Translate the sentences into English.

See hear watch listen to feel notice

Translate the sentences into English. - Translate the sentences into English. - VERB + OBJECT + TO INFINITIVE

I saw her go out. – Я бачив, як вона вийшла.

I saw you cross the street. – Я бачив, як ти перейшов вулицю.


I saw her going out. – Я бачив, як вона виходила.

I saw you crossing the street. – Я бачив, як ти переходив вулицю.

Translate the sentences into English.

1) Я бачив, як вона вийшла з дому. 2) Макс чув, як вона співала. 3) Мої батьки помітили, як я пішов з дому (leave-left-left). 4) Ми бачили, як вони прибирали в аудиторії. 5) Я чув, як він зачинив двері (to lock the door).

5. Give the three forms of the verbs:

1) to shut; 2) to go; 3) to speak; 4) to forget; 5) to write; 6) to bring; 7) to buy; 8) to wake; 9) to throw; 10) to build

Home task

  1. Refresh your knowledge of three forms of the verbs.
  2. Learn how to read the words from Ex. IV.
  3. Learn the words and word-combinations from Ex. III.
  4. Translate the text.


Лексична тема: “Road and land; roadbed; right-of-way”

Граматична тема: “Neither…nor, either…or.”

I. Read the words correctly:

Mediterranean, weight, tunnel, data, supply, sewerage, major, Siberia, Urals, Asia, ascertain, appliances, air, baggage, parlour, dining, assigned, departure, crew, schedule, few, vacuum, refrigerators, cupboard, linen, various, board, caboose, rear, prior, series, character, fuel, granite, substitute, furnace, blast, shovel, plough, average, advantageous, diverge, quality, longitudinal, homogeneity, trough, anchorage, fasten.

II. Translate the words and word-combinations into English:

1) кріпити; 2) довгозварювальні рельси; 3) постійне збільшення; 4) закріплення колій; 5) якість; 6) спричиняти появу щілин; 7) шлак доміної печі; 8) скоротити витрати; 9) заміна; 10) повністю відповідати вимогам; 11) пустеля; 12) продольний; 13) щебневий баласт; 14) стальні шпали; 15) швидкість потягів.

III. Match the words with the definitions:

a) Ability to be unchanged or unharmed by 1) desert

b) Peculiar and essential feature or characteristic 2) to fasten

c) A large sandy piece of land where there is very little rain and 3) speed

few, if any, plants 4) resistance

d) To fix or focus steadily 5) crack

e) A line of division caused by breaking 6) quality

f) Rate of movement or action

IV. Write the words which have the following transcriptions:

1) [`æŋkərıʤ];2) [`kwolıtı]; 3) [`trof]; 4) [`ʃʌvl]; 5) [`plau]; 6) [`fə:nıs]; 7) [kru:]; 8) [fju:].

V. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words below:

Tie [taı]; enough [ı`nʌf]; earth [ə:θ]; gravel [`grævl]; measure [`meʒə]; utilize [`jutəlaız].

VI. Read and learn the following words:

1) Roadbed – земельне полотно;

2) right-of-way – полоса відчуждення;

3) round-house – депо;

4) Translate the sentences into English. - ware-house – пакгауз, товарний склад;

5) power plant – елекростанція;

6) to lay out – розташовувати, розміщувати;

7) strip of land – смужка землі;

8) cinder – попіл;

9) tie – шпала;

10) width – ширина;

11) earth – земля;

12) grading – профілірування, вирівнювання;

13) to utilize – утилізувати, використовувати.

VII. Read the first part of the text and find the English equivalents of the words and word-combinations given below:


Railway facilities are usually divided into two general groups: road and equipment.

“Road” is also referred to as “way and structures”. It includes land, right-of-way, roadbed and track, signal and communication systems; station and other buildings at terminals; shops and round-houses, warehouses, power plants and lines; offices and other buildings; many other types of structures located both on and off the railway line.

Translate the sentences into English. -

1) основні групи; 2) розташовані як на залізничній колії, так і за її межами; 3) на залізнич-ному вокзалі; 4) багато інших видів структур; 5) поділений на; 6) обладнання, засоби; 7) сигнальні та комунікаційні системи; 8) майстерні; 9) земельне полотно і колія; 10) мати відношення до, означати.

VIII. Read the second part of the text and insert the missing words into the text:

Translate the sentences into English. -

24 strip slag engineers track

Translate the sentences into English. -

Engineers lay out the roadbed on the right-of-way. Being a 1)… of land, on which the ties and rails are laid, the roadbed should be wide enough to support and carry one or more lines of the 2) … that the railway builders plan to lay.

The road may have a foundation of earth or subballast on which the ballast itself is laid, or the rails and ballast may be laid directly on the right-of-way. Consisting of gravel, stone, 3) … , cinder, sand or other similar material, ballast (with the subballast) should not be less then 4) … inches deep.

Having determined the number of tracks that should be laid, 5) … calculate the width of ballast.

Having been thus measured, the roadbed is prepared for laying ballast.

üPay attention to the translation of the structures (Participle Perfect):

Having determined the number of tracks ... – Визначивши кількість колій...

Having been thus measured ... – Таким чином провівши вимірювання...

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