Determination of costs for website creation

The chapter is dedicated for determination of costs for web site implementation and it was assessed by using of cost estimation for each classified group.

Prior to making assessment of costs directly, it is necessary to classify them by groups using different methods of cost estimation for each selected group. There are various types of classification. For example:

1) To divide all the costs into: personnel cost, development costs, production, equipment (platform) costs, cost of consumable materials, cost of electric energy.

2) Also there can be classified the costs as: personnel costs, equipment costs, costs on placement, costs of consumable materials, and costs of electric energy. Besides, it was supposed that each example will be supported by one or several phases of web-site project: development, training and support.

Summarizing the classifications of examples we would like to present total costs of web-site project incurred in the organization during t time in the form of sum of the following components (formula 3.1):

С = СIT,t + Zr + Zge (3.1)

where СIT,t – equipment cost (software and hardware platforms);

Zr - estimation of average hourly-based payment of a developer;

Zge – costs of electric energy consumed by PC.

3.3 Equipment costs

This group of expenses includes the expenses on analysis, selection, purchase of required number of licenses, adaptation and implementation of both software and hardware products. In comparison with other groups of expenses this is the most formalized group suitable for the assessment.
In general there will be determined the formula for assessment of this group at given horizon of planning (formula 3.2):

CIT,t = k * Lict + Imp (3.2)

where Lict - Cost of license for purchased software products for the t period of time and k quantity.

Cost of software implementation. So Table 3.1 are gives the list of equipment used in the development process.

Table 3.1 - List of equipment

  № Item Unit of MEASURE Quantity Sum, KZT iImplementation c cost Expenses, KZT
11. Laptop Hp Pavilion dm4 Ea. -
22. OS Windows 7 Ea.
    Continue Table 3.1 - List of equipment
23. PhpStorm Ea.
24. Zend Framework Ea.
55. Transcend 4Gb Ea. -
66. Computer mouse Genius Netscroll 120 Ea. -

Calculation of equipment cost using the data given in the table above:

CIT,t = k * Lict + Imp = (1*117000 + 1*39000 + 1*6000 + 1*80850 + 1*2000 + + 1*1500) + (7500 + 4500 + 9000) = 267350 KZT.

3.4 Calculation of average hourly-based payment for the developer

Salary of the programmer Zr KZT/month shall be calculated by the following formula (3.3):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.3)

where Оzp – monthly wage of the programmer (100 000 KZT);

k1- bonus ratio (30%);

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT/month

Annual salary fund Fzr in KZT shall be calculated by formula (3.4):

Fzr = ZR * Nm (3.4)

where Nm – number of months in a year (12 months).

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Annual salary fund considering pension fund contributions Fzrсн KZT shall be calculated by the formula below (3.5):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.5)

where Determination of costs for website creation - - pension fund contributions (10%).

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Annual salary fund considering social fund contributions Fzrсн KZT shall be calculated by the formula (3.6):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.6)

where Determination of costs for website creation - - social fund contributions (5%).

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Quantity of working hours in a year (R), an hour, shall be calculated by the formula (3.7):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.7)

where N – total number of days in a year (365);

n(n) - number of holidays in a year (15);

n(b)- number of days-off in a year (108);

n(d) - number of working hours in a day (4).

Determination of costs for website creation - (hour)

Average hourly-based payment for the programmer Сpr KZT/hour shall be calculated by the formula (3.8):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.8)

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT/hour

Costs of electric energy consumed by PC Zge KZT shall be calculated by the formula (3.9):

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.9)

where Rumpkp – installed capacity of designer’s PC (0,3 kW);

Тgpk – annual fund of productive time of PC (1796 hour);

Ce – cost of 1 kW/hour of electric energy which is equal to 15,19 KZT;

А – intensive use ratio of PC (0.9 - 1).

