Theme: Optical instruments for repair and assembly of diesel locomotives
I. Read the following words:
Courses, engineer, hour, right, technical, higher, speciality, privileges, grant, throughout, entire, thoroughly, priority, curriculum, diverse, research, specialized, facilities, aids, scientific, library, physical, successfully, linen.
II. Translate the words from Ukrainian into English:
- бути добре забезпеченим;
- навчальні та дослідницькі лабораторії;
- обладнати;
- cучасне обладнання (засоби обслуговування);
- навчальні посібники;
- розробляти;
- вводити;
- безкоштовно;
- читальна зала;
- басейн;
- доступний, що є в наявності;
- медичне обслуговування;
- оздоровчі кемпінги;
- аптека;
- стипендія;
- творча наукова та технічна діяльність;
- гуртожиток;
- постільна білизна;
- залізничний квиток;
- медичне лікування.
III. Which word can be defined as:
- – money given to worthy students so that they can continue their education;
- – a place for dispensing medicine;
- – a supervised lodging place for young people;
- – household articles such as sheets and towels, made from any kind of fabrics;
- – to supply smb. with what is necessary.
These words will help you to understand the explanations:
Worthy – достойний; dispense – готувати і відпускати; household – домашній, господарський; lodging – приміщення, житло; supervise – наглядати; sheet – простирадло; fabric – тканина.
IV. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:
1) Training; 2) full-time; 3) evening courses; 4) employee; 5) to have the right; 6) to enter an institute; 7) secondary technical school; 8) to get higher education; 9) to attend courses; 10) to grant privileges; 11) to get additional paid leaves; 12) broad network; 13) curriculum; 14) to approve; 15) entire; 16) to study thoroughly; 17) workshop; 18) enterprise.
V. Learn how to read the words correctly:
Lateral [`lætərəl], breakage [`breıkıdƺ], cylinder [`sılındə], insufficient [ınsə`fı∫ənt], locomotive [loukə`moutıv], measure [`meƺə], triangle [`trаıængl], flange [flændƺ], gauge [geıdƺ], straight [streıt], bogie [`bougı], depot [`depou], [`di:pou].
VI. Read the words and word-combinations and try to memorize them:
1. Wheel flange – реборда колеса;
- lateral wear – бокове зношування;
- crankshaft – колінчастий вал;
- liner – втулка, гильза;
- bogie – візок вагону;
- tolerance – допуск, погрішність;
- depot – депо;
- shaft gauge – розмір залізничної колії;
- scoring – задирання поверхні;
- frame – каркас, остів;
- finder range – дальномір;
- infinity – незкінченність;
- deflection of the axis – загиб вісі;
14. to repair a locomotive – ремонтувати локомотив;
15. to reduce breakage – зменшити випадки поломки.
VII. Read the first part of the text to yourself and answer the questions:
- What is the reason of increasing the number of cases of crankshaft breakage?
- What traction was used in the railway before introducing the diesel and electric traction?
- What is the reason of heavier wear of some of the diesel locomotive units?
- What problems can the insufficient accuracy of fitting units cause with diesel cylinder liners?
With the conversion of railways to diesel and electric traction, the lateral wear of rails and wheel flanges has become more pronounced¹; there are also cases of crankshaft breakage and scoring of diesel cylinder liners.
Investigations carried out have established the fact that one of the reasons causing heavier wear of some of the diesel locomotive elements is insufficient accuracy in the manufacture of fitting units and parts, both when manufacturing and repairing the locomotives.
VIII. Find in the previous part of the text English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:
Спричинити, проведені досліди, недостатня точність, став більш помітним, однією з причин, дизельна і електрична тягова сила, випадки поломки колінчастого валу.
IX. Read and translate the second part of the text:
Investigations disclosed that increase in accuracy was difficult to attain with conventional measuring instruments normally employed, such as straight edges, triangles, shaft gauges, etc., which have less accuracy than tolerance specified by the design, for the permitted deflection of the axis of the diesel crankshaft saddles when assembling is 0.05 mm, whereas the deflection of the shaft gauge or straight edge used for these measurements equals 0.06 to 0.08 mm; the non-perpendicularity of the wheel-pair axis to the bogie frame axis permitted is 1,0 mm, whereas the error of the triangle used for these measurements is 1.0 to 1.5 mm.
