Word Combinations and Phrases. Mixture that results from such a process is called solution (as a so

mixture that results from such a process is called solution (as a so

lution of salt and water). 2) break up, put an end to, as to dissolve

a marriage, a business partnership, parliament (before a general

election) 3) fade away; vanish gradually from sight, e.g. The view

dissolved in mist.

dissoluble[di'soljubl] a that maybe dissolved,e.g.The Catholic

Church says that no marriage is dissoluble. Ant. indissoluble.

dissolution[disa'lujn] n breaking up or separating, as the disso-

lution of marriage (of a partnership)

(be) hung with portraits (pic-tures, photos, etc.) sink into stillness (silence) to be (un)accustomed to smth. (to doing smth., to do smth.)

to be too funny for words (coll.) to be cut short

(be) moved by pity to put up with smth.

to have command of smth.

(a feeling, a reply, a subject, etc.)

11. smashvt/i(often with 'up') 1) break something to pieces with

noise, e.g. The boy smashed a window with a stone. 2) be broken to

pieces, e.g. The dishes smashed as the tray upset. 3) defeat utterly

as to smash an enemy's attack 4) rush violently-into, e.g. The car

smashed into a wall.

smashn 1) the act and noise of something breaking to pieces,

e.g. We heard a smash as the other motor-car hit ours. 2) crushing de-

feat, disaster, destruction, e.g. A big bank failed and many businesses

were ruined in the smash that followed.

12. fake (often with 'up') vt to make up, to seem right or true,

e.g. The whole story had been faked up. Syn.forge.


a) Listen to the recording of Text Three and mark the stresses and tunes. b| Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.

Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro nunciation:

marble, luxury, voluptuous, obscurity, inquiry, apron, confident-ly, gaiety, chorus, partition, chocolate, uniform, diagonally, oblong, gallery, amphitheatre, radiance, exit, bowl, dissolve, record, automo-bile, vibrant, metallic, yolk, dynamite, dialogue, contemptuous, sil-houetted, abject

3. Practise the pronunciation of the following compound words paying atten tion to stresses:

'tea-spoon, 'bull's-eye, 'dress .circle, 'background, 'pot-plants, 'stage ,apron, 'rapid-'fire, 'heart-.searing, 'heart-throbs, 'thrill-'thirsty, 'heart -string(s), 'water-butt, 'mix-'up, 'hard-'worked, a 'hard-worked 'dog, 'black 'eye

4. Read the following word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phe nomena of connected speech (assimilation, linking "r", lateral and nasal plosions, loss of plosion):

a short marble staircase; in the dim region; here and there; you're a swell kid; a murmur in the audience; stood back to let them squeeze; surveyed the dim amphitheater; in the hope of; some of their acquain-tances; in the dress circle; she noted that the cinema; on the white background; it isn't the big picture; no further inquiries; a shower of small stars; filled the whole screen; sent thrills down the spine; packed with heart-throbs; in this tale of thrill-thirsty young bloods; in the mightiest drama; then the eggs tumbled; he squeezed that yolk; and then the lean chap

Read the following sentences out loud; beginning with "Back in this dim re gion of luxury...", "Out of a door marked "Circle"..." and "Down swung a looped curtain...". Beat the time and observe all phonetic phenomena of connected speech. Use proper intonation patterns.

Study the following proverbs, a) Translate them into Russian or supply their Russian equivalents, b) Practise their reading paying attention to the sound .{ai] and the intonation; beat the time:

Beauty lies in lover's eyes. 2. A stitch in time saves nine. 3. Once bitten, twice shy. 4. Let bygones be bygones. 5. Out of sight, out of mind. 6. Velvet paws hide velvet claws. 7. Salt water and absence wash away love. 8. Time and tide wait for no man. 9. Idleness rusts the mind.

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