How do the Terms differ from the words of general usage?
$$ by definite semantic limitations
$ by forms and levels of responsibility
$ by maintenance instructions and after-dinner speeches
$ by taking the necessary notes
$$$ 405.The principal role of transformations in translation political terms is given to..........?
$$ grammatical
$ translational
$ lexical
$ special
$$$406.Give the equivalent to “structure filling words”.
$$ слова заместители
$ структурные слова
$ полные структурные слова
$ структурно-полные слова
$$$407.Missing article translation may lead to ..........or incomplete translation of a sentence.
$$ misinterpretation
$ describing
$ general idea
$ principles
$$$408.Transposition is required when the English sentence contains a large group of nouns with.......?
$$ indefinite article
$ forms and levels
$ instructions and speeches
$ the necessary notes
$$$409.The difficulty stylistic devices represents to a translator is based on word .......?
$$ play
$ translation
$ combination
$ theories
$$$411.Every word in a language carries some concrete.......?
$$ notion
$ form
$ maintenance
$ notes
Emotional meaning, based in the word is usually created by association....?
$$ association
$ responsibility
$ maintenance
$ notes
What is the translation quality defined by?
$$ its completeness and value
$ its translation phenomenon
$ its combination of actors
$ its special translation theories
Why an interpreter is always faced to the main task - learning ideological and literary context and its original aesthetic and emotional key-point?
$$ differently used lingua-stylistic means
$ forms and levels of responsibility
$ maintenance instructions and after-dinner speeches
$ taking the necessary notes
$$$415.Lexical difficulties caused to a translator is........?
$$the difference in the semantic volume of a word
$ the description of the predominant features
$ the most general idea of the meaning
$ general philosophical principles
$$$416.What is possible in one language maybe impossible in another because of.......?
$$ its difference in semantic structure and its usage
$ its forms and levels of responsibility
$ its maintenance instructions and after-dinner speeches
$ its taking the necessary notes
What’s the most often correspondence of first lexical-semantic variants of words?
$$ their primary meaning
$ their translation phenomenon
$ their combination of factors
$ their special translation theories
How do we call the information which characterizes the second type of equivalence?
$$ identification of the situation
$ forms and levels of responsibility
$ maintenance instructions and after-dinner speeches
$ taking the necessary notes
What is concretization?
$$ a most frequent device in translation
$ translation phenomenon
$ combination of actors
$ special translation theories
What is a micro-context?
$$ a minimal stretch of speech
$ a form of responsibility
$ maintenance instructions
$ the necessary notes
Abstract word are often concretized in translation if...?
$$ there is no correlated abstract word
$ there’s described the predominant features
$ there’s general idea of the meaning
$ there is general philosophical principle
What is generalization?
$$ the reverse of concretization
$ forms and levels of responsibility
$ maintenance instructions and after-dinner speeches
$ taking the necessary notes
Generalization is sometimes used in ...?
$$ rendering non-equivalents
$ translation phenomenon
$ combination of factors
$ special translation theories
What is concretization?
$$ a most frequent device in translation
$ translation phenomenon
$ combination of actors
$ special translation theories
What is a micro-context?
$$ a minimal stretch of speech
$ a form of responsibility
$ maintenance instructions
$ the necessary notes