Gestures in the different countries of the world

The same gestures in the different countries can have different meanings. The souther, the more briskly people gesticulate, their facial expression and language of gesture becomes richer. In Europe Italians use gestures most of all. So, they express admiration of female beauty by five ways. In an hour of easy dialogue the Mexican does on the average 180 gestures, the Frenchman - 120, the Italian - 80, the Finn - one gesture, and the Englishman does no one.

Even in the neighbour countries many people gestures have opposite meanings. In Bulgaria people shake a head as a sign of the consent, and nod when want to say "No". Greeks, Romanians, Macedonians and Hindus behave in similar way.

Japanese in case of negation shake palms from side to side and Arabs throw back a head.

The Frenchman finding some idea silly knocks his head and the German hits his forehead by a palm. The Englishman using the same gesture shows that he is pleasant with himself. When the Dutch extends an index finger upwards knocking itself on a forehead it means that he has estimated mind of the interlocutor. But if the finger is directed aside it means that interlocutor is crazy.

To warn that the information is confidential Russian and Germans put a finger to lips Englishmen - to a nose but in Italy the same gesture serves as the warning.

In the English-speaking countries the ring from the big and index fingers means "everything is all right". However in Japan this gesture means a request to lend money, in Brazil - sexual desire, and in France - the mistrustful relation to words of the interlocutor. In Turkey and Greece this gesture can be grasped as a hint at homosexuality of the interlocutor.

Arabs can apprehend the big finger lifted upwards painfully while it is for many people a sign of approval. Japanese don't like hand shaking and clapping shoulders for them to concern the interlocutor during conversation is an inadmissible liberty.

In Holland if you twist by index finger at a temple meaning something stupid you can appear in a confusing situation. Because in Holland this gesture means that someone has told very witty phrase.

The European shows on a chest speaking about itself and the Japanese shows on a nose.

Inhabitants of Malta instead of the word "no" slightly touch a chin by tips of fingers and also turn a brush forward. In France this gesture means that person is ill.

Germans often lift eyebrows as a sign of admiration someone's idea. But in England this gesture will be regarded as scepticism expression.

The body language of French is most expressive. When the Frenchman is admired by something he puts together three fingers, brings them to lips and blows kisses. If he rubs the bridge of nose with index finger it means that he warns: "cautiously", "these people can't be trusted".

Finger movement from side to side in the USA and Italy can mean easy condemnation, a thunder-storm or an appeal to listen. In Holland the same gesture means refusal.

Different people have also diverse farewell. Russian lift a palm and shake it forward and back. In Italy people do the same but they turn a palm to itself. English people slowly drive a palm from side to side and expressional Latin Americans embrace and clap each other on a back while saying goodbye.

In general in any culture insincerity gestures are connected, as a rule, with the left hand because right hand "is cultivated it does all that is necessary and left does all that wants giving out secret feelings of the owner. Therefore if in conversation the interlocutor gesticulates with the left hand there is a high probability that he speaks so but not thinks so or negatively concerns to an event.

The people of various cultures have different representations about optimum distances between interlocutors. So Germans usually have a conversation standing on a distance not closer than 60 sm from each other. In difference from Arabs which think that it's too big distance for dialogue. Watching conversation of strangers for example the Arab and the German you can see how the first all time aspires to the interlocutor while the second does a step back increasing distance for dialogue.

Conclusion: so, all in all, it is necessary to remember that the use of gestures is also one of the communication sources and can be interpreted very differently in various cultures...

Theme: Food as a cultural value.


American cuisine, as well as American society, is international: Here you can find Chinese, Mexican, Cuban, Russian, and even Moroccan dishes. Prices and service levels are also quite varied - from an average of between $2 in food up to $ 100 and above (without drinks) in the best restaurants in New York.

Some of the cheap restaurants are organized by a type of buffet. You pay at the door for unlimited access to all of the food they have to offer. These types of places are prevalent in Las Vegas and Orland. Many restaurants have smoking and non-smoking sections that are strictly enforced.

National American cuisine is high in calories and easy to prepare. The most popular dishes of American cuisine includes: Pumpkin soup, pork ribs, stuffed turkey, various steaks and burgers. As you know, America is home to Fast Food (burgers, sandwiches, French fries, etc.), and the United States stand in first place in terms of the diversity of eateries offering this type of cuisine: McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and many others.