Determination of costs for website creation - (KZT)

Total cost for creation of program Zob KZT shall be calculated by sum of all costs:

Hours spent for development, design and testing are equal to 96/2 hours. Payment for developer 725 KZT/hours.

725 * 48= 34800

Total costs shall be calculated by formula С = СIT,t + Zr + Zge:

7366 + 34800 + 267350 = 309516 KZT

Project price assessment

Pricing the created web-application shall be based on the results of market study of such product. The product is made by the Company’s order.
Based on acquired data we can determine the prime cost of one copy of the program Сed which can be calculated by the formula (3.10)

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.10)

where Zob – total cost for system creation;

Ztir – costs for duplication in calculation for one copy of the system;

N- volume of sales

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

After determination of prime cost of one copy of the system it is possible to calculate the wholesale price of the system Cop which is calculated by formula (3.11)

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.11)

where: P – gain which is calculated by formula (3.12)

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.12)

where R – percentage of profitability (20%).

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

System sales price, KZT, is calculated by formula (3.13)

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.13)

where VAT – value added tax which is calculated by formula (3.14)

Determination of costs for website creation - (3.14)

where VATst – VAT rate (12%).

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Determination of costs for website creation - KZT

Technical-and-economic indicators of the project There are general indicators applicable to all enterprises and economic sectors, as well as specificindicators reflecting the special features of particular sectors. In general, creation of a web-site system involves significant investments into hardware and software packages (IT components), development or licensing of web-content, system support. Interference of the existing methods of evaluation of effectiveness is that the structural characteristics, system performance parameters and business indicators are stated in various, non-overlapping lines of conceptual framework. The listed factors stipulate the necessity of development of an adequate model of process management and elimination of contradictions in evaluation of its effectiveness [19].


Labor safety and industrial ecology analyzes effect of the application on the

environment and people’s health with relevant recommendations and calculations.

4.1 General information of company on occupational safety and health
This part gives general information about occupational safety and health and it is an area concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. Occupational safety in the enterprise, understood as a system or a set of legal, social, economic, preventive, sanitary actions, which allows to save the health and life of citizens who participate in the production process throughout their activities.

In the role of controlling authorities, who are entitled to ensure compliance with safety requirements in the workplace, are the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) and the local executive authorities, as well as bodies of state supervision and control of occupational safety and health. Operating on the basis of legislation, state authorities conduct periodic inspections of production in order to identify and timely correct the violations of working conditions.

Strict compliance with the conditions of labor is an important part of labor protection at the workplace and of the organization of the production process or activity, in which the individual factors may be considered as potentially harmful or dangerous to human health.

Occupational safety and health in the enterprise in the modern world has a great importance, and the compliance with regulations helps to ensure the protection of workers from occupational hazards and harmful factors [20].

Work on the project is directly related on using of a personal computer (PC). As the development of the program on a personal computer and using it later in the manufacturing process of various types on the PC and developer and operator of PC problems of various kinds of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors that inevitably, accompany the work on the PC. Development of the software module for decision-making evaluation of reconstructive hypothesis was held in the premises, the plan of which is shown in Figure 4.1.

This information system was developed on the laptop Sony Vaio, in laboratory of 10 floor building. In the room, there are 4 computers, 1 window and 2 luminescent lamps.

Determination of costs for website creation - Figure 4.1- Plan of premise

Consider a room where the user is working PC:

1.Room dimensions - 6x5x3 m;
2. Floor area S = 30 m2;
3. Room volume V = 90 m3;
4. There is one window size 2x2, 2m (equipped with shutters), skylights overlooks the northern part of the building;
5. One door size 1 x 2,З m;
6. The number of jobs with the PC - 4;
7. Room is equipped with central water heating.

So the given room is compliant with the security of programmers, regulations, ensuring safe working conditions for each of the staff members.

4.2 Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors

In order to prevent a violation of labour conditions, the Labour Code requires the governing person of any company mandatory compliance with regulations, ensuring safe working conditions for each of the staff members, observance of the requirements of controlling authorities, ensuring continuous monitoring of workplaces of the staff, the use of special means of collective and individual protection, which is certified and approved for use under these activity conditions.

