Database. What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?



$$$ 28

Classical von Neumann architecture computer include (3):

A) Arithmetic logic unit (or processing unit).

B) Control unit.

C) Memory.

D) Portable digital devices.

E) Information.

F) Knowledge.

$$$ 29

Device that allows you to enter data and instruction into a computer:

A) Interaction device

B) Input device

C) Communications device

D) Output device

E) Terminal device

$$$ 30

Input devices (3):

A) Mouse

B) Scanner

C) Headphones

D) Loudspeaker

E) Monitor

F) Keyboard

G) Printer

$$$ 31

A place for permanent data storage (it does not delete/clear when computer shuts down):

A) Desktop casing

B) Towers casing

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 32

Central part of a computer (and can be referred to as the computer’s “brain”):

A) Desktop casing

B) Towers casing

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 33

The element of application window, which contains information about the application is open:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 34

Working memory in which analyzed data and programs are stored, while computer runs:

A) Desktop casing

B) Towers casing

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 35

Device that allows the computer to communicate with other devices on the network:

A) Graphics card

B) Network card

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 36

Device that allows the computer to communicate with other devices on the network:

A) Graphics card

B) Network card

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 37

Device that responsible for image processing and displaying it on a monitor:

A) Graphics card

B) Network card

C) Motherboard, MBO

D) Central Processing Unit (CPU or processor)

E) ROM (Read Only Memory)

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 38

Output devices (3):

A) Graphics card

B) Projector

C) Monitor

D) Plotter

E) Scanner

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 39

Types of software (2):

A) Graphics card

B) System Software

C) Application Software

D) Plotter

E) Scanner

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 40

Type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application programs:

A) Graphics card

B) System Software

C) Application Software

D) Plotter

E) Scanner

F) RAM (Random Access Memory).

G) Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

H) Soundcard

$$$ 41

Programs of system software (3):

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Presentation Graphic Software

$$$ 42

Programs of application software (3):

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software

$$$ 43

System software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer:

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software

$$$ 44

Operating systems:

A) Microsoft Office, Open Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

B) Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Knoppix)

C) Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7,...)

D) Mozilla Firefox (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari)

E) Mac OS X (Cheetah, Panther, Snow Leopard)

F) Adobe Photoshop, Canvas, CorelDraw, Draw

G) Avira, Sophos, Kaspersky, Antivir

$$$ 45

System software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs:

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software

$$$ 46

Functions of an Operating System (3):

A) Memory Management

B) Device Management

C) Control over system performance

D) Antivirus programs

E) Office programs

$$$ 47

Software usually provides tools to assist a programmer in writing computer programs and software using different programming languages:

A) Operating system

B) Programming software

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software

$$$ 48

Examples of Utility software (3):

A) Memory Management

B) Disk compression

C) Disk defragmenters

D) Anti-virus

E) Office programs

$$$ 49

Software is a collection of one or more programs used to solve a specific task:

A) Memory Management

B) Disk compression

C) Disk defragmenters

D) Anti-virus

E) Application software

$$$ 50

Software which allows users to create, edit a text document:

A) Operating system

B) Programming software

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software

$$$ 51

Word. Key for enter Capital Letters (2):

A) End

B) Home

C) Insert

D) Enter

E) Caps Lock

F) Shift

G) Delete

H) Alt

$$$ 52

Word. Key for delete a character that is on the left of the cursor:

A) Caps Lock.

B) Backspace.

C) Space bar.

D) Shift.

E) Delete.

F) Alt.

G) Enter.

H) Insert.

$$$ 53

Word. Key for move the cursor to the beginning of the line:

A) Home.

B) End.

C) PgUp.

D) PgDn.

E) Enter.

F) Backspace.

G) Shift.

H) Alt.

$$$ 54

Word. Key for delete a character that is to the right of the cursor:

A) Caps Lock.

B) Backspace.

C) Space bar.

D) Shift.

E) Delete.

F) Alt.

G) Enter.

H) PgDn.

$$$ 55

Word. Key for move the cursor to the end of the line:

A) Home.

B) End.

C) PgUp.

D) PgDn.

E) Enter.

F) Alt.

G) Shift.

