Postal services in the developing countries

The establishment of efficient and comprehensive postal systems in the developing countries is important internationally as well as from the purely domestic viewpoint. Successful maintenance and progressive improvement of international postal service re­quire the effective cooperation of all member countries of the UPU. The internal need for a good postal service is sufficient in itself however, to justify a high priority. A countrywide network of post offices provides government with many points of contact with its people for implementing administrative programs in such fields as social secu­rity, taxation, and public information. When its operation is properly developed, the post office may also become one of the principal employers in a country; it may help to promote economic growth through its need for buildings, vehicles, and equipment; and it has the potential to become a major user of transport services.

The employment potential of a postal system is evident from the fact that the per­centage of the working population engaged in providing postal services is generally several times higher in developed than in developing countries. An efficient postal ser­vice, in addition to promoting national cohesion, provides an essential infrastructure for the expansion of industry and commerce. Postal money transfer and savings services are particularly valuable in developing economies, where banking facilities are limited. They may generate large resources that can be used for public investment. Postal ad­ministrations in developed countries have long appreciated the importance of collaborat­ing in the improvement of postal services throughout the world, and this participation in postal technical assistance is an aim embodied in the constitution of the Universal Postal Union.

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What is important internationally as well as from the purely domestic viewpoint?

2. What do successful maintenance and progressive improvement of international postal service require?

3. The internal need for a good postal service is sufficient in itself, however, to justify a high priority, isn't it?

4. What does a countrywide network of post offices provide government with?

5. What is the employment potential of a postal system evident from?

Variant 6

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите время и за­лог подчёркнутых форм:

1. The director and the accountant signed the financial documents.

The financial documents were signed by the director and the accountant

2. They will check the accounts every month.

The accounts will be checked every month.

3. Female users purchase the phones for personal security reasons.

The phones are purchased by female users for personal security reasons.

4. They build modern telephones on a "modular" basis.

Modern telephones are built on a "modular" basis.

5. We had installed the new software by the end of the month.

The new software had been installed by the end of the month.

2. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках в нужной временной форме. Переведи те предложения на русский язык:

1.1 shall cash me cheque as soon as the bank -___________________ open ((be).

2. We carefully examined the samples which they________________ us (send).

3. The manager had left the office before I________________ (arrive).

4. Kindly repeat what you just___________ (say).

5. They________ the date of the meeting (change).

3. Перестройте данные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Переведите преобразованные предложения на русский язык:

1. She asked: “When do you plan to finish the training program?”

2. He said:"They will be ready to start work at the beginning of August".

3. She asked: “Who calculates the consumer price index?”

4. She asked: 'What made you choose this option?"

5. He said: "I will do this work on Monday".

4. Переведите текст на русский язык:

Welcome to TPS Online

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) helps you to make sure your telephone number is no longer available to organizations, including charities and voluntary or­ganizations who may telephone you with offers and information you do not wish to re­ceive.

Under Government legislation introduced on 1st May 1999 and replaced on 11th December .2003 by the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regula­tions 2003, it is unlawful to make unsolicited direct marketing calls to individuals who have indicated that they do not want to receive such calls. You should reflect on the fact that registering may well prevent you from receiving information which you would really like to have - thereby cutting you off from relevant and worthwhile opportunities. If you are happy to receive telemarketing calls from some companies but not others, contact the companies who you do not wish to hear from and ask them to remove your details from their call lists. Registering your telephone number on TPS will stop tele­marketing calls from all companies, charities and voluntary organizations not just some!

Registration will also prevent organizations who regard you as a customer, or in the case of charities, donors from calling you again, unless you have previously told them that you have no objection to them calling you. TPS will NOT stop calls from companies conducting market research.

The Telephone Preference Service can accept the registration of mobile telephone numbers, however it is important to note that this will prevent the receipt of live market­ing voice calls but not SMS (text) messages. This is because under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2004 it is unlawful to send an unsolicited sales and marketing text message.

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. .What helps you to make sure your telephone number is no longer available to or­ganizations?

2. Is it unlawful to make unsolicited direct marketing calls to individuals who have in­dicated that they do not want to receive such calls?

3. What may registering prevent you from?

4. What can you do if you are happy to receive telemarketing calls from some compa­nies but not others?

5. What will stop telemarketing calls from all companies, charities and voluntary or­ganizations?

Variant 7

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите время и за­лог подчёркнутых форм:

1. Organizations that send many messages between two or more places use private lines.

Private lines are used by organizations that send many messages between two or more places.

