VERBALS: Gerund, Infinitive

А.Ф. Круталевич, Е.С. Ляшенко


Для студентов заочной формы обучения

Учебное пособие

Для студентов 1-2 курсов неязыкового вуза

Минск: БГЭУ, 2016

Рекомендовано кафедрой профессионально ориентированной английской речи УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет»

А.Ф. Круталевич, Е.С. Ляшенко.

Английская грамматика в тестах для студентов заочной формы обучения / А.Ф. Круталевич, Е.С. Ляшенко. –БГЭУ, 2016. – 77 c.

Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для систематизации знаний и совершенствования навыков в области грамматики английского языка студентов заочной формы обучения неязыкового вуза.


Test 1

1. I eat __ every day. I like __.

a) a rice
b) the rice
c) rice

2. There’s __ in my shoes.

a) sound

b) a sound

c) the sound

3. She was listening to __.

a) a music

b) the music

c) music

4. I haven’t got __.

a) some money

b) any money
c) a money

5. It wasn’t my fault. It was __.

a) bad luck

b) a bad luck

c) the bad luck

6. There is no __ in this house.

a) an electricity

b) the electricity

c) electricity

7. There’s been __.
a) an accident

b) the accident
c) accident

8. I eat __ every day. I like __.

a) bananas
b) the bananas
c) a banana

9. Did you buy __ apple juice?

a) an

b) any

c) some

10. We didn’t do __ shopping.

a) a
b) many
c) much

11. I have __ work to do.

a) a little

b) a few

c) a

12. We didn’t take __ photographs.

a) much

b) many

c) a

13. Did you buy __ apples?

a) much
b) some
c) any

14. I clean my teeth with __.

a) toothpaste

b) a toothpaste

c) the toothpaste

15. Ann was listening to __ when I arrived.

a) the music

b) a music
c) music

Test 2

1. I don’t like __ violence.

a) the
b) a
c) -

2. Can you smell __ paint?

a) a

b) -

c) the

3. We need __ petrol. I hope we come to patrol station soon.

a) -, a

b) a, a

c) -, -

4. She doesn’t usually wear __ jewellery but yesterday she was wearing __ necklace.

a) -, -

b) a, a
c) -, a

5. I think volleyball is __ very good game.

a) a

b) -

c) the

6. My sister works for __ insurance company.

a) -

b) an

c) the

7. He goes everywhere by bike. He hasn’t got __ car.
a) -

b) the
c) a

8. Do you take __ sugar in your coffee?

a) -
b) a
c) the

9. Would you like __ biscuit with your coffee?

a) a

b) -

c) many

10. Our life would be difficult without __ electricity.

a) an
b) -
c) the

11. The heart pumps __ blood through the body.

a) -

b) a

c) the

12. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat __ meat.

a) a

b) -

c) the

13. Outside the cinema there was __ queue of people waiting to see the film.

a) many
b) -
c) a

14. There were very __ people in the shops today.

a) few

b) little

c) much

15. I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh __ air.

a) the

b) -
c) an

Test 3

1. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got __ space.

a) few
b) many
c) much

2. I didn’t phone them. I wrote __ letter instead.

a) a

b) some

c) any

3. He always wants things quickly. He’s got __ patience.

a) many

b) no

c) the

4. I can’t work here. There’s too __.

a) much noises

b) much noise
c) many noises

5. You have got __ very long __.

a) hair

b) hairs

c) a hair

6. They offered me the job because I had __.

a) many experiences

b) a lot of experiences

c) a lot of experience

7. We don’t drink __ very often.
a) coffee

b) a coffee
c) the coffee

8. I’m looking for __ work.

a) a
b) -
c) the

9. I’m looking for __ job.

a) a

b) -

c) the

10. I’m going to buy __ bread.

a) the
b) a
c) some

11. Enjoy your holiday! I hope you have __ good weather.

a) -

b) a

c) the

12. Where are you going to put all your __?

a) furnitures

b) furniture

c) the furniture

13. It was __ good suggestion.

a) the
b) -
c) a

14. It was __ good advice.

a) the

b) -

c) a

15. The __ very depressing.

a) news was

b) news were
c) new was

NOUNS: Possessive Case


1. Where is __ office?

a) the manager’s
b) the office of the manager
c) the managers’ office

2. What colour are __?

a) the eyes of Ann

b) Anns’ eyes

c) Ann’s eyes

3. This is my __ book.

a) brother

b) brother’s

c) brothers

4. Have you still got __ newspaper?

a) yesterday

b) yesterdays’
c) yesterday’s

5. __ meeting has been cancelled.

a) Next weeks

b) Next week

c) Next week’s

6. I’ve got __ holiday starting on Monday.

a) week’s

b) a week’s

c) weeks

7. He has got __ holiday.
a) three weeks’

b) three week’s
c) three weeks

8. She asked how __ celebration went.

a) Tony’s birthday
b) Tony’s birthday’s
c) Tony birthday’s

9. My __ parents have decided to move to the country.

a) sister-in-laws’

b) sister’s-in-law

c) sister-in-law’s

10. The hotel is only a __ drive from airport.

a) two-hours’
b) two-hour
c) two-hours

11. __ bedroom was comfortably furnished.

