When did Tsiolkovsky's dream come true?

Text 2

Ex. I. Запомните чтение следующих слов:

vehicle ['viːɪkl]

mechanics [mɪ'kænɪks]

physics ['fɪzɪks]

concept ['kɔnsept]

satellite ['sæt(ə)laɪt]

Ex. 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Rocket development, rocket engineering, rocket propulsion, earth orbiting satellite, long-range liquid-propellant rocket, multi-stage vehicle, space research station, man-made vehicle.


Konstantin Eduardovitch Tsiolkovsky is the father of Soviet rocketry. He foresaw the day when man-made vehicles of different kind would overcome terrestrial gravity, go beyond the Earth's atmosphere and circle in the outer space.

Tsiolkovsky was born on September 17, 1857, in the town of Izhevskoye, South-West of Moscow. As a boy he was greatly interested in astronomy and physical world around him. At the age of sixteen he attended lectures on mathematics and other subjects. Later he became a teacher of mathematics and physics and continued his studies in mechanics. In his library there were books and documents on the problems of rocker development. There had been research into the theory and practice of rocket engineering before. But Tsiolkovsky's theoretical contributions to the concept of space flight are greater than any other before or during his lifetime.

Tsiolkovsy produced a collection of models and started writing scientific papers. Their main subject was space flight and rocket propulsion. By 1883 he was describing the principle of a rocket motor and two years later wrote a book about earth orbiting satellites. After many years of studies Tsiolkovsky wrote a paper entitled "Exploration of Outer Space with Reactive Devices". He devised longrange liquid-propellant rockets for interplanetary flight. He also suggested two methods of controlling the rocket's outside-atmosphere motion and anticipated the multi-stage vehlolnu today.

Tsiolkovsky's dreams about space travel and investigation of other planets came true with the launching of first Soviet satellites and space research stations.

Eх.З Answer the following questions:

What did K.E.Tsiolkovsky foresee?

What was he interested in as a boy?

What was the main subject of his scientific papers?

When did Tsiolkovsky write his paper entitled "Exploration of Outer Space with Reactive Devices"?

When did Tsiolkovsky's dream come true?

Text 3

Ex. I. Запомните чтение следующих слов:

science ['saɪən(t)s] design [dɪ'zaɪn]

since [sɪn(t)s]

astronaut ['æstrənɔːt]

Ex. 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

manned craft, second generation, orbital station, docking unit, research laboratory, production shop, motion control process.


Soviet space science has come a long way. Since the space era began, space research is being carried out with the help of manned and automatic interplanetary stations.

The Soviet Union leads in many spheres of space research. The most important achievements include the work of astronauts on orbital stations, especially the organization of prolonged expeditions. They are successfully serving the needs of science as well as economy. Second generation orbital stations have made a major contribution to the development of space science. A new permanently functioning orbital complex is a third generation station. Its basic element is Mir station with six docking units, increased capacity of sо1ar batteries and more comfortable conditions of work for astronauts. The assembly of a large complex in orbit is being checked by Mir station. The motion control processes have been automated to the maximum. Research laboratories and production shops will be docked with Mir station.

The Soviet Union has put forward an interesting idea of making a detailed study of Mars and its natural satellites. The automatic station for the expedition will be designed and produced by the Soviet Union. The apparatuses (instruments) will be jointly prepared by ten countries - six socialist and four West European. The example of Intercosmosprogramme has shown that the international programme can be useful not only in the sphere of scientific research, but in practical application as well. The system "COSPAS-SARSAT" built through the efforts of the USSR, the USA, France and Cana­da, unites as many as a dozen countries.

*ether - небесный

Ex.3 Answer the following questions:

1. How is space research being carried out now?

2. What is the role of the orbital space station?

3. What is the difference between the second and the third generation stations?

4. What can you say about Intercosmos activity?

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