tossing the potatoes in the dressing while they are still hot, considerably improves the flavour of the potato salad. Select even-size potatoes, scrape and add whole to boiling salted water. Reboil and simmer for about 15 minutes or until just tender, depending on the size of the potatoes. Drain and leave until cool enough to handle, then slice thickly into a salad bowl. Wash and trim the spring onions. Shred the white base of each and add to the potatoes along with the chopped parsley and mint. Pour the oil and vinegar dressing over the potatoes while they are still hot, then leave until cold before serving.

Pineapple Coleslaw

Serves 6 Time taken 45 minutes

· Ѕ small white summer cabbage;

· 225 g seedless green grapes;

· 1 small pineapple.

For the Dressing:

· 4-5 tablespoons prepared oil and vinegar dressing;

· 3 tablespoons mayonnaise;

· 4 tablespoons single cream.

Discard any outer, bruised leaves from the cabbage, cut half the cabbage into quarters and remove the hard stalk. Shred the cabbage finely and wash well in salted water. Drain thoroughly and place in a salad bowl. Pick the grapes from the stem, wash thoroughly, cut in half and add to the cabbage. Slice the leafy top and the base from the pineapple then cut downwards round the sides to remove the outer peel. Remove any eyes and cut the pineapple into slices. Cut away any hard core and shred the pineapple and add. Pour the oil and vinegar dressing over the prepared ingredients and toss well to mix through the salad. Thin down the mayonnaise with the cream and pour over the salad. Toss to mix again and then serve. It is advisable to mix the salad in a mixing basin, if a wooden salad bowl is to be used for serving, as the bowl is inclined to get stained when tossing the salad in the mayonnaise dressing. This salad is delicious with grilled fish, poultry, roast pork, grilled steak or chops.

Salad «Nicoise»

Serves 4 Time taken 20 minutes.

· 140 g prepared oil and vinegar dressing;

· 1 lettuce heart;

· 225 g cooked French beans;

· 1 green pepper;

· 1/2 onion;

· 225 g tinned tuna fish;

· 6-8 black olives, stoned;

· 8 anchovy fillets;

· 3-4 firm tomatoes;

· 2 hard-boiled eggs.

This particular salad makes an excellent start to а meal, it looks attractive and is very easy to prepare. Pour half the prepared dressing into the base of a salad bowl-the one to be used for serving. Separate the lettuce leaves and wash them tearing any large ones in half. Add the lettuce and the cooked bean to the dressing in the bowl and toss to ma with the dressing. Halve, deseed and shred the green pepper. Peel and slice the onion into rings. Arrange the tuna fish, drained from the tin and broken in pieces, the olives, shredded green peppers, anchovy fillets and onion rings on top of the salad. Cut the tomatoes and shelled, hard-boiled eggs in quarters and arrange around the aides of the bowl. Sprinkle with the remaining oil and vinegar dressing and serve.

Spinach Flan

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