PB page 61, 2. Write was or were.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru If T. thinks the children more practice, T. writes more gapped sentences on the board with was/were missing and T. asks children to complete them.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class: T. says the gapped sentence, then T. asks the children to read out the completed sentence.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to complete the other sentences. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.

PB page 61, 4. Choose and write.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to look at the picture and tell him/her something they can see.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class: T. writes on the board: It was …. . and asks the children to call out the missing word.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to choose words and complete the sentences. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. checks the answer.

Optional activity.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. does a quick survey: T. asks all the children to say where they were on Saturday. T. puts the answers on the board and sees what the most popular places were.

PB page 61, 4. Sing along with the Fly High band!

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. plays the CD.


PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to complete pp.58-59 in their Activity Book.

Title of the lesson: There weren’t any chocolates

Lesson 29

Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives:to ask and talk about the past

Vocabulary: bandage, grapes, ambulance, yesterday

Grammar: I/He/she/It wasn’t … , You/We/They weren’t …, Was I/He/She/It …?, Were You/We/They ….?, Yes, I/He/She/It was./No, I/He/She/It wasn’t. Yes, You/We/They was./ No, You/We/They weren’t.

Review: He/she was …, They/We were

Materials: Class CD, Lesson 20 flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 62

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. reviews was/were: T. asks the children to sing and act out the song from Lesson 19. T. divides the class into four groups and allocates a verse of the song to each one. T. asks group to sing their verse and act it out.


PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 62, Vocabulary

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. says Open your book at page 62.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. presents the new vocabulary with the Lesson’s flashcards.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. uses extra repetition to practice the dge /ʤ/ sound in bandage.

There weren’t ant chocolates.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru Pre-reading: T. asks the children to tell him/her what happened in the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) Where was Vicky? Who was with her? T. asks the children to look at the story on p. 62. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Where is Vicky? Who is visiting her? Why?

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Who are the grapes for? Who is eating the grapes?

PB: page 62, 1. Choose and write.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class; T. asks for four volunteers. T. allocates roles (Tag, Chatter, Vicky, Trumpet and narrator). T. asks the volunteers to read the text and dialogue for picture. 1. T. asks the children to choose to read the example sentence.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to choose words and complete the sentences. T. reminds them to refer back to the story to check their answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.


PB: page 63, Learn with Tag

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. says Yesterday, I was happy. I wasn’t sad. T. writes on the board: was/wasn’t. T. points to was or wasn’t and asks children to make sentences with that word.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to read the example dialogue out loud.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. writes on the board: Was she at home? Yes, she … . T. asks the children to call out the missing word. T. repeats with a Were question and answer.

Optional activity.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. puts the children in pairs and asks them to take turns asking and answering questions like the ones in the grammar box.

PB page 63, 2. Write was/wasn’t or were/weren’t.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to look at the picture and says what the person is (a nurse). T. asks the children to read the two example sentences.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. asks the children to complete the other sentences. They can do it in pairs if T. thinks it’s a good idea. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 61, 2. Write was or were. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.

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