a) Paul’s and Helen

b) Paul and Helen’s

c) Paul’s and Helen’s

12. Next week we’ll mark my __ birthday.

a) brother-in-law’s

b) brother’s-in-law

c) brother-in-laws’

13. Last __ caused a lot of damage.

a) week storm
b) weeks’ storm
c) week’s storm

14. The __ only has closed down.

a) town cinema

b) town’s cinema

c) towns’ cinema

15. The __ main __ is tourism.

a) region’s industry

b) regions’ industry
c) region industry

Final Test

1. I didn’t have __ luggage – just two small bags.

a) much
b) many
c) little

2. If you want to know the news, you can read __ paper.

a) a

b) -

c) the

3. I haven’t got __ to write some letters.

a) a paper

b) any paper

c) papers

4. __ comes from the sun.

a) Light

b) A light
c) The light

5. She gave us some very useful __.

a) an advice

b) advices

c) advice

6. We had __ very good weather.

a) a

b) -

c) the

7. Our __ from London was very tiring.
a) travel

b) journey
c) a travel

8. When the fire alarm rang, there was __.

a) total chaos
b) a total chaos
c) the total chaos

9. Bad news __ make people happy.

a) aren’t

b) don’t

c) doesn’t

10. Your __ too long. You should have __ cut.

a) hair is, it
b) hairs are, them
c) hairs is, them

11. The __ to the car __ quite bad.

a) damages, were

b) damage, was

c) damages, was

12. They’ll give you plenty of __.

a) informations

b) information

c) the information

13. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of __.

