News, the message, the description of the facts:Information
Quot;Atom" in Greek is:Indivisible
A revolution in natural science to the XX century. was associated with the opening:of radioactivity
About the eternity of motion in nature spoke about:Empedocles and Heraclitus
Absolutization of a role and value of sensual data in scientific-theoretical knowledge is connected with:Sensationalism
Anticipation of activity and its result from the point of view of development of ideals, decisions, programs, norms and the plan of forthcoming activity is :Projection
Any variation, transformation, process is: Movement
As a social institute in XIX - XX centuries science passed the following stages:Small, large, global
As the truth is independent of the knowing subject, it is:Objectivity
Astrology applies to: Synthetic route linking the scientific and pseudo-scientific knowledge
Atoms consist of:elementary particles
Author of the words: "There is nothing but atoms and pure space ":Democritus
Axiom is a:approval with non-required proof of the truth
Axiom is:Statement, proof of the truth of which is not required
Branching in a trajectory of movement of system in the certain point:Bifurcation
Causation is:Causality
Checking the results of the individual experiments or theoretical analysis: The principle of verification
Cognition with focused perception of the world is:Monitoring
Complex of cooperating elements: System
Criteria of scientific knowledge related to the presence of ways of checking the information receivedValidity
Deduction - is the provision that:Of the total knowledge of the case that a particular character
Deduction is a provision according to which:the conclusions ofthe partial nature are birthed from the general knowledge
Experimental and mathematical science arises in:Ancient Egypt
First Cause of things:Substance
Formalizing knowledge in science - is the use of:Formulas and symbols
Fundamental principle, original cause real:Substance
General logical method of investigation is:Abstracting
General scientific philosophical category denoting the accuracy of the phenomenon or object:Fact
God can not be the object of scientific knowledge, as the information about him has no criterion of scientific:Objectivity
Identity verification by experiment or theoretical analysis:The principle of verification
In the philosophy of science "agnosticism" means:Full or partial denial of the fundamental possibility of knowledge
In this work, the first in ancient thought, as the basis of all that was supposed to be about numbers is:Teachings of Pythagoras
Induction - is the provision that:From private parcels follows the conclusion of a general nature
Induction is a provision according to which:Private premises are followed by the general conclusion
Knowledge in Modern Philosophy is:Conditioned practice the acquisition and development of knowledge
Knowledge, which were the starting point of all knowledge about the nature of the ancientPhysics
Macro world is:world, including macro body
Maximum form of organization, orderliness:Systematic
Mechanism is a:reduction of the complex to the simplest forms
Mechanism is:A reduction of the complex to the simplest forms
Mega world is:World of star systems
Model and original are related as:partial similarities
Modern epistemological studies suggest: Theoretical and methodological pluralism
Modern naturalistic world view is based primarily on science:Physics
Monitoring is: Method of empirical knowledge
Natural history is a:branch of scientific knowledge
Natural philosophy – Philosophy is about:Nature
Natural philosophy is the philosophy of:Nature
News, the message, the description of the facts:Information