
ABS Absent subscriber, office closed NC No circuits
ABT about NCH Subscriber's number has been changed
ABV above NOV November
ADV advise NP The called party is not, or is no longer, a subscriber
AP American Plan NR Indicate your call number/my call number is...
APPROX approximately OCC Subscriber is engaged
APR April OCT October
ARA arrive/arrival OK Agreed/do you agree?
ASAP as soon as possible P* (or Figure 0) Stop your transmission
ATT/ATTN For the attention of PD Per day
AUG August PLS Please
AVAIL Available PP Per person
BK I cut off PPR Paper
CFM Please confirm/I confirm PPPD Per person per day
CHG Charge PYMT payment
CHQ cheque QTY Quantity
CLD Could R Received
COIL Collation please/I collate RAP / shall call you back
CP Continental Plan RCV/RCVD Receive/ received
CRV Do you receive well?/l receive well REF Reference
DBL Double room REGDS Regards
DBLB Double room with bath REQ D Required
DEC December REYT With reference to your telex
DEP Departure or depart RPT Repeat/repeat
DPT/DEPT Department RTN Return
DER Out of order RYL Replying your letter
DF You are in communication with the called subscriber SEP September
DT/DTD Date/dated SGL Single room
EEE Error SGLB Single room with bath
FB Full board SNGL N Single room without bath or shower
FEB February SNG S Single room with shower
FIN / have finished my message(s)   SHD Should
FM from SUIT Suit (double room with bath & sitting room)
FYI For your information SVC Service
GA You may transmit/may I transmit? TAX What is the charge?/the charge is...
GRP Group TELECON Telephone conversation
HB Half board TEST MSG Please send a test message
HTL Hotel TFF Tariff
HV Have THRU You are in communication with a Telex position
INF/INFO Subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the Information (Inquiry) Service TKS/THKS Thanks
INTL International TLX Telex
JAN January TPR Teleprinter
JUN June TPR (B) Triple room with bath
JUL July U You
MAP Modified American Plan UR/YR Your
MAR March V Very
MGR Manager VP Vice President
MNS Minutes VIP Very important person
MOM Wait/waiting WD Would
MR/S Mister &Missis   W Words
MSG Message
MUT Mutilated WRU Who is there?
N and XXXXX Error
NA Correspondence to this subscriber is not admitted + End of the message
NBR/NR Number ? Please answer

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