a) chairs
b) furniture
c) furnitures

14. We have no __, not even a bed or a table.

a) chairs

b) furniture

c) furnitures

15. Her English is better than it was. She’s made __.

a) the progress

b) a progress
c) progress

16. It’s __ beautiful view, isn’t it?

a) a

b) -
c) the

17. It’s __ beautiful scenery, isn’t it?

a) a

b) -
c) the

18. Gymnastics __ my favourite sport.

a) were

b) are
c) is

19. The bicycle __ of transport.

a) is a means

b) are the means
c) are means

20. The bicycle and the car __ of transport.

a) is a means

b) are the means
c) are means

21. We saw 25 different __ of bird.

a) a species

b) species
c) the species

22. Do you think the police __ well-paid?

a) was

b) is
c) are

23. The police __ to interview two men.

a) want

b) wants
c) has wanted

24. My scissors __ sharp enough.

a) isn’t

b) aren’t
c) wasn’t

25. Three days __ long enough for a good holiday.

a) were not

b) aren’t
c) isn’t

26. I can’t find my binoculars. Do you know where __?

a) they are

b) it is
c) they is

27. I want to buy __.

a) a new pyjama

b) some new pyjamas
c) a new pair of pyjama

28. My friend was wearing __ black jeans.

a) the

b) a
c) -

29. Physics __ my best subject at school.

a) were

b) was
c) are

30. She is going to write __ of articles for her local newspaper.

a) a series

b) series
c) the series



1. I want __ books. Please give __ to me.

a) those a) they
b) that b) them
c) this c) these

2. She is a kind person __ likes to go to parties.

a) which

b) where

c) who

3. I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was __ outside.

a) somebody

b) nobody

c) anything

4. We are going for a walk. You can go with __.

a) us

b) we
c) our

5. A vegetarian is someone __ doesn’t eat meat.

a) whose

b) which

c) who

6. We don’t know __about car engines.

a) anything

b) nothing

c) something

7. Nick wants the money. Please give it to __.
a) he

b) them
c) him

8. That is the horse __ won the race.

a) whose

b) whom

c) which

9. I didn’t know about the concert. __ told me.

a) Somebody

b) Nobody

c) Anybody

10. I can’t buy __ watch, __ too expensive.

a) this a) they are
b) these b) these are
c) those c) it is

11. I’m thirsty, I’d like some water, but we haven’t got __ .

a) nothing

b) some

c) any

12. We’ve warned __ against making a noise late at night.

a) they

b) them

c) our

13. Dancers __ are successful usually work hard.

a) who

b) whose

c) which

14. That is the house __ Shakespeare was born.

a) where

b) whose

c) which

15. I like small towns __ are not crowded.

a) those

b) where
c) which

Test 2

1. The friend __ party I went to is a pianist.

a) who
b) which
c) whose

2. Ann gave __ her address.

a) us

b) we

c) our

3. Your flat is bigger then __.

a) us

b) our

c) ours

4. A friend of __ came to stay with me.

a) my

b) mine
c) my own

5. I saw her __ but I don’t remember where.

a) nowhere

b) anywhere

c) somewhere

6. This problem is easy enough for __ to solve at once.

a) me

b) mine

c) I

7. Have you __ books on the subject?
a) some

b) any
c) every

8. He comes here __ day.

a) some

b) every

c) any

9. We met a relation of __.

a) us

b) you

c) yours

10. I don’t want to share a room. I want __.

a) her own room
b) my own room
c) our own room

11. The box was too heavy for me to lift by __.

a) myself

b) my own

c) their own

12. Julia had a great holiday. She enjoyed __.

a) her own

b) her

c) herself

13. It’s not my fault. You can’t blame __.

a) yourself

b) me

c) myself

14. There was no water, so we couldn’t __.

a) wash us

b) wash ourselves

c) wash

15. I tried to study but I just couldn’t __.

a) concentrate

b) concentrate myself
c) concentrate me

Test 3

1. She didn’t tell __ about her plans.

a) nobody
b) anybody
c) somebody

2. The accident looked serious but __ was injured.

a) nobody

b) anybody

c) somebody

3. What’s in that box? __. It’s empty.

a) nothing

b) anything

c) something

4. I can’t find my watch __.

a) nowhere

b) somewhere
c) anywhere

5. I’ll try and answer __ questions you ask me.

a) some

b) any

c) no

6. I went to the shops, but I didn’t buy __.

a) anything

b) nothing

c) something

7. Have you got __ relatives in Moscow?
a) some

b) little
c) any

8. She has __mistakes in __ test.

a) neither a) her
b) no b) my
c) not c) his

9. It’s too dark here. I can’t see __.

a) anything

b) nothing

c) something

10. Is __ absent today?

a) somebody
b) anybody
c) nobody

11. There was very __ snow this winter.

a) a few

b) few

c) little

12. Is there __ coffee in the coffee pot?

a) much

b) many

c) few

13. I don’t hear __.

a) anything

b) something

c) nothing

14. She is one of __ best pupils.

a) us

b) our

c) ours

15. I haven’t got __ money about me.

a) some

b) no
c) any

Final Test

1. She climbed out of the swimming pool and __ with a towel.

a) dried herself
b) dried
c) dried her own

2. We didn’t buy __ flowers.

a) some

b) any

c) no

3. I was too tired to do __ work.

a) anywhere

b) some

c) any

4. There’s __ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

a) something

b) anybody
c) somebody / someone

5. You must be hungry. Would you like __ to eat?

a) somewhere

b) something

c) anything

6. I wasn’t’ talking to __.

a) anybody

b) nobody

c) somebody

7. I’m not going __.
a) somewhere

b) anywhere
c) nowhere

8. I couldn’t answer __ of the questions.

a) none
b) some
c) any

9. We took a few photographs but __ of them were very good.

a) none

b) any

c) nothing

10. Ann invited __ to her flat.

a) some friends of her
b) some friends of her own
c) some friends of hers

11. She wants to start __ business.

a) her own

b) his own

c) their own

12. Children shouldn’t go swimming by __.

a) themselves

b) their own

c) themself

13. Take __ money with __ in case you need it.

a) no a) your
b) any b) yourself
c) some c) you

14. What I did was very wrong. I’m ashamed of __.

a) myself

b) my own

c) herself

15. We’ve got a problem. I hope you can help __.

a) me

b) ourselves
c) us

16. Why don’t you sit down and __?

a) relax

b) relax yourself
c) relax ourselves

17. I wasn’t very well yesterday, but I __ much better today.

a) feel

b) feel myself
c) feel me

18. If people work too hard, they can make __ ill.

a) each other

b) themselves
c) themselves

19. I need you and you need me. We need __.

a) each other

b) ourselves
c) us

20. Some people are selfish. They only think of __.

a) ourselves

b) each other
c) themselves

21. There is __ in the cup?

a) anything

b) nothing
c) any

22. I want to tell you __.

a) anywhere

b) anything
c) something

23. I have __ money in my pocket.

a) some

b) not
c) any

24. There is too __ sugar in my coffee.

a) few

b) much
c) many

25. It was quite in the room. __ said anything.

a) Anybody

b) Somebody
c) Nobody

26. We haven’t got __ time left.

a) no

b) some
c) any

27. __ understand the rule.

