ABS | Absent subscriber, office closed | | NC | No circuits |
ABT | about | | NCH | Subscriber's number has been changed |
ABV | above | | NOV | November |
ADV | advise | | NP | The called party is not, or is no longer, a subscriber |
AP | American Plan | | NR | Indicate your call number/my call number is... |
APPROX | approximately | | OCC | Subscriber is engaged |
APR | April | | OCT | October |
ARA | arrive/arrival | | OK | Agreed/do you agree? |
ASAP | as soon as possible | | P* (or Figure 0) | Stop your transmission |
ATT/ATTN | For the attention of | | PD | Per day |
AUG | August | | PLS | Please |
AVAIL | Available | | PP | Per person |
BK | I cut off | | PPR | Paper |
CFM | Please confirm/I confirm | | PPPD | Per person per day |
CHG | Charge | | PYMT | payment |
CHQ | cheque | | QTY | Quantity |
CLD | Could | | R | Received |
COIL | Collation please/I collate | | RAP | / shall call you back |
CP | Continental Plan | | RCV/RCVD | Receive/ received |
CRV | Do you receive well?/l receive well | | REF | Reference |
DBL | Double room | | REGDS | Regards |
DBLB | Double room with bath | | REQ D | Required |
DEC | December | | REYT | With reference to your telex |
DEP | Departure or depart | | RPT | Repeat/repeat |
DPT/DEPT | Department | | RTN | Return |
DER | Out of order | | RYL | Replying your letter |
DF | You are in communication with the called subscriber | | SEP | September |
DT/DTD | Date/dated | | SGL | Single room |
EEE | Error | | SGLB | Single room with bath |
FB | Full board | | SNGL N | Single room without bath or shower |
FEB | February | | SNG S | Single room with shower |
FIN | / have finished my message(s) | | SHD | Should |
FM | from | | SUIT | Suit (double room with bath & sitting room) |
FYI | For your information | | SVC | Service |
GA | You may transmit/may I transmit? | | TAX | What is the charge?/the charge is... |
GRP | Group | | TELECON | Telephone conversation |
HB | Half board | | TEST MSG | Please send a test message |
HTL | Hotel | | TFF | Tariff |
HV | Have | | THRU | You are in communication with a Telex position |
INF/INFO | Subscriber temporarily unobtainable, call the Information (Inquiry) Service | | TKS/THKS | Thanks |
INTL | International | | TLX | Telex |
JAN | January | | TPR | Teleprinter |
JUN | June | | TPR (B) | Triple room with bath |
JUL | July | | U | You |
MAP | Modified American Plan | | UR/YR | Your |
MAR | March | | V | Very |
MGR | Manager | | VP | Vice President |
MNS | Minutes | | VIP | Very important person |
MOM | Wait/waiting | | WD | Would |
MR/S | Mister &Missis | | W Words |
MSG | Message | |
MUT | Mutilated | | WRU | Who is there? |
N | and | | XXXXX | Error |
NA | Correspondence to this subscriber is not admitted | | + | End of the message |
NBR/NR | Number | | ? | Please answer |
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