Moving up the career ladder

Ø to make first steps to fame and fortune

Ø to invest (enough) efforts in one’s job

Ø to do smth. to the best of one’s abilities

Ø to move up the career ladder

Ø the prospects are good

Ø to have prospects of promotion

Ø to be promoted (to the post of…)

Ø to have a high-powered job

Ø to have … people working under … He has 15 employees working under him.

Ø to get/to move to the top

9. Benefits of a job/Attractive aspects of a job

Ø health insurance

Ø paid vacation

Ø paid holidays

Ø company pension

Ø sick leave, maternity leave

Ø a subsidized canteen

Ø prospects of promotion

Ø sports facilities

Descriptions of jobs

Ø rewarding/gratifying

Ø challenging

Ø interesting

Ø high-powered

Ø suitable

Ø repetitive

Ø boring/mundane

Ø a dead-end job (with no prospects of promotion)

The staff

Ø well-trained staff

Ø a boss

Ø an employer – the owner, the boss the one who employs people, gives them work

Ø an employee

Ø junior employees

Ø to supervise the work of…

Ø Moving up the career ladder - Moving up the career ladder - to be responsible for17 employees

in charge of

Ø to work under smb.

Ø to work under pressure

Professional skills required in a job

Ø to be qualified to do smth.

Ø to be well-suited to a job

Ø to be (more) suited to design

Ø the job requires management training

Moving up the career ladder - Moving up the career ladder - administrative



Ø to have good interpersonal skills




Ø to have the ability to work as part of a team

Ø to be team-oriented

Ø to have qualities of leadership

Ø to have educational and employment experience

Features of character

Moving up the career ladder - determination



Ø You are required to have a lot of (a bit of) reliability

Moving up the career ladder - charm

Ø The job requires a lot of loyalty

needs a bit of commitment




common sense

Adjectives characterizing people of different jobs

Moving up the career ladder - an active type of person

a down-to-earth person

a(n) (un)conventional person

Ø You are required to bea bossy person

a trouble-shooter

Ø You have to be flexible


Ø In this job you need to becreative



physically (emotionally)strong

quick thinking



Ø to like tasks requiring a lot of physical and mental energy

Ø to enjoy being challenged by new tasks

Ø dealing with complicated tasks would appeal to me

Ø thinking up new ideas would appeal to me

Ø to prefer doing practical tasks to smth. else

Ø your interest in (history) will be better catered for in the … field

Ø to feel at home in a job involving…

Ways of acting in a job

Ø to make spontaneous decisions

Ø to follow traditional methods

Ø to be bored by mundane tasks

Ø to do things one’s way

Ø to work under pressure

Ø to cope with difficulties

Ø to solve problems by intuition and personal feelings

Ways of thinking

Ø to be an original thinker

Ø to be inventive

Ø unconventional decisions aren’t my strong point

Ø to predict results

Ø to be good at traditional solutions

Ø clear and distinct thought is important to me

Ø to be full of creative ideas

Ø thinking up new ideas

Ø to be obsessed with work

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