Роль Львівщини у міжнародному бізнесі
Ukraine and European Union. (Зв’язки України і Європейського Союзу ).
Integration of Ukraine in the world community. Інтеграція України у Європейську спільноту.
On August 24, 1991 the Verkhovna Rada declared the formation of Independent Ukrainian State.
As to its territory Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. At Present day Ukraine has a considerable potential to develop its economy quickly because it has rich natural resources, favourable natural conditions, convenient geographical position.
Now Ukraine’s economy is in transformation from planned-centralized to market economy.
Reforms, started in the national economy, are aimed at the establishment of an open, effective market economy. International trade is essential for the maintenance and growth of prosperity .So, the basic products for exports are automobiles, aviation products, water transportation, light industry products and others. The destinations for exports are Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Poland, Germany, India, China.
One of the main objectives is creation of conditions for gradual integration of Ukraine with the world economy and the European Union.
These and other problems must be solved at the cost of a wide attraction of foreign investments.
The flow of foreign investments proves the fact that Ukraine has a promising economic potential which offers many business and investment opportunities.
Ukraine pursues a policy of peace. Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties.
Ukraine has been and is being recognized by a vast number of countries.
Підприємства туристичної сфери. (28)
Tourist industry includes enterprises of different kinds. Tour operators and travel agencies are the central tourist enterprises –they create and sell tourist product.. Hotels, rest-homes, resorts and sanatoriums provide accommodation, catering, entertainment and treatment for tourists.
The next large group is catering facilities –these are restaurants, canteens and bars of various kind.
Transportation is very important in tourism, thus it forms another branch in tourist sphere. Tourists use all kinds of transportation –railway, road, air and water.
Entertainment industry is also involved in tourist sphere. It’s used by holidaymakers and those who go on treatment.
Cooperation of National Producers with Foreign Partners. (16)
Співпраця національних виробників з іноземними партнерами
After gaining its independence Ukrainian governments started economic reforms aimed at the economy restructuring and establishing an open market economy.
In this process cooperation with foreign partners is encouraged. Foreign corporations and businessmen are encouraged to invest in Ukrainian economy and into Ukrainian business in particular. Many joint ventures were established.
Since Ukrainian labour force is cheaper than it is abroad, foreign business partners use it for organizing successful businesses. Many sewing factories were created according this principle. Other foreign business partners supply national enterprises with raw material and provide them with the opportunity to sell their products abroad.
The Role of Lviv Region in International Business (27)
Роль Львівщини у міжнародному бізнесі
Lviv is an important trade, scientific , cultural and industrial centre of Ukraine. Since Lviv is situated on the western border of Ukraine, it has very favourable conditions to cooperate with international business partners and contribute into international business. There are many enterprises organized in cooperation with foreign business partners, for example, NTON, Svitoch, Nestle, sewing and timber factories.
Lviv is an important tourist centre, its cultural and historical heritage attracts tourists not only from other parts of Ukraine but also from abroad. It has potential for cooperation with foreign partners in tourist sphere.