PB page 43, 4. Look and say.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to look at the pictures.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to tell him/her in which picture the girl is wearing a dress (2) and in which picture she is making a dress (1). T. chooses a girl and a boy to make sentences.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to talk about more differences in the pictures. T. makes sure as many children as possible have the chance to give an answer.

My project: Make a class map.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. gives the children time to look at the picture and reads the sentences in their book.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. distributes the drawing paper. T. asks the children to choose a location (T. checks that every location has been chosen by at least a few children). T. asks them to draw and colour their location, then write about it. T. distributes the scissors so they can cut out their drawings and their sentences to make the class map. T. asks the class to choose a name for their “town”!

Review of Cycle 3

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. can now review the language the children have learned in Cycle 3, in the following ways.

My Picture Dictionary

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. can use Picture Dictionary for Cycle 3 to help the children review the words they have learned. T. can see Introduction p.vii for guidance on using the picture dictionary.

Read with Trumpet: A British town centre

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. does the Read with Trumpet lesson on p.98 of the Pupil’s Book in the next class. T. follows the accompanying teaching notes on p. 98 of this Teacher’s Guide.

Activity Book

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. tells the children to complete the Review exercises on pp.40-41 in their Activity Book for homework.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. does the last section, My English together in class in the next lesson. T. uses the sentences as prompts for oral practice. Then T. tells the children to colour the face they think best represents their efforts. T. can see the Introduction p. vii for guidance.

Progress Review 3

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. uses photocopiable Progress Review 3 as a test in class. T. can see the Active Teach Resources section.

Title of the lesson: He’s got my toothbrush.


Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives:to talk about personal belongings using possessive adjectives

Vocabulary: toothbrush, half past five, concert, towel, shampoo, argue

Grammar: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.

Review:I’m/You’re/He’s/She’s/It’s …ing

Materials: Class CD

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 44

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. plays the game: T, says I’m making a cake. T. chooses a child to repeat his/her sentence and adds another action, e.g. I’m making a cake and I’m tasting strawberry. T. continues round the class, with each child repeating the list and adding another action.


PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 44, Vocabulary

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. says Open your book at page 44.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. presents the new vocabulary using the Pupil’s Book pictures.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of oo /u:/ in toothbrush and shampoo.

He’s got my toothbrush .

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary)

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Who is cleaning the floor? Who is tasting a strawberry? Is Tag sad or happy? Why? Do you have a cake on your birthday?

PB: page 44, 1. Circle.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at picture 1 and read what Sally’s saying. Then T. asks What time is it? T. asks the children to read the example sentence.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to read and circle the correct words. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.


PB: page 45, Learn with Tag

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. points to his/her desk. T. says I’m (his/her name). this is my desk. T. writes on the board: I’m (his/her name). This is my desk.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. chooses a boy. T. walks up to him, holds up his pencil and says He is (name) and this is his pencil. T. stresses He and his.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. chooses a girl. T. walks up to her, holds up her book and says She is (name) and this is her book. T. stresses She and her.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. says We are Class (class name/number). This is our classroom. T. stresses We and our.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to read Tag’s speech bubble and the grammar box out loud.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. puts the children in pairs and encourages them to make similar sentences.

PB page 45, 2. Write.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. does the example with the class: T. book. T. writes on the board: She’s reading …….books. T. asks a child to tell him/her the missing word, then T. writes it on the board.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. asks the children to complete the sentences. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

PB page 43, 4. Look and say. - student2.ru T. checks the answers.

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