a) Any

b) Anybody
c) Nobody

28. Does she have __ spare time now?

a) few

b) much
c) many

29. Has __ seen him today?

a) anybody

b) somebody
c) anything

30. My hands are warm but __ are very cold.

a) yours

b) your
c) you



1. I hope Mike will be __ then we were.

a) more lucky
b) most lucky
c) luckier

2. It’s __ to cross the river in this place then over there.

a) little dangerous

b) less dangerous

c) dangerous

3. She was __ than Tim.

a) shorter

b) more short

c) shortest

4. The bill isn’t __ as I thought it would be.

a) so expensive

b) more expensive
c) such expensive

5. It was __ than I thought, not get four.

a) early

b) earliest

c) earlier

6. They live __ from school than we do.

a) more far

b) farther

c) farthest

7. In the competition I was nervous and played __ than usual.
a) worst

b) worse
c) badly

8. Life is much __ and more convenient now.

a) easier

b) more easier

c) easiest

9. Some car engines work __ than others.

a) most efficiently

b) more efficient

c) more efficiently

10. Modern airplanes fly __ than old fashioned ones.

a) more higher
b) more high
c) higher

11. You haven’t worked __ enough at school.

a) hardly

b) harder

c) hard

12. She has a very nice voice and always speaks __.

a) quiet

b) quietly

c) quite

13. It is raining hard, so I drive __.

a) carefully

b) careful

c) careless

14. She always works __ and does her best.

a) hard

b) hardly

c) harder

15. You will have to be __ if you don’t want to fall.

a) careless

b) careful
c) painful

Test 2

1. It was __ for John to speak before a large audience.

a) a difficult enough
b) rather difficult
c) enough difficult

2. I am __ a bee.

a) as busy as

b) so busy as

c) such busy as

3. Which is __ building in the world?

a) most higher

b) highest

c) the highest

4. This building is __ as our school.

a) as high

b) so high
c) such high

5. My brother knows English much __ than I do.

a) better

b) more better

c) good

6. She speaks English __ than Jane does.

a) badly

b) worst

c) worse

7. This is __ way.
a) shorter

b) the shortest
c) the shorter

8. The sauce would be more __ if you put more garlic in it.

a) tasteful

b) taste

c) tasty

9. I’ve got __ issue of the magazine.

a) the latest

b) late

c) later

10. There is still much __ to learn.

a) most
b) more
c) many

11. Our team lost the game because we played very __.

a) bad

b) badly

c) worse

12. Your exam results were very __.

a) better

b) well

c) good

13. I didn’t sleep very __ last night.

a) better

b) well

c) good

14. It’s a very nice room. It is __ room in the hotel.

a) the nicest

b) the nice

c) nicer

15. What is __ river in the world?

a) the longer

b) long
c) the longest

Test 3

1. The exam was quite easy __ we expected.

a) more easy that
b) more easy than
c) easier than

2. The more electricity you use, __.

a) your bill will be higher.

b) will be higher your bill.

c) the higher your bill will be.

3. The film was really boring. It was __ film I’ve ever seen.

a) the most boring

b) most boring

c) the most boring

4. I tried __ to remember the name but I couldn’t.

a) harder

b) hard
c) hardly

5. Why are you working so __?

a) slowly

b) slow

c) slower

6. Don’t walk so __. I can’t keep up with you.

a) faster

b) fast

c) fastly

7. This coat is practically unused. I’ve __ worn it.

a) harder

b) hard

c) hardly

8. The buses run __ than the trains.

a) oftener

b) often

c) more often

9. The buses are __ than the trains.

a) the most frequent

b) more frequent

c) frequent

10. They were __ than usual at work today.

a) busier
b) the busiest
c) busy

11. Health and happiness are __ than money.

a) more important

b) the most important

c) important

12. Her illness was __ serious than we thought.

a) most

b) the most

c) more

13. I’d like to have a __ car.

a) most reliable

b) more reliable

c) the most reliable

14. You look __. Have you lost weight?

a) thinner

b) thin

c) the thinnest

15. In some parts of the country, prices are __ than in others.

a) more higher

b) higher
c) high

Final Test

1. This drink tastes a little __ to me.

a) strongly
b) strong
c) so strong

2. They listened __.

a) attention

b) attentive

c) attentively

3. If the taxi arrives __ you will miss your flight.

a) late

b) lately

c) more later

4. Although she is very popular, she is not __ her sister.

a) as pretty

b) more pretty than
c) prettier than

5. They are __ my other neighbours.

a) more friendlier

b) friendlier as

c) more friendly than

6. Cuba is __ sugar-growing areas in the world.

a) one of the largest

b) largest

c) one of largest

7. There were two small rooms in the house __ served as a kitchen.
a) the smaller of them

b) the smaller of which
c) the smallest of which

8. The salary of a professor is __.

a) higher than a secretary.
b) higher than that of a secretary.
c) higher as a secretary’s.

9. Miss Jones isn’t as nice __ Miss Smith.

a) for

b) like

c) as

10. These trees are __ those.

a) the same as
b) the same than
c) different than

11. It’s much __ here.

a) warm

b) warmer

c) more warm

12. She is not as old __ I am.

a) that

b) than

c) as

13. He’s __ intelligent than I am.

a) very
b) more
c) the most

14. He drives __.

a) more careful

b) very careful

c) very carefully

15. Yesterday was the __ day of this year.

a) very hot

b) most hot
c) hottest

16. This question is __ difficult for me

a) too

b) enough
c) such

17. The speed of light is __ the speed of sound.

a) more faster than

b) so faster as
c) much faster than

18. The situation is __ now.

a) lot more complicated

b) much more complicated
c) much complicated

19. Travelling by ferry is __ than by train.

a) a lot more pleasant

b) a lot most pleasant
c) far pleasanter

20. Now he has become __.

a) much more responsible

b) far more responsible
c) more less responsible

21. The discussion became __ loud.

a) much terrible

b) terrible
c) terribly

22. This computer is __ advanced than the old model.

a) a lot more

b) far more
c) little more

23. He is much __ than he used to be.

a) lesser stout

b) less stout
c) less stouter

24. That is __ joke I’ve ever heard.

a) the funniest

b) funnier
c) the most funniest

25. She is __ person I’ve ever met.

a) a patient

b) the most patient
c) the patient

26. She is one of __ players in the team.

a) the best

b) good
c) better

27. It is one of __ castles in Britain.

a) the old

b) older
c) the oldest

28. It was one of __ experiences of my life.

a) the worse

b) best
c) the worst

29. The longer she waited, __ she became.

a) the most impatient

b) the more impatient
c) more impatient

30. The more tired you are, __ it is to concentrate.

a) the harder

b) the hardest
c) the hard

VERBS: Tenses


1. He often __ a bath in the morning.

a) have
b) has
c) is having

2. Were you in Paris last week? No, I __.

a) didn’t

b) weren’t

c) wasn’t

3. __ they get up early every morning?