2. They can transmit the fax message and the telex message fast to the person con­cerned.

The fax message and the telex message can be transmitted fast to the person concerned.

3. We had tested cables under different conditions by the end of October.

Cables had been tested under different conditions by the end of October.

4. Our engineers will design and construct new thermal power stations.

New thermal power stations will be designed and constructed by our engineers.

5. They are examining the offers on radio access systems supporting 100 to 150 sub­

The offers are being examined on radio access systems supporting 100 to 150 subscrib­ers.

2. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках в нужной временной форме. Переведи­те предложения на русский язык:

1. Last year the inflation rate__________ high enough to start paying compensations to

workers (be/not).

2. The unemployment rate__________ as much as 15 per cent at that time (reach).

3. We______ the new equipment since the beginning of the year (test). It works perfectly


4. That plant_______ its yearly plan of production by the 5th of December (fulfill).

5.I shall cash the cheque as soon as the bank -___________________ open ((be).

3. Перестройте данные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Переведите преобразованные предложения на русский язык:

1. She asked: 'When do you plan to finish the training program?"

2. He said:"They will be ready to start work at me beginning of August".

3. She asked: 'Who calculates the consumer price index?"

4. She asked: 'What made you choose this option?"

5. He said:"I will do this work on Monday".

4. Переведите текст на русский язык:

The employment potential of a postal system is evident from the fact that the per­centage of the working population engaged in providing postal services is generally several times higher in developed than in developing countries. An efficient postal ser­vice, in addition to promoting national cohesion, provides an essential infrastructure for the expansion of industry and commerce. Postal money transfer and savings services are particularly valuable in developing economies, where banking facilities are limited. They may generate large resources that can be used for public investment.

Postal administrations in developed countries have long appreciated the importance of collaborating in the improvement of postal services throughout the world, and this participation in postal technical assistance is an aim embodied in the constitution of the Universal Postal Union. In view of the rapid expansion of postal business in most de­veloping countries, the training of staff is a most urgent need.

In view of the rapid expansion of postal business in most developing countries, the training of staff is a most urgent need. The UPU's initial activity has, therefore, been largely devoted to this field. The needs of individual countries are evaluated by travel­ing postal experts attached to the International Bureau in Bern. In addition, expert aid is provided for the establishment of national training schools for postal workers and re­gional centers for middle and higher management staff, such as those set up in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and in Bangkok and Damascus. Special instructor-training courses are con­ducted in Britain and France, as well as in multinational schools in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where seminars are also held for higher grade officials.

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. The working population engaged in providing postal services is generally several times higher in developed than in developing countries, isn't it?

2. What does an efficient postal service provide?

3. What is particularly valuable in developing economies, where banking facilities are limited?

4. What have postal administrations appreciated in developed countries?

5. Is the training of staff a most urgent need in developing countries?

Variant 8

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите время и за­лог подчёркнутых форм:

1. Private telephone lines provide a number of special services.

A number of special services are provided by private telephone lines.

2. They can only pay a dividend out of profits but not out of capital.

A dividend can only be paid out of profits but not out of capital.

3. Where shall we find information about telephone rates and charges?

Where will information be found about telephone rates and charges?

4. They must have switched off and disconnected the machine.

The machine must have been switched off and disconnected.

5. The correct positioning of the various parts of the letter will create a balanced appear­ance.

A balanced appearance will be created by the correct positioning of the various parts of the letter.

2. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках в нужной временной форме. Переведи­те предложения на русский язык:

1. Last month we________ a new accounting system (install).

2. The inflation rate as credit emission increases (grow).

3. She______ the letter at 6 yesterday (write).

4. The sooner the unification of exchange rates is completed, the more smoothly the companies to new market conditions (adopt).

5.1 already______ in marketing before I joined my present company (work).

3. Перестройте данные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Переведите преобразованные предложения на русский язык:

1. Не said:"We finished installation last week".

2. She declared:"We start testing the machine on Monday next week".

3. She declared:"The operator training has already started".

4. He said: “I’ll have a week before he starts training".

5. He informed: “I’ll telex you as soon as I know for certain".

4. Переведите текст на русский язык:

The basic function of postal organization is to convert the individual item as rapidly as possible into something that can be handled on a bulk basis, ensuring, however, that it finally regains its individual status. The collection and sorting of individual items by the most economic method, concentrating together all items that are going to the same place or in the same direction, involves the use of local transport, usually operated by the postal services themselves, and sorting offices.

