Доброякісні та злоякісні пухлини

Захворювання верхніх і нижніх дихальних шляхів

1. What upper respiratory diseases are there?

2. What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?

3. What are the manifestations of pharyngitis?

4. What does treatment for pharyngitis include?

5. What are the most frequent causes of laryngitis?

6. What are the symptoms of laryngitis?

7. What does the treatment of laryngitis include?

8. What is acute bronchitis often preceded by?

9. What are the symptoms of bronchitis?

10. What is the most common cause of pneumonia?

11. What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

12. What are the complications of pneumonia?

Дайте визначення:tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillectomy, bronchitis, pneumonia

Туберкульоз легень

Answer the questions:

1. What kind of disease is pulmonary tuberculosis?

2. What is pulmonary tuberculosis caused by?

3. What kind of formations is the disease characterized by?

4. How can a person become infected with pulmonary tuberculosis?

5. What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis at the early stage and in the active form?

6. What does the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis consist of?

7. How can pulmonary tuberculosis be prevented?

8. What complications may pulmonary tuberculosis lead to?

Дайте визначення: туберкульоз легень, туберкул


Answer the questions:

1. What is hypertension?

2. What is systolic blood pressure?

3. What is diastolic blood pressure?

4. What blood pressure is considered to be normal?

5. What may persistent hypertension lead to?

6. What is accelerated hypertension associated with?

7. What increases the risk of developing hypertension?

8. What medicines do the first line medications for hypertension include?

Дайте визначення:


первинна гіпертонія

вторинна гіпертонія


систолічний кров’яний тиск

діастолічний кров’яний тиск

Інфаркт міокарду

Answer the questiоns:

1. What is myocardial infarction?

2. What can untreated ischemia lead to?

3. What is the most common cause of myocardial infarction?

4. What are the important risk factors for myocardial infarction?

5. List all possible symptoms of myocardial infarction.

6. What diagnostic tests are used to detect heart muscle damage?

7. What does immediate treatment for suspected acute myocardial infarction include?

8. What should people do to decrease the risk of a recurrent myocardial infarction?

Розкрийте поняття:інфаркт міокарду, артеріальна емболія, стенокардія.

Захворювання шлунку

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the functions of the stomach?

2. What is the function stomach lining?

3. What are the diseases of the stomach?

4. What are alike symptoms do gastritis and peptic ulcer have?

5. What are the causes of gastritis and peptic ulcer?

6. How are gastric diseases treated?

7. What is the diagnosis of gastric diseases based on?

8. What are the complications of gastritis?

Розкрийте поняття: гастрит, виразка шлунку


Answer the questions:

What are the causes of cholecyctitis onset?

1. What are the main forms of cholecystitis?

2. What are the manifestations of cholecystitis?

3. Where is the pain localized in the attack of cholecystitis?

4. When does the pain grow worse in acute cholecystitis?

5. What is treatment for acute cholecystitis?

Пояснити терміни: холецистит, холецистектомія

Захворювання нирок

Answer the questions:

1. What is the main function of the kidneys?

2. What does the renal damage cause?

3. How is a group of inflammatory renal diseases called?

4. What is glomerulonephritis? What are its manifestations?

5. What are the causes of pyelonephritis?

6. How are the acute and chronic forms of pyelonephritis manifested?

7. What are the complications of pyelonephritis?

8. What are the risk factors of nephrolithiasis?

9. What does the migration of a renal calculus lead to?

10. What are the diagnostic measures of renal diseases?

Пояснити терміни:гломерулонефрит, пієлонефрит, нефролітіаз, піонефроз, гідронефроз, бактеріумія, гематурія, альбумінурія.

Цукровий діабет

Answer the questions:

  1. What is diabetes mellitus?
  2. How many types of diabetes you know?
  3. What is type 1 diabetes?
  4. What is type 2 diabetes?
  5. What is gestational diabetes?
  6. What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
  7. What are the classical symptoms of diabetes?
  8. What is a common complaint leading to a diabetes diagnosis?
  9. What are the main complications of diabetes?

Пояснити терміни:цукровий дiабет, iнсулiн, гестаційний діабет.


Answer the following questions:

1. What diseases does obesity usually result in?

2. What symptoms does an obese individual suffer from?

3. Why is a daily caloric intake important factor in production of overweight?

4. What is the most common cause of overweight?

5. What does prevention of obesity include?

6. What can weight reduction best be achieved by?

Пояснити поняття:ожиріння, баріатрія.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is AIDS?

2. What are the two main strains of HIV? What is the difference between them?

4. What systems does HIV affect?

5. How is HIV transmitted?

6. What are the stages of HIV infection?

7. What symptoms is AIDS characterized by?

8. What treatment for HIV or AIDS exists nowadays?

9. What is the action of antiretroviral drugs?

10. What are the adverse reactions of HIV drugs?

Дайте визначення :СНІД, ВІЛ


Answer the questions:

1. What kind of disease is influenza?

2. How does influenza virus spread?

3. What are the most common symptoms of flu?

4. How can influenza symptoms be relieved?

5. What medical conditions can influenza aggravate?

6. What are the complications of influenza?

Розкрийте поняття:грип


Answer the following questions:

1. What type of disease is tetanus?

2. What is tetanus caused by?

3. How does Bacillus tetani enter the body?

4. What is the incubation period of tetanus?

5. What are the earliest symptoms of tetanus?

6. What are the characteristic manifestations of tetanus?

7. How can you describe risus sardonicus?

8. What should be done first after the injury?

9. What is the treatment of the advanced cases of tetanus?

Дайте визначення:правець, опістотонус, тризм


Answer the questions:

1. What is diphtheria caused by?

3. What is the disease characterized by?

4. Who is more liable to diphtheria?

6. What is the incubation period of diphtheria?

7. What are the main forms of diphtheria?

8. What are the symptoms of diphtheria?

9. What are the complications of diphtheria?

Розкрийте поняття:дифтерiя, токсин.


