Read the text and consider its following aspects.

Comment on the syntax and the rhythmic effect achieved in "I can wash a blouse, think a thought, write a letter."


teaching not the subject but the whole child; individualization and enrichment; enlarge his scope; to motivate and distribute books; their background consists of the simplest comics and thrillers; some com-mittee was asked to come up with some titles; a man's reach should exceed his grasp; to the young, cliches seem freshly minted; hitch your wagon to a star; ...who teaches English on one foot; to teach against insuperable odds

Indicate the stylistic devices in the following sentences. Comment upon the fitness of the comparison with sparrows in the first sentence. What is the speak er's attitude conveyed by the last sentence?

They crowded in the doorway, chirping like agitated sparrows, pecking at the seeds I had strewn. 2.I had succeeded, I thought, in establishing a mood. I mean, I got them to be quiet. 3. ...Enter Admi-ral Ass, in full regalia, epaulettes quivering with indignation.

Exemplify the use of colloquialisms and learned words. Why does the writ er of the letter make use of both?

Comment on the passage beginning "There are a few good, hard-working, patient people...". What immediate impression does it make on you? What is the key sentence of the passage? Enlarge upon the idea expressed in it.

Copy out from Text Five the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian.

Translate the following sentences into Russian:

Disputed wills were always painful. They brought out the worst in everybody. 2. The ivory colour of the walls seems to bring out the beauty of the rugs. 3. I'm sorry, it's my own fault and I've no right to take it out on you. 4. I can't figure out what you're getting at. 5. She had, as it were, got her bearings in the house-hold before she approached Finch on one of the chief objects of her visit. 6. He was holding them, as it were, in the net of his 7. The clock lost twenty minutes every day, and might have been counted a sluggard but for the fact that its alarm had to be set half an hour later than the time when one wished to be called, so urgent was it in its desire to go off. 8. If only he could figure out a way to achieve it without harm to himself. 9. The author works his magic in a story that is a marvellous combination of detection, pursuit, and imaginative reconstruction. 10. They were trying to figure out what had gone wrong. 11. He looked about him in the moonlight, getting his bearings. 12. The walls were painted yel-low; the basic hue seemed dark and smooth, claylike as it were.

Enlarging one's scope involved endless trips to the town li-brary, sleepless nights, millions of questions to which there didn't seem to be any answers. It was all uphill work; it was like an ocean, and he was alone in the middle of it, without any hope to find his bearings. 14. "In this accursed town the very fact that you were born in the slums dooms you to failure," he said in rage. "I under-stand that you're fighting against fearful odds, but why should you take it out on me, of all people?"

Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and


1. Miss Barrett didn't want her lessons to be observed until she gained a little experience in dealing with her pupils. 2. The tragic turn of events revealed her good qualities. 3. I can't understand this man. 4. You should read more in order to extend your knowledge. 5. This attempt is sure to fail. 6. He told her something flattering. 7. They say this doctor can do wonders. 8. Th'ey fought bravely but the chances were not in their favour at all. 9.1 admit you have cause for irritation, but don't scold the child, he's not to blame.

11. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Он, так сказать, сделал ей комплимент, заметив, что темная шляпа ей очень идет, оттеняя ее седые волосы. 2. С какой стати ты вымещаешь свою злость на мне? Ты же знаешь, что это про-изошло не по моей вине. 3. Изучение иностранных языков спо-собствует расширению кругозора; кроме того, как только чело-век начинает разбираться в иностранном языке, он глубже по-стигает и родной язык. 4. Я ничего не буду предпринимать, пока не начну ориентироваться в обстановке. Без этого все мои уси-лия обречены на неудачу. 5. Вчера он пытался выместить на мне свое раздражение, а сегодня сделал мне комплимент! Я не могу его понять! 6. Я восхищаюсь этой балериной. Она творит чуде-са на сцене. 7. Мне придется поставить будильник на 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать. 8. Он преподавал в весьма неблагоприятной обстановке и, несмотря на это, делал чудеса. 9. Как ты думаешь, почему Смит уехал так внезапно? — Я тоже этого в толк не возьму. 10. Тебе необходимо расширять свой кругозор! — Лег-че сказать, чем сделать!

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