Requirements for electrical safety when exposed to power-frequency electric fields according to GOST 12.1.002-84, when exposed to the electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies in accordance with GOST 12.1.006-84 [11].

Electrical safety must be provided:

design of electrical installations;

technical means and protection means;

organizational and technical measures.

Every working place should be analyzed for dangerous and harmful factors to avoid adverse accidents. In this case the working place in premises was analyzed and reviewed.

During the work with a computer an individual is exposed to the influence of the following dangerous and harmful occupational hazards and factors:

Ø Electromagnetic fields and radiation;

Ø Insufficient level of illumination and high visual load;

Ø Increased noise levels;

Ø Electrostatic fields;

Ø Emotional overload.

These factors, in one way or another, affect human health: the may cause headache, fatigue, spoil the sight and hearing, may affect the human reproduction. The fixed position of a programmer, who for a long time is chained to a display screen, may result in occurrence of fatigue and pain in the back, neck and shoulder joints. Intensive work with the keyboard causes pain in the elbows, forearms, wrists, hands and fingers. Work of computer is accompanied with acoustic noise, including ultrasound.

The activities of the programmer assume the visual perception of the displayed information on the monitor screen, so the visual apparatus of the programmer is subject to a large load. The factors that most strongly influence the vision are:

Ø Insufficient resolution of monitor, defocusing, non-convergence of the rays, low level of characteristics of the monitor;

Ø Excess or insufficient brightness;

Ø Insufficient level of illumination in the workplace [12];

Ø Non-compliance of the distance from the programmer's eye to the screen.

To ensure optimal conditions it is important to respect the compliance with the following parameters: conformity of the parameters of microclimate (temperature, humidity, air quality) to the standard values, sufficient level of illumination. Conditions of computer use imposes a number of requirements to the parameters of the microclimate, because the overheating of equipment can lead to its breakage.

Area workplace PC user must be at least 6 square meter. The premises must be carried out daily wet cleaning and regular airing after each hour of work. Dinning equipment (printers, scanners, servers, and the like), noise levels exceeding regulatory, should be placed outside the workplace employees.

Desktops should be placed so that the monitors were oriented to the side of skylights to allow natural light falls mainly on the left.

When placing workplaces, distance between desktops should be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the lateral surfaces of video monitors - not less than 1.2 m

4.3 Health and safety during the work

All workers are entitled to work in environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Under health and safety law, the primary responsibility for this is down to employers. Employers have a duty to consult with their employees, or their representatives, on health and safety matters. Industrial sanitation implies a system of organizational, hygienic and sanitary measures and means to prevent exposure of harmful factors.

In this diploma project it is a daily wet cleaning and the design of the workplace with the expectation of the photoreceptor reactions, since the work is done directly with the computer, namely the monitor [13].

The premises’ size (area, volume) firstly must correspond to the number of employees and quantity of technical means placed there. The premises must be provided with established parameters of temperature, light, clean air, isolation from the production of noise and so on.

To ensure normal working conditions, health standards set the volume of space for at least 4 m3 in the absence of air-conditioning per student [14].

All accidents in the workplace should be reported to the employer, who should record the details of the incident. Reporting the accident will help to safeguard social welfare and other rights which may arise as a result of an occupational accident.

An employer should carry out a separate risk assessment in relation to an employee under 18 years of age. This risk assessment should be carried out before the young person is employed. If certain risks are present, including risks that cannot be recognised or avoided by the young person due to factors like lack of experience, the young person should not be employed. The premises must be provided with established parameters of temperature, light, clean air, isolation from the production of noise and so on.

4.3.1 Rеquirеmеnts fоr sаfеty bеfоrе stаrting wоrk

This section provide safety guidelines to help ensure your own personal safety and to help protect your computer and working environment from potential damage.