a) Is

b) Does

c) Do

4. I __ my dog last week.

a) lost

b) has lost
c) had lost

5. They __ the 8.00 train two days ago.

a) catch

b) caught

c) has caught

6. She is here, but her parents __.

a) wasn’t

b) isn’t

c) aren’t

7. My friend __ because she was late.
a) hurry

b) hurries
c) hurried

8. Nick is tired. He __ to go home now.

a) wants
b) is wanting
c) wanted

9. I usually __ my office at 7 p.m.

a) am leaving

b) left

c) leave

10. “Where __?” – “Belarus.”

a) are you coming from

b) were you coming from

c) do you come from

11. “Where’s my brother?’ – “I __”.

a) am not knowing

b) don’t know

c) is not knowing

12. Listen! Someone __.

a) sings

b) sing

c) is singing

13. What __?

a) are you laughing at

b) do you laugh at

c) were you laughing at

14. __ they going to do any things today?

a) Doesn’t

b) Do

c) Aren’t

15. __ much work yesterday?

a) Do you do

b) Did she do
c) Did do

Test 2

1. We __ television at the moment.

a) watch

b) is watching

c) are watching

2. I am sorry but I __. Can you speak louder?

a) am not understanding

b) don’t understand

c) didn’t understand

3. “Excuse me, __ Spanish?”

a) are you speaking

b) do you speak

c) are you speak

4. Nick is a good golf player but he __ very often.

a) doesn’t play

b) wasn’t

c) isn’t playing

5. It was 1970 when I __ him.

a) meet

b) am meeting

c) met

6. Yesterday I __ a very nice dress.

a) was buying

b) buy

c) bought

7. My children __ English since last year.

a) have studied

b) studied

c) were studying

8. He __ a new house now.

a) build

b) built

c) is building

9. They __ into their new flat yet?

a) move

b) have moved

c) moved

10. We’ll start dinner when he __.

a) arrives

b) arrived

c) had arrived

11. When the telephone rang they __ dinner.

a) have

b) had

c) were having

12. She still __ the poem.

a) learns

b) learnt

c) is learning

13. I __ you for ages.

a) haven’t seen

b) didn’t see

c) don’t see

14. I __ my breakfast half an hour ago.

a) have

b) had

c) has

15. She __ early tomorrow morning.

a) get up

b) gets up
c) will get up

Test 3

1. My father just __.

a) has fallen asleep
b) has fall asleep
c) fell asleep

2. I __ my friend lately.

a) have met

b) have meet

c) met

3. Who __ the steam machine.

a) is inventing

b) invents

c) invented

4. I can’t watch TV now, because I __ my work.

a) don’t finished

b) haven’t finished
c) am not finished

5. She is going to have dinner. She just __ her hands.

a) has washed

b) wash

c) washed

6. Here are your shoes. I already __ them.

a) clean

b) cleaned

c) have cleaned

7. When he __ to her? – He spoke to her last week.
a) did speak

b) spoke
c) speak

8. __ you ever __ this book?

a) did; read
b) have; read
c) read

9. He’s afraid he __ his key.

a) has lost

b) has lose

c) lose

10. I gave her the flowers that I __ for her.

a) has bought

b) bought

c) have bought

11. He __ for London tomorrow.

a) left

b) leaves

c) is leaving

12. They __ in England for fifty years.

a) live

b) have lived

c) lived

13. She __ 20 years old next Friday.

a) is

b) be

c) will be

14. __ you __ to the movies this week?

a) were

b) did; be

c) have; been

15. It __ heavily last week.

a) rained

b) rains
c) rain

Final Test

1. He __ his hand when he was cooking the dinner.

a) burnt

b) was burning

c) was burnt

2. “__ now?” “No, she is on holiday.”

a) Does work Sue

b) Does Sue work

c) Is Sue working

3. It was a boring weekend. __ anything.

a) I don’t do

b) I didn’t do

c) I didn’t

4. He __ tennis once or twice a week.

a) usually plays

b) is usually playing
c) plays usually

5. My friend is away on holiday. He __ to Spain.

a) is gone

b) has gone

c) has been

6. Where is the book I gave you? What __ with it?

a) are you doing

b) have you done

c) do you do

7. We are good friends. We __ each other for a long time.
a) have known

b) know
c) knew

8. The Chinese __ printing.

a) invented
b) have invented
c) had invented

9. Everything is going well. We __ any problems so far.

a) didn’t have

b) haven’t have

c) don’t have

10. That bag looks heavy. __ you with it.

a) I’m helping
b) I help
c) I’ll help

11. I don’t want to see this film. I __ it recently.

a) was seeing

b) had seen

c) have seen

12. She’ll be very angry if he __ anymore mistakes.

a) makes

b) will make

c) is making

13. It __ hard when we arrived in Moscow.

a) was freezing
b) freezing
c) had frozen

14. Why __ here in the dark? Put the lights on.

a) you sitting

b) you sit

c) are you sitting

15. When we were having supper the telephone __.

a) ring

b) rang

c) was ringing

16. I’ll send you a message if I __ a chance.

a) had

b) shall have
c) have

17. __ it still __?