H) Backspase.

$$$ 56

Word. Font Group of Home Tab lets:

A) Set a bulleted list

B) Change the font type

C) Split text into columns

D) Change font size

E) Set line spacing

F) Change font color

G) Set field

H) Set indentation

$$$ 57

Word. What you need to do to copy the fragment of the text and paste in need place (2)?

A) Select the fragment - Press the Delete key.

B) Press the Delete key.

C) Select the fragment - Press the right button of the mouse - Cut.

D) Select the fragment - Press the left button of the mouse - Copy.

E) Review - Cut.

F) Select the fragment - Press the right button of the mouse - Paste.

G) Select the fragment - Backspace

H) Cut the fragment – F1

$$$ 58

Word. What you can insert in the header & footer?

A) Date.

B) Page number.

C) Slide.

D) Formula.

E) Diagram.

F) Text.

G) Table.

H) Data base.

$$$ 59

Word. Types of lists (2):

A) Nonstandard

B) Hidden

C) Related

D) Non- numbered (Marked)

E) Standard

F) Numbered

$$$ 60

Word. Please select the wrong statement:

A) When using a MS Word you can correct what you have written or insert extra text.

B) When using a MS Word you can move text from one part of the document to another.

C) When using a MS Word you can save your document on the computer.

D) When using a MS Word you cannot print your document.

E) When using a MS Word you cannot save your document on the computer.

$$$ 61

Word. Tab, which contains a command “Save” your document:

A) File

B) Home

C) Insert

D) Review

E) Mailings

F) View.

$$$ 62

Word. Tab, which contains a command “Bold/Italic”:

A) File.

B) Home.

C) Insert.

D) Review.

E) Mailings.

F) View.

G) References.

$$$ 63

Word. Tab, which contains a command for change document on Landscape view:

A) Home.

B) File.

C) Insert.

D) Page layout.

E) Mailings.

F) View.

$$$ 64

Word. Tab, which contains a command for change to Portrait/Landscape view?

A) File.

B) Home.

C) Insert.

D) Page layout.

E) Mailings.

F) View.

$$$ 65

Word. Tab, which contains a command “Align”:

A) File.

B) Home.

C) Insert.

D) Page layout.

E) Mailings.

F) View.

$$$ 66

Default file of MS Word type:

A) doc, docx.

B) xls,xlsx.

C) bmp.

D) exe.

E) gif.

F) avi.

G) mp3.

$$$ 67

Default file of MS Excel type:

A) doc, docx.

B) xls,xlsx.

C) bmp.

D) exe.

E) gif.

F) avi.

G) mp3.

$$$ 68

Software allows users to create document and perform calculation:

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software.

$$$ 69

MS Excel. Types of addressing cells (3):

A) Absolute.

B) Combination.

C) Mixed.

D) Reverse.

E) Modular.

F) Relative.

G) Adjacent.

H) Numeric.

$$$ 70

The element of application window, which used to maximize, minimize or close the window:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 71

MS Excel. What kind of formulas written correctly?

A) A1+A2+A3=

B) A1+A2+A3

C) =A1+A2+A3

D) =$A$1+B1

E) =1A+2A

F) =A$1$+B1

G) =A$1+B1

$$$ 72

MS Excel. What kind of formulas written correctly?

A) =A+5/B4.

B) =3F-SUM(A1-A5).

C) =SUM(C5-C30).

D) =A4SUM(F1:F46).

E) =SUM(A1:B14)-1A/B14.

F) = SUM($A$1:$A$14) - C1/B14.

$$$ 73

MS Excel. Correct address of the cell:

A) D$25.

B) #A10.

C) BZ_99.

D) $B$5.

E) B$5$.

F) B1.

$$$ 74

MS Excel. What is displayed in the formula bar (2):

A) Title of spreadsheet.

B) The contents of active cell.

C) The list of formulas used in Excel.

D) Sheet numbers.

E) The formulas of the active cell.

F) Title sheet.

G) Column number.

H) Address column's.

$$$ 75

MS Excel. Choose a correct designation of range in Excel (2):

A) B2..C4.

B) B2:C4.

C) C4-B2.

