Is it too late to save the planet? Why?

Yes late to save the planet. Because our planet it has changed. It became just awful. People became angry, selfish, cruel and know no limit. People brutally kill animals and then do of them fur coats that very strongly upsets. People are jealous and hate each other, kill for the fun and deceive people. Girls began to smoke, drink much and uses foul language, and also throw children. And guys began to cheat, lazy, live off much and behave as girls. In the world there is no kindness left, sympathy. Our world is polluted. If people throw, scoff, beat the children, then I don’t know what waits for us in the future. The planet can be saved in case people change. Everything depends on the preson.

What are five things governments can do to help the environment?

The first – to prevent environmental pollution. We have to makes thrifty use of the environment and not to pollute it. The second- Use Less Water—and Keep It Clean. Fresh, clean water is essential to life—no one can live long without it—yet it is one of the scarcest and most endangered resources on our increasingly fragile planet. The third- Conserve Energy—and Switch to Renewable Energy. Walk, bike and use public transportation more. Drive less. Not only will you be healthier and help to preserve precious energy resources, you’ll also save money. The fourth- not to kill the animals included in the red list. We have to protect and keep a species of animals. The fifth- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. Many human activities—from using coal-fired power plants to generate electricity to driving gasoline-powered vehicles—cause greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.



Пән/Дисциплина Проффесионально ориентированный иностранный язык/Кәсіби бағытталган шетел тіл

Курсы / Курс 3

Мамандық / Специальность 5В020700 «Переводческое дело»

Кафедрасы / Кафедра Шетел филология және аударма кафедрасы / иностранной филологии и перевода

1. What are you favorite movie genres? Give examples and explain why.

2. Is Hollywood getting lazy? Meaning, it tends to produce more sequels than originals. What do you thinks is the reason or reasons behind that?

3. You get to create a movie on your own. What will be your cast? What would your movie be about?

What are you favorite movie genres? Give examples and explain why.

My favorite genres in cinema is - fantasy, thriller, comedy and horror.

In action movies I like action, adrenaline, fights and shootings. It is very cool. My favorite fighters films is a mortal combat, ninja, wolverine. In comedies, I like humor, black humor and fun. My favorite comedy movies is a spy, a home video. In fantasy I like superheroes, villains, magic. Very interesting to watch fictional characters, monsters, etc. My favorite fantasy movies is Harry Potter. The horrors I like to feel fear, tension, and it is breathtaking. All sorts of spirits, ghosts, demons, devils, mystic, all very interesting. My favorite horror movies this spell, astral.

You get to create a movie on your own. What will be your cast? What would your movie be about?

Most of all, I would like to set up a film in the genre of fantasy and comedy. These genres are close to me more. I think my film would be about the current generation of the 21st century in the comedy, humorous presentation. Since the present age and the current generation is very much changed. And I would be presented in his film a lot of life situations related to girls, men, children, but with humor and sarcasm. My story is about men and women and children. Their respect and more.



Пән/Дисциплина Проффесионально ориентированный иностранный язык/Кәсіби бағытталган шетел тіл

Курсы / Курс 3

Мамандық / Специальность 5В020700 «Переводческое дело»

Кафедрасы / Кафедра Шетел филология және аударма кафедрасы / иностранной филологии и перевода

1. If someone asked you to be a journalist, what kind of stories would you write about?

2. Do you think that the news is necessary? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that reading a newspaper is a good way to improve your English?

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