C the expressions on their parents faces

D their parents love for them

15.The goal of efficient study is maximum learning in minimum time. Students are expected to devote a large amount of time to studying. But little is said about the techniques of study. Too often it is assumed that the student knows instinctively …

A the required subject matter C the value of study per second

B how to study properly D how to avoid studying

16.The production costs of an article can be reduced by shortening the time necessary to convert the raw material into the finished product. The longer an article is in the process of manufacturing, the …

A more likely it is to become out of date

B greater is the loss due to depreciation

C greater is its ultimate cost

D more involved is its manufacture

17.The vocabulary of the Roman did not contain any words for steamship, cannon or gunpowder because the Roman civilization did not include these articles. Words represent ideas. We do not have words to represent ideas that …

A we do not possess

B are not original

C may change with time

D are not concrete

18.Athens and Sparta were both Greek city-states, but they developed different types of government. Athens became a democracy. The word democracy is of Greek origin and means “rule by the people” In Sparta all of the governing power belonged to a handful of people. This form of government is called oligarchy, which means rule by …

A the mob C a few

B a king D the people

19. This particular metal was in great demand during World War II. Very few uses for it in a civilian economy have been developed, and since the war …

A many new plants have opened

B its production has fallen

C it has been converted to military use

D scientists have realized its importance

20.Inlarge cities it is the responsibility of engineers to keep the water supply pure. Everyone in the city is dependent upon these engineers for the freedom to take a drink of water without worrying about disease-producing germs. Incompetence or negligence on the part of these engineers might result in …

A increased wine sales

B a terrible epidemic

C disinterest in sanitation

D greater public appreciation

21.The largest star in the Milky Way is about 25 times the size of the smallest. In general, the big stars do not contain twenty-five times as much material as the smaller ones. The big stars are big because the material of which they are composed is very loosely held together, whereas, in the smaller stars, the material …

A has a gaseous density

B burns itself up slowly

C is highly compressed

D is more homogeneous

22. When air is heated it expands. Blow air into a balloon until the surface of the balloon is smooth. Then hold the balloon near a moderate heat source. The balloon will …

A gradually deflate

B slowly melt

C becomes larger

D burst into flames

23. There is an ironic old saying that it is the shoemaker’s children who go without shoes. Another saying with the same point is that it is the baker’s family that …

A goes without bread

B eats only cake

C never has shoes

D always is plump

24.Ideas are essential in the ‘diet’ of business. A business “gets hungry” somewhat as a person does. People cannot live without food, and businesses cannot thrive without …

A ideas C tradition

B influence D controls

25.More extensive brain development has enabled human beings to reach and stay at the top in the race of life. In certain ways, however, humans are inferior to various species in the lower groups of animals. For instance, fish can swim better and deer can run faster. But human brain development, resulting in unexcelled intelligence, has compensated for …

A various physical limitations

B age differentials

C intellectual shortcomings

D having no tail

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