History fried chicken, potato puree soup, schnitzel, country –

The meandeatheas friend steak, she-crab soup, Maryland crab cakes, boiled

dinner, clam chowder, gumbo, caesar salad, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, taco

Contacts Canada, Italy, Mexico, France, Great Britain, China

Ingredients meat of chicken, pork, potato, string bean, tomato, pepper

History of dishes Pecan pie is often mentioned in American literature (and television)

As associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other special


The pumpkin is native to the continent of North America. During the

seventeenth – century, pumpkin pie recipes could be found in English cookbooks, such as Hannah Wooley`s Thr Gentlewooman`s Companion, wich was published in 1675. The recipes did not appear in American cookbooks until the early nineteenth century. The Pilgrims brought the pumpkin pie back to New England, while the English method of cooking the pumpkin took a different course.

Table meaners |etiquette

1) meals a day 4

2) cooked home or go to a cafe they usually go to a café, but sometimes cooked home

Regional deffirences New England – boiled dinner, clam clowder,

The Southwest - taco, fajitas

Midwestem United States – beefsteaks, bbq

Great Britain.

1) The main dishes: the Sunday roast, steak, kidney pie, shepherd’s pie, bangers and mash, British beefsteak, English cheeses, Yorkshire pudding, roast beef, an apple pie, fish and chips;
2) Contacts with other cuisines: today there are many different dishes from whole world in the UK: Indian, Chinese, Italian, French etc.
3) The main ingredients: bread, rabbit, apples, asparagus, onion, potatoes, cucumber, wine, tea, coffee, oranges, carrots, turkey, sandwich, fish and chips;
4) History of naming of dishes:

Table manners.
1) Number of meals of a day: 5 times: the first breakfast, the second breakfast, lunch, tea at 5 o`clock, dinner;
2) Cook at home or go to a café: only each 4th British man\woman cooks at home, the most people have lunch\dinner out;
3) Treating guests: guests bring a small present like a box of candies, flowers or wine; to have guests isn’t unusually event, they (guests) usually have dinner with a family which treats them;

Regional differences.
1) 4 regions of country: England, Scotland, Wales, the Northern Ireland;
2) The main differences and reasons for them:
3) The main cuisines: In England is a Yorkshire pudding and pie; Scotland is known for its Haggis(veal scars with pluck); Tatws Pum Munud (English: five minute potatoes), a traditional Welsh stew, made with potatoes, vegetables and bacon; in Northern Ireland is the Ulster fry(griddle breads).



Main dishes/ special bread (baguette), faty duck or goose liver (fois gras), oysters, molds and french fries, saucraut with sausages salt pork and potatoes ( choucraute garnie)

Contacts/ paella (как русский плов), gazpacho (испанское блюдо)

Ingridients/ meat of different origin, good wine, pasta ,cheesе of goat or cow, a variety of sauces

History of dishes/ mille feuille- pastry «thousand layers of leaves», foie gras- foie= gooz liver, gras =faty целиком выходит faty gooz liver.

Table manners:

Meals a day/ breakfast, dinner, 4o’clock , supper (4 приема пищи)

Cooced home or cafe/ summer –café, winter- home ( depends on season)

Treating guests/ they like to visit guests with a good alcohol drink, they call it apero(аперо).

Regional differences:

1 Ile de France: frogs legs, duck liver, red wine.

2 Languedoc: oysters, molds, olive oil, tomatoes, seafood.

3 Bretagne: blini of Bretagne, galettes (галеты)

4 Burgundy: special cheese.

The notion of national hero is the allocation of a number of qualities and objective characteristics or sometimes fantasized a historical figure by a national community.
Some national heroes are also assigned, almost always after the fact, the distinction of Father of his Country.
Many nations have one or more heroic figures, sometimes legendary, whose actions and personality are honored and highlighted as an example.

They must receive the nation that recognizes a cultural consensus majority but still subjective. Their claims to fame are always attached to the origins of the nation, they were often the first performance and have sometimes lost their lives in defense of their liberties. However, they do not have official recognition as such, their worship is quite popular and traditional.

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