The size of the sorting office depends on local requirements, but some are, in fact, large centres that handle several million items a day and employ thousands of personnel. Certain ancillary operations are involved, such as the cancelling (by machine in all ex­cept the smallest offices) of stamps that have served to prepay the postal charge. The next stage is to transport the grouped items to different destinations that may be inter­mediate sorting offices, perhaps a railway sorting car. Items are combined by further sorting with mail from other sources to permit grouping the mails for final destinations. The third stage is the arrival of the mail at the sorting office of the final destination, where it is sorted systematically. The items finally recover their identity and are grouped for delivery to the individual address. In most countries, delivery is on a house-to-house basis, although boxes at a local post office are sometimes used. All stages have to be planned and dovetailed to meet an overall standard of performance. The transport of mail between sorting offices is normally by services not necessarily directly operated by the post office—i.e., by truck, bus, train, marine shipping, or air services. In some countries, however, the administration operates its own air service, usually by night, to supplement the public services.

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What is the basic function of postal organization?

2. What does the most economic method involve?

3. What does the size of the sorting office depend on?

4. What is the next stage?

5. Are items combined by further sorting with mail from other sources to permit group­ing the mails for final destinations?

Variant 9

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите время и за­лог подчёркнутых форм:

1. The director and the accountant signed the financial documents.

The financial documents were signed by the director and the accountant.

2. Your Office Manager has asked you to write a letter from the list of brief notes.

You have been asked by your Office Manager to write a letter from the list of brief notes.

3. Large companies build, launch and operate most communications satellites.

Most communications satellites are built launched and operated by large companies.

4. You must store data electronically on a diskette or a hard disk. Data must be stored electronically on a diskette or a hard disk.

5. India and China have installed nationwide communications systems. Nationwide communications systems have been installed by India and China.

2. Употребите глаголы, стоящие в скобках в нужной временной форме. Переведи­те предложения на русский язык:

1. Our engineers________ many new devices (develop).

2. Last month we______ a new accounting system (install).

3. I already_____ in marketing before I joined my present company (work).

4. A new plant_______ on February 1 (open).

5. Which project you________ on (work)?

3. Перестройте данные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. Переведите преобразованные предложения на русский язык:

1. Не said:"We finished installation last week".

2. She declared:"We start testing the machine on Monday next week".

3. She declared:"The operator training has already started".

4. He said: "I’ll have a week before he starts training".

5. He informed: I'll tell you as soon as I know for certain".

4. Переведите текст на русский язык:

The transport of mail between sorting offices is normally by services not necessarily directly operated by the post office—i.e., by truck, bus, train, marine shipping, or air services. In some countries, however, the administration operates its own air service, usually by night, to supplement the public services. Post-office counter services (i.e., the public offices that existed originally as depots where the public could buy stamps, make inquiries, and post and collect correspondence) have in many countries gone beyond the role of accessory to the postal service proper and pose their own problems of organiza­tion.

Postal services require extensive manpower. Many countries are striving to mecha­nize or even automate sorting, transport, and counter processes. Postal organization de­pends largely on geography; large agglomerations of population present the greatest problems. Furthermore, geography usually determines the routing of mails and the in­termediate steps between the posting and destination offices. Traffic problems have forced postal managers, through the years, to develop their own approach to the opera­tional aspects of postal organization.

They developed their own work-study methods and operational research techniques long before these terms were invented. Apart from postal operations as such, postal management is concerned with the efficient administration and deployment of large bodies of manpower, the organization of large transport fleets, many aspects of property management, and financial and economic problems, particularly in an increasing num­ber of countries where the postal services are expected to depend on their postal revenue in order to meet all of their costs (including those related to capital expenditure).

5. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What does the administration do in some countries?

2. What do postal services require?

3. Many countries are striving to mechanize or even automate sorting, transport, and counter processes, aren't they?

4. What does postal organization depend largely on?

5. Have traffic problems forced postal managers to develop their own approach to the operational aspects of postal organization?

Variant 10

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите время и за­лог подчёркнутых форм:

1. Several countries share some communications satellites. Some communications satellites are shared by several countries.

2. They arranged the files in strict alphabetical order in the storage system. The files were arranged in strict alphabetical order in the storage system.

3. Telephone firms have encouraged customers to make telephone calls as they seem cheaper than sending a letter.

Customers have been encouraged by telephone firms to make telephone calls as they seem cheaper than sending a letter.

4. The company will have installed a software system by December. A software system will have been installed by December.

5. They can only pay a dividend out of profits but not out of capital. A dividend can only be paid out of profits but not out of capital.

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