Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks.

  Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru

Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks.

Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru

Cob is Dob’s dog, Tob is Hob’s dog.

Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru

[ כ: ]

Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru

²Activity 1. Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sound [כ].


· or-nor-sort-port-sport-pork-short-fork

· bore-core-more-sore-store-adore-tore-fore

· all-ball-call-fall-hall-tall-stall

· fault -pause-autumn-laundry-because-August-author

· saw-straw-draw-shawl-law-thaw

· war-water-warm-watch-walk-swan

· ought-bought-brought -thought

· taught-naughty-caught-daughter

B. bore – boredom daunt – daunting form – formal

border – borderland dorm – dormouse horn – horn bill

born – new born draw – drawing horse – horseman

cord – cordless fault – faultless law – law court

cork – corkage force – forceful launch – launch

corner – cornerstone fore – forecast cautious – cautious

dawn – dawn raid naught - naughty cause – causation


· north – northeast – north-eastern – northerly – northern – northerner

· paw – pawn – pawnbroker – pawpaw

· port – portable – portal – porter – portion

· forward – forwardness – forward-looking – forwarding address

· award – reward – rewarding

· sauce – saucer – saucepan

· saw – sawdust – sawed – sawn – sawyer

· scorch – scorched – scorcher – scorching

· score – scoreboard – scorecard – scoreless – scorer – score out

score through – score off

· short – shortage – shortcoming – shortcut – shortly – shorts

· all – all along – all-around – all-comers – all-day

· sport – sporting – sportsman – sportsmanship – sporty

· sword – sword dance – swordfish – sword of Damocles – swordsman

· talk – talkative – talkback – talker – talkie – talking point – talk show

· walk – walkabout – walker – walkie-talkie – walking

· wall – wallflower – wallpaper – wall-to-wall – wall unit

· watch – watchdog – watchmaker – watchful

Activity 2. Contrasting Sound Practice

Listen and repeat the words paying attention to the sounds.

[ כ:] – [ כ ] – [ a:] – [ æ ]

forks – fox – far – fax caw – cock – car – carry

sport – spot – spar – spat port – pot – part – pat

court – cot –cart – cat horde – hot – hard – had

short – shot – sharp – shat lord – lot – lark – lack

stalk – stock – stark – stag pork – potty – park – pack

Activity 3. Read the sentences. Mind the reading rules.

It is all your fault.

Nora adores small talks.

I thought he is forty four.

Are you fond of sport?

To talk to Mort is like talking

to the wall.

You ought to have brought your daughter.

Draw water from the faucet.

Draw in your claws.

I saw her drawing this picture.

Morton’s court report was short.

Activity 4. Read the proverbs according to the reading rules.

  Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru
    Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru
    Learn one of them by heart. Sam’s shop stocks short spotted socks. - student2.ru

Activity 5. Read the words in bold type, explain the reading rules.

Read the rhymes according to the reading rules.

Tommy Trot. Balls.

Tommy Trot, a man of law, And there are many other balls

Sold his bed and lay upon straw. We find at pleasure’s source -

Sold the straw and slept in the hall The croquet ball, the hockey ball.

To buy his daughter a nice ball. The skittle ball, lacrosse,

And smaller ball, the marble balls,

And bearing balls, of course.

Alfred H. Miles

²Activity 6. Listen to the speaker and imitate the tongue twisters.

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