a) Was; raining

b) Does; raining
c) Is; raining

18. Ann is the best secretary that __ here.

a) is worked

b) ever have worked
c) has ever worked

19. What __ here?

a) are you doing

b) you are doing
c) you were doing

20. He __ in Berlin when he was a child.

a) lives

b) lived
c) has lived

21. How long __ him?

a) you have known

b) have you known
c) did you know

22. They first __ in 2007.

a) met

b) meet
c) has met

23. The dog __ the dog when he entered the garden.

a) has bit(ten)

b) bite
c) bit

24. I __ her for 8 years already.

a) had known

b) knew
c) have known

25. My father __ a car for many years.

a) drives

b) has driven
c) drove

26. They __ only English in class.

a) speak

b) are speaking
c) spoke

27. What __ in the room when you came in?

a) she sang

b) she was singing
c) was she singing

28. This company __ these cars since 1978.

a) has produced

b) have produced
c) was producing

29. Why __ with me?

a) do you angry

b) were you angry
c) are you angry

30. What you __ when your mother called you?

a) were doing

b) is doing
c) did


Test 1

1. The palace __ to public in 1990.

a) has been opened
b) is opened
c) was opened

2. My shirt __ in Thailand.

a) was made

b) are made

c) made

3. I think by the year 2050 a cure for AIDS __.

a) will find

b) will have been found

c) will have found

4. It __ that the government will win the election.

a) expects

b) is expected
c) expected

5. The player __ off the field.

a) is just sent

b) was just been sent

c) has just been sent

6. The English language __ to Britain by the Anglo-Saxon who came from Germany.

a) was introduced

b) introduced

c) had introduced

7. Who __ by?
a) was television invented

b) did television invented
c) television was invented

8. My car needs __.

a) to service
b) to be serviced
c) services

9. Mail __ to one’s house by a postman.

a) was delivered

b) delivers

c) is delivered

10. I am going to the hairdresser’s __.

a) cut my hair

b) have my hair cut

c) to have my hair cut

11. I would like __.

a) to have my car repaired

b) to have repaired my car

c) my car repairing

12. An Englishman’s home __ to be his castle.

a) is thinking

b) is thought

c) thought

13. The monument __ away.

a) has been taken

b) is taking

c) took

14. British families __ to have at least one pet.

a) are saying

b) is said

c) are said

15. When my brother was in hospital, he __ by a well-known surgeon.

a) operated on

b) is operated on
c) was operated on

Test 2

1. British houses __ to be cold in winter.

a) said
b) have said
c) are said

2. The rest-homes __ in picturesque places.

a) situated

b) are situating

c) are situated

3. The question which __ at the conference now is very important.

a) was discussed

b) is being discussed

c) has been discussed

4. The article was difficult. It __ the whole day yesterday.

a) was being translated

b) to translate
c) is translated

5. The two towns __ by a railway next year.

a) will be connected

b) are connected

c) would be connected

6. A film about London __ in room 5 now.

a) is shown

b) is being shown

c) had been shown

7. He __ the way to the village yesterday.
a) has been shown

b) was being shown
c) was shown

8. The question __ at the last lesson.

a) was answered
b) answers
c) is answered

9. Their children __ after by her grandmother.

a) looked

b) were being looked

c) are looked

10. We __ a very interesting story.

a) told

b) were told

c) tell

11. The documents __ typed by the time I leave.

a) will have been

b) are being typed

c) were typed

12. The text __ translated by the students now.

a) is being

b) has been

c) was being

13. The new book __ about.

a) had been spoken

b) was much spoken

c) is much spoken

14. The agreement __ next month.

a) will sing

b) will be signed

c) is singed

15. The task __ by the teacher at every lesson.

a) is being given

b) is given
c) give

Test 3

1. The classroom __ every day.

a) is cleaned
b) has cleaned
c) cleaned

2. The stamps __ by Peter.

a) are collected

b) is collected

c) have collected

3. The answer __ in two days.

a) received

b) is received

c) will be received

4. This house __ in 1930.

a) has been built

b) was built
c) was build

5. Two people __ by the company.

a) employ

b) are employed

c) have employed

6. A lot of money __ in the robbery.

a) stole

b) were stolen

c) was stolen

7. I __ often invited to the parties.
a) am invited

b) was invited
c) has invited

8. Cheese __ from milk.

a) make
b) is made
c) made

9. A cinema is a place where films __.

a) showed

b) were shown

c) are shown

10. This rule __ by us.

a) learn

b) will be learned

c) was learning

11. My brother __ to with great interest.

a) was listened

b) have listened

c) listen

12. I __ to sing to her yesterday.

a) asked

b) is asked

c) was asked

13. The house __ by them in our street.

a) is being built

b) build

c) is building

14. All the guests __.

a) already met

b) have been already met

c) have met

15. We __ up by a loud noise last night.