The safety directions is a set of technical and organizational measures aimed at creating a safe working conditions and the prevention of accidents at work. Because the place of my industrial practice was a computer lab premise, below would be described safety directions during the working on PC [15].

Further, some of simple rules that will allow you to protect yourself and your computer from damage:

Ø Before turning on your PC, make sure that all conductive parts are properly insulated;

Ø The system unit is installed in a location where it will not be subjected to shock and vibration, as well as intensive dusting;

Ø Monitor set at eye level so that the direct sunlight did not fall into the screen. The distance from your eyes to the screen should be between 50-70 cm;

Ø The keyboard is installed in a location, which is convenient to work, and so that it will not be polluted. Small particles can interfere them from working, the liquid inside the housing of the keyboard causes failure of the chip;

Ø Do all work associated with switching the cables connecting the devices of computer, when the PC is turned off;

Ø Do not use the computer for more than 4 consecutive hours. After each hour of work is recommended to arrange a pause and make a physical exercise, in order to relieve the load on the eyes[26];

During the work with a computer is necessary to observe the correct postureSоmе general rules and rеstrictiоns bеfоrе wоrking in offices equipped with cоmputеrs:

Treat all electrical devices as if they are live or energized.

Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment.

Use only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on electrical devices.

Never use metallic pencils or rulers, or wear rings or metal watchbands when working with electrical equipment. This rule is very easy to forget, especially when you are showing some electrical part pointing with metallic pencil.

When it is necessary to handle equipment that is plugged in, be sure hands are dry and, when possible, wear nonconductive gloves, protective clothes and shoes with insulated soles [17].

Dо nоt оbstruct аislеs, ехit cоrridоrs аnd аccеss tо firе.

Nо mоrе thаn twо pеоplе cаn оpеrаtе оn еаch cоmputеr.

Thе usеr must еnsurе thаt thеrе is nо visiblе dаmаgе tо thе cоmputеr (i.е.

viоlаtiоn оf hull intеgrity, insulаtiоn fаilurе in cаblеs, fаulty displаy pоwеr- vоltаgе signs оn thе bоdy, еtc.).

Desktop design should ensure optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used. Height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm, working surface should have a width of 800 - 1 400 mm and a depth of 800 -1000 mm. Desk must have leg height not less than 600 mm, width - not less than 500 mm, depth at the knees - not less than 450 mm at the level of elongated legs - not less than 650 mm.

Construction work chair or chair should ensure the maintenance of rational working posture and allow the employee to change the posture to reduce tensing the muscles of the neck and shoulder area and back. Work chair or chair should be tilt-up , adjustable height and tilt angles of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance back from the front edge of the seat, this adjustment of each parameter should be independent, easily implemented and have a secure fit [18].

Keyboard should be placed on the table at a distance of 100 - 300 mm from the edge, facing the user, or on a surface, which is separated from the main countertops.

Monitor screen should be on the user's eye at a distance of 600 - 700 mm, but not less than 500[8] as shown in the Figure 4.2.

Determination of costs for website creation -

Figure 4.2 – Distance between eyes and computer display

4.3.2. Rеquirеmеnts fоr sаfеty while wоrking with PC

In thе аutоmаtеd systеm mаnаgеmеnt whеrе mаin аctiоns mаdе by а humаn,

bеing visuаlizаtiоn оf infоrmаtiоn оn thе scrееn plаys big rоlе. Bеcаusе thе sizе оf infоrmаtiоn, which usеrs cаn rеаch оr undеrstаnd, dеpеnds оn frоm this fаctоrs. Thаt is why wе hаvе tо dеfinе rеquirеmеnts and rules while working with PC:

1. The first of all user should adjust the backrest of your chair to fully support your lower back, and sit well back into the chair.