D) B2.C4.

E) B2-C4.

F) A3:D2.

$$$ 76

MS Access. What is a database objects (3):

A) Tables

B) Queries

C) Relationships

D) Reports

E) Field

F) Keys

G) Record

H) Number

$$$ 77

MS Access. What are the relationships between the tables (3)?

A) Many to Many

B) Many to Null

C) One to One

D) One to Many

E) Record to Record

F) Many to all

G) All to One

H) All to All

$$$ 78

Software allows users to store and retrieve vast amount of data:

A) Operating system

B) Programming language translators

C) Communication software

D) Word Processing Software

E) Spreadsheet Software

F) Database Software.

G) Utility software.

$$$ 79

MS Access. Methods to create a new table (3):

A) Create table in design view

B) Create table using wizard

C) Create table by entering data

D) Create table automatically

E) Creating a table with hyperlinks

F) Create a table using markers

G) Create table relations

$$$ 80

MS Access. Types of data (3):

A) Number

B) Ole Object

C) Memo

D) Symbolical

E) Graphic

F) Key

G) Table

$$$ 81

Database models (3):

A) Hierarchical

B) Network

C) Relational

D) Geometric

E) Cyclic

F) Cubic

G) Modular

H) Logical

$$$ 82

Database. Choose relationship “one-to-many” (2):

A) Parent, Child

B) Brother, Sister

C) Father, Son

D) Mather, Daughter

E) Class, Teacher

F) Men, Passport

G) Teacher, Student

$$$ 83

Database. A Database tables consist of (2):

A) Rows

B) Columns

C) Lines

D) Formulas

E) Arrows

F) Calculations

G) Graphics

$$$ 84

Database. A Relational Database tables consist of (2):

A) Attributes

B) Tuples

C) Lines

D) Formulas

E) Arrows

F) Calculations

G) Graphics

$$$ 85

Database. ER Model is based on (2):

A) Entities

B) Relationships

C) Points

D) Lines

E) Pyramid

F) Columns

$$$ 86

Database. Categories Database schema (2):

A) Entities

B) Relationships

C) Physical

D) Logical

E) Pyramid

F) Columns

$$$ 87

Database schema pertains to the actual storage of data and its form of storage like files, indices (1):

A) Entities

B) Relationships

C) Physical

D) Logical

E) Pyramid

F) Columns

$$$ 88

The element of application window, which contains commands that you may want to use frequently:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 89

Database. ER Model. Types ofAttributes (3):

A) One-to-one

B) Relationships

C) Physical

D) Simple

E) Composite

F) Multivalued

$$$ 90

Database. Objectin a table is displayed as a row and contains information about a subject:

A) Table

B) Record

C) Filter

D) Fields

E) Cells

$$$ 91

Data from file can be import into Access Database:

A) Word Files

B) Excel Files

C) PowerPoint File

D) HTML Files

E) Paint Files

$$$ 92

Database. Individual record characteristics which are displayed as columns within a table:

A) Table

B) Record

C) Filter

D) Fields

E) Cells

$$$ 93

Database. The command to remove all Sorts in a table (1):

A) Clear All Sorts

B) Delete All Sorts

C) Eliminate All Sorts

D) Remove All Sorts

E) DropAll Sorts

$$$ 94

Database.The type of data stored in a field:

A) Data type

B) Field description

C) Field name

D) Field properties

E) Field Size

$$$ 95

The element of application window, which displays information about the possible view of the object:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 96

Database. What type of relationship is created when you select a primary key in both related tables?

A) One-To-One

B) Indeterminate

C) One-To-Many

D) Many-To-Many

E) Many to all

$$$ 97

Database. The primary key indicated by (1):

A) Bold

B) Italicized

C) Underlined

D) Key Icon

E) Wave

$$$ 98

The element of application window, which contains tabs with logically grouped commands:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 99

The element of application window, which contains information about a database and an application in which it is open:

A) Ribbon

B) Quick Access Toolbar

C) Title bar

D) Buttons to manipulate the window

E) Status bar

$$$ 100

Software application – DBMS:

A) Word

B) Access

C) PowerPoint

D) Excel

E) Paint


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