The Problems of Rendering the Implicatures of the ST in the TT/ The Formation of Translation Skills

Paladiychuk Yana, 541

Choose the correct answer:

1) Some linguists define the implicatures as:

a) particular elements;

b) unique items;

c) special items;

d) unusual elements

2) The phenomenon of inappropriate translation of the implicatures is called:

a) under-representation;

b) misrepresentation;

c) non-equivalent representation;

d) inappropriate representation

3) What is the second stage of the strategy of adequate representation of the implicatures?

a) to identify the type of the implicatures;

b) to set an appropriate marker in the TL;

c) to recognize the implicatures in the SL;

d) to implement the marker in the ST

4) Which meanings does the noun possess?

a) nominal and functional;

b) concrete and abstract;

c) functional and abstract;

d) nominal and concrete

5) Which Ukrainian equivalent for the indefinite article in the English language is the odd one?

a) деякий;

b) цей;

c) будь-який

d) неназваний

6) Classical components of full referential action are:

a) example of action, example of procedure, model of object;

b) example of action, model of object and model of action;

c) model of object, model of action, example of object;

d) model of procedure, example of object, model of object

7) Which Ukrainian equivalent can be used for rendering the concrete meaning of the noun?

a) жодний;

b) один;

c) певний;

d) згаданий

8) What theory is used in the process of translating the implicatures?

a) the step-by-step formation theory;

b) the theory of linguistic correspondence;

c) the theory of linguistic equivalence;

d) the theory communicative correspondence

9) The step-by-step formation theory aims at the formation of:

a) acquirement of skills;

b) acquirement of competence;

c) skills;

d) competence

10) The implicatures can be:

a) lexical, grammatical, contextual;

b) lexical, grammatical, phraseological;

c) lexical, contextual, phraseological;

d) grammatical, contextual, phraseological

11) The meaning can be expressed:

a) implicitly;

b) explicitly;

c) implicitly and/or explicitly;

d) all answers are incorrect

12) The correct rendering of the explicatures requires:

a) only text competence;

b) only pragmatic competence;

c) only functional competence;

d) only language competence

13) General structure of translation process is regarded as:

a) two-stage hierarchy;

b) tree-stage hierarchy;

c) five-stage hierarchy;

d) seven-stage hierarchy

14) The incorrect rendering of the implicatures is caused by:

a) under-representation of such features in the translator’s lexicon;

b) misunderstanding of such features by the translator;

c) the lack of translator’s work experience;

d) typicalness of such features only for the ST

15) The appropriate usage of the indefinite article by the students is better in:

a) the consecutive translation;

b) the simultaneous translation;

c) the written translation;

d) the at-sight translation

16) Which of the phases is the odd one in the translation action?

a) functional phase;

b) explication phase;

c) implementation phase;

d) all answers are correct

17) Inductive way of learning is about:

a) doing exercises after theoretical explanation by teacher;

b) doing exercises on your own;

c) personal knowledge of the translator;

d) doing exercises without theoretical explanation by teacher

18) The incorrect usage of the articles can be observed in:

a) the over-representation of the articles;

b) the omission of the articles ;

c) the over-representation and/or the omission of the articles;

d) the distortion of the meaning of the word

19) The aim of full referential action is:

a) to refer to the SL structures;

b) to refer to the TL structures;

c) to combine theoretical and practical knowledge;

d) all answers are correct

20) The introduction of the additional elements is typical for:

a) the grammatical implicature;

b) the lexical implicature;

c) the phraseological implicature;

d) the textual implicature

21) Which type of knowledge is the basis for developing the skills of translator?

a) unconscious generalization;

b) subconscious concretisation;

c) subconscious automatisation;

d) model or patterns of transmittance of SL elements into TL

22) According to their semantic combination, phraseological units are divided into:

a) phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, idioms;

b) phraseological fusions, phraseological combinations, idioms;

c) phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations;

d) phraseological combinations, phraseological unities, idioms

23) The substantial problem for the translators is represented by:

a) phraseological fusions,

b) phraseological unities;

c) phraseological combinations;

d) idioms

24) The phraseological units of proverb type are:

a) proverbs;

b) sayings;

c) dialect words;

d) proverbs and sayings

25) Automation of translation skills can become as the result of:

a) inductive process;

b) inductive and deductive processes;

c) deductive process;

d) all answers are incorrect

26) The syntactic features typical for the phraseological unit of proverb type are:

a) parallelism, binary construction, antithesis, repetitions;

b) parallelism, binary construction, antithesis, rhyme;

c) parallelism, binary construction, rhyme, repetitions;

d) parallelism, rhyme, repetitions, antithesis

27) The euphonic features typical for the phraseological unit of proverb type are:

a) rhyme, alliteration, parallelism;

b) rhyme, assonance, parallelism;

c) alliteration, assonance, parallelism;

d) rhyme, alliteration, assonance

28) The experiment for defining the level of capability of the students to translate the phraseological units of proverb type was held in:

a) Kyiv;

b) Odessa;

c) Kharkiv;

d) Chernivtsi

29) Procedure knowledge of translator can be regarded as:

a) examples of translation ;

b) models of translation;

c) system of inner principles of translation;

d) elements of translation

30) The correct variant of translation of the sentence: “Better to wear out than to rust out” is:

a) «Краще згоріти буйним полум’ям ніж зітліти»;

b) «Краще носити, ніж ні»;

c) «Краще бути знесиленим, аніж зачерствілим»;

d) «Краще роздягатися, ніж іржавіти»

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