Questions for Self -Control

Questions for Self-Control.

1. Give the definition of syntactical expressive means.

2. What groups of syntactical expressive means do you know?

3. Give the definition of syntactical stylistic devices.

4. What groups of syntactical stylistic devices can be distinguished?

Theme VI Functional Styles of the English Language.

1. Classifications of Functional Styles of the English Language.

2.The system of Functional Styles of the English Language.


1. Арнольд И.B. Стилистика современного английского языка. - М.: Просвещение, 1990. - С. 24З - 288.

2. Мороховский А.Н. и др. Стилистика английского языка. - Киев: Вища школа, 199I. - С. 235 - 266.

3. Разинкина Н.М. Функциональная стилистика. – М.: Высшая школа, 1989. – 182 с.

4. Galperin I.R. Stylistics.- M. : Vyssaja Skola, 1981. – P. 249 - 318.

1. A Functional Style is a patterned variety of literary text characterized by the grater or lesser typification of its constituent supra-phrasal units, in which the choice and arrangement of interdependent and interwoven language media are calculated to secure the purport of the communication.

Each Functional Style is a relatively stable system at the given stage in the development of the literary language; but it changes, and sometimes considerably, from one period to another. There exist many classifications of Functional Styles because of different viewpoints of the scientists.

I.V.Arnold speaks about:

1. Scientific style.

2. Newspaper style.

3. The Style of Official Documents.

4. Colloquial Style.

5. The Style of Poetry.

6. Oratorical Style.

M.D.Kuznets and Y.M.Skrebnev distinguish:

I. Bookish Style:

1). Publicistic Style.

2). Scientific Prose Style.

3). The Style of Official Documents.

II. Colloquial Style:

1). Literary-colloquial Style.

2). Pure-colloquial Style.

A.N.Morohovskiy speaks about:

1. The style of official Documents.

2. Scientific Prose style.

3. Publicistic style.

4. Literary-colloquial style.

5. Pure-colloquial style.

I.R.Galperin distinguishes the following styles and substyles:

I.The belles-lettres Style.

Here three substyles can be distinguished:

1). The language of poetry, or simple verse.

2). Emotive prose, or the language of fiction.

3). The language of drama.

II.Publicistic Style.

It falls into the following substyles:

1). Oratorical substyle.

2). Radio and TV commentary.

3). Essay (moral, literary, philosophical).

4). Journalistic articles (political, social, economic).

III. Newspaper Sty1e.

It can be subdivided into:

1). Brief news items

2). Advertisements and announcements.

3). The Headline.

4). The Editorial.

IV. Scientific Prose Style.

It has three divisions:

1). The language style of humanitarian sciences.

2). The language style of "exact" sciences.

3). The language style of popular scientific prose.

V. The Style of official documents.

It can be divided into four varieties:

1). The language of business documents.

2). The language of legal documents.

3). The language of diplomatic documents.

4). The language of military documents.

VI. Colloquial Style is characterized by the use of colloquial words, elliptical sentences. The main function is the emotive function.

Questions for Self -Control

1. What is a functional style?

2. Enumerate functional styles of contemporary English. Characterize them.

Theme VII. Stylistics of Text.

1. Problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence:

a) supra-phrasal units;

b) the paragraph.

2. Represented Speech:

a) uttered represented speech;

b) unuttered represented speech.


1. Мороховский А.Н. Стилистика английского языка. – Киев: Вища школа, 1991. – С. 201 – 234.

2. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. - М.: Vyssaja Skola, 1981. - P. 318 - 324.

3. Гальперин. И.Р. О понятии текст. - Вопросы языкознания, 1974, № 6. – С. 68 – 77.

4. Степанов И.В. Несколько замечаний о специфике художественного текста. - Сб. научных трудов МГПИИЯ, 1976. – вып. 103.

1. Supra-phrasal units (SPU) may be defined as a combination of sentences presenting a structural and semantic unity backed up by rhythmic and melodic unity.

A paragraph is a graphical term used to name a group of sentences marked off by indentation at the beginning and a break in the line at the end. The paragraph in some styles has a topic sentence (SPU may have its own topic sentence or be a topic sentence).

2. Represented speech is that form of utterance which conveys the actual words of the speaker through the mouth of the writer but retains the peculiarities of the speaker's mode of expression.

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