Poems to be learned by heart
(pronunciation of vowels)
1. [ i:] me - meal - meet fee - feed - feet
knee - need - neat see - seed - seat
bee - been - beet he - heel - heat
pea - speed - Pete lee - lead – leap
1). Eve is Peter's niece.
2). Freedom and peace.
3). I feel the need of deep sleep.
4). Keep your teeth clean.
5). My tea is sweet enough.
6). Extremes meet.
There was once a man from Niece,
Who joined in the fight for peace.
When asked to say why,
He replied, "I must try
To prevent our untimely decease".
2. [ ı ] sit, still, Bill, pin, ill, fill, bid, lid
[i:] and [ı]
deep - dip heel - hill read - rid
sleep - slip seen - sin leave - live
sheep - ship meal - mill ease - is
beet - bit feet - fit feel - fill
keen - kin seat - sit green – grin
earl - ill lead - lid seal – sill
1). This is an interesting system.
2). Finish it. It isn't difficult.
3). His pretty sister lives in this little village.
4). Please, listen a minute to Kitty.
5). A little leak will sink a big ship.
There was a young man who was bitten
By twenty two cats and a kitten.
Cried he, "It is clear
My end is quite near.
No matter, I'll die like a Briton".
3. [ e ] цепь, тембр, set - said, let – led, net – ned, fet - fed, bet - bed, beck -beg
[ i: ] - [ı ] - [ e ]
read - rid - red
lead - lid - led
teen - tin - ten
feel - fill - fell
seat - sit - set
bead - bid - bed
1). Ned's friend intended to mend his pen.
2). These men send letters every day.
3). Let him go to bed.
4). A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5). East or West, home is best.
6). Better late than never. Better never late.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
4. [ æ ] bad - bat, sad - sat, lag - lack, fad - fat, cad - cat, pad - pat.
[ i:] - [ı ] - [e ] – [æ]
bead - bid - bed - bad
feel - fill - fell - fad
seat - sit - set - sat
[ e ] and [ æ ] bed - bad, head - had, men - man, merry - marry
1). Ann has a fat black cat.
2). The back of Jack's rabbit is black.
3). If you, Andy, have two candies,
Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
4). The neck of Jack's cat is fat.
5). Habit cures habit.
Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean,
And so between them both, you see, they left the platter clean.
Jack Sprat ate all the lean, his wife ate all the fat,
And when the bone was clean, they gave it to the cat.
5. [ aı ] майка - my, байка - buy, пять - pie.
my, knife, ice, line, eye, tie, lie, side, night, sight, time, light, shy, sigh,
side - sight, lied - light, tide - tight, alive – life
1). We tried to find the right time on Friday night.
2). What kind of ice-cream shall I buy?
3). Isn't it fine to fly a kite?
4). Out of sight, out of mind.
There was a young lady of Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
At the end of the ride
Was the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.
6. [au] пауза - round
out, mouth, crowd, town, house, mouse, cow, brown, count, how
1). The crowd shouted loudly outside.
2). How can you count a thousand brown cows?
3). She shouted loudly when she found a mouse in her house.
4). Our brown cow has been found.
5). I have ploughed the ground round the house.
6). Burn not your house to rid of the mouse.
"Mr. Brown! Mr. Brown!
Are you going down town?
Could you stop and take me down?
Thank you kindly, Mr. Brown!"
7. [eı] чей - chain, шейка - shaker
shame, rain, save, place, day, table, plate, Kate, tape-recorder, page, tray, paper, face, say
1). They may take the train the same day.
2). The waiter gave the lady the stale cake.
3). Stay and play with the baby.
4). The rain in Spain is mainly in the plain.
5). No pains, no gains.
6). The empty vessel makes the greatest sound.
A young man from Salsbury Plain
Said, "I'm joining the Peace Campaign".
When asked why it was,
He replied, "It's because
H-bombs and war are insane."
8. [u: ] умный - whom, суживает - soon, стужа - too
group, blue, shoe, food, cool, room, fruit, rule, broom, moon, spoon
who - whom - hood sue - soon - soup
moo - - moon - moot root - rude
too - tomb - took moot - mood
boo - boon - book hoot - hood
new - noon - nook soup - soon
1). My ruler is at school too.
2). Whose soup was cool at noon?
3). June threw her shoes into the pool.
4). The fool stood aloof in his boots.
5). A new broom sweeps clean.
6). Soon ripe, soon rotten.
A tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it harder to toot or
To tutor two tooters to toot?"
9. [ʋ] тугой – тыква - took, стук – стык - look
took, book, look, foot, shoot, full, hook, stood, could, put, cool, cook, pull, could - cook, stood- soot, hood - hook.
[u:] and [ʋ]
fool - full
pool - pull
food - foot
1). The book looks good.
2). You shouldn't look at the cook-book.
3). The rook stood on one foot.
4). By hook or by crook?
5). He took the book to school.
6). Look before you leap.
The Termite
Some primal termite knocked on wood
And tasted it and found it good.
And that is why your cousin May
Fell through the parlour floor today.
10. [ɔ:] смола - small, полк - port
saw, straw, floor, door, salt, floor, chalk, board, fork, all, four
ford - fought, cord - court, shored - short
four - fall - fought
saw - sword - sort
core - cord - court
bore - born - bought
1). The tall boy saw the ball on the lawn.