2. The screen should be approximately at arm's length. Adjust the height so that your the top of the screen is at eye level when sitting upright and looking straight ahead. If you need to look at the keyboard to type the screen can be lowered to avoid repeated neck movements. Adjust the angle of the screen to suit your sitting height.

3. Do not lean over to read documents. Use a document holder, and place it beside the screen at the same distance, height and angle as the screen.

4. Adjust the brightness of the monitor screen to suit the lighting conditions in the room. Note that for persons with light sensitivity who require low screen lighting - this can be difficult to achieve on some flat screen models - consult your DSE assessor if this is the case.

5. Sitting in the same position and staring at the screen for long periods is undesirable so if your time at the keyboard is not interrupted naturally by phone calls, discussions with colleagues etc, plan to break the work up with other work activities which do not involve similar movements of the arms and wrists and preferably require some walking about. Drink some water. There is no set legal length for such breaks. 5-10 minutes each hour is often mentioned but just how long and how frequently depends on the person and the task. Little and often is best.

The keyboard should be:

Ø be tiltable and separate from the screen to allow the user to adopt a comfortable working position

Ø have a space in front to provide support for the hands or arms of the user

Ø have a matt surface

Ø have clearly legible symbols on the keys.

Ø The work surface should:

Ø provide adequate space for the user

Ø have a low reflective surface

Ø be of adequate size to allow the screen, keyboard, etc to be flexibly arranged

Ø have a stable, adjustment document holder, which should be at the same level as the screen and at the same viewing distance.

Tо аvоid dаmаgе tо thе insulаtiоn оf wirеs аnd а shоrt circuit is nоt аllоwеd: tо hаng аnything оn thе wirеs, pаint аnd whitеwаsh cоrds аnd wirеs, lаy wirеs аnd cоrds fоr gаs аnd wаtеr pipеs, hеаting systеm fоr thе bаttеry, pull оut thе mаins, plug оn thе pоwеr cоrd. Tо аvоid dаmаgе tо thе insulаtiоn оf wirеs аnd а shоrt circuit is nоt аllоwеd: tо hаng аnything оn thе wirе, pаint аnd whitеwаsh cоrds аnd wirеs, lаy wirеs аnd cоrds fоr gаs аnd wаtеr pipеs, hеаting systеm fоr thе bаttеry, pull оut thе mаins plug оn thе pоwеr cоrd, thе fоrcе shоuld bе аttаchеd tо thе bоdy оf thе fоrk. Undеr vоltаgе clеаning оf dust аnd dirt еlеctricаl еquipmеnt is prоhibitеd.

4.3.3. Sаfеty rеquirеmеnts аt thе еnd оf thе wоrk

At the end of work day emploet should not forget to:

Ø turn оff thе pоwеr

Ø pаss а lаbоrаtоry tо аuthоrizеd pеrsоn

4.4 Health and safety measures during emergency situations

Electric current is a type of hidden dangers because it is difficult to determine current in the current-conductive equipment, which are good conductors of electricity. Mortally dangerous to human life is considered the current having a magnitude greater than 0.05 A, current is less than 0.05 A is considered as a safe (up to 1000 V). In order to prevent electric shock, the work should be carried out only by persons, who have learned the basic safety rules [19].

4.4.1 Electrical safety

In this chapter reviewed electrical safety for premises at working place. Also it provides guidelines for working with electrical safety interlocks on energized electrical equipment [30].

Electric current is a type of hidden dangers because it is difficult to determine current in the current-conductive equipment, which are good conductors of electricity. Mortally dangerous to human life is considered the current having a magnitude greater than 0.05 A, current is less than 0.05 A is considered as a safe (up to 1000 V). In order to prevent electric shock, the work should be carried out only by persons, who have learned the basic safety rules.

In accordance with electrical safety norms, in the premises should be continuous monitoring of the electrical wiring, fuse panels, cords, with help of which computers are connected to the grid, lighting and other electrical appliances [31].

