Display precision of curve

Display precision of curve is similar to import precision, which functions at the time of displaying images. There are five levels of highest, high, middle, low and lowest. Choose the level based on needs and click [OK].

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Figure 2-28

Export precision of curve

Export precision of curve refers to the amount of segments to fit the curves when exporting images or saving images. The higher the precision is, the more the amount required will be. There are five levels of highest, high, middle, low and lowest for export precision. Choose the level based on needs and click [OK].

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Figure 2-29

Speed Unit

Speed unit refers to the unit indicating speed in the dialog box of Ў°Processing ParametersЎ± and the right-hand coverage list and is divided into m/min and mm/s, which can be chosen based on needs and click [OK].

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Figure 2-30


If the current language is not desired, it is allowed to either change software language or add any other languages. If there is any error spotted in characters of current language, modification is allowed.

Changing language

1) Find and click [Setting] Ўъ [Language Selection] in menu bar.

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Figure 2-31

2) Pop up the dialog box of language and select required language.

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Figure 2-32

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Figure 2-33

3) Click [OK] as shown in Figure 2-34 and software language will take effect after machine rebooting.

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Figure 2-34

Adding Languages

1) Find the installation dictionary of the software, i.e., Ў°C:\Program Files\AutoLaser\Ў± and the Ў°LanguageЎ± folder.

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Figure 2-35

2) Double click the Ў°LanguageЎ± folder and open the Ў°LanguageShow.xlsЎ± table.

(Note: it will need to install Excel in the computer for the purpose of opening the table.)

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Figure 2-36

3) Open the table and the four build-in languages of the software will be seen, including simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English and French.

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Figure 2-37

4) Pick a blank column at the back to save target language, translate any list of B, C, D and E into target language and fill in the corresponding table.

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Figure 2-38

(Note: The row with character Ў°phaseЎ± does not need to be translated, and simple copy is enough, such as Ў°phase0: min-menuЎ±)

5) Use the build-in tool Ў°strFile.exeЎ± to make languages into language file. (Tools with Ў°_CNЎ± as suffix are Chinese interface tools and that with Ў°_ENЎ± are tools for English interfaces)

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Figure 2-39

A) Open the authoring tool

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Figure 2-40

B) [Double Click] the blank and add language item; or choose one of the items, [Right Click] the [Add] button and add language item.

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Figure 2-41

C) Add contents one by one based on contents in the table.

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Figure 2-42

E) After the operation of adding language items is finished, click [Save] and insert the name of the target language and click [Save] again to finish the establishment of language file.

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Figure 2-43

At the time, there will be an additional file which is exactly what we just established.

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Figure 2-44

There will also be an additional option in the language selection interface of the software, which indicates that our establishment is successful. (Note: If the independent software is in opening state during the process of adding, the contents will only be displayed after rebooting the independent software)

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Figure 2-45

Modifying language

1) Open the language folder in the installation dictionary, i.e., Ў°C:\Program Files\AutoLaser\LanguageЎ± and open the language tool Ў°strFile.exeЎ±.

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Figure 2-46

2) Open the language editing tool, click [Import], select the language file to be modified and click [Open].

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Figure 2-47

3) For example, Ў°statement 13Ў± is wrong and we are going to modify it. Select Ў°statement 13Ў± and click [Right Click] Ўъ [Edit] successively.

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Figure 2-48

4) Pop up the dialog box of edit and modify Ў°statement 13Ў±, after which click [OK].

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Figure 2-49

5) Modification is accomplished and save the language file. Click [Save], choose the language file and click [Save] again.

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Figure 2-50

6) If there are many items in language files, it is allowed to use [Search] to quickly locate the item to be modified. (Note: the searched content is allowed to be some characters or words in the language item)

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Figure 2-51

7) If the searched content does not exist in the files, prompt will be given.

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Figure 2-52

Deleting language

1) Open the language dictionary of Ў°C:\Program Files\AutoLaser\LanguageЎ±, find corresponding file and click [Delete].

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Figure 2-53

2) Open the table of Ў°LanguageShow.xlsЎ± and [Delete] corresponding rows.

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Figure 2-54

3) Delete accomplished.

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