a) were woken

b) are woken
c) had been woken

Final Test

1. Many houses __ in Kiev during the war.

a) were destroyed
b) destroy
c) has been destroyed

2. Every year many new projects __ in developing countries.

a) build

b) are built

c) is built

3. This book __ there now.

a) is selling

b) was sold

c) is being sold

4. Her friend __ now.

a) is being examined

b) has examined
c) was being examined

5. He __ for twenty minutes.

a) has examined

b) has been examined

c) was examined

6. My father __ in 1930.

a) is born

b) born

c) was born

7. New books __ in the library now.
a) are discussed

b) are being discussed
c) discuss

8. This problem __ for an hour.

a) has been discussed
b) is being discussed
c) discussed

9. All the telegrams __ off.

a) have been sent

b) are being sent

c) were sent

10. Two books __ yesterday.

a) was bought
b) were bought
c) bought

11. Three texts __ today.

a) are being typed

b) were typed

c) have been typed

12. The birthday cake __ in the kitchen now.

a) has been made

b) is making

c) is being made

13. The flowers __.

a) watered
b) have been watered
c) has been watered

14. The trees __ there.

a) are being planted

b) planted

c) were planted

15. The house __ by 2015.

a) will built

b) will be built
c) is built

16. Some of the towns __ about twenty years ago.

a) find

b) are founded
c) were found

17. The window __ by Peter.

a) broke

b) has been broken
c) are broken

18. New material __ this week.

a) is being explained

b) had been explained
c) has been explained

19. Letters __ every day.

a) are sent

b) send
c) is sent

20. My work __ at 5 o’clock.

a) finish

b) is finishing
c) is finished

21. We __ not to go out alone.

a) is advised

b) were advised
c) advise

22. How __?

a) are languages learnt

b) languages learnt
c) do languages learnt

23. She __ of stealing money.

a) are accused

b) were accused
c) accused

24. This road __ very often.

a) don’t use

b) used
c) isn’t used

25. All flights __ because of dog.

a) cancelled

b) was cancelled
c) were cancelled

26. The roof of the building __ in a storm a few days ago.

a) was damaged

b) is damaged
c) has been damaged

27. Service __ in the bill here.

a) is included

b) are included
c) include

28. You __ to the wedding last week.

a) are invited

b) were invited
c) invited

29. Originally this book __ in Spanish.

a) write

b) are written
c) was written

30. We were driving along quite fast but by lots of other cars.

a) overtake

b) are overtaken
c) were overtaken


Test 1

1. __ you explain the rule to me?

a) Can
b) Must
c) Have to

2. The children __ go to the cinema.

a) have to

b) may

c) could

3. __ your sister skate?

a) have to

b) can

c) ought to

4. He __ bring the chairs.

a) have to

b) has to
c) ought to

5. We __ to take four exams this term.

a) be

b) can

c) are

6. He __ put on a warm coat.

a) is to

b) has to

c) should

7. We __ do it tomorrow.
a) will be able to

b) are able to
c) have to

8. He __ help his mother.

a) ought to
b) have to
c) had to

9. They __ work all day tomorrow.

a) have to

b) must

c) will have to

10. He __ leave Minsk in a week.

a) have to
b) will be able to
c) can

11. She __ teach your daughter English.

a) should

b) will have to

c) is to

12. You __ take this book.

a) can

b) has to

c) may

13. They __ come in.

a) may
b) have to
c) can

14. Jane __ speak English well.

a) could

b) can

c) must

15. __ I ask you a question?

a) Should

b) Do I have
c) May

Test 2

1. She __ stay at home, as her mother was ill.

a) has to
b) had to
c) will have to

2. He __ take a holiday from his office next week.

a) will be able to

b) is able to

c) will be able

3. They __ work a lot as they wanted to past the exams well.

a) have

b) will have to

c) had to

4. I __ get up early yesterday.

a) has to

b) have to
c) had to

5. All the students understood the rule and the teacher __ to repeat it once more.

a) don’t have

b) didn’t have

c) can’t

6. Tomorrow I __ come.

a) can’t

b) shall not be able to

c) must not

7. I am very busy. You __ go there without me.
a) will have to

b) could
c) must

8. __ I speak to Nick? – No, you can’t speak to him now.

a) Can
b) Must
c) May

9. It was 10 o’clock. I __ leave.

a) have to

b) had to

c) has to

10. Why __ go to the police station yesterday?

a) must she
b) she had to
c) did she have to

11. Please, remember, you __ to be in before 11 p.m.

a) must

b) had had

c) have

12. You __ pay a fine if you return books late.

a) have to

b) have

c) had to

13. You __ to pay to get in the library.

a) don’t have
b) doesn’t have
c) mustn’t

14. What do you think we __to do with people who drop litter.

a) must

b) ought

c) should

15. I __ to be going now.

a) must

b) have
c) ought

Test 3

1. Steve is late, the car __ have broken down again.

a) ought to
b) must
c) can’t

2. You __ to read this book in original.

a) may

b) must

c) are

3. I can’t go to the country because I __ to work.

a) have

b) had

c) can

4. __ that sign means the bridge is closed.