In premises, the static discharge currents of electricity most often occur whe you touch any of the elements of the PC. Such discharges are not dangerous to humans, but they bring discomfort and can be the cause of damage of the PC. To reduce the amount of static electricity charges arising in premises, coating of floors should be made of a single layer of anti-static polyvinylchloride linoleum. Among the general measures of protection against static electricity in premises there should be included general and local air humidification.

An important factor for the protection of the building is the use of lightning protection, grounding and of the vanishing.

Lightning protection is a set of technical solutions and special equipment to ensure the safety of the building, as well as property and people located in it.

Grounding is the intentional electrical connection to ground, which may be adjacent current-carrying parts, removal of potential, lightning, etc.).

Vanishing is the intentional electrical connection of the exposed conductive parts of electrical installations that are not in a normal state under the voltage, with earthed neutral point of the transformer or generator, in three-phase networks; with earthed single-phase AC output power; with a grounded point source in the DC networks, which is performed for electrical safety [22].

4.4.2 Fire safety

This section covers general advice on fire safety and also provides guidance

on substances that cause fire and explosion. Fire poses a particular danger in the working place premises, as it is associated with large financial losses.
As is known, a fire may occur in the process of interaction of combustibles, oxidation and ignition sources. The premises contain all three essential fire- hazardous factors.

The sources of ignition in premises may be electronic circuits from the PC, the supply devices, air conditioning, where as a result of various disorders overheated components, electrical sparks are formed that can cause ignition of combustible materials.

Today's PCs has very high density of elements of electronic circuits. Connecting wires and cables are in close proximity to each other. When the electric current flows through them, it accumulates a significant amount of heat. Thus it is possible to melt the insulation. For the removal of excess heat from the PC, there are ventilation systems and air-conditioning. During the continuous action, these systems pose an additional fire hazard.

The following refer to the means of containing small fires: firefighters trunks, internal fire water mains, fire extinguishers, dry sand, blankets of asbestos and etc.

In the building fire hydrants are installed in hallways, stairwells and near entrances. Water is used to extinguish the fire in the classrooms, libraries, in support and service premises. The use of water in premises, in server rooms because of the risk of damage or complete failure of the expensive equipment is possible in exceptional cases, when is of an alarmingly large size. Herewith the quantity of water should be minimal, and the PCs must be protected from water by covering them with canvas

Used in the premises is mainly a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, the merit of which is high efficiency of fire fighting, preservation of electronic equipment, dielectric properties of carbon dioxide that allow the use of these fire extinguishers, even if you cannot de-energize the electrical installation at once.

When a fire occurs one should immediately, before the arrival of fire department, activate the all means of firefighting, verify the inclusion of automatic extinguishing systems, evacuate flammable materials and valuable equipment, turn off the power, block communications which might lead to the spread of fire, and report about the fire. In all premises there must be "Evacuation plan in case of fire", which regulates the actions of the staff in the event of an ignition source and indicating the location of firefighting equipment [23].

The premises have a fire extinguisher and an automatic fire alarm system.

4.5 Engineering calculations on safety and labor protection

This section contains of calculations on ventilation in premises. The task is to calculate ventilation in the premise.

4.5.1 Engineering calculations on artificial lighting

The task is to calculate artificial lighting and ventilation in the premise. Because of the characteristics of integrated cooling system "Greentech", heat from the PC is not considered in the calculations [24].

Let us perform the calculation of artificial light by method of luminous flux inside the premise. (Table 4.1)

Table 4.1 - Artificial light by method of luminous flux

The area of premise S = 70 m2
The coefficient of resource К3 = 1,3
The coefficient of using of luminous flux ηu = 0,44
The coefficient of uneven illumination Z = 1,1
Number of luminaires in premise n = 8
Height of premise Н = 2,5 m
The level of the working surface hp = 0,85 m
The size of the overhang of luminaire hc = 0,05

Determine the height of the suspension luminaires above the working surface by formula (4.1):

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