X. Choose the correct variant of spelling:
1. w...r 2. insuffi...ent 3. ...linder 4. str...t 5. des...
A) ae A) ti A) si A) aigh A) aign
B) ea B) si B) ci B) eigh B) ign
C) ee C) shi C) cy C) aih C) ing
D) ei D) ci D) sy D) eig D) ine
XI. Match the words from the box with the words in the column:
![]() |
- shaft … a) accuracy b) cylinder
- deflection of …
- … instruments c) straight d)saddles
- crankshaft …
- fitting … e) gauge f) axis
- … frame
- insufficient … g) bogie h) measuring
- … liners
- wheel … i) units j) flanges
… edges
XII. Read the next part and put the words from the box into their correct places:
To reduce 1) ... and extensive 2) ..., repair shops and 3) ... depots of the railways are now using special optical instruments, which are capable of measuring misalignment, out-of-squareness and parallel misalignment with an error of 0.01 per 1,000 mm length (for diesel 4) ...) and an error of 0.05 per 1,000 mm length (in the instruments for 5) ... frames).
bogie wear breakage locomotive engines
XIII. Read the fourth part of the text and ask 5 questions to it:
The use of optical instruments does not require special conditions, and may be carried out under normal workshop conditions.
The instruments for measuring the bogie frames are small, and this allows their use without setting the frame on a specially built stand. The instrument comprises a telescope with a finder range from 450 mm to infinity. The telescope is fitted with an optical vernier arrangement and focusing devices. The stand for the telescope is a bracket made of light material, which may be fixed to the bogie frame. When measuring the out-of-squareness of the working surfaces of the frame to its longitudinal plane (axis), a pentaprism is used which has a light beam refraction error of not more than 10 seconds.²
¹ has become more pronounced – став більш помітним;
² a pentaprism is used which has a light beam refraction error of not more than 10 seconds – використовується п’ятигранна призма з заломлюванням проміня світла з допуском не більше 10 секунд
Grammar Revision
XIV. Do you remember, that:
The Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Tense утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to have та третьої форми основного дієслова:
The Present Perfect Tense
Стверджувальна форма речення:
I, you, we, they + have already, just, never V (III ф.)
He, she, it + has V (-ed) (для правильних дієслів)
Питальна форма речення:
Where have + I, you, we, they ever, just V (III ф.) yet?
Who … has + he, she, it V (-ed) (для правильних дієслів)
Негативна форма речення:
I, you, we, they + haven’t just V (III ф.)
He, she, it + hasn’t V (-ed) (для правильних дієслів) yet.
The Present Perfect Tense вживається для вираження дії, що відбулася до теперішнього моменту, і є результат цієї дії. Наприклад,
So, I have come. (Now I am here and we can have a talk.)
All the students have done their exercises. (Now they can have a rest.)
He has opened the door. (The door is open.)
* Якщо в рченні точно вказано час, коли відбувалася дія (yesterday, last week, at 9 o’clock, in 1965, an hour ago, etc.), то вживається минулий час (Past Indefinite).
З прислівниками just (тільки що), ever (коли-небудь, будь-коли), never (ніколи), already (вже), yet (ще, вже – для питальних та негативних речень), since (з, з якогось періоду) the Present Perfect Tense вживається найчастіше.
The Present Perfect Tense також може вживатися зі словами today, this week, this month, this year, якщо вказаний період ще не закінчився.
XV. Read and translate the following sentences:
1. He has just gone home. 2. I have seen this film several times. 3. Have you finished your work yet? 4. What has he done? 5. I have never seen anything like that. 6. She has just finished washing up the dishes. 7. I haven’t seen you for ages. 8. He has already bought a new house.
XVI. Translate the given sentences into English and ask questions to them:
1. Я вже написав йому 3 листа. 2. Він ніколи не бачив цю жінку. 3. Хто вже написав всі речення? 4. З дитинства я живу в цьому місті. 5. Цього літа ми придбали нову машину.
Home task
1. Learn how to read the words from Ex. V.
2. Learn the words from Ex. VI by heart.
3. Give literary translation of the 4th part of the text (Ex. XIII).
3. Revise the grammar material about the Present Perfect Tense, find in the text all sentences with the Present Perfect Tense and translate them into Ukrainian.