a) can

b) might
c) may be

5. Don’t forget that we __ to meet in the evening.

a) must

b) are

c) shall

6. He __ the book in the original if he had not studied English.

a) couldn’t have read

b) wouldn’t read

c) couldn’t read

7. I __ to be ready by the time you get there.
a) can

b) should
c) ought

8. It __ last night, but I’m not sure.

a) may have rained
b) must have rained
c) might rain

9. He __ an essay yesterday, so he couldn’t come to the meeting.

a) ought to write

b) had to write

c) must write

10. __ all the students here to pay their fees now?

a) Need
b) Must
c) Ought

11. She doesn’t believe him: he __ be serious.

a) can’t

b) needn’t

c) mayn’t

12. Look at what you have done! You __ be more careful.

a) should

b) would

c) may

13. You __ read the article if you don’t want to.

a) can’t
b) needn’t
c) mustn’t

14. This __ be your sister, Ann.

a) is to be

b) shall

c) must

15. You __ go through this test without much effort.

a) can

b) must
c) have to

Final Test

1. I __ to go to town tomorrow.

a) shall have
b) has
c) had

2. You ought __ at home.

a) stay

b) to stay

c) staying

3. The phone is ringing. It __ be Tim.

a) can

b) could

c) might

4. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to Riga? You __ with Martin.

a) can stay

b) could stay
c) could have stayed

5. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I __ it somewhere.

a) must drop

b) must have dropped

c) must be dropping

6. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It __ rain later.

a) may

b) can

c) has to

7. What was wrong with you? Why __ go to hospital?
a) did you have to

b) must you
c) had you to

8. There’s plenty of time. You __ hurry.

a) doesn’t have to
b) mustn’t
c) needn’t

9. It was a great party last night. You __ come. Why didn’t you?

a) must have

b) ought to have

c) had to

10. Don’t phone Ann now. She __ lunch.

a) might be having
b) must have
c) can be having

11. I ate too much. Now I feel sick. I __ so much.

a) shouldn’t have eat

b) couldn’t have eaten

c) shouldn’t have eaten

12. I wonder why he didn’t phone me. He __ forgotten.

a) can

b) must have

c) ought to have

13. I can’t understand him. I’ve never __ understand him.

a) been able to
b) had to
c) can

14. Ann __ drive but she hasn’t got a car.

a) may

b) must

c) can

15. You look tired. Yes, I __ last night.

a) can’t sleep

b) mustn’t sleep
c) couldn’t sleep

16. That restaurant __ be very good. It’s always full of people.

a) mustn’t

b) must
c) can’t

17. That restaurant __ be very good. It’s always empty.

a) can’t

b) can
c) must

18. You don’t want anyone to know. You __ tell anyone.

a) may not

b) mustn’t
c) can’t

19. He __ wear a suit to work but he usually does.

a) mustn’t

b) doesn’t have to
c) didn’t have to

20. We have enough food at home so we __ go shopping today.

a) can

b) don’t have to
c) needn’t

21. They gave me a letter to post. I __ remember to post it.

a) must

b) needn’t
c) can

22. You __ wash those apples. They’ve already been washed.

a) needn’t

b) can’t
c) mustn’t

23. My salary is very low. You __ look to another job.

a) have to

b) should
c) must

24. Karen __ work on Saturdays.

a) didn’t have

b) mustn’t
c) doesn’t have to

25. What a beautiful view. You __ take a photograph.

a) might

b) can
c) should

26. She __not come to the party tonight. She isn’t well.

a) needn’t

b) may
c) had

27. If I knew them better, I __ invite them to dinner.

a) might

b) may
c) must

28. He is a hard worker. – He? A hard worker? You __ joking.

a) must be

b) are
c) may be

29. You are going on holiday next week. You __ be looking forward to it.

a) can’t

b) must
c) are

30. I __ be going to Ireland in July.

a) must

b) can
c) may

VERBALS: Participle I, II

Test 1

1. He sent off all the letters __ by the director?

a) signed
b) signing
c) are signed

2. The figures __ in his article were published.

a) mentioned

b) have mentioned

c) mentioning

3. The __ sun was hidden by clouds.

a) rose

b) risen

c) rising

4. Look at the girl __ at the window.

a) stand

b) standing
c) stood

5. All books __ from the library must be returned.

a) taken

b) took

c) are taking

6. __ this language well he translated the text quickly.

a) Known

b) Knowing

c) Knew

7. We visited the plant __ cars.
a) has produced

b) produced
c) producing

8. A __ cup lay on the floor.

a) broken
b) break
c) breaking

9. There are many __ magazines here.

a) illustrate

b) illustrating

c) illustrated

10. He left the room __ a note to his mother.

a) have written
b) having written
c) written

11. The book __ by the teacher was in the library.

a) recommending

b) recommended

c) have recommended

12. He stood at the corner __ at the lights.

a) having looking

b) looked

c) looking

13. The bus started __ two people at the bus stop.

a) having left
b) leave
c) left

14. She left the shop __ a dress.

a) buy

b) having bought

c) bought

15. The books __ in childhood seemed like old friends.

a) read

b) have read
c) reading

Test 2

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