2). We all saw the small ball fall in the hall.
3). More and more.
4). George was born on the fourth of August.
5). If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard
Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?
6). Of all the saws I ever saw a saw
I never saw a saw saw as that saw saws.
7). Grasp all, lose all.
Tommy Trot, a man of law,
Sold his bed and lay upon straw.
Sold his straw and lay on grass
To buy his wife a looking-glass.
11. [ɑ: ] бал - bard, галстук - garden
ask, task, glass, bath, path, laughter, far, farther, rather, start
card - cart hard - heart
carve - calf bard - bark
car - card - cart bar - bard - bark
1). Father can't start the car.
2). Are they dancing in the garden?
3). He laughs best who laughs last.
4). Barking dogs seldom bite.
There was an old man in a barge
Whose nose was exceedingly large.
But in fishing by night
It supported the light,
Which helped that old man in a barge.
12. [ɒ ] восторг - nod
on, box, doctor, job, not, dog, hot, hog, log, odd, nod, dog - dock, log - lock, mob - mop, nod – not
1). What is the cost of the novel John lost?
2). Wasn't the box lost in the forest?
3). Pop got what he wanted.
4). Copy the song, it's not long.
5). Drop the block and lock the box.
6). A little pot is soon hot.
Three wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl,
And if the bowl had been stronger,
My song would have been longer.
13. [ʌ] восторг- cup, каток - cut, басы - bus, мосты - must,
сама - some
number, come, sun, fun, London, young, mother, brother, love, does, but, bus, money,
cub - cup, cud - cut, sung - sunk, sub – sup
1). It was such fun cutting up buns for supper on Sunday.
2). Someone must have done it for fun.
3). You mustn't touch the luggage.
4). As smug as a bug in a rug.
5). Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
6). Every country has its customs.
See a pin and pick it up,
All the day you'll have good luck.
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you’ll have all the day.
14. [ɜ: ] learn – earn – turn, nurse, nerve, turner, worker, purl, girl, bird;
burn, sir, stir, her, learn, bird, purse, turn, term, serve, first, shirt:
her - heard - hurt girl - girt
sir - surge - search surge - search
heard - hurt purge - perch
curd - curt perd – pert
1). The German girl learns words.
2). I heard her bird chirp.
3). He heard her words.
4). First come, first served.
5). The early bird catches the worm.
There was a young fellow of Perth
Who was born on the day of his birth,
He was married, they say,
On his wife's wedding day,
And he died when he quitted the earth.
15. [eə] реализм – rare; chair, share, stare, spare, glare, fair, bear, hair, pear, care, there, where, air, parents, mare, Clare
1). There were rare pairs at the fair.
2). Mare does care for fresh air.
3). Where are the parents? They are there.
4). Mary shared the pears with Clare.
5). Where there is a will, there is a way.
There was an old man of Peru,
Who found he had nothing to do.
So he sat on the stairs
And counted his hairs
And found he had seventy two.
16. [ ou ] еще - show
oh, no, low, snow, go, blow, boat, home, hose, rose, comb, row
1). Go home and show those roses to Joan.
2). Joan groaned when she broke a bone.
3). Oh, don't go home alone. No, I won't.
4). He only spoke low and slow.
5). A rolling stone gathers no moss.
There was an old lady whose nose
Was so big as to reach to her toes,
So she hired a lady,
Whose conduct was steady
To carry that wonderful nose.
17.[oı ] стойка - toil, oil
boy, joy, point, pointer, noise, voice, spoil, avoid, annoy
1). The noisy boy spoilt his voice.
2). Mothers avoid noisy toys.
3). Johnny joined the noisy boys.
4).Give a nice toy to the little boy.
5). Politeness oils the wheels of life.
There was once a boy known as Tag
Who always was wanting to lag.
When asked why he did it
He replied, "Don't forbid it!
I feel such a joy when I lag."
18. [ıə ] did - dear, knit - near
ear, dear, severe, earphone, dear, tear, here, near, idea, appear, hero
1). I feel this is a queer idea.
2). Oh, dear, do you not hear?
3). He lived near London for years.
4). Joy and sorrow are as near as today and tomorrow.
5). As clear as day.
A duck whom I happened to hear
Was complaining quite sadly "Oh, dear,
Our picnic's today
But the weathermen say
That the skies will be sunny and clear".
19. [uə ] full - pure, shook - sure
poor, moor, cruel, gruel, tourist, pure, newer, curious, furious
1). I'm sure the poor man was furious.
2). They are going to see fewer tourists during thistour,
3). The steward is sure to come.
4). Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.
There was a poor man of Moldavia,
Who had the most curious behaviour
For while he was able,
He slept on a table,
That funny old man of Moldavia.
20. [ ə ] senator, suppose
a) sentence, gentleman, father, England, cinemas, centre leader, waiter;
b) along, above, again, aloof;
c) B конце слов перед паузой как [ ]: runner
He is a good runner.
d) Под влиянием [k] и [g] похож на [ ы ] (язык больше отодвинуть):
back again, put the bag aside
1). This Englishman has come from Scotland.
2). Father and mother went to the cinema.
3). He is a very good runner.
4). They will soon be back again.
5). What does it matter? He was right.
6). Custom is a second nature.
There was once a student named Besser,
Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser,
And at last grew so small,
He knew nothing at all,
And today he's a college professor.
Poems to be learned by heart