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the causes of hepatitis?

2. How is hepatitis detected?

3. How is hepatitis A spread?

4. How can hepatitis В be transmitted?

5. What complications may develop in patients with hepatitis C?

6. What is treatment for hepatitis C?

7. What type of hepatitis is considered to be chronic?

8. What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?

Розкрийте поняття: гепатит, жовтяниця, білірубін.

Дитячі захворювання

Answer the questions:

1. What are the most known diseases of childhood?

2. What are the signs and symptoms of measles?

3. What are rubella’s clinical symptoms?

4. What are manifestations of mumps?

5. What childhood infections are immunized against?

6. What are the symptoms of whooping cough?

7. What are the signs of chickenpox?

8. What are the clinical features of scarlet fever?

Розкрийте поняття:дитячі інфекційні захворювання, вакцинація.

Типи ран

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the main two types of wounds?

2. What does “wound” mean in medicine?

3. How can open wounds be classified?

4. What are incisions caused by?

5. What types of open wounds do you know?

6. What is the treatment for lacerations?

7. What does general cleansing of an open wound imply?

8. What types of closed wounds are there?

9. Why are closed wounds especially dangerous?

10. What can hematoma cause?

11. What serious consequences may wounds have?

Розкрийте поняття:відкрита рана, закрита рана.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is appendix?

2. What is the cause of appendicitis?

3. What types of appendicitis are there?

4. How can acute appendicitis be diagnosed?

5. What are the manifestations of acute appendicitis?

6. Why is it difficult to make a diagnosis of chronic appendicitis?

7. What complications can occur in case of untreated acute appendicitis?

8. How can acute appendicitis be treated?

9. What can untreated appendicitis trigger?

Розкрийте поняття:апендицит, перитоніт.


Answer the questions:

1. What kind of medical condition is shock?

2. What conditions can shock lead to?

3. What are the common symptoms of shock?

4. How many types of shock are there?

5. What is the cause of septic shock?

6. How is hypovolemic shock treated?

7. What types of shock do not respond to treatment? Why?

Розкрийте поняття:шок, септичний шок, анафілактичний шок, гіповолемічний шок, кардіогенний шок, нейрогенний шок.

Доброякісні та злоякісні пухлини

Answer the questions:

1. What is the main difference between benign and malignant tumors?

2. What are the most common examples of benign tumors?

3. What process is known as tumor progression?

4. What is the most common approach in treatment of malignant tumors?

5. What preventive measures against tumor development are there?

6. What triggers the onset of cancer?

7. What diagnostic measures are used to reveal tumors?

Розкрийте поняття: доброякісна пухлина, злоякісна пухлина

Answer the questions:

1. What are the most common types of neuroses?

2. What are the common symptoms of neuroses?

3. What is the principal between the neurotic patients and those with psychoses?

4. What physical symptoms are common in anxiety?

5. What does “phobia” mean? Give examples.

6. What do patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder suffer from?

7. What group of neuroses does hysteria belong to?

Розкрийте поняття:невроз, психоз, фобія, істерія.


Answer the questions:

1. What is the main cause of stroke?

2. What is ischemia?

3. What are the manifestations of stroke?

4. What are the risk factors for stroke?

5. What medications are administered in case of stroke?

6. What major groups of strokes are there? Distinguish among concepts.

Розкрийте поняття:інсульт, тромбоз, параліч.

Захворювання шкіри

Answer the questions:

1. What is skin disease?

2. How are skin diseases manifested?

3. What symptoms are many skin diseases accompanied by?

4. What skin diseases affect person’s appearance?

5. What science studies skin diseases?

7. What are the main manifestations of dermatitis?

8. What is acne characterized by?

9. What is the cause of psoriasis?

Розкрийте поняття:хвороби шкіри, дерматит, псоріаз.

Захворювання ока

Answer the questions:

1. What are the common eye disorders?

2. What is astigmatism usually caused by?

3. What is the main cause of color blindness?

4. What are the common symptoms of cataract?

5. What are the causative factors for cataract?

6. How can myopia and hyperopia be corrected?

7. What are the symptoms of sty?

8. What is the treatment for strabismus?

Розкрийте поняття:хвороби очей, катаракта, ячмінь, глаукома, дальтоні́зм, косоокість, астигматизм, короткозорість, далекозорість.

Хвороби вух

Answer the following questions:

1. What is ear responsible for?

2. What processes occur in the middle ear?

3. What are the main disorders of the ear?

4. What are the causes of hearing loss?

5. What kind of disease is otitis?

6. What does treatment for otitis media include?

7. What procedure is applied in treatment for otitis media?

Розкрийте поняття:отит, глухота.

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